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,专项训练,词汇专训,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,flight,2,succeed,3,exactly,4,stupid,6,7,8,9,10,wealthy,transport,education,deaf,spare,单词篇一,5,Officer,11,12,13,14,15,electric,fear,double,blood,still,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,16,17,18,19,20,smooth,straight,proper,expect,agreement,21,22,23,24,25,effort,harm,physical,served,similar,26,27,28,29,30,invitation,painting,heat,achieve,including,一,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,3,1,32,3,3,3,4,3,5,secretary,industry,boss; prove,knives,role,3,6,3,7,3,8,3,9,4,0,whenever,try,seldom,tiny,candles,一,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,physical,2,harms,3,effort,4,requires,6,7,8,9,10,damage,weight,wealth,inviting,cross,二,5,straight,11,12,13,14,15,harmful,population,includes,fetch,absent,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,16,17,18,19,20,advice,candles,wings,spare,zeros,21,22,23,24,25,note,achieve,knives,progress,flight,26,27,28,29,direct,stupid/silly,exactly,pilot,二,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,postman,2,cold,3,full-time,4,tiny,6,7,8,9,10,Above,absent,Both,instead,such,三,5,education,11,12,13,14,15,fails,Thanks to,exactly,knives,himself,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,16,17,18,19,20,quarters,Indians,secretary,present,role,21,22,23,24,25,sudden,soft,edge,expect,gentlemen,26,27,28,29,30,spoken,beat,disappointed,Pardon,thankful,三,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,3,1,32,3,3,3,4,3,5,tenth,is produced,seldom,lovely,beside,三,1,to return,2,largest,3,opening,4,across,6,7,8,9,10,third,achieve,kindness,direct,smoothly,5,succeed,四,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,family,2,older,3,quiet,4,how,6,7,8,9,10,need,replied,before,invited,forgets,五,5,kindness,11,12,impolite,knives,四,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,try their best,2,give,up,3,wake up,4,laugh,at,6,7,8,9,10,are thirsty for,pull together,a pair of,thousands of,such as,短语篇一,5,stays in touch,11,12,13,14,15,worry about,looking,forward,to,by coach,as long as,go for a walk,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,16,17,18,19,20,take an interest in,in pain,died from,looking up,in the future,一,1,because of,2,as long as,3,how to take care of,4,Dont take off,5,succeeded in,二,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,6,7,8,9,10,as much as,less; than,To my surprise,used to,seldom; by ship,二,11,12,13,14,15,set off,fell asleep,catch up with,Thanks to,get on/along,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,16,17,18,19,20,make an effort,once in a while,compare; with,either; or,deal with; ask; for,21,22,23,24,25,Instead of,How clean,is used for,any more,is famous as,二,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,3,1,3,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,Even though/if,Together with,too much,learnt; from,In fear of,26,27,28,29,30,is made of,wake up to,it difficult to,at the same time,grew up,二,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,41,42,43,at the beginning/start of,to keep cool/calm,pull together,3,6,3,7,3,8,3,9,4,0,anything special,surprised to hear,get; ready,laugh at,make a living,二,一、根据汉语提示写单词,1. The _,(,航班,) arrived,in Hong Kong on time though the weather was bad.,2. I believe you will _,(,成功,) if,you dont give up.,3. Tell me _,(,确切地,) where,she lives,.,flight,succeed,exactly,4. I was _,(,糊涂的,) enough,to believe him.,5. She is the Chief Information _,(,官员,).,6. I want to be _,(,富有的,) and,healthy.,7. You can take many different kinds of _,(,交通工具,) to,New York,.,stupid,wealthy,transport,Officer,8. In,addition, health,_,(,教育,) plays,a key role in improving peoples health.,9. You neednt talk to him. He cant