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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,英语四级短对话听力,8种猜答案技巧,1,锦囊妙计1:听到什么就不选什么【例1】A)The mall placed the reading list on a deskB)The man regrets being absentmindedC)The womansaved the man 80me troubleD)The woman emptied the waste paper basket,【录音】M:1 wish I hadnt thrown away that reading listW:I thought you might regret itThats why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it On the deskQ:What do we learn from the conversation?,2,锦囊妙计2:答非所问。必有弦外之音【例2】A)She read only part of the bookB)She is interested in reading novelsC)She seldom reads books from cover to coverD)She was eager to know what the book was about【录音】M:Hi,Susan! Have you finished reading the book Professor Johnson recommended?W:Oh,I havent read it through the way Id read a novelI just read a few chapters which interested meQ:What does the woman mean? 20076T15,3,【例3】A)The woman is watching an exciting film with the manB)The woman cant take a photo of the mallC) The woman is running toward the lakeD)The woman is filming the lake,【录音】M:Look,the view is fantasticCould you take a picture of me with thelake in the background?W:I am afraid I just ran out of filmQ:What do we learn from the conversation? 20041T2,4,锦囊妙计3:S2简短回答不简单,【例4 】A)He has left the army recentlyB)He quit teaching in JuneC)He has taken over his brothers businessD) He opened a restaurant near the school,【录音】W:Are you still teaching at the junior high school?M:Not since June*(听不懂)Q:What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 20076T14,5,锦囊妙计4:强烈语气题 【例5】A) The Edwards are quite well-off.B) The Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.C) Itll be unwise For the Edwards to buy another house.D) Its too expensive for the Edwards to have in their present house.,【录音】W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another houseM: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, and their present house is not too bad.Q: What does the man imply? 2006.6FF13,6,锦囊妙计5:运用逻辑直接排除选项【例6】A) The woman is driving too fast.B) The woman is driving at a low speed.C) The woman has broken a traffic rule.D) The woman has parked her car in a wrong place.,【录音】M: This is a one-way street. Didnt you see the sign?W:sorry1 didntQ:What do we learn from the conversation? 19996T9,7,【例7】A)The man admires the womans talent in writingB)The woman took a lot of pictures at the contestC) The woman is a photographerD) The man is fond of traveling【录音】W:1 won the first prize in the National Writing Contest and I got this camera as an awardM:Its a good camera! You can take it when you travelI had no idea you were a marvelous writerQ:What do we learn from the conversation? 20076T12,8,锦囊妙计6:形态相似的选项预示答案【例8】A)The man has never seen the woman beforeB)The two speakers work for the same companyC)The two speakers work on the same floorD)The woman is interested in market research,【录音】M:Nice weather,isnt it? Oh,Ive seen you around the office,but I dont think weve metI am Henry Smith1 work in the Market Research SectionW:Nice to meet you, HenryI am Helen GrantI am in the Advertising Section on the ninth floorQ:What can we infer from the conversation? 20066T17,9,【例9】A)The girls got on well with each other,B)Its understandable that girls dont get alongC)She was angry with the other young starsD)The girls lacked the courage to fight 20066T11【录音】M:What would it be like working with those young stars?W:It was a great group. I always got mad when people said that we didnt get along,just because we were sinThere was never a fightWe had a great timeQ:What does the woman mean?,10,锦囊妙计7:语义矛盾的选项预示答案【例10】A) Most students would like to work for a newspaperB) Most students find a job by reading advertisementsC) Most students find it hard to get a job after they graduateD) Most students dont want jobs advertised in the newspapers【录音】M:How do most students find a job after they graduate?W:They usually look for a job by searching the want-ads in the newspapers.Q:What does the woman mean? 20051T5,11,锦囊妙计8:语气不绝对化的选项是答案【例11】A)Tony should continue taking the courseB)She approves of Tonys decisionC)Tony call choose another science courseD)She cant meet Tony so early in the morning 【录音】M:Im going to drop my Informationscience classIt means too early in the mornin9W:Is that really a good reason to drop the class,Tony?Q:What does the woman mean? 20051T2,12,


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