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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,英语报刊新闻标,题,1. Grammatical Features,2.,Wording Features,3.,Rhetorical Features,Part,I: Grammatical Features,1. Omission,Omission of function words, such as articles, possessive pronouns, be verbs, auxiliary verbs, etc.,省略冠词、物主代词、系动词、助动词,等等,37 Killed in Italian Plane Crash = 37 Killed in an Italian Plane Crash,Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year = (A) Mother (and) Her Daughter Share (a) Fulbright Year,母女同享富布莱特访学年,Three Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas. =Three Are Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas,Political Efforts Vital to Reform- Party Leader = Political Efforts Are Vital to ReformParty Leader,Financier Killed By Burglars = (A) Financier Is Killed By Burglars,Moscows Food Prices Soaring = Moscows Food Prices Are Soaring,保留冠词、连词和系动词等虚词:顾全某些习语或词组的完整性,1) Combat on the Web,网络之战,2,),TB on the Rise Again in London,伦敦地区结核病卷土重来,1. Global Poll: Fashion Models “Too Thin”,2. What Declining Registration Rate for PostGrad Exam Mean?,3. Bushs Approval Rating Plunges to New Low,4. Great Wall at Top of “Worlds New Seven Wonders”,5. Both Ends of Films to Be Shortened,6. Lots of Fruit in Childhood Cuts Adult Cancer Risk,7. US, Russia Warned of Repeat of Cold War,1. A Global Poll Shows Fashion Models,are,“Too Thin”(全球调查:时装模特“太瘦”),2. What,Does,the Declining Registration Rate for the Post-Grad Exam Mean?(考研热为何降温?),3. Bushs Approval Rating Plunges to,a,New Low(布什 支持率跌至历史新低),4. The Great Wall,is,at the Top of the “Worlds New Seven Wonders”(长城跻身“世界新七大奇迹”之首),5. Both Ends of Films,are,to Be Shortened(片头片尾 将“减肥”),6. Lots of Fruit in ones Childhood Cuts,an,Adult Cancer Risk(孩提时水果摄入多 成年后癌症风险低),7. The US and Russia,are,Warned of,a,Repeat of,the,Cold War (俄美受到警告,谨防冷战重现),2. Tense,新闻标题中一般不用过去时态,而 采用现在时态 ,使读者阅报时一如现在时态置身于这条新闻事件中,这叫做 “新闻现在时”(Journalistic Present Tense),与文学写作中的 “历史现在时”(Historical Present Tense)实际上完全一样。,新闻用了过去时态,容易给人一种陈旧感,被认为新闻 不“新”。 e.g: Heavy Rain Lashed City vs Heavy Rain Lashes City 一般现在时从形式上来增强报道的新鲜感(Freshness)、现实感(Reality)、 直接感(Immediacy)。,2. Tense,此外,标题采用动词的一般现在时还可省去动词过去式构成中常见的“ed”两个字母,节省标题字数。Russian Leader Meets Fidel Castro In Cuba (Russian Leader Meets (Met) Fidel Castro,),In Gunfire, Explosions Rock Mumbai Hotel (Gunfire and Explosions Rocked a Mumbai Hotel),注意:当标题中出现时间状语时,动词用过去时。,例如: Unemployment in U.K. Increased in October 十月份英国失业率上升,2. Tense,英语新闻标题中常用的动词时态主要有三种: 一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时。,对于正在发生的事态或动作,英语新闻标题采 用“Be现在分词”这一形式,但其中“Be” 又通常省略。因此,剩下的ing分词便在新闻标题中直接表示正在进行的动作或正在发展 的事态。例如:,BBC,Considering,Starting Global Television Service (BBC,is Considering,Starting (the) Global Television Service),Deposits, Loans,Rising,In Shanghai. (Deposits And Loans,Are Rising,In Shanghai),2. Tense,标题中动词的将来时:,1)will+动词原形 Next Century will Challenge Law of Land,2)更多采用“be动词不定式”,其中be通 常省略,以节省标题字数。