人教新目标版英语八年级上册unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake课件

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How do you make,a banana milk shake?,Unit 7,Super Kitchen,Welcome,Do you like drinking the,milk shake,?,So today I want to teach you how to make,a banana milk shake,.,milk-shake,奶昔(牛奶与香料,有时为冰淇淋,混合或搅打至起泡的饮料),some kinds of milk shake,a strawberry milk shake,an apple milk shake,a watermelon milk shake,a banana milk shake,a banana milk shake,ingredient,s,(材料;原料),tool,s,(工具),bananas,milk,ice cream,blender,果汁机,搅和器,cup,杯,knife,水果刀,peel,the banana.,cut up,the banana,.,put,the banana and ice cream,into,the blender,.,How to make,a banana milk shake,?,First,And,Next,pour,the milk,into,the blender,.,turn on,the blender.,drink,the milk shake.,Finally,Next,Then,(After that,turn off,the blender.),How to make a banana milk shake?,First, peel,Next, cut up,Next, put into ,Next, turn on,Finally drink,Then, pour into .,Consolidation: write the words in the right blanks:,_ the milk shake,Drink,_ the milk in the blender,turn on,cut up,drink,peel,pour,put,Pour,_ the bananas,Peel,_ the bananas,Cut up,_ the,blender,Turn on,_the bananas and ice cream in the,blender,Put,Put the six sentences in the right order:,_Turn on the blender.,_Cut up the bananas.,_Drink the milk shake.,_Pour the milk into the blender.,_Put the bananas and ice cream,into the blender.,_Peel three bananas.,5,2,6,4,3,1,Check your answers.,Retell the process(过程),A:,Im hungry! Lets make a banana milk shake.,B:,How do you make a banana milk shake?,A:,Well,first,peel three bananas.,B:,Three bananas?,A:,Yes.,Then,cup up the bananas.,B:,OK, Im finished.,A:,Now,put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.,Then,pour the milk in the blender.,B:,Is this enough milk?,A:,I guess so.,Next, turn on the blender.,Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it.,Guest(嘉宾) : Maria, a famous cook.,Her specialty(拿手菜):,fruit salad,Maria,watermelons,apples,honey,oranges,Listen to the dialogue between the guest Maria and her friend Katie. Write the names of the ingredients under,how much,or,how many,in the chart below.,Ingredients,How much?,How many?,yogurt,bananas,Listen and write the name of the ingredients in the chart below.,Amount,Ingredient,one cup,two,one,two teaspoons,three,yogurt,apples,honey,bananas,watermelon and orange,finally then next first,A: How do you make fruit salad?,B: _ cut up three bananas ,three apples and a watermelon. _put the fruit in a bowl. _ put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. _ mix it all up.,First,Next,Then,Finally,PAIRWORK,A: Lets make _.,B: OK, good idea. How much _ do,we need?,A: _ teaspoon.,B: And how many _ do we need?,A: Let me think We need _.,B: OK, and how much,A:,B: How do you make it?,A: First,Next Then Finally ,Put the phrases into English.,做一个水果奶昔,切碎两个苹果,把牛奶到入玻璃杯中,剥三只香蕉,打开电视机,make a fruit milk shake,cut up two apples,pour the milk into the glass,peel three bananas,turn on the TV,Chant with the actions,Peel,peel,peel the banana.,Cut,cut,cut up the banana.,Pour,pour,pour the milk.,Turn,turn,turn on the blender,.,Thanks for your listening ,See you,


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