business research methods william g zikmundcyclass…

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Research Problem Definition,Assistant Professor Dr. Chanin Yoopetch,Problem,discovery,Problem definition,(statement of,research objectives),Secondary,(historical),data,Experience,survey,Pilot,study,Case,study,Selection of,exploratory research,technique,Selection of,basic research,method,Experiment,Survey,Observation,Secondary,Data Study,Laboratory,Field,Interview,Questionnaire,Selection of,exploratory research,technique,Sampling,Probability,Nonprobability,Collection of,data,(fieldwork),Editing and,coding,data,Data,processing,Interpretation,of,findings,Report,Data,Gathering,Data,Processing,and,Analysis,Conclusions,and Report,Research Design,Problem Discovery,and Definition,COMPLETELY,CERTAIN,ABSOLUTE,AMBIGUITY,CAUSAL OR,DESCRIPTIVE,EXPLORATORY,Uncertainty Influences the Type of Research,Problem Discovery and Definition,First step,Problem, opportunity, or monitor operations,Discovery before definition,Problem means management problem,“The formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution.”,Albert Einstein,Problem Definition,The indication of a specific business decision area that will be clarified by answering some research questions,.,Statement of,Research Objectives,Problem Definition,Defining Problem Results in,Clear Cut Research Objectives,Exploratory,Research,(Optional),Analysis of,the Situation,Symptom Detection,The Process of,Problem Definition,Ascertain the decision makers objectives,Understand background of the problem,Isolate/identify the problem, not the symptoms,Determine unit of analysis,Determine relevant variables,State research questions and objectives,9,Ascertain the Decision Makers Objectives,Decision makers objectives,Managerial goals expressed in measurable terms.,The Iceberg Principle,The principle indicating that the dangerous part of many business problems is neither visible to nor understood by managers.,11,Understand the Background of the Problem,Exercising judgment,Situation analysis - The informal gathering of background information to familiarize researchers or managers with the decision area.,12,Isolate and Identify the Problems, Not the Symptoms,Symptoms can be confusing,Symptoms Can Be Confusing,Twenty-year-old neighborhood swimming association:,Membership has been declining for years.,New water park -residents prefer the expensive water park?,Demographic changes: Children have grown up,Problem Definition,OrganizationSymptoms Based on Symptom True Problem,Twenty-year-old neighborhood swimming association in a major city.,Membership has been declining for years. New water park with wave pool and water slides moved into town a few years ago.,Neighborhood residents prefer the expensive water park and have negative image of swimming pool.,Demographic changes: Children in this 20-year-old neighborhood have grown up. Older residents no longer swim anywhere.,15,Determine the Unit of Analysis,Individuals, households, organizations, etc.,In many studies, the family rather than the individual is the appropriate unit of analysis.,16,Determine the Relevant Variable,Anything that may assume different numerical values,Types of Variables,Categorical,Continuous,Dependent,Independent,Hypothesis,An unproven proposition,A possible solution to a problem,Guess,19,State the research questions and research objectives,If you do not know where you are going,any road will take you there.,Statement of business problem,Exploratory research (optional),Statement of business problem,Broad research objectives,Specific Objective 1,Specific Objective 2,Specific Objective 3,Research Design,Results,The Process of,Problem Definition,Ascertain the decision makers objectives,Understand background of the problem,Isolate/identify the problem, not the symptoms,Determine unit of analysis,Determine relevant variables,State research questions and objectives,Theory Building and Observation Methods,Theories,Theories are nets cast to catch what we call “the world”: to rationalize, to explain, and to master it. We endeavor to make the mesh ever finer and finer.,Karl R. Popper,Two Purposes Of Theory,Prediction,Understanding,Theory,A coherent set of general propositions used as principles of explanation of the apparent relationships of certain observed phenomena.,Concept (or Construct),A generalized idea about a class of objects, attributes, occurrences, or processes that has been given a