即动词不定式 在英语新闻标题中可直接表示未来动作。 例如:,Romania to Buy Iran Oil at $35 a Barrel =Romania is to Buy Iran Oil at $35 a Barrel,Largest Chinese Trade Delegation to Visit US in Nov. = Largest Chinese Trade Delegation is to Visit US in Nov.,3. Voice,英语新闻标题中,动词表示被动语态时,被动语态结构“be过去分词”中的助动词“be” 通常被省略。即,用过去分词直接表示被动语态。同时,“by”和它引出的动作的执行 者也经常省略。如:,Journalist Fired in Spy Debate-,A Journalist is Fired in a Spy Debate (涉嫌间谍案纠纷 一记者被炒鱿鱼),3. Voice,其实,英文新闻标题使用动词的主动语态的频 率远远超过被动语态。只有在事件或动作的接受者比执行者更重要时才使用被动语态,突出强调宾语部分,引起读者注意。,Europe Tested by Financial Crisis (Europe is Tested by Financial Crisis),33 Killed in Northeast India Fighting (33 are Killed in Northeast India Fighting),4. Punctuation,英语新闻标题一贯注重结构精练,不使用标点的情况占了绝大多数。,例如,使用陈述句的标题都省略句号。即便使用某个标点符号,其主要目的不外乎两种:,1. 区分表示各句子成分或意群之间的 关系;,2. 进一步节省标题字数。,4. Punctuation,1,),逗,号(comma),常被用来代替连词“and”,表示并列成分之间的停顿。,例如: 表示并列成分之间的停顿。,Guangzhou Fair Closes, Trade Booms =The Guangzhou Fair Closes And The Trade Booms (广交会闭幕 交易量火爆),2,),冒,号(colon),除了用在引语之前表示“说” 外,还经常被用来代替联系动词“Be”。,例如:Health Survey: New Yorker Fitter, Slimmer =Health Survey says (that) New Yorker is Fitter and Slimmer (健康调查称纽约人更加健康和苗条),Shanghai: Resplendent Pearl Of New China. =Shanghai Is A Resplendent Pearl Of New China (上海:新中国的璀璨明珠),4. Punctuation,3,)破,折号(dash) 主要用于在引进某一说法时,破折号交代说话者身份,既可以表示引语本身可能比说话人更重要, 又可使标题内容更加直接、真实。例如:Political Efforts Vital to Reform Party Leader = Party Leader says that Political Efforts Are Vital to Reform World Unity,Against Terrorism NeededBrown =Brown says that World Unity Against Terrorism is Needed (布朗表示:全世界需联手反恐),4. Punctuation,4,)分,号(semicolon) 表示两层意思。,The Gay-Marriage Flap; The Government is out of Step (also Rhyme) (同性婚姻遭抨击;政府背离公众舆论),5,) 用,单引号代替双引号(single/double quotation marks),Irans nuclear threat hyped, says UN watchdog,(联合国观察机构表示:伊朗核威胁被“夸大”),Part II: Wording Features,英,语新闻标题大都喜欢选,用字,形短小、音节不多而意义又比较广泛的词,优,势:,1. 不但可节省、美化版面,还可增强新闻的简洁性和可读性,2. 这些小词均为带有新闻体特色的词汇,并且词义范畴很宽,新闻英语称这类词为“万能同义,词,”(synonyms of all work)。,1. Allowance to be cut in 200,000 families (政府消减津贴波及二十万家庭) 比较:reduced,2. Reshuffle axes Frances cabinet (法国政府改组 阁员人数锐减) 比较:reduce drastically,3,. Ethiopia Jails Jews Escaping to Israel (逃往以色列未果 埃犹太人险囹圄),比,较:put into,prison,体会:,US Refuses to Back Environment Fund,Europe Hold Talks to End Tension in Yugoslavia,World Eyes Mid-East Peace Talk,accord=agreement(协议),aidassistance(帮助),aim=purpose(目的),arms= weapons (武器),blastexplosion(爆炸),bodycommittee, commission (委员会),dealagreement, transaction (协议,交易),nodapproval(许可,批准),flop,failure,(失败),freeze,stabilization,(物价、 工资等)冻结),gems,jewels (,珠宝;首饰),pact,agreement, treaty,(条约, 协议),poll,election, public opinion poll,(投票选举,民意测验),probeinvestigation(调查),envoyambassador(大使),fakecounterfeit(赝品,骗局),fetecelebration(庆祝(活动),feudstrong dispute(严重分歧),pullout,withdrawal,(撤退,撤 离),rift,separation,(隔离,分离),set,ready,(准备),step,progress,(进程,进步),strife,conflict,(冲突,矛盾),talk=negotiation(,谈判),ties,(diplomatic) relations,(外交)关系),Part II: Wording Features - 缩略词,作用&特点:既可节省版面标题词数,又能更好地提示新 闻内容,使人读来颇感简洁易记,还可使版面编排减少沉闷之感。 