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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一、祝愿,/,祝贺和应答,(Good wishes, congratulations and responses),1.- Well done and congratulations to you.,你干的很好,恭喜你!,- Thanks very much.,非常感谢。,2.- I hope youll succeed in everything.,希望你一切都能成功。,- So do I.,我也希望如此。,3.- I wish you success.,希望你能成功。,- Thank you. I would try my best.,谢谢,我会尽力。,4.- We send you our best wishes.,祝你们一切都好。,- Thank you very much.,非常感谢。,5.- Happy new year !,新年好!,- Happy new year! (The same to you.),新年好!(你也一样),6.- A merry Christmas to you.,圣诞快乐!,- Thank you, and same wishes to you and your family.,谢谢。同样的祝福送给你和你的家人。,7.- I hope youll have a good time.,希望你能过得愉快。,- Thank you.,谢谢。,8.- Happy birthday!,生日快乐!,- Thank you for your wish and your gift.,谢谢你的祝福和礼物。,二、邀请和应答 (,Invitations and responses,),1.- Would you like to come to the party?,你会来参加聚会吗?,- Oh, thank you, I will. Where will you have the party?,哦,谢谢,我会来的。你们在哪里举行呢?,- In the UBC. And the party starts at 7:00pm.,在,UBC,上岛咖啡,聚会从晚上,7:00,开始。,- OK. I will be there on time.,好的,我会按时到。,2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday.,希望你下周六能来跳舞。,- Im sorry, I had already other plan for that day.,不好意思,那天我已经有了安排。,3.- Will you go dancing with us?,你跟我们一起去跳舞好吗?,- Of course. Ill be glad to.,当然了,我很高兴能去。,4.- Will you come to our English Evening?,你会来参加我们的英语晚会吗?,- Yes, I would. Thank you for informing.,我会来的,谢谢你通知。,5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning?,您可以给我们进行关于英语学习的演讲吗?,- Yes, I would like.,好的,我很愿意。,6.- You and your friends could come over to my house and taste some moon-cakes.,你和你朋友可以来我家,尝尝月饼。,- OK. Thank you very much.,好的,非常感谢。,7. - Be my guest.,请随便,- Much obliged.,非常感谢,三、同意和不同意,(Agreement and disagreement),1.- I think the shop is closed at this time.,我觉得这会儿商店已经关门了。,- No, its still open. The normal close time is 21:00pm.,不,还开着。正常关门时间是晚上,9,点。,2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science.,我认为外语比科学更有趣。,- I really cant agree with you. I prefer science.,我不同意你的意见,我更喜欢科学。,3.- I think I shall read a book instead.,我想我应该换成读书。,- Good idea. Thats much better than watching a bad TV Program.,好主意,比起看不好的电视栏目好多了。,4.- I dont think that its true. Hes always telling strange stories.,我觉得那不是真的,他总是将那种奇怪的故事。,- I know. But this time I cant decide if he is right or not.,我知道,但是这次我也无法判断他是对还是不对。,5.- I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject.,我觉得中文可比其他科目更受欢迎。,- But on my point of view, art is more popular.,但是依我看,美术更受欢迎。,6.- Dont think in Chinese when youre speaking English.,说英语时不要想着汉语。,- Yeah, I agree with you./ I couldnt agree more.,是的,我同意你的意见。,四、道歉和应答 (,Apologies and responses,),1. - Sorry to trouble you.,抱歉打扰你。,- Thats all right.,没关系。,2.- Oh, I am so sorry to interrupt your study.,哦,很抱歉打扰你的学习。,- Thats quite all right. What could I do for you?,没问题,有什么事吗?,3.- Im sorry to give you so much trouble.,不好意思给你添这么多麻烦。