模块七第三单元M7U3-Project researh on the internet

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,M7U3,The world online,Talk about the computer.,Lead-in,speaker,monitor,printer,screen,keyboard,mouse,Hard driver,CD-ROM / DVD-ROM,drive,Do you know the following icon,(,图标,),of the Internet? What are they used for?,Test,search(,搜索,),download(,下载,),back arrow(,后退箭头,),refresh(,刷新,),home (,主页按钮,),minimize (,最小化,),maximize (,最大化,),close (,关闭,),Terms,We can use/click(,点击,) them to _.,What are they used for? Match the icons with their usages.,search,download,upload,refresh,back arrow,look for specific information,save something on the Internet on to your computer,publish something on the Internet,return to the previous page,let the page appear again without a problem when the web page has a problem,Terms,We can use/click them to _.,minimize,maximize,close,browse,home,exit the page,let the name of the page stay at the bottom of the screen,let,page to full size,look at in formation without a specific goal.,return to,home page,浏览,This is the,home page,of No. 1 Middle School.,主页,Home page is the first page of a website, with links to all the other pages. There can also be a web page that you choose to,access,first when you collect to the Internet.,More words about the Internet.,It is an address where you can find a web site on the Internet . It usually includes www and com, net, org, edu.etc.,web address(,网址,),World Wide Web,It is a,document,connected to the World Wide Web, usually forming a part of a website.,web page(,网页,),These are programs that allow you to search a website or the whole Internet for information.,Search engine (,搜索引擎,),search engine,web address,home page,www,website,web page,link,hacker,virus,Test,搜索引擎,网址,主页,全球宽带网,网站,网页,链接,病毒,黑客,What does the letters in the circle refer to?,Youre welcome!,Thanks again!,See you!,Lets learn,Expressions,Youre welcome!,Thanks again!,See you!,YW,TA,CU,Abbreviations,LOL,Laugh out loud,FYI,For your information,KIT,Keep in touch,Be right back,BRB,Thanks in advance,TIA,As soon as possible,ASAP,Do you know the following abbreviations?,B4,:,_,OIC,:,_,CUL8R,:,_,BTW,:,_,BFN,:,_,Guess the meaning of the expressions,before,Oh, I see.,See you later.,by the way,bye for now,Part C on Page 39.,Kenny is writing an e-mail to his grandfather, who has just learned to use a computer. Help him choose the correct words to teach his grandfather about the Internet.,(1) browse,(,2) search engine,(3) web addresses,(,4) web page,(5) home page,(,6) back arrow,(7) refresh,(,8) minimize,(9) download,surf the Internet to search for information,M7U3 Project,Doing research on the Internet,Search Engine,subject directory,主题目录,1. What are the things we should,keep in mind,when we use the Internet to do research?,Fast reading,Step one: choosing a search service,Step two:,searching for,information,Step three: using your information,Two.,Search engines and subject directories(,主题目录,).,2. How many services you can choose to,assist in,your search? What are they?,Careful reading (1),Read,Step 1,and try to work out the,differences,between search engines & subject directories.,search engines,subject directories,a type of_,built by human,not classified by subject,divided into_,linked to _,based on the key words you type in,connected to some _ of articles/ pages, sometimes a short summary.,The contents are _.,Most of the contents are evaluated, relevant and correct.,computer program,specific subject categories,full articles/ pages,title,unevaluated/ unchecked,comparison,Q: Which service will you choose? Why?,Careful reading (2),Read,Step 2,and decide whether the following statements are true,(T),or false,(F).,The information on the Internet is always up-,to-date.,2.,The,websites tend to state when the information is updated.,3. People usually put correct information on the,Internet, so the information is always reliable.,4. Both personal pages and government pages are equally trustworthy for doing research.,5. The way you type your key words affects the,results of your search.,T (true)or F (false),The information on the Internet is always up-,to-date.,2.,The,websites tend to state when the information is updated.,F,T,The information on the Internet is always up-,to-date.,2.,The,websites tend to state when the information is updated.,3. People usually put correct information on the,Internet, so the information is always reliable.,4. Both personal pages and government pages are equally trustworthy for doing research.,5. The way you type your key words affects the,results of your search.,F,T,F,F,T,T (true)or F (false),Why should we check the date on the websites,when we search the Internet?,2. What websites are more trustworthy?,3. Why does the author mention an example in,para 3?,Because we may use the information that is too old./,In case we use the information out of date.,Government pages or pages managed by organizations,and companies.,To show the way you type your key words makes a,difference./ To show how important the way you type,your key words is.,Careful reading (3),Read,Step 3,and choose the right answer.,Which of the following is,NOT,right,as to how to use the information from the Internet?,A. You can copy the words as they were.,B. Youd better use your own words according to,your own understanding of the information.,C. You should admit that your information is not,original.,D. You ought to attach the websites where you,got your information.,Multiple choice,Q:,What,should we do if we want to use the information,from