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语法专练,(,一,),外研版九年级下,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,15,答案呈现,volunteers,Visitors,idea,Wednesday,secretary,boxes,children,heroes,preparation,diaries,player,directions,medal,一,名词,Germans,brain,答案呈现,1,2,3,4,5,B,A,B,B,D,6,D,7,8,9,10,A,B,B,B,11,D,12,13,14,15,B,C,D,A,二,名词,16,C,17,18,19,20,D,A,B,C,21,A,答案呈现,1,2,3,4,5,C,D,D,A,C,6,A,7,8,9,10,B,B,C,C,11,C,12,13,14,15,B,B,C,D,冠词,16,B,17,18,19,20,D,B,D,A,21,A,22,B,1,2,3,4,5,答案呈现,herself,ours,themselves,me,mine,一,代词,1,2,3,4,5,A,B,B,C,A,6,A,7,8,9,10,B,C,C,A,二,答案呈现,11,D,12,13,14,15,D,A,D,C,16,C,17,18,19,20,B,B,B,C,21,A,代词,二,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,5,11,12,13,14,15,答案呈现,safer,impolite,wisely,lowest,slowly,ancient,necessary,disabled,seldom,smallest,useful,easily,actually,traditional,一,形容词和副词,faster,16,17,highly,crowded,一,1,2,3,4,5,C,C,C,C,D,6,A,7,8,9,10,B,D,A,B,二,11,C,12,13,14,15,B,C,D,B,答案呈现,形容词和副词,答案呈现,16,C,17,18,19,20,D,C,B,D,21,D,22,23,24,25,D,D,D,C,26,B,27,28,29,30,D,C,D,C,31,C,二,形容词和副词,一、根据句意及提示写出句中所缺的单词。,1. 【,中考,桂林,】Many_ (,志愿者,)often come to the countryside to help the poor.,2.【2021,连云港,】 _ (,参观者,) must show their health QR codes and check their temperature before they go into the museum.,3.【,中考,安徽改编,】 Its helpful to have a clear _ (,想法,),of what you want.,volunteers,Visitors,idea,4. 【,中考,广西,】We will hold a party to say goodbye to our teachers next _(,星期三,).,5. 【,中考,柳州,】The manager asked his_ (,秘书,)to print the documents for him.,6. 【2020,临沂,】The new plan asks residents(,居民,)to put their rubbish into four different _ (box ), one for each kind of rubbish.,Wednesday,secretary,boxes,7.【2021,常德,】Look, the _ (child) are having a good time flying kites in the park.,8. 【,中考,荆门,】Many young people look up to space _ (,英雄,) and want to become like them.,9. 【,中考,荆门,】Careful _ (,准备,) for the exam is necessary for us students.,children,heroes,preparation,10. 【,中考,青岛,】Keeping English _(,日记,) is a good way to improve English.,11.【2021,盐城,】Jumping the rope is a kind of full-body exercise and it is great for the _ (,大脑,).,12. 【,中考,新疆,】I like playing basketball very much and I want to be a basketball,p,in the future.,brain,layer,diaries,13. 【,中考,连云港,】Does the radio say the expressway is closed in both _(,方向,) because of the heavy fog?,14. 【,中考,杭州,】The Chinese womens volleyball team won a gold,m,in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.,15. 【,中考,黔南,】My parents are _(German), but they need to live and work in England.,directions,edal,Germans,二、单项,选择。,1. 【,中考,安徽,】You can see the _ in our faces when we talk about the,achievements,in the past 70 years.,A. doubt B. pride C. regret D. ability,B,2. 【,中考,福建,】What should we do for the camping trip?, Wed better make a _of things like foods, drinks, medicine and so on.,A. list B. card C. report,A,3.【2021,江西,】Your leg looks really bad! I,think you should,send for a,_ about,that.,A. pilot,B,. doctor,C. singer,D,. postman,B,4. 【,中考,武汉,】Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying?,It is to the_. The flight to Wuhan is boarding now.,A. customers B. passengers,C. members D. tourists,B,5. 【,中考,南京,】Tomorrow is Mums birthday. Lets buy some flowers for her.,OK, I know she likes _best.,A. dresses B. rings,C. handbags D. roses,D,6. 【,中考,江西,】My daughter helps me cook but she isnt old enough to be left alone in the _.,A. bedroom B. classroom,C. lab D. kitchen,D,7. 