name,Building blocks that abstract reality,“leadership,” “productivity,” and “morale”,“gross national product,” “asset,” and “inflation”,Vegetation,Fruit,Banana,Reality,Increasingly more abstract,A Ladder Of Abstraction For Concepts,Scientific Business Researchers Operate at Two Levels,Abstract level,concepts,propositions,Empirical level,variables,hypotheses,Definitions,Abstract level -In theory development, the level of knowledge expressing a concept that exists only as an idea or a quality apart from an object.,Empirical level -Level of knowledge reflecting that which is verifiable by experience or observation.,Theory Building A Process Of Increasing Abstraction,Theories,Propositions,Concepts,Observation of objects,and events (reality ),Increasingly more abstract,CONCEPTS,OBSERVATION OF OBJECTS,AND EVENTS (REALITY),Empirical,Level,Abstract,Level,Concepts are Abstractions of Reality,Scientific Method,The use of a set of prescribed procedures for establishing and connecting theoretical statements about events and for predicting events yet unknown.,Abstract Level,Concepts abstract reality.,Propositions are statements concerned with the relationships among concepts,.,Always makes,four sales calls,a day,Dollar bonus for,sales volume,over quota,Concept B,(Habits),Hypothesis at Empirical Level,Concept A,(Reinforcement),Proposition at Abstract Level,A,hypothesis,is a proposition that is empirically testable. It is an empirical statement concerned with the relationship among variables.,A,variable,is anything that may assume different numerical values,.,Deductive Reasoning,The logical process of deriving a conclusion from a known premise or something known to be true.,We know that,all managers are human beings,.,If we also know that,John Smith is a manager,then we can deduce that,John Smith is a human being,.,Inductive Reasoning,The logical process of establishing a general proposition on the basis of observation of particular facts.,All managers that have ever been seen are human beings;,therefore all managers are human beings,.,Falsificationist,You cannot prove the theory that it is correct, but you can disprove it.,Assess,relevant,existing,knowledge,Formulate,concepts &,Propositions,Statement,of,Hypotheses,Design,research,Acquire,empirical,data,Analyze &,evaluate,data,Provide,explanation-,state new,problem,The Scientific Method: An Overview,“YOU SEE, BUT YOU,DO NOT OBSERVE.”,Sherlock Holmes,Scientific Observation Is Systematic,What Can Be Observed?,Physical actions,Verbal behavior,Expressive behavior,Spatial relations and locations,Temporal patterns,Verbal and pictorial records,Phenomena Example,Human behavior or physical Shoppers movement,actionpattern in a store,Verbal behaviorStatements made by,airline travelers who wait,in line,Expressive behaviorFacial expressions, tone of,voice, and other form of,body language,What Can Be Observed,PhenomenaExample,Spatial relationsHow close visitors at an,and locationsart museum stand to paintings,Temporal patternsHow long fast-food customers,wait for their order to be served,Physical objectsWhat brand name items are,stored in consumers pantries,Verbal and Pictorial Bar codes on product packages,Records,What Can Be Observed,Categories of Observation,Human versus mechanical,Visible versus hidden,Direct,Contrived (artificial environment),Observation of Human BehaviorBenefits,Communication with respondent is not necessary,Data without distortions due to self-report (e.g.: without social desirability) Bias,No need to rely on respondents memory,Nonverbal behavior data may be obtained,Observation of Human BehaviorBenefits,Certain data may be obtained more quickly,Environmental conditions may be recorded,May be combined with survey to provide supplemental evidence,Observation of Human BehaviorLimitations,Cognitive phenomena cannot be observed,Interpretation of data may be a problem,Not all activity can be recorded,Only short periods can be observed,Observer bias possible,Possible invasion of privacy,Observation of Physical Objects,Physical-trace evidence,Wear and tear of a book indicates how often it has been read,Scientifically Contrived Observation,The creation of an artificial environment to test a hypothesis,Content Analysis,Obtains data by observing and analyzing the content of advertisements, letters, articles, etc.,Deals with the study of the message itself,Measures the extent of emphasis or omission,


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