,- No trouble at all.,不麻烦。,4.- Im sorry. I lost the key to your bike.,对不起,我把你的车钥匙丢了。,- It doesnt matter. I still have one copy at home.,没关系,我家里还有一套。,5.- Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.,不好意思让你等这么长时间。,- It doesnt matter.,没关系。,6.- You havent paid for it yet, sir!,先生,你还没付钱呢。,- Oh, Im really very sorry. I am so hurry to catch the bus.,哦,对不起。我光顾着要去赶汽车了。,五、劝告和建议 (,Advice and suggestions,),1.- The park isnt far from here. Shall we walk there?,公园离这儿不远,我们走着去吧?,- OK. No problem.,好的,没有问题。,2.- Youd better close the windows. Its cold in the room.,你最好把窗子关上吧,屋里冷了。,- All right.,好的。,3.- If you are not better by then, Ill take you to see the doctor.,如果到时候你还没有好点的话,我会带你去看医生。,- OK. Thank you very much.,好的,非常感谢。,4.- Youd better look after yourself and dont keep yourself too busy.,你最好照顾好自己,别让自己太忙了。,- Yes, I will. Thanks.,好的,我会的。谢谢你。,5.- The museum is very far from here. Let catch a bus, shall we?,博物馆离这里太远了,我们坐汽车去,好吗?,- OK. Lets catch a bus.,好的,我们坐汽车吧。,6.- You must remember the saying: Whatever you do, do it well.,你要记住一句话:不管做什么事,都要做好它。,- Thank you for your advice.,谢谢你的建议。,7. - Dont waste your time. It wouldnt be within your power,不要浪费时间了,你也没这个能力。,- Right as rain.,千真万确(你说的很对),六、打电话 (,Making telephone calls,),1. - Hello! No. 5 Middle School.,你好,这里是第五中学。,- Hello, may I speak to Mr. Green, please?,你好,我想找,Green,先生。,- Im sorry. Mr. Green is not in right now.,对不起,,Green,先生这会儿不在。,- When will he be back?,那他什么时候回来?,- About six this afternoon.,大概下午六点吧。,- All right. Ill ring/call again then.,好吧,我到时候再打电话给他。,- Very well. Bye-bye,!好的,再见!,2. - Hello!,你好!,- Hello, Han Mei. Could I borrow your charger please?,你好,韩梅。我能借一下你的充电器吗?,- Sorry! Its not a very good line. Could you speak more loudly?,对不起,线路不太好。你能大点声吗?,- Could I borrow your charger for the Nokia mobile?,我能借用你的诺基亚手机充电器吗?,- Sure. Ill bring it to you tomorrow.,当然可以。明天我给你带来。,- Thank you. Goodbye.,谢谢你,再见。,七、请求允许和应答 (,Asking for permission and responses,),1.- Please let me help you.,我来帮你吧。,- No, thanks. I can handle it.,不用谢谢。我自己能行。,2.- Can I see your license, please?,我能看一下你的证件吗?,- OK. Wait one moment. Here you are.,好的,等一会儿。给你。,3.- May I call you James directly ?,我能直接叫你,James,吗?,- Of course, if you wish.,当然可以,如果你愿意。,4.- Could I borrow your bicycle, please?,我能借用一下你的自行车吗?,- Of course. With pleasure.,当然可以。我很愿意。,5.- Excuse me. May I use your dictionary?,打扰一下,我能用一下你的词典吗?,- Yes, here you are.,当然,给你。,6.- May I ask you several questions?,我能问你几个问题吗?,- Yes, of course.,当然可以。,7.- Could you do some favor to me?,你能帮我个忙吗?,- I am certain of it.,当然可以。,8.- Do I have your word hes gonna be all right?,你可以保证他没事吗?,- Yeah, you got my word.,是的,我说话算话。,八、提供和应答 (,Offers and responses,),1.- May I help you?,我来帮你吧?,- Oh yes, thank you.,哦,好的,谢谢你。,2.- Let me help you with the bags.,让我来帮你拿包吧。,- Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same.,哦,我自己能行,谢谢你。,3.