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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,广东省酒店职业英语等级考试系列教材酒店职业英语(初级)HOSPITALITY ENGLISH(PRELIMINARY),1,酒店公共英语GENERAL ENGLISH,第一单元 打招呼及送行,Unit One Greeting and Sending off,2,A,下午好,欢迎来到国际大酒店。,Good afternoon,Welcome to the International Hotel.,下午好。,Good afternoon.,你有几件行李?,How mamy pieces of luggage do you have?,就一个手提袋。我自己来拿吧。,Just one handbag. Ill take it myself.,好的,这边请。,All right. This way, please.,3,B,史密斯先生,好久不见了。你好吗?,Long time no see, Mr. Smith. How are you?,嗨,小王。我很好。你呢?,Hi, Xiao Wang. Im fine, and you?,我也一样,谢谢你。你看上去气色真好!,Me too, thank you. You look great!,哦,是嘛?我今天要去观光。,Oh yeah? Ill go sightseeing today.,祝你玩得开心。,Have a nice day!,4,C,晚上好,女士。请问你有没有预订?,Good evening, madam. Do you have a reservation, please?,没有。,NO.,恐怕一楼已经客满了。你介意去二楼用餐吗?,Im afraid the first floor is fully booked. Would you mind going to the second floor?,好的。,All right.,5,女士,我为你叫辆计程车好吗?,Shall I call a taxi for you, madam?,好的。,Yes, please.,请稍候。,Just a minute, please.,计程车来了。,Here comes the taxi.,谢谢你。再见!,Thank you. Bye!,很乐意为你效劳!欢迎你再次光临。,Its my pleasure. Hope to see you again.,6,D,嗨!,Hi!,你好啊。,Hello!,早上好/下午好/晚上好。,Good morning/afternoon/evening,一切都好吧?,Hows everything?,你好吗?,How are you?,我也是。,Me too.,很好,谢谢。你呢?,Fine. Thank you.And you?,还不错。,Not bad.,很好。,Great!,7,你呢?,And you?,欢迎光临XX酒店。,Welcome to XX hotel!,认识你太好了。,Glad to meet you.,再次看到你真是太好了。,Glad to see you again.,希望你住店愉快。,I hope youll enjoy your stay with us.,希望你住店愉快。,Hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.,多谢光临。,Thank you for coming.,8,第二单元 介绍与寒暄Unit One Greeting and Sending off,9,A,打搅了,你是戴尔蒙女士吧?,Excuser me, are you Ms.Diamond?,是啊。,Yes?,我是罗斯酒店的吉云,很高兴认识你。,Im Ji Yun from Rose Hotel. Glad to meet you.,我也是。,Me too.,10,B,约翰逊先生,这是你第一次来广州吗?,Is this your first time to Guangzhou, Mr. Johnson?,是的,我是来出差的,不过周日休息。,Yes. Im here on a business trip, but Ill be free on Sunday.,明白了,也许我可以向你建议“一天环市游”?,I see. Maybe I can suggest you a one-day city tour?,太好啦。,I would appreciate it!,这个是小册子。它很受我们住客欢迎的。,Here is the booklet. Its very popular among our guests.,11,谢谢。,Thanks.,你听说过广东菜吗?,Have you heard about Cantonese food?,没有,不过我想尝尝。,No, but Id like to try it.,如果你来中国,广东菜可是不容错过的呢。又新鲜又可口,你会喜欢的。,If you come to China, Cantonese food is a must. Its fresh and tasty. Youll like it.,12,C,很高兴跟你交谈,不过我真的得走了。,Nice talking with you, but I really have to go now.,谢谢你做的一切。再见!,Thank you for everything. Bye!,我很乐意。祝你住店愉快。再见!,My pleasure, Please enjoy your stay with us. Goodbye!,13,D,让我来自我介绍一下。,Let me introduce myself.,请叫我安妮。,Please call me Anne.,这是我的名片。,Heres my card.,你一定是艾伦.布莱克先生。