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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,形容词比较级句型,1,A is +,形容词比较级,+than+BA,比,B,Bush is older than Obama.,布什比奥巴马老。,Obama is darker than Bush.,奥巴马比布什黑。,Obama is more intelligent than Bush.,奥巴马比布什有文化。,2,A is not+,形容词比较级,+than+BA,不如,B,Bush is not younger than Obama.,布什不如奥巴马年轻。,Obama is not whiter than Bush.,奥巴马不如布什白。,Bush is not more intelligent than Obama.,布什不如奥巴马有文化。,3,A is no +,形容词比较级,+than+BA,和,B,都不(否定两者),Obama is no younger than Bush.,奥巴马和布什都不年轻,Obama is no taller than Bush.,奥巴马和布什都不高,Obama is no more intelligent than bush.,奥巴马和布什都没有文化。,4,more A +than+B,与其,B,不如,A;,如果说,B,不如说,A,The style is more Obama than Bush.,这种风格与其说像布什不如说像奥巴马。,Obama is more wick than wise.,与其说奥巴马聪明不如说他狡猾。,Bush is more retard than stupid.,与其说布什笨不如说他是个白痴。,5,否定词,+,形容词比较级,=,最高级,-How about the Bushs administration?,-It cant be worse.,布什政府怎么样?遭透了。,-Obama does not have the ability to give a better bailout plan. So far, it is the best one.,奥巴马没有能力给出更好的救市计划。目前就是最好,-Well, I doubt that. I have been unemployed for about 10 months.,我怀疑。我现在已经失业,10,个月了。,6,用,by,表示相差的程度,Bush is older than Obama by 15 years.,When Bush was a punk, Obama was just a happy Hawaii boy.,布什比奥巴马大十五岁,当布什是个朋克的时候,奥巴马只是个快乐的夏威夷小男孩。,Now Obamas home is bigger than that of Bush by maybe 5 times. Cause it is the White House.,现在奥巴马的家比布什的家大了可能有,5,倍。因为那是白宫。,7,比较的对象不能相互包容主语,+,比较级,+than+any other+,单数,/all,(,the) other+,复数,/anyone else,Obama is darker than any other president.,Because he is the first black president of the U.S.,奥巴马比任何一个总统都黑。因为它是美国第一个黑人总统。,Bush is more foolish than all (the) other presidents.,布什比所有其他的总统都要愚蠢。,I cant believe that Bush won the election.He,is not better than anyone else.,我不能相信布什赢得了大选,他并不比别人好。,8,表示两者中较,的一个,比较级前加“,the”,Comparing Bush with Obama, I think that Bush is the more retard (one) of the two.,比较布什和奥巴马,布什是更白痴的那个。,In the opinions of the American public, Obama and Bush, Obama is the more reliable one.,在美国公众的想法里,奥巴马和布什,奥巴马更值得信任。,9,A is + as +,形容词,/,副词原形,第一个,as,后面必须跟形容词或副词原级,有名词的要跟在形容词或副词后面,L.B James is as excellent a basketball player as Kobe. But he is the only super star in his team, so he failed to get the championship last season. L.B,詹姆士是和科比一样优秀的篮球运动员。但是他是他队里唯一的超级巨星,所以他在上个赛季没有拿到冠军。,James is as huge a guy as Yao.,詹姆士和姚明一样都是巨人。,10,more and more:,越来越,.,Kobe now is the core of the Lakers, and he is getting stronger and stronger.,科比现在是湖人对的核心,并且他正变的越来越强。,James is also the centre of Cavaliers, but his co-players make him weaker and weaker.,同样詹姆士也是骑士队的核心,但是他的队友让他越来越弱。,11,The morethe more,越,越,The more NBA games you see, the more you like Kobe.,你看,NBA,的比赛越多,你越喜欢科比。,The more fierce the games are, the cooler Kobe is. He always gives us last killings.,比赛越激烈,科比越冷静。他总是给我们上演绝杀。,12,比较的对象要一致,The score that James made in this game was bigger than Kobe. (wrong),The score that James made in this game was bigger than that of Kobe. (right),The score that James made in this game was bigger than Kobes. (right),在这场比赛中詹姆士得分比科比高。,13,修饰比较级的副词,Far, still, much, any, a lot, a great deal, rather, a little, even, by far, a bit, bit, little,等词放在比较级的前面用来修饰比较级的程度。,14,


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