hear you because hes _,(,聋的,).,10.,Mary, what,do you like doing in your,_ (,空闲的,) time?,11. Nowadays, _ (,电动的,) bikes are becoming more and more popular.,education,deaf,spare,electric,12. Pieces of glass and bricks fell down and we looked at each other in _,(,恐惧,).,13. Ten is the _,(,两倍,) of,five.,14. A lot of volunteers donated their _,(,血,) to,the sick kid.,15. Keep _,(,静止的,) while,I brush your hair.,fear,double,blood,still,16. The road became very _,(,平坦的,) after,the workers, repairing,.,17. How many,_ (,直的,) lines,must be drawn here?,18. Dont climb the mountain without _,(,合适的,) equipment.,smooth,straight,proper,19. Our parents all _,(,期望,) us,to have a bright future.,20. Never shout at your parents even if you are not in,_ (,意见一致,).,21. You should put your _,(,努力,) into,your study.,22. The earth is our home. We shouldnt do,any _ (,伤害,) to,the environment.,expect,agreement,effort,harm,23. He always does _,(,身体的,) exercises,in the park.,24. All the guests have been _,(,提供,) with,food and drinks.,25. The customs in Qingdao are _,(,相似的,) to,those in Yantai.,26. Thanks for your,_ (,邀请,).,physical,served,similar,invitation,27. When we arrived,there, the,workers were,busy _ (,刷油漆,).,28. Im surprised that they are still playing basketball in the _,(,炎热天气,).,29. The boy will try his best to _,(,实现,) his,dream.,30. Ten,people, _ (,包含,) a baby, were,hurt in the crash.,painting,heat,achieve,including,31. Is your sister a,_ (,秘书,)?,32. My uncle decided to enter the film _,(,行业,) when,he was in his fifties.,33. The _,(,老板,) of,the company didnt have any evidence to _,(,证明,) he,was at the scene of the crime,.,secretary,industry,boss,prove,34. Western people like to use _,(,餐刀,) and,forks while they are eating.,【,2021,广安,】,35. The _,(,角色,) of,women has changed a lot since ten years ago.,36. You can ask for help,_ (,无论何时,) you,need it,.,knives,role,whenever,37. Would you like to swim in the pool with us? Why not have a _,(,尝试,)?,38. I _,(,很少地,) go,to the movies.,39. I live in a _,(,极,小,的,) room,.,40. She blew out all the _,(,蜡烛,) at,one go,.,try,seldom,tiny,candles,二、根据首字母提示写单词,1. You should do more,p,exercises, or,youll be much fatter.,2. You must give up smoking. It,h,your,health.,3. We should put more,e,into,our work,.,hysical,arms,ffort,4. Good health,r,enough exercise and a balanced diet.,5. When watching the raising of the national,flag, we,should stand with our backs,s,.,【,2021,苏州,】,6. The storm did serious,d,to,the crops.,7. His team had lost the game because of him. He felt,like there,was a heavy,w,on,his shoulders as,he walked,home alone.,【,中考,杭州,】,equires,amage,eight,traight,8. Creativity is great,w,for,us because of,its value,in our work and life,.,【,中考,成都,】,9. Thank you for,i,me,to your birthday party.,10. The lights are red. Its dangerous to,c,the road,now.,ealth,nviting,ross,11. Such bad books shouldnt be allowed to sell at,any bookstore,. They are,h,to,children.,12. Whats the,p,of,China?,13. The tour,i,a,visit to the,Disneyland, so you neednt,pay for the tickets.,【,中考,成都,】,armful,opulation,ncludes,14. Youre too tired and thirsty. Stay here. Ill,f,.,you,some water.,15. He was,a,from,school because he was ill,.,etch,bsent,16. I dont know what to do next. Could you give,me some,a,?,17. She lit the,c,on,the birthday cake.,18. The swan flapped its,w,noisily,.,19. What do you usually do in your,s,time?,20. The number,1, 000, 000,is written with a one and,six,z,.,【,2021,杭州,】,dvice,andles,ings,pare,eros,21. When you see,Alice, give,her this,n,of thanks,.,22. Everybody should be given the chance to,a,their,aims.,23. We usually cut apples with,k,.,ote,chieve,nives,24. Speak English as much as possible and youll,make great,p,in,spoken English one day.,【2021,自贡,】,25. It is the first time for Tom to be on a,f,. He