,You must be Mr. Aaron Black.,打搅了,你是威尔逊女士吗?,Excuse me, are you Ms. Wilson?,14,你听说过天河城吗?,Have you heard about Teem Plaza?,你这次旅行如何?,How was your trip?,你觉得我们的酒店怎样?,What do you think of our hotel?,你觉得广州这座城市怎么样?,How do you like Guangzhou City?,你知道吗,南越王墓就在这附近!,You know what, the Mausoleum of the Nanyue King is just nearby!,15,抱歉,先生。有人叫我了。不好意思。,Im sorry, sir. Im being called away. Please excuse me.,恐怕我得走了。,Im afraed I have to go now.,抱歉,我得走了。,Sorry but I have to leave now.,希望能再次见到你。,Hope to see you again.,16,第三单元 询问信息Unit Greeting and Sending off,17,A,打搅了,请问洗手间在那里?,Excuse me, but where is the restroom?,请一直向前走,然后向右拐。,Go straight ahead, and then furn right, please.,18,B,打搅了,请问酒店里有网吧吗?,Exxuse me, is there an Internet caf in the hotel?,有的,请乘电梯到2楼,你将看到香奈尔专卖店,网吧就在它旁边。,Yes. Please take the lift to the second floor. Youll see a Chanel stroe. The Internet caf is just nearby.,明白了,谢谢。再见!,I see. Thanks. Bye.,很乐意为你效劳,先生。,My pleasure, sir.,19,C,晚上好,有什么能为你效劳?,Good evening. May I help you?,嗯。请问韩式餐厅在哪里?,Yes. Where is the Korean restaurant, please?,在三楼,就在电梯对面。哎哟,恐怕现在已经打烊了。,Its on the third floor, opposite to the lift. Oh, Im afraid it has closed now.,它的营业时间是什么时候?,When does it open?,20,它的营业时间是上午10点到晚上10点,不过现在快11点了。,Its open from 10am to 10pm, but now its almost 11oclock.,哦,真糟糕。,Oh, thats too bad.,你想要客房送餐服务吗?它也有一些韩国菜,而且一直开到深夜12点。,How about our room service? It also supplies some Korean food and its available till 12oclock midnight.,好啊,谢谢。,Ok, thanks.,21,D,请问,我想去交易会,怎么走?,Excuse me, how can I get to the Trade Fair?,对不起,先生。你指的是流花路的还是琶洲的展馆?,Excuse me, sir. Do you mean the trade fair in Liu Hua Road or in Pa Zhou?,琶洲的新展馆。,The new one in Pa Zhou.,你可以乘坐我们酒店的班车。它从早上8点到晚上6点,每小时一班,整点发车。,You may take our shuttle bus. Its available from 8am to 6pm, leaving each hour on the hour.,我赶时间。我自己去该怎么走?,Im in a hurry. How to get there by myself?,22,你可以坐计程车或乘地铁2号线。现在是交通高峰期,我建议你坐地铁去。,You may take a taxi or Metro Line 2. Now is the rush-hour, I suggest you take the metro.,地铁站在哪里?,Where is the metro station?,你从酒店的正门出去,然后向右拐。走2分钟以后,你会看到一个地铁口。你乘2号线往琶洲方向行驶的地铁,在新港东站下车。走A出口,你就到会展中心了。,When you go out the main entrance, turn right and go along the street. About 2minutes walk, youll see a metro entrance. You take Line 2 to the Pa Zhou direction, and get off at the Xin Gang East Station, Through the A Entrance youll get to the Exhibition Center.,23,E,能告诉我你的姓名/房号/护照号码/吗?,May I have your name/room number/passport number? Please?,我怎样才能去那里?,How can I get there?,你什么时间方便呢?,What time will be good to you?,你能告诉我更多细节吗?,Can you tell me more about it?,我相知道是否有什么变化。,I wonder if there is any xhange.,24,我不清楚,但是我可以为你查一下。,I am not sure, but I can find out for you.,真的吗?我还不知道呢。,Really? I didnt know it.,恐怕我不知道,但是我可以为你查一下。,Im afraid I dont know, but I can check it for you.,我知道了,谢谢。,Yes, I know that, thanks.,我听说了。,Ive heard about it.,我会去核实一下,20分钟后告诉你。,Ill check it out and inform you in 20 minutes.,25,我马上就去办,先生。