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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,言语交际过程与外语学习策略,Y,1,1.引言: 语言本质与语言学习方法,2. 言语交际模式论的演变,3. 工具主义外语教学观的认识误区,4. 主动学习的策略和方法,5. 结束语,2,引言:语言本质与语言学习方法,语言教学和语言学习的方法在很大程度上受语言观的影响。要回答“怎么教?”“怎么学?”这些问题,必须思考“语言是什么?”,“我们处理工作的方法会受我们对语言的看法的影响,即受关于语言的某种或几种看来和我们面临的特定问题有关的非正式理论的影响,甚至取决于这些理论。”(,Corder,1973:19,),“,A language teaching theory expresses or implies answers to questions about the nature of language. the task of language teaching or learning prompts the teacher almost invariably, and the learner not infrequently, to think about the nature of language.” (Stern 1983:182),3,言语交际是怎样一个过程?语言学家们有三种解释。,2.1 代码模式论,基本观点,:,言语交际是一个编码,-,传递,-,解码过程。,The starting point of the speech circuit is the brain of one individual, for instance A, where facts of consciousness which we shall call concepts are associated with representations of linguistic signs or sound patterns by means of which they may be expressed. Let us suppose that a given concept triggers in the brain a corresponding sound pattern. This is an entirely psychological phenomenon, followed in turn by a physiological process: the brain transmits to the organs of phonation from As mouth to Bs ear: a purely physical process. Next, the circuit continues in B in the opposite order: from ear to brain, the physiological transmission of the sound pattern; in the brain, the psychological association of this pattern with the corresponding concept.(Saussure,1922:28),2言语交际模式论的演变,4,代码模式由以下成分构成:,(1)信息发出者,(2)信息接受者,(3)信息,(4)代码,(5)编码过程,(6)信息传递过程,(7)解码过程,代码模式论的缺憾:,(1)未包括语境, 而一切事件都发生在时间、空间中。,(2)仅把言语交际视为信息传递过程,实际上这是一个集个体思维、人际互动、信息传递为一体的过程。,(3)假设语码与语义一一对应(fixed-code),实际上意义的表达方式灵活多样。,5,2.2 推理模式论,基本观点:言语交际往往不仅仅传递信息,说话的同时就在做事;言语交际过程中有的意义是隐含意义,必须经过推理才能明白。,1 I hereby declare open the 28th Olympic Games!,2 When did you begin to quit smoking?,对意义认识的深化:意义不仅仅涉及符号与世界的关系,还有人的主观能动性;语言不仅仅传递意义,也创造意义,。,2.3 示意-推理模式论,(ostensive-inferential model),基本观点:言语交际过程既有编码、解码又有推理;编码、解码、推理都受语境(包括认知语境)制约,都是复杂的选择过程。,3 John: Do you drink whisky?,Jack: I dont drink alcohol.,4 Jim: Have some beer?,Bill: Im going to drive to the airport.,6,2.4 对语言本质认识的深化,语言是多功能多层次的符号系统。,多功能:认知功能;互动功能;语篇功能,多层次:意义;词汇-语法;语音/文字,语言的使用单位是语篇(Text / Discourse)。语言符号系统为语篇提供资源;语篇利用系统,同时丰富系统,改变系统。语言符号系统产生于文化语境;,语篇生成于情境语境。生成语篇是要达到说话人(或作者)的目的。,5 Wet paint!,油漆未干!,小心油漆!,目的由语词-语法来体现。,7,图1 系统、语篇、语类、语境之间的关系 (Halliday and Matthiessen 2009:82),8,3,.,工具主义外语教学观的认识误区,语言通常被视为交际的工具。语文教育家们认为语文科兼有人文性和工具性,而外语教育本质上是技能教育(朱绍禹2002:20)。,我国外语教学长期以来仅把培养听、说、读、写、译技能作为教学目标,这是工具主义教育观的影响。 然而,“语言是工具”这一隐喻只认识到语言的部分本质。人类在劳动中创造了语言,也创造了人类自身。语言与人类生活相生相济,其性质是多面的。语言既是文化(尤其是思想文化)的载体,也是文化的组成部分。只把语言作为工具来教/学是外语教育的认识误区, 因为语言不同于任何工具,它不能拿来使用。它同时具有物理属性、心理属性、社会属性。语言学习过程既要掌握知识,又要培养技能。,工具主义外语教育观在方法上过多采用机械操练。其基本假设是:言语交际过程是编码、解码过程;人脑是编码、解码的机器。然而人脑与机器毕竟不同。