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,冀教版九年级下,Lesson 57,Best Wishes,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,答案呈现,13,14,15,wallet,owner,row,senior,remain,D,D,A,D,A,wishes,to share,to try,confident,finished,答案呈现,16,17,18,19,20,stay in touch,junior high school,Good luck with,the key to doing,in the future,基础巩固练,答案呈现,基础巩固练,21,22,23,24,25,They all wish me the best,There is so much noise in the room,Should we get back to work,Did you get wet in the rain,I have great memories of the journey,答案呈现,1,2,3,4,worried,whether,truth,filled,能力提升练,5,ones,6,7,8,9,ourselves,difference,running,because,10,till (until),基础巩固练,26,27,28,Lets not talk,How time flies,wonder; you will,29,30,Did; have,Whatever,答案呈现,能力提升练,11,12,13,A,D,A,14,15,B,A,一、根据句意及所给提示填空。,1. I found a,_(,钱包,)on,the ground on the,way to,school.,2. The,o,of the shop is an old woman of,seventy years,old. She is kind.,3. They plan to go to the park to _,(,划船,)boats this,Sunday,.,wallet,wner,row,4. We are going to _ (,高等的,)high schools next month. We are all excited.,5. He will have to _ (,逗留,)in hospital for 10 days.,senior,remain,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。,6. Please give my best,_ (,wish) to your,friends when,you see them.,wishes,7. I hear you will go to Paris. Dont forget _ (share) your travel photos with us .,to share,8. My parents wish me _(try) my best to learn English well.,to try,9. We are _(confidence) that we can find the answer.,confident,10. They said they had _(finish) their project.,finished,三、单项选择。,11,. You must be sure,_ here,on time tomorrow.,A. come,B,. will come,C. coming,D,. to come,D,【,点拨,】,be sure to,意为:一定要,。,12,. 2019,安徽, Its ten years since we came here.,How time flies! We,_ in,China for so long.,A. work,B,. worked,C. will work,D,. have,worked,D,13,. You can improve your English _,practicing more,.,A. by,B,. with,C,. of,D,. in,A,【,点拨,】,by doing,意为:以,的方式。,14,. 2019,河北, Ken was,_late,for school.,The bell,rang right after he entered the classroom.,A. still,B,. always,C. already,D,.,almost,D,15,. 2019,菏泽, _,you,do, dont miss,this exhibition, for its so hard for me to get the tickets.,A. Whatever,B,. However,C. Whenever,D,. Whether,A,四、 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。,16. He decided that he would no longer,_ with her,.,good luck with, in the future, the key to doing,junior high school, stay in touch,stay in touch,17. We are in Grade Nine. We will leave _ soon.,good luck with, in the future, the key to doing,junior high school, stay in touch,junior high school,18. The exam is coming. _ your exam.,good luck with, in the future, the key to doing,junior high school, stay in touch,Good luck with,19. What would you like to be _ ?,good luck with, in the future, the key to doing,junior high school, stay in touch,in the future,20. Honesty and service quality are _ a good job.,good luck with, in the future, the key to doing,junior high school, stay in touch,the key to doing,五、连词成句。,21. the, wish, me, they, best,all,_.,They all wish me the best,22. in, is, noise, there, so, room, the, much,_.,There is so much noise in the room,23,. get, should, to, we, back, work,_?,Should we get back to work,24,. the, you, get, did, in, wet, rain,_?,Did you get wet in the rain,25,. memories, great, have, journey, I, of, the,_,.,I have great memories of the journey,六、句型转换。,26. Lets talk about our coming English examination.,(,改为,否定句),_,_ _,about,our coming,English examination,.,Lets not talk,27. Time goes so fast.,(改为感叹句),_,_ _,!,How time flies,28,. I want to know. When will you go there?,(合并成,一个,复合句),I _,when,_ _,go,there,.,wonder you will,29,. ,中考,乐山, The newly-opened supermarket,had something,on sale last Sunday.,(改为一般疑问句),_,the,newly-opened,supermarket,_,anything on sale last Sunday,?,Did have,30,. No matter what she says, we will agree with her.,(,改为,同义句),_ she,says, we will agree with her.,Whatever,一、 根据短文内容或所给提示,在文中的空白处,填入正确,的词。,We always remind ourselves that life will be better,after we,graduate. Then, we are,_1,(worry) that we may not,get a,good job. After getting a job, we are wondering,_2 or not,we can finish all the work well.,worried,whether,We always imagine that we can live a perfect life after we get a nice car and are able to go on a vacation after we retire. But the _3 (true) is that there is no better time than right now. Our life will always be _4 (fill) with challenges. New problems will appear again after we solve the old _5 (one).,truth,filled,ones,Never doubt _6 (our) when problems come up and its certain that you can finally manage to get over all the difficulties. Its necessary to realize this and try to be happy every day.,ourselves,One of my favorite quotes(,引述,) from Alfred D Souza is that “For a long time it seemed to me that a new and happy life was about to begin. But there were always some difficulties and challenges along the way, something to be dealt with first, some unfinished work, a bill to be paid. Then life would begin. At last I came to understand that.”,These difficulties are just our life. This view makes a great _7 (different) to me. It gives me courage to face all the difficulties in an active way instead of _8 (run) away from them. It also helps me know that there is no way to happiness. So value every moment that you have now.,difference,running,And always remember time waits for no one. You can never afford to waste your time waiting for a better life to come _9 the present time is the best. So stop waiting _10 you graduate, you get married, you have kids and you get a new car. Enjoy your life now!,because,till (until),二、阅读理解。,11,. The underlined word “brunch” in the,third paragraph,means,_.,A. breakfast and lunch,B.,breakfast with milk,C. lunch with coffee,D,. lunch and dinner,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,45,页原文。,A,【,点拨,】,原句为:,Anyway, I got out of bed and asked the robot to make me a quick,brunch,a hamburger and French fries.,结合前文内容,On Saturday morning, I stayed in bed until 11 oclock, when my mother woke me up.,可知在,11,点吃的是早午餐。,12,. Wang Mang says he feels like a prisoner,because_.,A. he is completely controlled by the robot,B. he has to get out of bed too early,C. he doesnt know how to use the robot,D. he isnt allowed to eat what he,likes,D,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,You see, my mother has programmed the robot to stop it giving me the things I really want to eat. I feel like a prisoner,(囚犯),!,可知答案。,13,. One difference between the year 2059 and,today is,that,_.,A. computer books are cheaper than paper books,B. children arent allowed to eat fast food,C. students have to do homework at,the weekend,D. there is no paper in the year 2059,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文倒数第二段中句子,We dont use paper much any more. Paper books are really expensive, so we usually buy cheap computer books.,可知,A,项内容正确。,14,. Wang Mang thinks that studying math is,_.,A. interesting,B,. useless,C. too hard,D,. too,easy,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,We never need to use math in our daily livescomputers solve all the math problems for us.,、,Well, I want to be a vegetable. I hate math!,可知答案。,15,. Which can be the best title for the article?,A. A Day in the Future,B. A Modern Robot at Home,C. Paper Books VS Computers,D. Math or Vegetables,A,【,点拨,】,本文讲了作者,2059,年的未来生活。,


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