,Right away, sir.,你能再说一次吗?,Pardon?,对不起,你能再说一次吗?,Excuse me?,对不起,你能再说一次吗?,Sorry?,我不明白。,I dont understand.,我去叫我们的客户关系主任来。,Ill call our Guest Relation Officer.,你的意思是不是?,Do you mean that?,26,公用电话在电梯旁边。,The public phone is beside the lift.,我怎样可以去?,How can I get to?,你可以乘37号公共汽车去。,You may take Bus No.37.,如果搭计程车去的话,大概要15分钟。,It will take you 15 minutes by taxi.,花费大概是20至25元。,It may cost 20 to 25 yuan.,你可以乘公共汽车地铁或计程车去。,You may go there by bus, metro or taxi.,27,如果,你认为如何?,What do you think if?,你看怎样?这样如何?,Hows that?,那样好吗?,Will that be alright?,你觉得怎么样呢?,What about?,你最好坐计程车去。,Youd better go by taxi.,好主意!,Great idea!,我认为。,In my opinion,28,第四单元 委婉地拒绝客人的请求Unit One Declining Requests Politely,29,A,恐怕我们的双床间都订满了。你介意改为套间吗?,Im afraid our twins are fully booked. Would you mind a suite instead?,价格是多少?,What is the rate?,它的正常价格是每晚200美元,不过,我们可以为你提供九折。,Its normal rate is USD180 per night, but we can offer you a 10% discount.,那么就是每晚180美元是吗?我就要这个吧。,So its USD180 per nigh? Fine. Ill take it.,30,B,我和丈夫今晚要出去。你能帮我照看我们的宝贝吗?,My busband and I want to go out this evening. Can you look after the baby for us?,恐怕不行。这是违反我们酒店规定的。,Im afraid I cant do that, its against our hotels regulations.,天,那我怎么办呢?,God, what shall I do?,试试我们酒店的儿童俱乐部怎么样?它有很不错的托儿服务。,What about the Kids Club? It has very good baby-sitting service.,31,费用是多少?,How much is the charge?,每小时收费20元,最低3小时开始计费。,Its 20 yuan per hour, with a minimum of 3 hours.,嗯,我想那是我唯一的选择啦。,Hum, I think thats my only choice.,很抱歉,女士。感谢你的谅解。,Im sorry madam. Thank you for your understanding.,32,C,恐怕我们已经预订满了。,Im afraid were fully booked.,恐怕这是违反酒店政策的。,Im afraid its against our policy.,恐怕我们无能为力。怎么样呢?,Im afraid theres nothing we can do. How about?,很抱歉,我们没能帮上忙。我们为你 ,好吗?,So sorry that we cant help. Shall we for you?,我得问问我们的经理。,I have to dicuss it with our manager.,33,第五单元 回应客人的要求Unit One On Guests Requests,34,A,晚上好,先生。有什么能为你效劳?,Good evening,sir. Can I help you?,嗯,我候多要一个枕头。,Yes. Id like to have an extra pillow.,好的。请问你的房号是多少?我们马上就给你送来。,Sure. May I have your room number? Well send it to you at once.,我在1507房。还请你们给我带一份今日美国来。,Im in room 1507. And please bring me an American Today, too.,好的,先生。还需要什么别的吗?,Certainly, sir. Anything else?,没有了,谢谢。,No, thanks.,35,B,有什么能为你效劳,女士?,Can I help you, madam?,我想要一杯本楼红酒。,Id like to have a glass of House Wine.,请稍候,我马上给你送来。,One moment, please. Ill get it for you right away.,36,C,对不起,威廉斯先生,恐怕客房还没有收拾好。你介意等一会吗?,Excuse me, Mr. Williams. Im afraid the room is not ready yet. Would you mind waiting for a while.,得等多久?我刚刚旅行了一整天!,How long do I have to wait? Ive traveled for a whole day!,我们非常抱歉,威廉斯先生,大概需要20分钟吧。上一位客人很晚才退宿,而其它的客房都满了。,We do apologize for this inconvenience, Mr. Williams. It takes about 20 minutes. The last guest checked out very late, and other rooms are full.,37,唉,如果是那样的话。