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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2009-2010,学年度高一年级,第一学段模块检测,1,听力部分:,15 B C A C A 610 C B B A B,1115 B C A A C 1620 A C A C B,2125 D A C D B,2630 B B C A B,3135 A D C D C,单项选择:,2,21. at present, on purpose,都是固定词组,,不加冠词。,冠词是高考中必考的知识点。,冠词分为:,定冠词,(the);,不定冠词,(a/an);,零冠词,3,22.,题干,“Whats she like?”,问一个人的外貌特征或性格, 一般回答:,She is nice. / Shes a little lady.,B项应是,“What does she like?”,或,“Whats her hobby?”,C项应是,“What does she look like?”,4,23. prefer,比.更喜欢.,prefer doing sth. (to doing sth.),prefer to do sth. rather than do,prefer sth. to sth.,I prefer to go by bike rather than take a bus.,I prefer going by bike to taking buses.,5,24.,注意句末的副词however, 在意思上表示转折, 应选择含有否定代词的选项。对两者的否定应用neither,三者以上用none。,The couple has two sons. Both of them are workers.,=The couple has two sons, both of whom are workers.,Neither,neither of whom is a worker.,The couple has three sons. All of them are workers.,= The couple has three sons, all of whom are workers.,None,none of whom are workers.,6,25.,感官动词后的宾补结构。,注意区分感官动词后的两种宾补形式。,see, watch, observe, hear, listen to, feel, .,+do / doing / done,26. be about to,词组,不与具体的时间状语连用,,常与,when,引导的时间状语连用。,OK,I was about to go.,I was about to jump in when he stopped me.,7,27.,强调句的疑问句形式。,It was,the belief,that made the soldiers brave enough to face the dangers.,What,was it that made the soldiers brave enough to face the dangers?,再如:,Where,was it that you found the key?,It was,in the drawer,that I found the key.,8,28.,考查介词。,over mountains / the fence / the top of the tree,across the land / the sea / the river,through the tunnel / the crowd,29.,时间状语,recently一般用在现在完成时态中。,should have done,“本应该做但实际上没做”, 由该句可知谓语动词所表达的动作是过去的动作。,He should have told us earlier.,9,30.,定语从句中介词提到关系代词前。,题干中,devoteto,是固定词组。介词应选择,to。,关系词前的介词有三种判断方法,:,1)看定语从句中动词与介词的搭配,This is the book,for,which you asked.,2)看定语从句中形容词与介词的搭配,He mentioned some books,with,which I am not very familiar.,3)根据先行词判断,所用的介词与先行词搭配,This is a room,in front of,which there is a desk.,10,注意:介词提前时只能用which 、whom而不能用,that、who 。,2. The boy,_,you want to talk to,is in the lab.,The boy,to whom,you want to talk,is in the lab.,1.This is the boy,_,I sit behind .,This is the boy,behind whom,I sit.,(whom / who / that),(whom / who / that),11,Fill in the blanks with “prep. + which / whom”,1.Is this the library _ _ you borrow books?,2.Can you lend me the book _ _ you,talked last night?,3.Do you find the pen _ _ I wrote just now?,4. He is the kind of boy _ _ few people will,give a second look .,5.I finish reading the book _ _ Lu Xun,described his childhood .,from,which,about,which,with,which,at,whom,in,which,12,31. in a few days 是表,将来的时间状语。,常用进行时态表将来动词有:,come / go / leave / return / arrive等。,表示时间表规定的动作是一般现在时:,There is a train every two hours. The next train leaves at 8:00.,The flight to London takes off at 4:30.,13,32.,考查词义辨析。,request sb to do sth,要求某人做某事,advise sb to do sth,建议某人做某事,beg sb to do sth,乞求某人做某事,command sb to do sth,命令某人做某事,根据具体的语言环境应用,command.,另外,这些词的后面都可以跟,that,从句,从句中要用,should do sth.,14,一“坚持”,insist,两“命令”,order, command,三“建议”,suggest, advis, propose,四“要求”,demand, require, request, ask,15,33. 考查情态动词与have done连用。,should have done,could have done,might have done,would have done,ought to have done,neednt have done,must have done,表猜测,“想必”,“原本.而未”,“本不必”,16,34.,考查副词词义的辨析。,as long as 只要,35.,题干是强调句和定语从句的复合句。,It is the film that attracts quite a few viewers throughout the world.,It is the film. Its director is Steven Spielberg.,It is the film. The director of the film is Steven Spielberg.,17,完形填空:,3640. D C B A B,4145. C D C B B,4650. C D D B A,5155. A C C D D,18,36. be abroad 出国;在国外,go abroad,an agency abroad,37. at school 在校学习,in school 在学校,out of school 校外,19,38. get / become used to doing sth.,be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事,We use wood to make paper.,Paper can be used to make paper. 