七年级英语下册 unit 1 can you play the guitar sectiona教学课件 人教新目标版

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天津外国语大学附属滨海外国语学校,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 1,Can you play the guitar?,B: I can ,A: I can What can you do?,draw,sing,dance,swim,Lets learn the new words!,drum,s,piano,trumpet,violin,Can you,play the,?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant. But I can .,guitar,A b c d e hello good,Morning!,I can ,but,I cant,play,chess,speak,English,I can,and,play,basketball,Abilit,ies,Music and art:,Languages:,Sports:,Other abilities:,sing / dance/draw,play the,violin/piano/drums/guitar,speak English/ Chinese/ ,swim,play,basketball/chess,tell/ write stor,ies,Brain storm:,Can,you play chess?,Yes, I,can,.,No, I,cant.,Practice,Can,you speak English?,Yes, I,can,.,No, I,cant,.,Practice,Can,he swim?,Yes, he,can.,No, he,cant.,Practice,Can,she sing?,Yes, she,can,.,No, she,cant,.,Practice,Can,she draw?,Yes, she,can,.,No, she,cant,.,Practice,Can,he play the guitar?,Yes, he,can,.,No, he,cant,.,Practice,Can,they dance?,Yes, they,can,.,No, they,cant,.,Practice,the,swimming,club,the,dancing,club,the,singing,club,the,music,club,the,art,club,the,English,club,the,chess,club,the,sport,s,club,the,basketball,/,tennis,/,golf,club,join,俱乐部名称的写法:,Do you,want to,join,?,Music Club,What club,do,you,want to join,?,I want to,join,the music club.,Practice,What club,do,you,want to join,?,I want to,join,the English club.,English Club,Practice,Modal:,A: What club do you want to join?,B: I want to,join the basketball club.,Practice the conversation above. Then,Make your own conversations.,练习上,面的对话。然后编新对话。,Make dialogues!,What,can you do?,I can,play the drums,.,Can,you,dance,?,No, I cant. But I can,draw,.,What club,do you want to join?,I want to join,the art club,.,Grammar,Focus,情态动词,can,的用法,思考:,1. can 表达什么含义?,2. can 的否定形式,3. can 和什么样的词连用?,4. can 有无人称变化?,5. can 的疑问形式?,表示,“能,会” 表示一种能力,eg: I,can,sing.,She,can,dance.,They,can,speak English.,2.can 的否定形式,:,eg:I,can not,/,cant,sing.,She,can not,/,cant,dance.,Grammar,Focus,情态动词,can,的用法,。,3.can,没有人称和数,的变化,后面都用,V原(动词原形),。,如:I,can,play chess.,We,can,play chess.,He,can,play football.,They,can,play basketball,.,4. Can 变疑问句,无需助动词,,与系动词一样,,一调二遍三问号,。,Can 的一般疑问句形式:,Can,play the guitar?,I,we,you,she,he,it,they,can,的肯定及否定回答:,Yes,I,we,you,she,he,it,they,No,I,we,you,she,he,it,they,can.,cant.,can的肯定句及否定句形式:,I,We,You,She,He,It,They,can/ cant,play the guitar.,Can Mike play basketball? No, he cant, but he can play tennis.,Can Jane and Jill dance? No, they cant, but they can sing.,Can Grace play soccer? No, she cant, but she can play volleyball.,Can Bill write stories? No, he cant, but he can tell stories.,3a,Reading and role-playing,1. want,to do,2.join+,组织,团体,。Eg. join us/ the music club.,区别:join,in = take part in + 活动,Eg.,join in,the foot game,take part in,a music party,3.,be good at,=do well in+ sth /,doing,sth.,Eg. I,am good at,English.= I,do well in,English.,She,is good at,speaking,English=,She,does well in,speaking,English.,3b/ 3c,tell stor,ies,/ joke,s,want,ed,for,school / talk / talent,show,or Eg:,Do you like,sing,or,dance?,I,dont,like sing,or,dance.,talk,to/ with,sb about sth,show sb sth= show sth to sb.,do kung fu,Can,Cant,Bill,sing,Cindy,Frank,play the guitar,sing,play the drums,play the piano,play the piano,sing or dance,Listening 1e,Reading 2a,can,like,Peter,Ma Huan,Alan,speak English,play soccer,play basketball,play ping-pong,and chess,talk and,play,games,with,people,play the guitar,and the piano,sing and dance,


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