has,never travelled by plane before.,rogress,light,26. After,school, I,went,d,home without stopping,because that day was my birthday.,27. The emperor was really,s,because,he,wasnt wearing,any clothes,.,irect,tupid/silly,28. The answers are,e,the,same. There,arent any,differences.,29. Her brother is a famous,p,and,he is good,at driving,the plane.,xactly,ilot,三、选择合适的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空,A,1,. What does his father do?,He is a,_.,He works in a post office,.,cold, education, postman, tiny, full-time,postman,2. I dont like winter because I cant stand,the,_ weather,.,3. She got a _,job,in a factory,.,cold, education, postman, tiny, full-time,cold,full-time,4. The hole is so _,.,The cat cant enter the,room through,it.,5. Although he had little,_, he,could read,and write,well.,cold, education, postman, tiny, full-time,tiny,education,B,6,. _,all, make,sure no one gets hurt.,7. The manager is angry with Mike because he has,been _ from,work for two days,.,absent, both, such, instead, above,Above,absent,8. _,Tom,and Mike are strong.,9. Im busy tonight. Will you go to the party _,of me,?,10. I like,animals, _ as,monkeys and pandas.,absent, both, such, instead, above,Both,instead,such,C,【2021,金华,】,11,. Every time when she,_, Jane,tells herself,not to,give up.,12. _,the,high-speed,trains, our journey becomes,much shorter now,.,fail, knife, exactly, thanks to, himself,fails,Thanks to,13. Many people cant remember _,when their mothers, birthdays are.,14. Western people eat with _,and,forks,while Chinese,people use chopsticks.,15. Bob told his parents that he could look,after,_ even,when he was home alone.,fail, knife, exactly, thanks to, himself,exactly,knives,himself,D,16,. In our school three _,of,students go to,school by bus.,17. They come from India. They are _,.,Indian, secretary, quarter, role, present,quarters,Indians,18. My _,will,phone you next,week.,19. How many people are _,at,the meeting?,20. She refused to take on the traditional womans _,.,Indian, secretary, quarter, role, present,secretary,present,role,E,21,. With a _,noise, the,earthquake happened.,22. This sofa is very comfortable and it feels very,_.,soft, expect, gentleman, sudden, edge,sudden,soft,23. Dont stand at the _,of,the mountain.,Its dangerous,.,24. Most people _,to,live up to 100 years old,in the,future.,25. Ladies and,_, welcome,to our school.,soft, expect, gentleman, sudden, edge,edge,expect,gentlemen,F,26,. Lingling isnt good at,writing, but her,_ English,is really good.,27. Disco music usually has a strong _,.,thank, disappoint, beat, speak, pardon,spoken,beat,28. Why do you look so,_?,29.,_?,I didnt quite catch your meaning.,30. We are,so _ for,all the support,.,thank, disappoint, beat, speak, pardon,disappointed,Pardon,thankful,G,【2021,台州,】,31,. Tom got a watch as a gift on his _,birthday,.,32. This kind of cotton,_ in,Xinjiang.,Many clothes,are made of it,.,beside, seldom, produce, lovely, ten,tenth,is produced,33. Ann _,watches,soap operas in her free time.,34. What a _,day,! Im sure well have a,good trip,today.,35. I always keep a dictionary _,me while learning,English.,beside, seldom, produce, lovely, ten,seldom,lovely,beside,四、用所给词的正确形式填空,1. Borrowers are expected,_ (return) books on time,.,2. Elephants are the _,(large) mammals,on land.,3. Do you mind me _,(open) the,window,?,to return,largest,opening,4. They are building a bridge _,(across) the river,.,5. I believe you will _,(succeed) in,passing,the English,exam.,6. This is the _,(three) novel,I have read,this month,.,【,中考,广西,】,across,third,succeed,7. You can only success through hard work,. _ (achievement),【,2021,大连中山区模拟,】,8. We need more people to pass on their _,(kind),to,those people around them.,achieve,kindness,9. Whats your plan after the exam?,We,are going to take a _,(direct) flight to Chengdu,when the exam is over.,10. Mr. Jiangs robot irons his business,suit _ (smooth) every,morning.,【,中考,宿迁,】,direct,smoothly,11. It is,_ (polite) to,keep others waiting,in many,western countries.,【,中考,兰州,】,12. Andrew often does DIY with,different _ (knife) in,his free time.,【,中考,淮安,】,impolite,knives,五、短文填空,【,2020,南通,】,根据首字母提示写,单词,完成,短文。