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Unit 5 Good manners,第,六,课时,Study skills,Learning aims, To know about some simple English sayings,(,了解一些简单的英语谚语,/,习语,), To learn to use some English sayings,(,学会简单使用英语谚语,/,习语,),Definition(,定义,),A saying,is a short,w,_,statement that usually gives,advice,or expresses some,t_,about life.,ise,ruth,Look and say,Why can the bird eat the worm?,The early bird catches the w,or,m.,Maybe because .,it gets up early.,What can we learn from the bird?,In order to be,successful,_,.,worm,w:m,you have to do something,before,others,Since I was a kid, Ive always been educated that “,The early bird catches the worm.,” by my mother. So I always try my best to do everything all the time, which makes me better than my classmates.,Have you ever been “the early bird”?,Please share your story.,As a bird: _.,As a worm: _.,However, we also hear of “,The late worm gets to live.,” So “the early bird” or “the late worm”, which should we be?,Makesure to work hardandtry tocatch,your“worms”.,Try not to be caught by the “birds”,Further thinking:,Is it easier for them to finish cleaning the house? Why?,If lots of people,s_,the work, it will make a job easier to complete.,As,the saying,goes,“Many hands make light work.”,Yes, because theyre doing together.,Advice?,hare,If,well,We should,We should,have _ !,Look and say,team spirit,Discussion:,Will you put all the eggs in one basket? Why or why not?,If we put all our eggs in one basket, well r_ losing everything all at one time.,isk,Advice?,Dont_.,put all your eggs in one basket,Yes. Because,No. Because,Look and say,The grass is,always,greener on the other side.,What other people have always seems _ than your own.,better,Is it true? Why do people always think so?,Look and say,Its wise to _.,cherish what we have,It is not true. Many people think so because,I,missed my train this morning, lost my wallet and spilt(,溢出,洒,) coffee all over myself.,It never rains but it pours.,Discussion :,What does the underlined sentence mean?,When one bad thing happens to you, other bad things h_,soon after,.,appen,Student 1:,Student 2:,Have you ever had such terrible experiences?,Share your story with us.,Read and say,Describe the picture.,Whats in the picture?,How does the dog feel?,As,the saying,goes,“Every dog has its day.”,Everybody will be l_ or s_ sometime in their life.,ucky,uccessful,Student 1:,Student 2:,Look and say,Dont _ because every dog has its day.,look down on anyone,The early bird catches the worm.,It never rains but it pours.,Every dog has its day.,Dont put all your eggs in one basket.,The grass is always greener on the other side.,Many hands make light work.,不雨则已,一雨倾盆。(祸不单行),切勿孤注一掷。,凡人皆有出头日。,这山望着那山高。,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。,人多力量大。,Read aloud:,the grass is always greener,Read and say,on the other side,Finish the dialogue with a suitable saying.,Jenny: How are things going with your new job?,Lisa: Not bad. But not as wonderful as Id,expected.,Jenny : Well, I understand that.,You know, _ _.,Mike: You look cheerful these days!,Jack: Thank you. _.,Every dog has its day,Read and say,Dont put all your eggs in one basket,Husband:,Darling, you know I made much money by investing in the stock market (,股市,). I plan to use all my money to invest in it this year.,Wife:,_.,Read and say,A short story,It was very cloudy when I left school,yesterday afternoon. Soon after I left, it,began to rain. It was raining cats and,dogs. Suddenly, I remembered I hadnt,closed all the windows, so I called Simon,and Daniel to go back to school because,_.,many hands make light work.,Read and guess,After we closed the windows, I asked Simon and Daniel to come to my home for supper. We wanted to make pizza for ourselves, but we really didnt know how to make it, and finally we made a mess! It seems that _.,A. every minute counts,B.,C. no sweet without sweat,D. all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,too many cooks spoil the broth,分秒必争,人多反误事,只工作不玩,聪明的孩子也会变傻,先苦后甜,Mr Wu has prepared some sayings for he students. Help the students complete the sentences with the correct sayings.,Read and guess,actions speak louder than words,no pain, no gain,a friend in need is a friend indeed,practice makes perfect,burn the candle at both ends,行胜于言。,一份耕耘,一份收获,患难见真情,熟能生巧,过度劳累,Just as the saying,goes,“_.” My cousin has made his dream come true after years of hard work.,2. _. If you keep practising speaking English every day, you will be better at it.,3. Do not try to do many things at one,time.,Otherwise, you will become tired out. Remember,you cannot _.,no pain, no gain,Practice makes perfect,burn the candle at both ends,4. He always gives his friends help when they need it because he knows that _.,5. Dad never says that he is good at cooking, but in fact he is. He always cooks delicious meals for us, that is,_.,a friend in need is a friend indeed,actions speak louder than words,Time for a game,猜测一下英语谚语对应的汉语表达。,刀子嘴,豆腐心。,1. A cold hand and a warm heart.,物以类聚,人以群分。,2. Birds of a feather flock together.,不可以貌取人。,3. Dont judge people by their appearance.,百闻不如一见。,亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣。,爱屋及乌。,4. It is better to trust the eye than the ear.,6. Love me, love my dog.,5. It is never too late to mend.,Im worried about my daughter, Becky. Every day, she has a lot of work to do. She has a part-time job in a bookshop and she is training to run a marathon(,马拉松,). Next week she will take final exams, so shes been staying up late to prepare for it these days.,Read and write,A diary from a father,Discussion,Read his diary and have a discussion in groups to give his daughter some advice about what she should do and try to use some sayings to make what you say vivid and impressive.,Writing,Write a letter to his daughter and tell her your advice.,Dear Becky,I hear that your father is really worried about you because youre as busy as a bee these days.,I think _,_,Best wishes,Yours,Tip :,I think hobbies/study are/is really important, but as the saying goes, ,Therefore, I think youd better ,Presentation,Dear Becky,I hear that your father is really worried about you because youre,as busy as a bee,these days. I think study is really important. Its necessary to try your best to prepare for the final exams. Just as the saying goes, “,no pain, no gain,”.,However, youre doing so many things at the same time. If you,keep burning the candle at both ends, youll be easy to get sick.,Therefore, youd better give up something less important.,You know,all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,.,Best wishes,Yours,Give a presentation about your writing now!,Knowledge starts with practice.,Practice makes perfect.,Summary,Homework,Find more sayings on the Internet., the sayings weve learnt today.,ByeBye!,


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