,Oh, if thats the case.,你到那边的餐厅喝杯咖啡怎么样?我们可以照看你的行李。,What about having a cup of coffee in the caf over there? And well take care of your luggage.,好吧。,OK.,这是你的免费券,威廉斯先生。感谢你的谅解。,Here is a voucher for you, Mr. Williams. Thank you for your understanding.,38,D,马上,先生。,Right away, sir.,好的。,Very well.,没问题。,No problem.,你请吧。,Go ahead, please.,别担心。,Dont worry.,包在我身上。,You may count on me.,我不会主你失望的。,I wont let you down.,如果我能帮忙,请尽管叫我。,Please just call me if I can help.,39,还有什么能为你效劳的吗?,Anything else I can do for you?,你介意等一会吗?,Would you mind waiting?,你愿意和别人共用一张桌子吗?,Would you like to share a table with others?,你再等5分钟好吗?,Could you wait for another 5 miutes, please?,请别挂断好吗?,Could you hold the line, please?,很抱歉让你久等了。,Sorry to have kept you waiting.,让你久等了。,Thank you for waiting.,40,第六单元 提供帮助Unit One Offering Help,41,A,请问,去动物园怎么走?,Ecxuse me, how can I get to the zoo?,女士,我建议你坐计程车去。,I would suggest you take a taxi, madam.,很远吗?,Is it far?,不远,大概20分钟就到了。我帮你把它用中文写下来好吗?,No, it only takes about 20 minutes. Shall I write it down in Chinese for you?,好,请吧。,Yes, please!,42,B,打搅了。,Excuse me.,嗯,有什么能为你效劳,先生?,Yes? Can I help you, sir?,能不能快点上菜?我赶时间。,Could you ruxh the order? Im in a hurry.,我马上就去,先生。,Right away, sir.,抱歉让你久等了。请慢用。,Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. Please enjoy.,43,C,请反这个包裹拿给2983房的威尔逊先生。,Id like this parcel sent to Mr. Wilson in Room 2983.,好的,汉森太太。这里面有什么贵重或易碎的物品吗?,Certainly, Mrs. Handsome. Is there anything valuable or breakable in the parcel?,没有。,No.,明白了。麻烦你填写这张表格好吗?,I see. Could you fill out this form, please?,好的。给你。,Sure. Here you are.,44,D,让我来帮你。,Allow me.,让我来帮你拿行李。,Let me help you with the luggage.,我能帮你做点什么吗?,Can I help you?,我帮你画个地图好吗?,Shall I draw a map for you?,我给你拿点水来好吗?,Shall I bring you some water?,如果有什么我能做的,请告诉我。,If there is anything I can do, just let me know.,45,如果我能帮忙,请尽管叫我。,Please just call me if I can help.,谢谢。,Thanks.,谢谢你。,Thank you.,多谢!,Many thanks.,你真是太好了。,Its very nice of you.,我非常乐意。,My pleasure.,不客气,先生。,Youre welcome, sir.,我随时为你服务。,Im always at your service.,46,第七单元 致歉、同情与问候Unit One Apology, Sympathy and Greetings,47,A,我的卫生间里没有面纸。,There is no toilet paper in my bathroom.,对不起!我马上拿些过来。请问你在几号房?,Im sorry! Ill bring some at once. May I have your room number, please?,我在1294。,Room 1294.,女士,还有什么能为你效劳的吗?,Anything else I can do for you, madam?,没有了,谢谢.,No, thanks.,48,B,女士,有什么能为你效劳吗?你看上去脸色不太好。,May I help you, madam? You look pale.,我丈夫出车祸了。,My husband had an accident.,很严重吗?,Is it serious?,他的腿受伤了。,He hurt his leg.,听到这消息我很难过!有什么我能为你做的吗?,So sorry to hear that! Is there anything I can do for you?,49,C,罗斯先生,祝你生日快乐!,Happy birthday, Mr. Ross.,谢谢,Thank you.,50,D,罗斯先生,祝你圣诞快乐!,Merry Christmas, Mr. Soss.,你也一样,51,


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