人的主观能动性使人脑区别于机器。人脑功能的开发离不开经验。工具观的弊端在于忽略意义的主体性。这种语言观指导下的外语教学自然而然地将学习者置于被动接受的地位。教师的主要作用是提供适当的输入,重教授、操练,疏于设计活动让学生使用所学的语言。语言学习过程与使用过程脱节,学习者缺少体验,久而久之失去学习兴趣和动力。这样的语言学习好比“在岸上学游泳”。,9,这一缺失的根源也在于传统课程设计理念。传统课程论认为,课程的要素是社会、知识、学生。体现在课程体系中,只有知识具有本体论地位,而体验只有认识论地位。唯一直接给学生提供体验机会且列入课程的是实习(效果如何?各校情况不一)。英语实践类课程为学生提供了多少用英语的体验机会?恐怕调查结果不容乐观(暂且不说中小学的英语课堂)。“在岸上学游泳”现象并不少见。结果是,学生实际使用英语的能力达不到实际工作要求。尤其是说、写英语的能力很不容乐观。请看世界中国杂志封面的一句英文:Mr. Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister Writed the name for The World And China magazine. 这样的错误是英语知识不足造成的吗?显然不是。原因在于实际应用的太少。,10,使用隐喻是认识复杂事物的有效思维方法,但是隐喻的危险之处在于:任何一个隐喻都凸显认识对象的某些特征,同时也隐去了其它特征(例如:教师是燃烧的蜡烛。)。Sfard (1998) 概括了目前教育研究背后的两个隐喻。一个是习得(acquisition metaphor),另一个是用得 (participation metaphor)。前者视学习为知识积累过程,头脑被喻为容器。后者视学习过程为在具体环境下的活动、操作,学习不只是个体积累知识,而是在互动过程中成为团体的一员。,11,Braine (2010) 以香港英语教师考试通过率为例分析了英语作为外语的英语教师的技能弱项。,12,Warring (2010) 问:”Why cant students read, listen, speak and write well?,他的回答:,“-Their language knowledge is abstract, separated, discrete and very fragile to forgetting;,-Theres too much work on the pieces of language and not enough comprehensible, meaningful discourse;,-They havent met words and grammar enough times to feel comfortable using it;,-Not enough exposure. To acquire a 7000 word vocabulary requires them to meet about 15,000,000 words. A typical 3-year course book series has 250,000.,-They havent developed a sense of English yet.”,13,4. 主动学习的策略,4.1 学习风格的类型划分,依赖型(,authority-oriented, classroom-dependent, about language),参与型(,classroom-oriented, games in groups, people-oriented),自主型(,analytic learners, solitary, independent, about language),活跃型(,out-of-class learning, integrated skills, language as-use,taking risks,),4.2 主动学习的策略,学用结合,个体学习与合作学习结合,输出与输入并重,课内学习与课外学习并重,14,4.3 英语词汇学习策略及方法,扩大词汇量:记忆与提取,Knowledge of words determines ones vocabulary depth. Vocabulary width and depth constitute the basis of ones linguistic competence and communicative competence. If a word enters ones mental dictionary of active vocabulary, these aspects of knowledge are stored in the mind. Active vocabulary accounts for fluency and accuracy of a speaker/writers linguistic output. It is estimated that 6000 word families (28,000 words) enable listening, 8000 word families (34,000words) enable wide reading.,深入把握词的信息,拼写(英语发音与拼写不一致,给学习带来困难,例如 gaol),发音(含重音和次重音,psychology, psychological),意义(含指称意义和联想意义, politician),词类(英语词转类使用非常多),结构(复合词和派生词的结构有规律),语义联系(近义、反义、上下义、整体部分义关系构 成语义网络),句法功能(词类大体上有固定句法功能,但有例外,如main, able.),搭配(属惯用法,“大雾” “dense fog”, “贵宾室” “VIP room”),词与语类(词不离篇,词不离域,如thin out, thin down。在语篇中学习词的使 用,才能记得牢实。),15,精泛结合(,课本里的词汇只是冰山的尖端,泛读、泛听才能扩展词汇面),善用词典:,何时用?