无论是常见的还是陌生的,其全称一般均能 在消息正文的第一段即导语(lead)中找到, 不解之处便可迎刃而解了,。,1,.,Vice-chairman,of CMC,(中,央军委副主席) CMC Central CMC:Central Military Commission,2. G20 FM meeting closes with agreement on IMF reform, exchange rates (20国集团财长会议闭幕,就国际货币基金 组织改革及汇率问题达成一致) G20: the Group of 20 FM: Finance Minister IMF: International Monetary Fund,Part II: Wording Features - 缩略词,英语新闻标题中经常出现的缩略词主要分为三类:,1、组织机构等专有名称,CPPCC=Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference,UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization,IMFInternational Monetary Fund,ASEANAssociation Of Southeast Asian Nations,OPECOrganization Of Petroleum Exporting,Countries,IOC,International Olympic Committee,NASANational Aeronautics And Space Administration,IAEA= International Atomic Energy Agency,2,、常见事物名称:,Aids,(艾滋病),【,获得性免疫功能丧失综合症,】 (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,UFO,Unidentified Flying Object,DJI,Dow-Jones Index,CPI=Consumer Price Index,PR,Public RelationsSALT,Strategic Arms Limitation Talks,(限制战 略武器会谈),SDI,Strategic Defense Initiative,(战略防御措施),GMT,Greenwich Mean Time,JV=Joint Venture IPR=Intellectual Property Rights,3、职业、职务或职称的简称,如MP(议员)。,CMO= Chief Market Officer 首席市场总监 CTO= Chief Technology Office 首席技术官 COO= Chief Operating Officer 首席运营官,TPTraffic Policeman交通警察,PAPersonal Assistant私人助理,FM= Foreign Minister 外长; Finance Minister 财长,DM= Defense Minister 国防部长,GMGeneral Manager总经理,CFO= Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官,Part III: Rhetorical Features,标题修辞的作用: 生动有力、鲜明形象、引人注目,。,1)头韵 (Alliteration/Initial Rhyme/Head Rhyme,),The sun sank slowly,a. Protestants Protest ( The Sunday Times, July 9, 2000) 新教徒示威抗议。,b. Serena Sinks Sister for Success小威战胜 大威赢得胜利 (每个单词的第一个字母都是“S”, 使用的是头韵手法。声调的铿锵有力渲染了气 氛, 引起读者注意。),Part III: Rhetorical Features,2),尾韵:又称押韵。(Rhyme),witty/pretty; love/above;Dating and Mating for Over-35s,利用词尾读音相同, 意义相辅或相悖的词组成标题, 达到音韵和谐, 表意鲜明, 突出的效果。如:,a. Construction in Scenic spot: Protection or Destruction( Beijing Review Oct.17, 2002 P26) 景点建筑: 是保护还是破坏。,b. The lost, the best ( Shanghai Star, March27- April 2, 2003)失去的是最好的。描写人们的怀旧心理。,c. After The Boom, Everything Is Gloom (押韵)繁华好景不再, 萧条接踵而来。,Part III: Rhetorical Features,3) 比喻:,标题中运用比喻, 使新闻中的人物和事件更为鲜明突出。标题通常使用暗喻,(Metaphor),a: Children Under Parents Wing( China Daily, Oct.8, 2002),文章讲述美国中学发生枪击事件后, 许多家长亲自送孩子上学。原文标题中形象地用翅膀来比喻父母的保护, 读者接受这种喻体, 可直译为: 父母“翅膀”底下的孩子。,b: Catching the Asian Flu 华尔街患上亚洲流感 (In 1998, Asian Financial Crisis spread to Wall Street.),c: Middle East:A Cradle of Terror 中东:恐怖主义的摇篮,a. No OPEL, No Hope? (失去欧宝,无宝可压?),b. Tiny Islands, big dispute (小岛屿,大争端),c. Ordinary Folks, Heroic Acts ( 寻常百姓, 非凡作为),d. Yao Ming: NBA Giant is Big in U.S., Bigger in China,(姚明:NBA巨人在美国受欢迎,在中国更 受欢迎)big: 美语中口语意为大受欢迎popular, 与giant相呼应,很容易使人联想起与语境关系,密切,的,“,大个子,”“,大人物,”,等含义,使整个标,题活,泼有趣,效果远胜普通的popular,e. Microsoft to Open a New Window,


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