【,中考,青岛,】 Lucy, how about going to the _?,Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.,A. library B. cinema,C. museum D. concert,A,8. 【,中考,天津,】The _of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital.,A. silence B. purpose,C. culture D. language,B,9. 【,中考,重庆,A】One _of the book is missing, so I cant learn the whole story.,A. copy B. page,C. writer D. reader,B,10. 【,中考,山西,】To keep our city beautiful, the _ are always very busy in the streets. We shouldnt throw rubbish everywhere.,A. policemen B. cleaners C. drivers,B,11. 【,中考,鄂州,】I dont know how to use the app Fun Dubbing.,Ask Kitty for help. She has lots of _in doing it.,A. expression B. experiment,C. examination D. experience,D,12. 【,中考,咸宁, Creative morning _ are popular in our school.,Yes, we dance to fun music, such as the song,Calorie,(,卡路里,).,A. exams B. exercises,C. examples D. expressions,B,13. 【,中考,咸宁,】Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in kung fu.,Thats true. Its an important part of Chinese_.,A. invention B. story,C. culture D. custom,C,14. 【,中考,黄冈,】Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?,Im afraid that we have no _but to take a taxi.,A. idea B. decision,C. reason D. choice,D,15. 【,中考,温州,】Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our _?,Yes, I slept well and I like the breakfast.,A. hotel B. school,C. factory D. company,A,16. 【,中考,滨州,】After years of war, the people in Syria are thirsty for _.,A. price B. noise C. peace D. course,C,17. 【,中考,连云港,】US scientist Edward T. Hall said that in a conversation between two people, 65% of the _is done through body language.,A. application B. pronunciation,C. introduction D. communication,D,18.【2021,盐城,】Yuan Longping and his,team have,solved the problem of,_ for,many people.,A. hunger,B,. health,C. pollution,D,. population,A,19. 【,中考,岳阳,】We should brush our _every day.,A. tooth B. teeth C. hand,B,20. 【2021,重庆,A】There are many,_ teachers in,this primary school.,A. woman,B,. womans,C. women,D,. womens,C,21. 【,中考,临沂,】If I leave my house at 9 oclock and drive to the airport, Ill arrive at about 11. So its about two _ drive from my house to the airport.,A. hours B. hours C. hours,A,单项选择。,1. 【2020,重庆,A】Look! There are so many,stars in _ sky,.,A. a,B,. an,C,.,the,D. /,C,2. 【2020,新疆,】,The photo makes me think,of,_,trip,to Hangzhou last year.,Yeah, we had,_ great,time there.,A. a,; /,B,. an; the,C,. the; the,D,. the; a,D,3.,【2020,滨州,】,Have you ever seen,_ film,Ne Zha,?,Yes, I have. It tells us,_ different,story,of,Ne,Zha,.,A. a,; an,B,. an; the,C,. a; the,D.,the; a,D,4. 【2021,温州,】Tony is a kind boy and Im,very lucky,to have,_ friend,like him.,A. a,B,. an,C,. the,D,. /,A,5. 【,中考,天津,】Im going to have _ picnic on _ Sunday.,A. the; an B. an; the C. a; / D. an; /,C,6. 【,中考,重庆,B】Chongqing has become _ hot city for tourists.,A. a B. an C. the D. /,A,7. 【,中考,重庆,A】One of his daughters became _English teacher last August.,A. a B. an C. the D. /,B,8. 【,中考,绥化,】“_ apple a day keeps the doctor away.” is _ useful saying.,A. An; an B. An; a C. A; a,B,9.【2021,怀化,】Did you see,_ movie,Hi, Mom,yesterday?,Yes, I did. Its great.,A. a,B,. an,C,. the,C,10.【2021,盐城,】As an old saying goes, “He,who has,never been to,_ Great,Wall is not a,true man,.”,A. a,B,.,an C,. the,D,. /,C,11. 【,中考,凉山,】Laura is _11-year-old girl. She is good at playing _guitar.,A. /; a B. an; /,C. an; the D. a; an,C,12.【2021,湘潭,】Zhang Guimei is,_ unusual teacher,. She set up the first free girls high,school in,2008.,A. a,B,. an,C,./,B,13. 