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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,第三章,词语翻译,1,3.1 商务英语词语翻译的注意事项,3.1.1 掌握确切词义,eg. agency,To seek help from a dictionary:,(1) a business or place of business providing a (usu specified) service 经销处,代理行,(2),esp AmE,a department of a government or of an international body,2,eg. agency,an employment agency,职业介绍所,an advertising agency,广告公司,news agency,通讯社,Government agencies,政府机构,3,3.1.2 一词多义,英语词汇,:游移(vacillant, context-dependent)、灵活(flexible),常依据搭配和上下文而变化;且英语的词义范围很容易扩大,英语词汇容易获得新义。,汉语词汇,:精确、固定,对上下文依赖性较小,且词义相对稳定,不易发生变化。,4,Example: cover,1. Our business activities cover a wide range of articles.,我公司经营的产品种类繁多。,2. The remittance covers all commissions due to you up to date.,汇款包括至今应付的所有佣金。,5,3. These rules cover all cases.,这些规则适用于所有情况。,4. Please open an L/C to cover this purchase.,请开立这笔货款的信用证。,5. The compensation will cover the whole loss.,此项赔款足以抵偿全部损失。,6,6. Breakeven point is reached when sales cover all costs.,当销售额能支付所有的费用时,就达到了损益平衡点。,7. Insurance is to be covered by the buyer.,由买方投保。,7,8. We wish to cover the consignment against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value.,我们想按发票金额的110为这批货物投保一切险。,9. In order to cover ourselves for the shipment we have drawn on you at sight.,为回收货款我们已向贵公司开出即期汇票。,8,但也有的时候,同一个汉语词汇,在英语里需要用不同的表达。例如:吞吐量,,9,Example: 吞吐量,2001年福州港的货物,吞吐量,位列全国沿海港口第十一位,集装箱,吞吐量,位列全国沿海港口第十位。,The,turnover,of Fuzhou port ranked 11th among Chinese coastal ports while its container,operation,was listed as 10th in the year 2001.,10,目前港口的通过能力和货物,吞吐量,均已超过亿吨。2004年宁波港货物,吞吐量,超过2.2亿吨,同比增长22。,The annual handling capacity and throughput of Ningbo Port have both exceeded 100 million tons. In 2004, the port saw a throughput of 220 million tons, up 22% over the previous year.,11,例一中的吞吐量表示“实际已经完成或预计完成的货物 数量”,例二则表示“处理能力”、“通过能力”或“物料通过量”之意。表示前者常用turnover, operation, volume, traffic,而后者可用capacity, designed capacity, normal capacity, handling capacity, throughout capacity等。有时还可以通过使用动词如handle, process等进行翻译。,12,2003年营口港,吞吐量,为4009万吨,其中集装箱40万标箱。,In 2003 Port of Yingkou,processed,40.09million tons of cargo, including 400,000 TEU of containerized cargo.,注释:,TEU,是英文Twentyfoot Equivalent Unit的缩写。是以长度为20英尺的集装箱为国际计量单位,也称国际标准箱单位。,13,We may seek help from not only the dictionary, but also from the Internet.,Page 19: floating,floating policy (统保单,总保险单,预约保单),(,),Insurance cover for situations where the total insurable amount can be reasonably estimated but cannot be determined accurately-enough for computing correct,premium, until the,insurance policy,comes to an end. For example, a trader will take a floating policy on a sum estimated to be large enough to cover shipments during a period (say, one year) and pays premium accordingly. As the shipments are sent out, the insurer is informed and the value of those shipments is deducted from the insured sum. This procedure is repeated until the insured sum is almost exhausted. The insurer then re-computes the premium according to the total value of the already-sent shipments, and adjusts it against the premium paid by the trader. At this stage the trader takes another floating policy and whole process starts over again.,14,Example 3,Since 1999 Egypt has plunged into an economic crisis and been short of foreign currency, therefore the government cannot stick to the former exchange rate of Egyptian Pound. Since January this year, Egypt started to adopt,floating,rate,policy,.,自1999年以来,埃及经济陷入危机,外汇短缺,政府无法坚守埃镑的原汇率,从今年1月起,埃及开始实行浮动汇率制。