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专项二完成句子,期末专项训练,答案呈现,1,2,3,try out for,cut out,4,5,get on well with,ever since,To my surprise,提示,:点击 进入习题,6,7,8,come up with,In the face of,9,10,fell over,grew up,fell in love,11,12,13,According to,check out,14,15,giving out,or so,right away,一,答案呈现,21,22,23,communicating with,have difficulty,24,25,a big deal,at least,is famous for,26,27,28,feel free,full of,29,30,care for,take in,In order to,16,17,18,go off,cant wait to,19,20,fell asleep,As far as I know,instead of,1,2,3,saw; dancing,take your temperature,4,5,provided; with,in control of,all the time,6,7,8,in silence,To be honest,9,10,compares herself with,interested in drawing,didnt pick up,11,12,13,have made progress,close to,14,15,taking a risk,at birth,the importance of,答案呈现,二,答案呈现,16,17,18,makes a difference,calling up,19,20,have a look,At first,to cut off,21,22,23,In my opinion,walked into,24,25,up to,to set up,Thanks to,26,27,28,as soon as; comes,Even though/if,29,30,all year round,has been on,brought me back,一、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。,1. Tommy still wants to,_ _ _(,参加,选拔,)the,team although he doesnt know,the result,in the end.,2. The girl has grown prettier than,_ _(,自从,)I,saw her a year ago.,ever since,try out for,3. Your article is too long. You should _ _(,删掉,)some unimportant paragraphs.,4. _ _ _(,使我惊讶的是,), all the classmates agree to go to the park and clean up the litter.,5. We can _ _ _ _(,和睦相处,),each other because she is helpful to everyone.,cut out,To my surprise,get on well with,6. We should actively _ _ _(,提出,)some creative ideas in the class meeting.,7. When he _ _ (,长大,), he turned into an honest and helpful person.,8. _ _ _ _ (,面对,)danger, all the firefighters were brave and none of them gave up.,come up with,grew up,In the face of,9. Im not sure how long the couple have been married to each other, but I know they _ _ _(,爱上,),with each other at first sight.,10. One of our children _ _(,摔倒,)and hurt his knee.,fell in love,fell over,11. _ _(,根据,)the new rule, students are not allowed to bring personal mobile phones into the classrooms.,12. Every day Emily spends one hour _ _(,大约,)in doing sports.,13. Wait a minute, and Ill _ _(,核查,),the information for you.,According to,or so,check out,14. You dont look well. Youd better go and see a doctor _ _(,马上,).,15. Please keep quiet while the teacher is _ _(,分发,)the exam papers.,right away,giving out,16. My alarm clock didnt _ _(,发出响声,)this morning. As a result, I was late for school.,17. _ _ _ _ _(,据我所知,),Tom has been away for two weeks.,18. Lets get there quickly. Everybody _ _ _(,迫不及待,)see you.,go off,As far as I know,cant wait,to,19. Most people make meals on their own _ _ (,而不是,)eating out during the Spring Festival.,20. The medical workers were so tired that they _ _(,睡着,)on the ground.,instead of,fell,asleep,21. You can find better learning methods by _ _ (,交流,)your classmates.,22. I am going to stay in the village for _ _(,至少,),three days.,23. They _ _(,有困难,)climbing the mountain because of the heavy rain.,communicating with,at least,have difficulty,24. This place _ _ _(,以,而闻名,)its many places of interest around the world.,25. 【2020 ,黑龙江绥化改编,】 Though I cant watch my favorite program tonight, its not _ _ _(,一件重要的事,).,is famous for,a big deal,26. If you have any questions about dates, _ _(,随便,),to call us during our office hours.,27. Plants generally _ _(,吸入,),water through their roots.,28. The building with a big garden is my uncles. And he likes the garden _ _(,充满,),flowers best.,feel free,take in,full of,29. _ _ _(,为了,),have a good living environment, we should fight pollution.,30. Linda is ill and her parents are on a trip, so Im going to _ _ (,照顾,)her tonight.,In order to,care for,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,1.,在回家的路上,我看到很多老人正在公园里跳舞。,On my way home,I _,many old,people _ in,the park.,2.,尽管他只有,30,岁,但是他管理着这家工厂。,Although he is only 30, he,is _ _ _ this,factory.,saw dancing,in control of,3.,你来医院前量体温了吗?,Did,you _ _ _,before,you came,to the hospital?,4.,我感冒了,一直在咳嗽。,I had a cold and,coughed _ _ _,.,5.,这家餐馆给我们提供了一些免费的饮料。,The,restaurant _ us_,some free drinks.,all the time,take your temperature,provided with,6.,她什么也不说,默默地站在那里。,She said nothing and stood,there _ _,.,7.,在那之后,安娜变得对画画感兴趣了。,After that, Anna,became _ _ _ pictures,.,8.,老实说,我根本不会打篮球。,_ _ _ ,I cant play basketball at all.,in silence,interested in drawing,To be honest,9.,我今天早晨给你打电话,但是你没有接。,I called you this morning, but,you _ _ _ .,10.,她总是拿自己与其他人做比较。,She,always _ _ _,others,.,11.,在我的英语老师的帮助下,我在英语学习中已经取得了进步。,With the help of my English teacher,I _ _ _ in,my English study.,didnt pick up,compares herself with,have made,progress,12.,我忘了我女儿出生时多重了。,I forget how much my daughter weighed _ _ .,13.,迈克坐在靠近窗户的椅子上。,Mike sat on a chair _ _ the window.,at birth,close to,14.,每个人都应该认识到遵守交通规则的重要性。,Everyone should realize _ _ _ following the traffic rules.,15.,这位男子不介意冒险去救河里的孩子。,The man didnt mind _ _ _ to save the child in the river.,the importance of,taking a risk,16.,父母的教育影响孩子的成长。,The parents education _ _ _ to their childrens growth.,17.,起初,他们根本不明白我所说的。,_ _, they didnt understand what I said at all.,18.,我们的社区正在征召一些志愿者。,Our community is _ _ some volunteers.,makes a difference,At first,calling up,19.,当心切菜时别切到手指。,Be careful not _ _ _ your fingers when chopping vegetables.,20.,能让我看一下你的笔记吗?,Could I _ _ _ at your notes?,to cut off,have a look,21.,依我看,我们的足球队一定会赢得这场比赛。,_ _ _ , our football team will surely win the game.,22.,他建议我成立一家俱乐部来帮助那些残疾人。,He advised _ _ _ me a club to help the disabled.,In my opinion,to set up,23.,她低着头看手机,因此走路时撞到我了。,She bowed her head to watch her mobile phone so she _ _ me.,24.,幸亏有你,我这次英语考试取得了很好的成绩。,_ _ you, I got very good grades in this English exam.,walked into,Thanks to,25.,有多达两百人正在广场上跳舞。,There are _ _ two hundred people dancing on the square.,26.,她一来我就把这本书给她。,Ill give her the book _ _ _ she _ .,up to,as soon as comes,27.,快点!电影已经开始,5,分钟了。,Hurry up! The movie _ _ _ for five minutes.,28.,即使我很忙,我还是每周去看望我的父母。,_ _ Im busy, I still visit my parents every week.,has been on,Even though/if,29.,当我看到这张照片时,它把我带回到我的青春岁月。,When I saw the photo, it _ _ _ to my youthful days.,30.,在新加坡,气温全年几乎是一样的吗?,Is the temperature almost the same _ _ _ in Singapore?,brought me back,all year round,


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