- Can we help you?,我们能帮你什么吗?,- I want to go to hospital. But I cant go by myself. My leg hurts.,我想去医院,但是我自己去不了。我的腿受伤了。,4.- Must I clean the classroom now?,我必须现在打扫教室吗?,- Oh, you neednt. You could do it just before you leave.,哦,不必要现在。你可以在走之前打扫。,5.- Would you like a cup of tea?,要来杯茶吗?,- Yes, please.,好的,谢谢。,6.- What can I do for you?,我能帮你什么吗?,- Id like to buy a handbag.,我想买个手提包。,九、问路和应答,(Asking the way and responses),1.- Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please?,打扰一下,请问洗手间在哪里?,- Oh, its over there.,哦,就在那边。,2.- Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is?,打扰一下,你能告诉我书店在哪里吗?,- Look! Its on the other side of the road.,看!在路的对面就是。,3.- How far is the post office, please?,请问邮局还有多远?,- Only a few kilometers.,只有几公里。,4.- Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?,你能告诉我去火车站怎么走吗?,- Go down this street. At the end of the road youll see it.,沿着这条街走过去,到路的尽头就看见了。,5.- Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?,打扰一下,你能告诉我怎么去超市吗?,- Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. Youll find it.,这条路直走,穿过天桥,在书店的位置右转,你就能看见超市了。,十、购物 (,Shopping,),1.- What can I do for you?,有什么需要帮忙的吗?,- Id like some apples.,我想买些苹果。,2.- Where can I buy some stationery?,我在哪里能买到文具?,- Lets look at the shopping guide. Oh, its on the ground floor.,我们看一下商场导购图,哦,在一楼。,3.- Could I buy two kilo oranges?,帮我秤,2,公斤桔子,好吗?,- Certainly. You could choose first by yourself.,当然,你先自己选一下吧。,4.- Will you please show me that camero?,你能把那个照相机拿给我看一下吗?,- Certainly.,当然可以。,- How much is it?,多少钱?,- Two thousand and one hundred yuan. 2100,块。,5.- Good morning, sir. May I help you?,早上好,先生。您要点什么?,- Yes, Id like to buy a sweater(,毛衣,).,哦,我想买件毛衣。,十一、谈论天气 (,Talking about the weather,),1.- Its a fine day for a walk.,今天天气很好,适合散步。,- Yes, the air is nice and clean.,是的,空气这么清新。,2.- Oh dear! Its very cold today.,哦,天哪!今天太冷了。,- Yes, you need to wear more clothes.,是的,你应该多穿些衣服。,3.- Whats the weather like today?,今天天气怎么样?,- Its fine. Sunny and light wind.,天气很好。阳光充足,有点微风。,4.- Whats the weather like in your country now?,你们国家现在的天气怎么样?,- Its very hot. About 32 degrees at noon time.,现在很热,正午时大概有,32,度。,5.- Lovely weather, isnt it?,很好的天气,对吧?,- Yes, isnt it? Lets ask John to go fishing together.,天气是很好。我们叫上,John,一起去钓鱼吧。,6.- I missed the weather report this morning. Did you hear it?,今天早上我没听天气预报,你听了吗?,- Yes. It said partly cloudy today, with a strong wind from the northwest.,听了。今天大部分时间多云,有较强的西北风。,十二、时间或日期和应答,(Asking the time or date and responses),1.- Hi, Mary. What time is it now?,嗨,,Mary,。现在几点了?,- Its about three.,差不多三点吧。,2.- What day is it today?,今天星期几了?,- Its Wednesday.You should be on duty today.,今天星期三,该你值班了。,3.- Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?,打扰一下,你知道飞机几点起飞吗?,- Certainly. It leaves at ten in the evening.,当然,晚上,10,点起飞。,4.- Whats the time? My watch has stopped.,几点了?我的手表停掉了。,- Let me see. Its five to ten.,我看看,差五分不到,10,点。,5.