【,中考,广东,】_ new study says that going to _ bed late is harmful to our health.,A. /; / B. A; /,C. A; the D. The; the,B,14. 【,中考,河池,】What did you do last night, Grace?, First, I did my homework, and then I played _ piano for 30 minutes.,A. a B. an C. the D. /,C,15. 【,中考,安顺,】France is _European country while Thailand is _ Asian country.,A. an; an B. an; a,C. a; a D. a; an,D,16. 【,中考,黔南,】Jane, I found _ umbrella. Is it yours?, No, its Mikes. Mine is _ third one on the shelf.,A. a; an B. an; the,C. the; a D. a; the,B,17. 【,中考,河南,】Are you going to _football match tonight?, I wish I could, but Im meeting _ VIP from Oklahoma.,A. an; an B. an; a,C. the; an D. the; a,D,18. 【,中考,定西,】The man is driving at 40 kilometers _ hour.,A. a B. an,C. the D. /,B,19.【2021,连云港,】Shall we play,_ basketball this,afternoon?,Good idea! Do you have _,basketball,?,A. the,; a,B,. a;a,C.,/; /,D,. /; a,D,20.,【,中考,天津,】There,is,_ old,piano,in,_,corner,of the living room.,A. an,; the,B,. an; /,C,. a; the,D,. a; a,A,21. 【,中考,上海,】Hurry up! The concert will begin in _ minute.,A. a B. an C. the D. /,A,22. 【,中考,随州,】May is _ fifth month of the year. Its _ very pleasant month.,A. the; the B. the; a,C. a; a D. the; /,B,一、 根据句意及提示写出句中所缺的单词。,1.【2021,盐城,】Sandy listened intently to the,classical music, losing _,(,her) in its beauty,.,2. 【,中考,重庆,A,改编,】Their plants dont grow very well, but,_,(,我们的,) look really good.,3. 【,中考,贵港,】They believe in _(,他们自己,) and they can overcome the difficulties.,herself,ours,themselves,4. 【2020,临沂,】After a busy morning at work, lunchtime gives _ ( I ) a chance to do many things, such as exercising, reading and watching TV.,5. 【,中考,天水,】Her ways of learning English are similar to _(,我的,).,me,mine,二、单项选择。,1. 【,中考,天水,】Excuse me, I want some books, but I cant find a bookstore here., I know _on my way home. Come with me please.,A. one B. this C. it D. that,A,2. 【,中考,乐山,】_ is quite easy for people to find any place in the world with the help of online maps.,A. That B. It C. One,B,3. 【2020,重庆,B】The wild animals are in,danger now,. Lets protect,_.,A. they,B,. them,C. their,D,. theirs,B,4. 【,中考,福建,】Oh, I forgot to bring my umbrella.,Ive got one. You can share _.,A. yours B. ours C. mine,C,5. 【2020,北京,】Mr,. Jackson is a popular,writer, and,we all like reading,_ books,.,A. his,B,. her,C,. their,D,. your,A,6.【2021,连云港,】Miss Li, a humorous,teacher, taught _ maths,last term.,A. us,B,. our,C. ours,D,. ourselves,A,7. 【,中考,南京,】Last month the students in Chang-jiang Road Primary School held the “Ten Years of Growth Ceremony” to celebrate _10th birthday together.,A. they B. their C. them D. theirs,B,8. 【,中考,成都,Uncle Lee, may I use your bike?,Sorry, mine is broken. You can ask your aunt for _.,A. mine B. his C. hers,C,9. 【,中考,重庆,B】Tom is my best friend. I often play basketball with _ .,A. he B. his C. him D. himself,C,10.【2021,昆明,】Tai chi, part of Chinese culture, is,an exercise which helps people,improve_ in,health.,A. themselves,B,. ourselves,C. itself,D,. myself,A,11. 【,中考,达州,】Hey, Jenny, which are my gifts for Fathers Day?,The yellow gifts are _ and the red _ belong to Grandpa.,A. your; one B. yours; one,C. you; ones D. yours; ones,D,12. 【,中考,滨州,】Jerry, is that boy with glasses _ new classmate?,Yes, lets say hello to _.,A. our; he B. us; him,C. ours; his D. our; him,D,13. 【,中考,敦煌,】Sunnys uncle is a teacher. _enjoys staying with kids.,A. He B. She C. It D. I,A,14. 