,Reyes Guana grew up in a poor Mexican,family. He,has seven brothers and sisters. His parents,always did,two jobs to make ends meet. At,weekends, the whole,f,1,went to the fields to work. When the children were,young, they,stayed in the car. As they grew,o,2, they worked, too,.,amily,lder,As,a,boy, Guana,was a “very shy” child who was very,q,3,in school. He had few friends but he had a good relationship with the school cleaner. He liked to call the friendly lady “Nike” because she usually wore Nike clothes and shoes. Nike was a very organized person and the boy liked,h,4,she made everything clean.,uiet,ow,He,told her he wanted to be a,cleaner, too,. “,Well, its,good if you want to be a,cleaner, ” Nike,said to little Guana with,k,5,.“But make sure that you go to college and make it as one of your steps there.”,indness,Guana also looked up to the,principal(,校长,) of his,school. He was a tall and good-looking man.,Also, he,always helped someone in,n,6,. The,principal told,the boy that his job was to help students,and teachers. “Wow, when,I grow,up, I,want to do,what youre,doing,.” “Well, you,can do it,!” the principal,r,7,. Guana did get,there, and,the two men,remain friends,. The former principal is now almost 90 years,old.,eed,eplied,But,b,8,becoming a school,principal, Guana,followed in Nikes footsteps and worked for three schools in,Lodi, California,. And being a cleaner at a school made him think about how to show respect for everyone in an organization. In Guanas school system,today, everyone,is,i,9 to parties and events.,efore,nvited,Everyone is important not only the people who clean the floors or drive the buses but also the people who teach the students or lead the schools.,He never,f,10,where he came,from, or,how he felt.,Now, Guana,tells his own three children how important an education is for their lives.,orgets,一、 用方框中所给短语的正确形式,填空,(,有,一个,多余短语,),A,1,. They all,_ to,study in order to go,to college,.,2. You ought to,_ smoking.,stay in touch, laugh at, try ones best,give up, wake up, get up, turn off,try their best,give,up,3. It is time to get up. Please,_ your,sister.,4. It is impolite to _,people,who are,blind or,deaf.,5. Tom,_ with,his best friend by email.,stay in touch, laugh at, try ones best,give up, wake up, get up, turn off,wake up,laugh,at,stays in touch,B,【2020,安顺,】,6,. The students in my school,_ knowledge and,are very hard-working,.,pull together, a pair of, work out, such as,thousands of, are thirsty for,are thirsty for,7. I believe if we,_, our,table tennis,team can,do much better next time.,8. Eric bought his father _,black shoes with,his pocket money on Fathers Day,.,pull together, a pair of, work out, such as,thousands of, are thirsty for,pull together,a pair of,9. Giant pandas are one of our national treasures.,They are,seen by,_ people,every year.,10. Exercise _,playing,sports is fun.,We can,spend time with friends as we play together.,pull together, a pair of, work out, such as,thousands of, are thirsty for,thousands of,such as,C,11,. Dont _,your,job. Take things easy.,12. In his letter he said he was,_ seeing us,soon,.,by coach, as long as, worry about, look forward to,at the end of, go for a walk,worry about,looking,forward,to,13. We took a tour _,to,Hangzhou,and had,a great time.,14. You can get good grades,_ you work,hard.,15. Its a lovely day. Why not,_?,Good,idea!,by coach, as long