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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Company Logo,*,Click to edit Master title style,Company,LOGO,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Company Logo,The Etiquettes of Businees,BY 广外621,Company Logo,Contents,Business attire,1,Reception,Manner,2,Telephone Manner,3,Company Logo,Specifics For,Men,s Business Casual,Specifics For,Women,s BusinessCasual,Business Attire(服饰),Company Logo,Specifics For Mens Business Casual,Ties:Tiesaregenerallynotnecessaryforbusinesscasual,., Shirts:Longsleevedshirtsareconsidereddressier thanshortsleevedandareappropriateevenin summer.Choosingwhiteorlightbluesolid,or conservativestripes(条纹布)isyoursafestbet.,Company Logo,Socks:Doweardarksocks,midcalf,(小腿肚),lengthsonoskin,is,visible,whenyousitdown.,Shoes:Leathershoesshouldbeworn.,Jewelry:Wearaconservativewatch.Ifyouchoose,to,wearotherjewelry,beconservative.Removing,earrings,isalwaysasafebet.,Specifics For Mens Business Casual,Company Logo,Correct tie length - Up to belt level / waist,Specifics For Mens Business Casual,Company Logo,Correct sleeve,length of shirt,Specifics For Mens Business Casual,Company Logo,Correct length of,Trousers,Specifics For Mens Business Casual,Company Logo,Wrong pattern of shoes,Specifics For Mens Business Casual,Company Logo,Pants/Skirts:Womencanwearcasual,pants or skirts.Neither should be tight.,SkirtLengths:Oftenvaryfromseasontoseas,o,n.Avoidextremetrends,especiallywith,short lengths.,Specifics For,Wom,ens Business Casual,Company Logo,Shirts/Sweaters:Inadditiontotailored,shirtsorblouses,tailoredknitsweaters,andsweatersetsa,r,eappropriate,businesscasualchoicesforwomen.,Shoes:Shoesshouldbeleatheror,microfiber,(超细纤维),.,Regardlessofstyle,avoidextremes.Makecertainyoucanwalkcomfortablyinyour,shoes.,Specifics For,Wom,ens Business Casual,Company Logo,Reception Etiquettes,Reception,Guidence,Company Logo,The basic procedures,1.G,reetings,2.,Confirm his identity and ask him whether he has maked a reservation,(预约),3.,Contact respondents,Company Logo,How to say hello,3S principles,:,1.Stand up,2.,See,3.,Smile,Company Logo,On the basis of 3S, you can say,:,Good morning,.G,ood afternoon,May I help you?,Excuse me! May I have your name,please?,Just a moment ,please!,Company Logo,How to receive the unexepected guest,?,First of all, you should give the guest some,drink enthusiastically,Company Logo,How to receive the unexepected guest,?,Second, you need to ask the guests identity,name,the place of work,position,Company Logo,How to receive the unexepected guest,?,Then, you should understand the intention of the guests,and say:,Wait a minute ,please!I will go to see whether general manager in the office,.,If the manager do,es,nt want to see the unexepected guest,so you can say:,I am so sorry that our manager is not here now.,Company Logo,How to guide guests to the reception room,?,(1)Gather up,documents,(2)Guide guests,Company Logo,How to guide guests to the reception room,?,Pay attention to,:,1.,direction,:,You should walk in front of the guests left,2,.,Distance,:,You should stay away from the guest one metre away,3,.,Gestures tip,:,This way,please!,4,.,Adjust pace,:,Follow the guests pace ,then adjust the pace,5,.,Talk to the guest,:,Searching for the right topic.,Company Logo,Some sentences about the reception etiquettes,Guide Directions,:,1. This way, please!,/,Come with me, please!,2,.,I will show you to Business Center.,3,. The toile,t,is over there.,4,.,A:,Could you please tell me the way to the Metro Station?,B:,Please go straight, turn right and then you cant miss it.,5,. You can take that escalator(自动扶梯) over there to the second floor.,Company Logo,Some sentences about the reception etiquettes,Providing Service,1. Would you like me to help you with your baggage?,2. You can use internet in Business Center.,3.,How many papers do you want to copy?,4. Where would you like to fax this paper?,5.,Please sign your name here.,6.,Please fill out the Registration,(登记),Form first.,7,.You can take a taxi to your hotel.,Company Logo,Telephone Manner,Answering,Calling,Company Logo,Answer all calls within 3 rings,Be patient and smile,Repeat information to be sure its correct,Take notes if necessary,Be clear avoid some jargon and slang,Use callers name,Thank the caller on completion of the call and bid a friend farewell,Some basic principles,Company Logo,1)Answering an outside call,Opening:“Good morning. This is.,S,peaking: How may I assist you?”,Closing:“Thank you for calling us, good bye”,Remember: Always put your smile into your voice,Telephone Manner,Company Logo,2)Answering an internal call,Opening: “Good morning. This is Marriott Caf,Lisa speaking. How may I assist you, Mr./Ms._?”,Closing:“Thank you for calling us, good bye, Mr. /Ms. _.”,Tips: Whenever possible, try and determine the callers name and refer to it throughout the conversation. Also speak slowly and clearly.,Telephone Manner,Company Logo,3) Placing a call on hold,1., May I place you on hold, please?” Wait for the reply,2.,Should the waiting time be longer, make a point of getting back to the caller on hold every 2 min to give the caller a progress report.,“Thank you for holding,John,.,I am afraid that,Jack,is still on the other line. Would you like to keep holding or may I take a message?”,3.,Always thank the caller for holding and show him that we appreciate his time and patience.,“Thank you for holding, this is,Lisa,speaking, how may I assist you?”,Telephone Manner,Company Logo,4)Terminating call,1.,Use a suitable closing phrase:,“Thank you for calling us, Mr. Smith.”,“Its my pleasure, Mr. Smith.”,2.,Always say” Good Bye “instead of “bye-bye”,”Okay”etc.,3.,Let the caller hang up first, then hang up gently,Telephone Manner,Company Logo,Some phrase and sentence,One moment, please.,Hold on, please.,I am sorry,Jack,is not in the office now.,Who is speaking ,please.,May I have your name, please.,Would you like to leave a message?,Pardon, I did not get you .,Would you say it again please?,How to spell your name ,please?,Thanks for your calling.,Thank You !,


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