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*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Semantic relationship between Chinese and English words and Diction in C-E Translation汉英词汇意义关系与词语的选择翻译,1,Part one,意义的分类classification of meaning,1.,Leech,Conceptual meaning,Associative meaning,social meaning,emotive meaning,reflected meaning,collocative meaning,thematic meaning,2,2 A,denotative meaning (denotation ) 指称意义,conceptual meaning,cognitive meaning,referential meaning,阳光: sunshine 医生:doctor,A word may have more than one denotative meanings (polysemy多义词): 英文中的develop,B connotative meaning (connotation)蕴含意义(词语的情感意义和联想意义),月亮 龙 松,3,Part two Semantic relationship between Chinese and English words,P 43. 陈宏薇,1 词义相符semantic correspondence;,2 词义相异semantic non-correspondence ;,3 词义空缺semantic zero,Translation is translating meaning. It is important to understand meaning in c-e translation,4,Part three 词义相异semantic non-correspondence,汉英词汇意义有对等的一面。但是,在很多情况下,汉英词汇语义是不对等的,还可能有空缺。如“拳头产品”不能译成 fist product,而是knockout product 。因此,汉英翻译绝对不是根据源语词汇去查阅汉英词典并照搬词典释义。实际上,选词应该根据目标语的需要或语境而定。,5,1 大学生,酸奶,自来水,有线电视,扶贫,2 11月10日至13日的强降雪,使得即将上市的16万斤鲶鱼全被冻死,损失达40万元,夫妇俩一年的劳作付之东流。,a. Between Nov.10 and 13, a snowstorm froze to death 160thousand jin of catfish about to go to market, costing the couple 400 ¥ thousand; they gave a whole year of labor,to the eastward river,.,b. Between Nov.10 and 13, a snowstorm froze to death 160thousand jin of catfish about to go to market, costing the couple 400 ¥ thousand; they gave a whole year of labor,for nothing .,6,3,个人主义,一害自己,二害工作,三害党的事业,历来是党和军队事业的大敌。,Individualism,which firstly poisons oneself, secondly hinders work, and finally jeopardizes the Partys cause, has always been a big threat to the cause of the Party and the army.,Individualism,-,self-centeredness, egocentricity.,4. 亚洲,四小龙,Asia,Four Tigers,7,2 搭配不对等问题,如,1:,动宾搭配,做手术 做家务,犯错误 犯心脏病 犯罪,接受高等教育,接受西方的社会政治制度和价值观念,2 偏正搭配,险胜 熟睡 完全醒着 完全值得,8,3 一词多义 polysemy,例 :1 在激烈的市场竞争中,公司的经营战略是:以质量求生存,以服务求信誉,以创新求发展, 以管理求效益。,In the keen/fierce market competition, our companys operating strategies are :,product quality ensures survival, good service earns/wins trust, innovation spawns new market (expands the market ), and management increases profits/improves performance.,他吃教师这碗饭。,这种蘑菇吃不得。,他从小吃鸡蛋,吃伤了。,羊吃草,婴儿吃奶。,我戒烟的时候,我老婆吃了不少苦。,他真是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。,靠山吃山,靠水吃水。,9,4. 根据语境选词,Context,1,A 要采取应急措施,尽快,解决,地震灾区用电和急救人员的通信联络问题,保证居民正常供水。,B 据环球时报报道,印度外交部高,官表示,愿同中国,解决,两国边境纠纷,三十年来,中国经济以震惊世界的,GDP,数值高速增长。,A Over the past three decades, chinas economy has growing at a fast GDP rate that shocks the world.,B Over the past three decades, chinas economy has growing at a fast GDP rate that amazes the world.,丰富的想像力,wild imagination,丰富的自然资源,rich in natural resources abundant natural resources,。,10,4. 一种很经济的燃料,他遇到了经济困难问题,世界经济的衰退,经济作物,生存压力,精神压力,人口压力,大气压力,投入抗震救灾斗争,投入监狱 投入怀抱中 投入使用 投入,5,万圆,增加教育投入,11,


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