(以viper, bane为例),用语言词典还是百科全书?,用双语词典还是单语词典?,用小型词典还是中、大型词典?,用字母为序的词典还是其他排列法的词典(如分类词典、图解词典,同义词词典,如Rogets Thesaurus)?,6,The saw-scaled,viper,is found in dry sandy areas where there is little vegetation. Its length is about two feet, and it is sandy in color with darker spots. It is aggressive and very poisonous.,16,7 Balancing supply and demand,Sharp fluctuations in demand are a,bane,in the lives of many managers. But,manufacturing firms,can stock supplies of their product as a hedge against fluctuations in demand. This enables them to enjoy the economies derived from operating factories at steady levels. Few,service businesses,can do this easily. For example, the potential income from an empty seat on an airliner is lost for ever once that flight takes off. Hotel room-nights are equally ,perishable,. And the productive capacity of a car repair garage is wasted if no cars come in for servicing on a day when the garage is open. Conversely, when demand for service exceeds supply, the excess business may be lost. If someone cant get a seat on one flight, another,carrier,gets the business or the trip is cancelled. In other situations, customers may be forced to wait in a queue until sufficient productive capacity is available to serve them. (Source:,Services Marketing: A European Perspective.,),17,5. 结束语,我们从语言观与语言学习方法的关系入手探讨外语学习策略。功能语言学、语用学研究成果证明,语言是多功能、多层次的开放性符号系统。要掌握这样一个复杂的符号系统必须采取主动的学习策略,学用结合、个体学习与合作学习结合、输出与输入并重、课内学习与课外学习并重。以词汇学习为例,这些策略有助于外语学习者将学习和使用结合起来,学中用,用中学,不断提高自己的交际能力。这些策略基于语言学理论,也包含个人学习和教学体会,仅供参考,不妥之处欢迎批评指正。,18,主要参考文献,Austin, J.L.(1962) How to Do Things with Words M. Oxford University Press.,Braine,G.(2010) The non-native speaker movement: implications for ELT in China. Keynote speech at CELEA, October 29-31,Jinan,China,Corder, S. P. (1973) Introducing Applied Linguistics M. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books.,Halliday, M.A.K.(1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar M. London: Edward Arnold.,Halliday, M.A.K. 高等教育出版社。,Leech,G.(1983) Principles of Pragmatics M. London: Longman.,Skehan ,P.( 1998). A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning M. Oxford University Press.,Saussure, F. de (1959). Course in General Linguistics M. London: Duckworth.,Sfard,A.(1998) On two metaphors for learning and the dangers of choosing just one J.,Educational Researcher, No.2.,Sperber, D. and Wilson,D.(1986) Relevance: Communication and Cognition M. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.,Stern, H.H.(1983) Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching M. Oxford: Oxford University Press.,Willing, K. (1987)Learning Styles in Adult Migrant Education M. Adeleide: Adult Migrant Education Program.,Wring,R.(2010)The missing piece of the puzzle. Keynote speech at CELEA, October, 29-31,Jinan, China.,朱绍禹(2002)朱绍禹文存C。吉林人民出版社。,19,Thank you for your attention!,20,


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