【,中考,随州,】Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? _ is at home.,Certainly. But remember to return it on time.,A. I B. Me C. My D. Mine,D,15.【,中考,广东,】No one taught the old lady,how to,use WeChat. She learned it by,_.,A. yourself,B,. myself,C,. herself,C,16. 【2020,重庆,A】Boys and girls, you should,look after _ when,your parents are not at home.,A. himself,B,. herself,C. yourselves,D,. themselves,C,17. 【,中考,福建,】Almost _ in our group has been to the 2nd Digital China Summit. Its fantastic.,A. someone B. everyone C. anyone,B,18. 【,中考,乐山,】Can you kick the ball to _end of the football field?,Its hard for me. I think few goalkeepers can make it.,A. another B. the other C. other,B,19.【2021,盐城,】Why are you laughing, Daniel?, There is,_ funny,in the newspaper.,Come and,see.,A. anything,B,. something,C. everything,D,. nothing,B,20. 【2020,临沂,】,Do you want tea or coffee?,_ is,OK. I really dont mind.,A. Neither,B,. Both,C,. Either,C,21.【2021,乐山,】Look, Betty has a new,mobile phoneHuawei,Mate 40 Pro. How nice it is!,Yes. Her mother bought,_ for,her progress.,A. it,B.,one,C,. this,A,一、 根据句意及提示写出句中所缺的,单词。,1.【2021,连云港,】The programme,Drive less,cycle,more,will,reduce pollution and make streets,much _ (,安全的,).,2.【2020,临沂,】Its,_,(polite) to talk with your mouth,full.,3.【2021,盐城,】Choose _,(,wise) how you,spend your,spare time and with whom you spend it.,safer,impolite,wisely,4. 【,中考,绍兴,】Its so cold today. The temperature may be the _(,最低的,) this winter.,5. 【,中考,乐山,】Could you please speak more _(,慢慢地,)? Im afraid I cant quite follow you.,6. 【,中考,桂林,】Beihai Park is famous for its lake, bridges and the _ (,古老的,) buildings on the hill.,lowest,slowly,ancient,7. 【,中考,柳州,】I think it _(,必要的,) to prepare some food and water for our trip.,8. 【,中考,贵阳,】The _ (able) wont feel that lonely if everyone can do something to help them.,9. 【,中考,宁波改编,】We,s,(,很少,)hang out at weekends.,necessary,disabled,eldom,10. 【,中考,扬州,】Cells are the _ and most basic units of living matter.,11. 【2020,临沂,】According to some studies, the _ (fast) you read, the less you understand what you have read.,12. 【2020,临沂,】Recycling your rubbish is a great habit. However, its even better to turn your rubbish into something new and _(use).,smallest,faster,useful,13. 【2020,临沂,】Why do we make mistakes more _ (easy ) when we feel tired? This happens because parts of our brain actually fall asleep when were awake and tired.,14. 【,中考,杭州,】Growing vegetables looks easy, but,a,.,it takes a lot of learning.,15. 【,中考,宁波,】More and more people have realized the importance of spreading our _(,传统的,) culture.,easily,ctually,traditional,16.【2021,连云港,】All Chinese people think _(,高度地,) of Zhong Nanshan because of his achievements.,17. 【,中考,杭州,】The train was very,c,with passengers, so we had to stand.,highly,rowded,二、 单项选择。,1. 【,中考,安徽,】The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away.,Its really _.,A. secret B. direct,C. amazing D. traditional,C,2. 【,中考,福建,】More and more people have realized that clear waters and green mountains are as _as mountains of gold and silver.,A. central B. special C. valuable,C,3.【2021,湘潭,】Running is one of,_ sports in China,.,A. popular,B,. more popular,C. the most popular,C,4. 【,中考,武汉,】Why not ask Bob to join us in the trip to the zoo tomorrow?,Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems _.,A. anxious B. personal,C. cruel D. careless,C,5. 【2020,重庆,A】What a,_ boy,! He worked,out such,a difficult math problem.,A. strong,B,. kind,C,. lazy,D,. clever,D,6. 