被用来做.,used to be./ do 过去是./ 过去常常做.,42.,考查感叹句。,What (a)+ (adj.) n. it is / they are!,How + adj. + the n. is / are!,20,43. public telephone 公用电话,由上下文得出。,44. 由后面得出答案。,45. 相当于间接语中的疑问句,变为陈述句时,用if引导从句。,46. Thats nice. 有意思。挺好。,表达说话人的一种语气。,21,47. get married,“表示动作”,be married,“表示状态”,How long have you been married?,Do you get married?,Are you married?,He is married to an American businesswoman.,22,48. 由上下文可得出,误以为是要赠送订婚戒指了,所以问是否太小一点儿了。,49. 表达语气,只不过是要做某事而已。,不说very want to do sth.,very 不用来修饰演单个的动词。,I like the book very much.,I really like the book.,23,50. There is a phone,over there,.,51. 动词的强调用法。,I did write a letter to you.,Do be careful when crossing the road.,He does have handed in his work.,He indeed was innocent.,I really want to tell you the truth.,24,52. thing的词义较多,除表示“具体的东西、事物”以外,还可表示某种抽象意义:,What a good thing, how well it worked out.,As things turned out, we didnt have much time.,Things could be worse.,一开始遇到了很多种情况(语义差异)。,trouble表“麻烦”不可数,不受many 修饰。,have difficulty in doing sth.,have trouble in doing sth.,25,53. 由动宾搭配可知:,speak words讲话时使用的词,write words写作时使用的词,都不够全面,而use words to express则更全面。,54. any 和all的区别:,You must remember any face(s) you come across.,You must remember all the faces you come across.,He is taller than anyone else in his class.,He is taller than all the others in his class.,26,55. most of the time 大多数情况下,all the time 通常情况下;一般情况下;总是,any time 任何情况下。,27,1. Have you got the _?,A. ideaB. message,C. meaningD. point,孤立地看一个句子,四个答案都是正确的。,2. I get the _ you dont want me to come,我明白你的意思了(尽管你没有明说)。,message, “what they really mean and what they want you to do”,,3. 根据语境判定词义:,People with,asthma,have difficulty in breathing.,28,It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their,41,. This was the beginning of another,42,day in New York City.,43,this day was to be different.,41. A. jobsB. homesC. busesD. offices,42. A. workingB. hotC. sameD. ordinary,43. A. AndB. SoC. ButD. Thus,29,阅读理解:,56-60. DADBC 61-65. ACBDA,66-70. AABBD 71-75. ACADA,A 篇:本文主要讲教育的价值。教育的主要目的,是让学生更好的适应社会。,56. 关键句子在第二段。,.it has been fashionable to think that.,But we can see that free education for all is not,enough.,30,57. 第二段的后半部分体现了作者的观点。,58. 第二段有句话:,we have only to think that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is,far more,important,than,that of a professor, we can live without education, but,we die if we have no food,.,If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns,.,D项中 “regard.as” 意思是 “把.看做.”,31,59.文章开头就提到了教育的目的。,60. 此题考查概括文章的主旨的能力。,B篇:本文讲述了一名长寿的成功人士接受记者采访,,在谈及生活细节时,记者没有领会这位老人的话,就登出了报道,而导致了读者的武进的猜想。,61-64 文章里都有明确表述。,65. “have an injection” 实际上是说“他每晚都要饮一杯,威士忌”。Johnson 这里用了暗喻的表达方法。,32,C篇:讲述了一只大猩猩到餐馆用餐的趣闻。餐馆老板曾,是一位经历过各种奇特危险的新闻记者。,66. “witness”的意思是:见证,68. 从文章的细节可知餐馆老板曾是一位经历过各种奇特,危险的新闻记者。他对大猩猩的到来并不稀奇。,69. 推断题。可以根据文章的细节作出判断。,70. 通过大猩猩得知价钱后的表情可判断它认为价格昂贵。,shook his head sadly.,33,书面表达的讲评:,写作第一步:Make a list of the main sentences you want to write:,可以先写最简明、最基本的句子:,1.,On December 26, 2004, the worst Indian Ocean tsunami hit our city.,Our city suffered from the worst Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004.,逐步提高,写出比较好的句子来:,On December 26, 2004, our city saw the worst disaster, the Indian Ocean tsunami.,On December 26, 2004, we were living a peaceful life when the worst Indian Ocean tsunami hit our city.,34,2.,40 thousand people died and many more people were injured.,40, 000 people lost their lives and many more were left