as, worry about, look forward to,at the end of, go for a walk,by coach,as long as,go for a walk,D,16,. He likes music very,much, so,he begins,to,_ singing,songs,.,in pain, look up, take an interest in,in the future, die from, help yourself,take an interest in,17. “My son is,missing, ” she,cried _,.,18. The old man _,a,car accident last year,.,in pain, look up, take an interest in,in the future, die from, help yourself,in pain,died from,19. What is Lucy doing?,She,is _,some,new words in,the dictionary,.,20. What are you going to be _,?,Im going to be an artist.,in pain, look up, take an interest in,in the future, die from, help yourself,looking up,in the future,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,1.,上周因为天气,不好,他们,没有举办运动会。,They didnt hold the sports meeting last,week,_ the,bad weather,.,because of,2.,你可以,出去,只要,你答应在,11,点以前回来。,You can go out _,you,promise to,be back,before 11 oclock.,3.,每个人都应该学会如何照顾自己。,Everyone should learn,_ himself or,herself,.,as long as,how to take care of,4.,天气很,冷,不要,把外套脱掉。,_ the,coat because its very cold.,5.,昨天他考试及格了。,He,_,passing the exam yesterday,.,Dont take off,succeeded in,6.,我的爱好花费的和你的不一样多。,My hobby doesnt cost,_ yours,.,7.,自行车运动不如跳水运动有趣。,Cycling,is,_,interesting,_ diving.,as much as,less than,8.,令我感到惊奇的,是,那个,计划成功了。,_, that,plan succeeded.,9.,我爸爸过去常常开车,上班,但是,现在坐公交车了。,My father _,go,to work,by car, but,now he takes the bus,.,To my surprise,used to,10.,我很少乘轮船旅行。,I _,travel,_,.,11.,我们决定动身去长城。,We decided to _,for,the Great Wall,.,seldom by,ship,set off,12.,贝蒂昨天晚上和她妈妈交谈后很快就入睡了。,Betty _,quickly,after she,talked with,her mother last night,.,13.,他跑得那么快我追不上他。,He runs so fast that I cant,_ him.,fell asleep,catch up with,14.,多亏了你的,帮助,我们,及时完成了工作。,_ your help, we,finished the,work in,time.,15.,我们应该学会如何与别人相处融洽。,We should learn how,to,_ well,with others,.,Thanks to,get on/along,16.,当我与朋友见面,时,我,努力做到守时。,I,_ to,be on time when I meet my friends.,17.,我偶尔吃一块巧克力。,I have a bar of chocolate,_.,make an effort,once in a while,18.,不要总拿自己和别人比,。,【2020,滨州改编,】,Dont always _,yourself _ others,.,19.,这个,暑假,我,要么去,夏令营,要么,成为一名志愿者。,【,2020,滨州改编,】,I will,_ go,to summer,camp,_ become,a volunteer this summer vacation,.,compare with,either or,20.,当我们不知道如何解决问题,时,可以,向老师,寻求帮助,。,【,2020,滨州改编,】,When we dont know how,to,_ problems, we,can _,our teachers,_ help,.,deal,with,ask for,21.,凯特决定去社区,工作,而,不去度假。,【,改编,广州,】,_,taking,a,vacation, Kate decided to,work in the community.,22.,流溪河的水多么清澈啊!,【,中考,广州,】,_,the,water in the Liuxi River is,!,Instead of,How clean,23.,这个工具是用来修车的。,The tool _,repairing,cars.,24.,我们不能再忍受了。,We couldnt stand it _,.,is used for,any more,25.,爱因斯坦作为一位伟大的科学家而著名。,Einstein,_ a,great scientist,.,is famous as,26,.,这张桌子是木制的。,This desk _,wood.,is made of,27.,我们必须认识到年老所面临的种种问题。,We must _,the problems of,growing old.,28.,杰克发现与简交朋友很困难。,Jack finds,_ make,friends with Jane.,wake up to,it difficult to,29.,大家同时说。,All speak,_.,30.,当这个友善的小女孩长大,时,她,乐意帮助有,需要的,人。,As the kind little girl,_, she was ready,to help people in need,.,at the same time,grew up,31.,即使我不理解这些,词,我,也知道他想要什么。,_ I,couldnt understand,these words, I,knew what he wanted.,32.,杰夫和别的学生们一起跑向操场。,_,other students, Jeff,ran to,the playground.,Even though/if,Together with,33.,过度使用手机对你的健康有害。,Using mobile phones _,is,bad,for your,health.,34.,我从父亲那里学到了许多东西。,I,_ a,lot,_ my,father,.,too much,learnt from,35.,由于担心,迷路,那个,小男孩在树林里一边,走,一边,不时地回头看。,_,losing,his,way, the,little boy,looked back,from time to time as he walked in the woods.,In fear of,36.,今天的报纸上有特别的事吗?,Is there,_ in,todays newspaper?,37.,听到这个消息他感到很惊讶。,He was,_ the,news,.,anything special,surprised to hear,38.,凯特,请,把你的英语书准备好。,Please,_ your,English book,_, Kate,.,39.,嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。,Its impolite to _,others.,get


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