【,中考,泰州,】I missed the film,The Wandering Earth,.,What a pity! It is _ meaningful film that it is really worth seeing.,A. such a B. so,C. such D. so a,A,7. 【,中考,敦煌,】Father was so busy with his work that he had _time to read the newspaper.,A. some B. little,C. much D. a bit of,B,8. 【,中考,扬州,】Tan Dun does not use any musical instrument in his music,Water,.,Thats really amazing! He is so _.,A. energetic B. modest,C. serious D. creative,D,9. 【,中考,连云港,】While watching the film yesterday, I couldnt stop laughing at some _moments.,A. humorous B. challenging,C. dangerous D. surprising,A,10. 【,中考,山西,】After the big exams, we can finally have a good rest.,How I _ a chance to have a trip! I cant wait.,A. am worried about B. am thirsty for,C. am good at,B,11. 【,中考,襄阳,】Its a good way to study English with a group.,Thats true. I find it _to improve our pronunciation.,A. thankful B. harmful,C. helpful D. careful,C,12. 【,中考,深圳,】Mark has had too much fried food. Im really _him.,Me, too. I think he should have more vegetables and fruits.,A. afraid of B. worried about,C. unaware of,B,13. 【2021,连云港,】The,_ Lianyungang-Xuzhou High-speed Railway was open to the public this year.,A,. 180 kilometer long,B. 180 kilometers long,C. 180-kilometer-long,D. 180-kilometers-long,C,14. 【2021,河北,】Please be polite and,_ offer your seat to people who need it.,A. never B. seldom,C,. sometimes,D,. always,D,15. 【,中考,江西,】Peter spoke so _ that I could hardly hear him.,A. loudly B. quietly,C. clearly D. patiently,B,16. 【,中考,达州改编,】Amy, my mother never gets up late for my breakfast. What about your mother?,My mother, _. Mothers in China do more for us children.,A. still B. also,C. either D. as well,C,17.【2021,盐城,】Cloth shoes became popular,during the Ming Dynasty, _ in Sichuan province.,A. hardly B. nearly,C,. really,D,. especially,D,18. 【,中考,扬州,】The police are watching the suspect _ for more clues which will help solve the case.,A. clearly B. highly,C. closely D. heavily,C,19. 【2021,怀化,】A mobile phone with 5G,can send,videos much,_ than,the one with 4G.,A. fast,B,. faster,C,. fastest,B,20. 【2020,温州,】,How often do you go to the cinema?,_.,I only watch movies at home.,A. Always,B,. Usually,C. Sometimes,D,. Never,D,21. 【,中考,孝感,】The young are always busy checking their mobile phones while getting together.,So it is. They should put down phones and have more talks, _.,A. still B. too C. either D. instead,D,22. 【,中考,襄阳,】 The sun shines _.,Wed better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned.,A. softly B. hardly,C. fast D. brightly,D,23. 【,中考,鄂州,】If your friend sends you a message to borrow money from you on the Internet, youd better call him _ first to make sure of that.,A. recently B. finally,C. hardly D. directly,D,24.,【,中考,北京,】Zhaozhou,Bridge is one,of _ stone,bridges in the world.,A. old,B,. older,C. oldest,D,. the oldest,D,25. 【,中考,长沙,】Of the two physics problems, Martha just finished _one.,A. the most difficult,B. the least difficult,C. the less difficult,C,26. 【,中考,江西,】What do you think of the bands performance?,It could be _. I think theyre feeling very nervous.,A. good B. better,C. bad D. worse,B,27. 【,中考,青岛,】To make rivers _than before, everybody is supposed to protect them.,A. dirty B. dirtier,C. clean D. cleaner,D,28. 【,中考,天津,Jenny will get up _ than usual in order to catch the first bus.,A. early B. very early,C. earlier D. earliest,C,29. 【,中考,重庆,A】Nobody worked the math problem


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