,15,Example 4,华尔街词典(原著R.L.Shook),中文版(中国商业出版社,2002年)“填补了国内证券类专业词典出版的一项空白”,Floatation cost,:原译:流动成本?,the expense involved in issuing a new security. Normally, the floatation costs are higher for stocks than for bonds because distribution is wider and common stocks are generally more volatile,(of a quickly changing, undependable nature).,改译:发行成本,16,Other examples - 1,We received,advice,that the goods had been dispatched.,Oxford,:,(esp commerce),formal note giving information about a transaction, etc.,我们收到了关于货物已发出的,通知,。,17,Other examples - 2,D/P: Documents Against Payment,付款交单,against意为“凭为条件,以为前提”,People must have their money deposited in banks before they can draw checks against it. 凭,用,(* 没学过商业概论的同学可以借商贸方向上学期的书和材料看看),18,Other examples - 3,1. Beneficiary受益人 (即出口商),不是“收益人。,2.,Payee 收款人,而付款人应该用“drawee”。,3.,Shipper为托运人。提单的抬头一栏常有这样几个字: to order of shipper 即:“凭托运人(发货人)指示”。这里的托运人指的是货主(出口商)。,4.,Discrepancy指单证中的“不符点”。,5. Holder in due course 正当持票人,它与bona-fide holder属于同一种意思,都是“善意持票人”。,19,Other examples - 4,Group work after class (4-5人一组),含术语的句子.doc,1. Every group will submit one copy next week before class. Write all the names of your group members on the paper. Ill give a mark to each group.,2. There will also be an oral contest among the 6-8 groups next week.,20,3.1.3 词语意义的感情色彩,Page 20,注释: underwriter (UW;UW)核保人;承保人:指保险公司内决定承保与否和进行风险选择的专业人员。,1. Appreciate the translation of “sympathetic” & “do not succeed”.,2. Any improvement for the two sentences?,21,3.1.4 词语使用的语体,eg.,We are delighted to know that,you deal with export of Chinese chinaware. Could you supply us 300 sets of tableware for shipment before the end of May?,欣悉,贵方是中国陶瓷器出口商。请问能否为我方供应300套餐具?希五月底前交货。,22,3.1.5 表达方式的调整,eg. If your prices,are in line, we trust business can,materialize,.,如果你们的价格,合适,,我们相信可以,成交,。,23,3.1.6 简洁达意,Owing to the last summers exceptionally cool climate we were so overloaded with enormous stock that we were unable to keep them in stock and we believe that you will appreciate our position when we are flooded with summer items.,由于去年夏天特别凉爽,致使本公司夏令产品严重过剩、库存大量积压,相信贵方一定能够理解我方处境。,24,常用工具书,1.国际商务英语大词典(主编:冯祥春),中国对外经济贸易出版社,2. 牛津英语百科分类词典(会计、商务、经济学、金融与银行),上海外语教育出版社,3. 英汉大词典(陆谷孙等),上海译文出版社,4. 新英汉词典,上海译文出版社,5. 牛津、朗文等双解辞典,6. Internet (eg. Google),25,3.2 英汉词语在表达上的差异,英语词汇,:游移(vacillant)、灵活(flexible),常依据搭配和上下文而变化;,汉语词汇,:精确、固定,对上下文依赖性较小,26,语域 register,英语:hyper-formal formal normal informal hyper-informal,汉语:书面体、普通体、口语体,“government of the people, by the people, for the people, ”,民有、民治、民享(书面语),归人民所有、由人民管理、为人民办事(口语),27,Exercise,If, as seems likely, consumer banking in China takes a great leap forward, Guangdong Development Bank has obvious appeal. It has 13million customers, 500 branches, a strong franchise in the manufacturing hub (,中心,the center of activity or importance,) near Hong Kong and a national license that could permit years of formidable growth.,28,假如个人金融业务在中国能够实现跨越式增长的话,那么广东发展银行还是有其显而易见的魅力的。这看来不无可能。它拥有1300万客户和500家分支机构,在香港周边的制造业中心地区有广布的营业网点,还持有全国性业务牌照,数年之内业务的增长将无可限量。,29,Assignment 2: P31 练习,欣赏:,It is not difficult to , but it is difficult to ,并不难,难就难在,思考:,(1)infrastructure industries 基础结构工业?,30,新英汉词典:,Infrastructure (社会、国家等的)基础结构,基础设施(如教育、运输、通讯等设施),Industry: 工业;行业,基础设施行业/产业/业,31,(2) promoting the whole of society, 促进整个国家经济的发展?,促进整个社会发展,32,Additional exercises,1. 中国银行、中国建设银行、中国工商银行均在宁波,设有分支机构,。,The following financial institutions and corporations,maintain branches,in Ningbo: ,2. 科电工程有限公司在上海、北京、广州等主要城市均,设有分支机构,。现因业务发展,诚聘英才。,Electronic Scientific Engineering Ltd.,with offices in,Shanghai, ,.,33,


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