- Excuse me. Have you got the time?,打扰一下,你知道几点了吗?,- Yes, its six twenty.,哦,六点二十了。,6.- Excuse me. Could you tell me the time?,打扰一下,你能告诉我现在几点了吗?,- Oh sorry, I dont have watch with me.,哦,不好意思。我没戴表。,7.- When are you ready?,你什么时间准备好?,- No time like the present.,现在就行,十三、约会 (,Making appointments,),1.- Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you.,下周三晚上你有空吗?我想跟你一起去看电影。,- Next Wednesday? Yes, I will be free. And Id like to go.,下周三?是的,我有空。我很愿意去。,2.- When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?,我们什么时间碰面,今天晚上还是明天晚上?,- I dont mind. Either time is OK.,我无所谓,哪个时间都可以。,3.- Are you free later today?,今天晚些时候你有时间吗?,- Sorry, Im free every day except today.,对不起,我每天都有空,就是今天很忙。,4.- Are you able to come tomorrow morning?,你明天早上能来吗?,- I think so.,我想可以。,5.- Are you free this afternoon?,今天下午你有空吗?,- Oh no. Will this evening be all right?,哦,没有。今天晚上可以吗?,6.- Im busy today. What about tomorrow afternoon?,我今天很忙,明天下午怎么样?,- That would be fine. Shall we make it four oclock?,好的。那我们约在明天下午,4,点吧。,十四、 禁止和警告 (,Prohibition and warnings,),1.- Dont climb that ladder! Its broken.,别爬那个梯子,坏掉了。,- OK. Thank you for reminding.,好的,谢谢你的提醒。,2.- Look out! Theres a car coming.,小心!有车来了。,- Oh, my god,!,Thank you.,哦,我的天哪!谢谢你。,3.- You mustnt play on the street. Its dangerous.,你们不能去街上玩,太危险了。,- No, we wont.,好的,我们不去。,4.- Dont touch the machine when it is working.,设备运转的时候不要去碰它。,- No, I wont. Thank you.,好的,我不会的。谢谢你。,5.- You are not allowed to smoke here.,这里不允许抽烟。,- Oh, Im sorry. I dont know that.,哦,对不起,我不知道。,6.- You cant walk your dog in the park.,你不能在公园遛狗。,- Oh, Im sorry. Ill never do it again.,哦,对不起。我不会再这样做了。,十五、看病 (,Seeing the doctor,),1. - Im feeling tired, doctor.,医生,我感觉很累。,- Have a good rest and then youll feel better.,好好休息就没事了。,2. - How are you feeling today?,今天感觉怎么样?,- Im feeling even worse.,今天更糟了。,3. - Doctor, she is not feeling well.,医生,她不太舒服。,- Nothing serious, I hope.,希望不太严重。,4. - Doctor, do I have to take the medicine before or after meals?,医生,我必须在饭前还是饭后吃药?,- Three times a day after meals.,每天三次,都是在饭后。,5. - Whats the matter with you?,你怎么了,?- Ive got a headache.,我有点头疼。,6. - Whats your trouble?,你有什么不舒服的吗?,- Ive had a pain in my stomach since morning.,从早上还是就有些肚子疼。,十六、语言困难(,Language difficulties,),1. - I dont quite follow you, Mr. Green. Will you please say it again?,我没听懂您的意思,,Green,先生。您能再说一遍吗?,- OK.,好的。,2. - Do you follow what Im saying?,听懂我的话了吗?,- Sorry, I cant follow you.,对不起,我没听懂。,3. - I beg your pardon. Will you say it again?,不好意思,您能重复一遍吗?,- All right.,好的。,4. - Will you say it again more slowly? I cant follow you.,你能再慢点说一遍吗?我没跟上。,- OK. No problem.,好的,没问题。,5. - Will you please repeat what youve just said?,你能重复一下刚才的话吗?,- OK. Ill repeat what I have said.,好的,我再来说一遍。,6. - Im sorry, I dont understand French. Do you speak English?,对不起,我不懂法语,您会说英语吗?,- Yes, I do. But only a little.,是的,我会,但只会一点。,


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