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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Module 6 unit 4,project,Heal the world,Theres a place in your heart,And I know that it is love,And this place could be much,Brighter than tomorrow And if you really try,Youll find theres no need to cry,In this place youll feel Theres no hurt or sorrow,There are ways to get there,If you care enough for the living,Make a little space Make a better place .,For you and for me And the entire human race,There are people dying,If you care enough for the living,Make a better place for you and for me,Lack of food,Diseases,Lack of drinking water,War,Flood,Problems,Who can help those in need?,Who can,help,those,in need?,organizations,individuals,the UN,the Red Cross,MSF,governments,An MSF nurse,Mdecins Sans Frontires,Doctors Without Borders,MSF is an international humanitarian (,人道主义的,)organization that provides free emergency medical assistance to populations in danger.,What is MSF?,Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) is an international,medical,organization,created by doctors in France in 1971.,It provides help to about 60 countries around the world, where peoples lives are threatened by armed conflict, natural disasters or outbreak of diseases. Because of its outstanding work, the organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.,Changing the world,my commitment,_,1.,What disaster had hit the island when the nurse arrived there ?,A. Famine B. Wars,C. Floods D.Earthquakes,Listening,Everything was,in chaos,.,1.,General situation,What is it like?,Topic sentence,Fast reading,Para 1,What does the underlined part mean?,(,猜测词义题,),in order B. in a mess,C.,in silence D. in advance,Detailed reading,outline,Supporting details,The whole island is _;,People _ to mountains;,The hospital is badly _;,There is _ and _everywherethey set up _ to ensure people got food;,They checked the health of the babies and gave children _;,There was lots of _;,There was sand _ everywhere.,Chaos on the,island,Working,experience,in Sudan,Para 1,Detailed reading,flooded,fled,damaged,mud,water,centres,shots,fighting,blowing,outline,Supporting details,They found a _ health care;,_ are on their way;,People cant _ the regular medicines they need;,Small _ need to be taken care of;,The water makes it difficult for _ and _ to get better;,The water makes it easy for _ to spread;,There is no enough _ and no _ to food and clean water;,The field and _have been destroyed,Setting up,a,temporary,clinic,Problems,they,Are facing,Para 2,Detailed reading,vacant,Medical supplies,get hold of,injuries,cuts,wounds,bacteria,shelter,access,harvest,language barrier,the most horrible job,fight for food,Paras 3, 4, 5 more priblems,Para 3,Para 5,Para 4,Para 3 fight for food,Why?,Para 4 language barrier,How does she communicate well?,With the help of body language.,Para 5 the most horrible job,What is the job?,How does she feel?,She feels horrible and sorry.,Paras 3, 4, 5 more priblems,Para 4 language barrier,Para 3 fight for food.,Para 5 the most horrible job,Paras 3, 4, 5 more priblems,Paras 3-5 more than a nurse,My job is not limited to being a nurse. (Line 38),1.What is the main idea of this paragraph?,About the writers feelings of working as an MSF nurse.,Lucky to,Thankful,Proud,2. What are her feelings?,Para 6,what she feels about her jobs,Her feelings,1.feel lucky to help others and do something worthwhile,2.appreciate all the things,4.make a difference to peoples lives,3.see things from another angle,Para 6,T,or,F,1) Although there is too much work to do, she can still afford to write her diary every day.,2) The nurse is likely to work in Africa most of the time .,Consolidation,3) There are altogether five people on the medical team, two doctors , one nurse and two assistants.,4) She worried that a lack of food will be a problem in the future because the fields and harvest have been destroyed.,5) Several MSF staff were attacked as people on the island tried to get the food.,What characters does she have?,experienced,brave,clever,considerate,sympathetic,honorable,positive,busy/,dedicated,Do you like to be a volunteer liker her,Who needs help in your community?,people,in need,the old,sick children,the poor,the disabled,Discussion,Good title,clear,simple,eye-catching,Changing the world,-my commitment,My promise,What can we borrow from the passage ?, title,feelings,general,situation,specific problems,A beginning paragraph,Body paragraphs,A concluding paragraph,Para 2,Paras 3-5,As a nurse,More than a nurse,Medical service,Food fight,Language barrier,Death,Changing the world,-my commitment,structure,feelings,general,situation,specific problems,A beginning paragraph,Body paragraphs,A concluding paragraph,1.,2.,3.,4.,brief,introduction,Changing the world,-my commitment,Changing the community,-my commitment,Make it difficult to do (Lines15 &25),big problems (Line27),It is difficult to do ( Line 36),What can we borrow from the passage ?, expressions,PROBLEMS,writing,Be concerned about (Line 14),Its quite horrible to do (Line 43),Feel sorry for (Line 46),What can we borrow from the passage ?, expressions,feel lucky to help others and do something worthwhile (Lines 49-50),appreciate all the things I have (Line 52),Im proud that I can make a difference of peoples lives on an individual level .(Lines 54-55),feelings,I know I cant change the word completely, but Im proud that I can help here and there, and,make a difference to,peoples lives on an individual level.,writing,Changing the community,-my commitment,Making a better world,Thank you!,


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