injured.,The number of the people who lost their lives in the disaster reached 40, 000, and a lot more were injured, some very seriously.,As many as 40, 000 people lost their lives in the disaster and many more people were injured.,3.,So many houses were destroyed and the city lay in ruins.,Many houses were destroyed by the tsunami and many people became homeless.,35,4.,Our city had a hard time. Just at that time you donated one million dollars to us.,Our city was suffering a hard time when you donated 1,000, 000 dollars to help our city.,On behalf of the people of the city I express our sincere thanks to you, for your one million dollar donation to our city.,Its very generous of you to donate one million dollars to help our city. We are grateful to you.,36,5.,Now we are making every effort to rebuild our city.,We are doing our best to get our city recovered from the destruction.,The people are brave enough to face the hardships and to meet the challenges.,6.,We are sure to overcome any difficulty with help from Chinese people and people from other parts of the world.,With the help from Chinese people and from people in other parts of the world, we are sure to win the fighting against the disaster.,37,主要内容有了以后,可以适当加上一些常用的套语,使之完整,如:,The city was hit by the worst tsunami.,As a result,40,000 people lost their lives.,Many houses were destroyed and many people became homeless.,And still worse, the disaster stricken city was short of food and water.,We suffered great loss.,However,we did not lose heart.,As the saying goes: Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.,38,写作中出现的问题:,词不达意:,An tsunami,which is called Indian Ocean tsunami,happened in our city.,The tsunami,caused,40,000 people,died or injured.,The tsunami,made,40 thousand people died.,The tsunami left 40,000 people dead and many more injured.,40,000 people lost their lives,and,got injured.,We are,excited,to get our help.,Luckily,you donated one million dollars to us.,You donated,100 million,dollars to us.,You are kind and,selfless,.,(generous).,We can,win,the disaster.,39,2. 自己编造词、句:,the citys people, other countries people, the citys mayor,Thousands of millions of,people died.,Chinese people are,kindful,.,I want to say,thank you,.,Again I,thanks to you,.,The,number of houses,was,destroyed.,Most of people,lost their families.,Many of houses destroyed.,The tsunami,liked,the world at the end.,People help us to,take,tsunami.,40,3.表述不当或废话:,The sorrow filling my heart is beyond expression.,There was a time we,lost heart,and,didnt know what to do,.,The Chinese government sent soldiers to help the rescue workers.,We will remember you for ever in our heart.,We are friends and we invite you to visit our city in the future.,If you have time, I want to thank you face to face.,You save us in deep water.,My city must be strong again.,A girl lost her relatives, but she is smiling today because she gets your help.,Thats all cant without your help.,41,4. 写作不严谨,错误百出。,时态忽而过去,忽而现在:,40 thousand people,were dead,and many,are,injured.,You,give,us many help. We thank you very much.,随便拿过词来罗列,不管词性、用法、数的概念:,I really,thanks for,you.,I wont forget your,generous,.,Not all hope,were,lost.,平时会用的句型也会写错:,There are some,people cared about us,.,There were 40,000 people died.,42,Advice from your teacher:,You can improve your English by using and practising.,Practice makes perfect.,Try to speak and write in English as much as possible, to express your ideas in English, not just to complete your assignment.,It is necessary to listen to English speaking. Practise more, if possible.,43,44,45,46,47,


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