the Internet? Why should we do so?,What should we do if we want to use information from the Internet? Why should we do so?,Write an,outline,of the information you have found.,Youd better use your own words according to,your own understanding of the information.,Ackowledge,where you got your data by attaching a list of the websites you got your information from.,Language points,12.,特定主题范围,13.,一串;大量,14. .,的概要,15.,基于,16.,更新,17.,将,考虑在内,18.,在,底部,19.,费心做,20.,在一般情况下,21.,很重要,22.,遵循这些原则,1.,谨记,牢记,2.,作研究工作,3.,简要指南,4.,尽可能最好的方式,5.,按,把,分类,6.,以,为基础,7.,无资格的人,8.,确凿的事实,9.,与,有关,10.,仔细搜寻,11.,把,分成,Useful expression,1.,谨记,牢记,2.,作研究工作,3.,简要指南,4.,尽可能最好的方式,5.,按,把,分类,6.,以,为基础,7.,无资格的人,8.,确凿的事实,9.,与,有关,10.,仔细搜寻,11.,把,分成,keep sth.,in,mind,(L2),do,research,(L2),3.,brief,guide,(L3),4.,in,the best way possible,(L4),5.,classify,sth.,by,sth.,(L11),6. be based,on,(L11),7. a person,without,qualification,(L15),8.,solid,facts,(L15),9. be,link,ed,to,(L17),10.,comb,through,(L22),11. divide sth.,into,(L24),12.,specific,subject,categories,(L24),13. a,bunch,of,(L25),14. a short,summary,of,(L25),15. on that,basis,(L27),16. be,up to date/updated,(L29),17. take sth. into,consideration,18. at the,bottom,of,(L34),19.,bother,to do,(L37),20. as a,general,rule,(L38),21. make a difference,(L43),22. follow these tips,(L60),12.,特定主题范围,13.,一串,;,大量,14. .,的概要,15.,基于,16.,更新,17.,将,考虑在内,18.,在,底部,19.,费心做,20.,在一般情况下,21.,很重要,22.,遵循这些原则,the +,比较级,,the +,比较级,(,越,,就越,),1.The higher the tree(is), the stronger the wind(is).,树大招风。,2.,你练得越多,说得就越好。,The more you practise, the better you will speak.,3.,你越努力,进步就越快。,The harder you work, the more progress you will get.,Sentence pattern 1,1.,The more,you know about Internet research,the faster,you will find what you are looking for,and,the better,informed you will be.,Translation :,Sentence pattern 2,2.,Follow,these tips,and,your time spent doing,research on the Internet will be much more,worthwhile. (L60),祈使句,+and +,陈述句,(,如果,就会,),祈使句,+or +,陈述句,(,否则,/,不然,),Translation:,上课认真点,你就会发现学习很有趣。,2.,不要再在网游上浪费时间了, 不然你学习会落后的。,Be careful in class, and you will find study interesting.,Don,t waste too much time on computer games, or you,will fall behind.,1. bother,2. acknowledge,Key words,E,.g,:,someone has,combed through,pages and links and,selected all those that are in the directory.(L22),1. Dont forget,to,comb,your hair before you go out!,2. We spent weeks,combing through,huge piles of,old documents to collect information.,comb (v./n.),1. comb the hair,梳头发,2. through,仔细搜索,E,.g,:,but not every person,bothers,to read over their,own writing and make corrections. (L37),Im sorry to,bother,you, but could you tell me,the way to the station?,2. He didnt,bother to answer,the question.,3. Many young people didnt,bother voting,.,4. Did you,have much bother finding,the house?,5. What,a bother,! Weve missed the bus.,bother,(v./n.),1.,打扰,给某人添麻烦,2. bother to do/ doing,费心做,3. have much/ no bother doing,4. a bother,恼人的事物,E,.g,:,When you are finished, you should,acknowledge,where you got your data by,(L57),They refused to,acknowledge,defeat.,They refused to,acknowledge,themselves defeated.,They refused to,acknowledge,that they were defeated.,2. Steve Jobs,was,generally,acknowledged as/to,be,a genius in the field of IT.,3. His services to the country were never officially,acknowledged,.,acknowledge,(v.),1. +n./,复合宾语,/,从句,(,承认,认可,),2. sb. as (to be),(,承认,sb.,为,),3.,感谢,Consolidation,1.The books in the library _ by subject.,2.Your attitude _ to your performance.,3.Please _your personal information by e-mail.,4.The police have got _evidence to prove,Jack,is guilty.,5.,The,official _ the support of local companies.,6.If you still feel puzzled, why don,t you _ the,dictionary?,7. He didnt even_ say thank you.,8. You should _you are a Chinese.,9. On Valentine,s Day, she received _roses.,mak a difference; solid; acknowledge; a bunch of,keep in mind; bother; confirm; consult; classify,are classified,makes a difference,confrim,solid,ackonwledged,consult,bother to,keep in mind,a bunch of,1.Being relevant and correct, though, does not equal,_(be) up to date.,2.There are several things_(take) into consideration.,3. Government pages and pages _(manage) by,organization and companies you trust are much better.,4. _(copy) the words just as you found,them is not only cheating, but also illegal.,5. Then write your report, _(use) your own words and,_(make) your own decisions about what it means.,6. Follow these tips, and your time _(spend) doing,research on the Internet will be much worthwhile.,用所给动词的适当形式填空。,being,to take,managed,To copy/ copying,using,making,spent,1.,通过各种题目训练,我很好地提高了阅读技能;,2.,积累了词汇和短语;,3.,掌握了该篇文章的体裁结构和语言特点;理解了长难句,能仿照课文复杂句型造句;,4.,我能辩证看待因特网,并能正确有效的利用它查询资料。,Self-assessment,1. These engines search the Internet for you based on the key words you type in and choose web pages for you _ contain the words you ask for.,2. This requires you to be patient as you have to read the,information to decide_ it is linked to what you are researching.,3. Many sites will say, at the bottom of the page, the,date _ they were last updated.,4. A minus symbol,-,means the same as,not, so if you,want to learn about birds _you do not want any,information about sparrows, you could type,bird-,sparrow,.,5. _ you are finished, you should always,acknowledge where you got your data by attaching a,list of the websites you got your information from.,which,whether/ if,when,but,When,1. Finish the poster.,2. Finish the workbook exercises.,HOMEWORK,


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