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,*,Slide Title,Body Text,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,A Career in Consulting for Computer Science Majors,Vince DeGiulio,Accenture - Associate Partner,Purdue CS 87,1,Types of Consultants,Application Programmer,System Administrator,Technical Specialist,IT Consultant/Analyst,2,Application Programmer,Description,Hired Guns of Programming - Contractor,Many Languages/Tools,Project Types,Application Development,Application Maintenance,Project Duration: Several Months to Years,Clients: Usually Large Companies,Demand: Always High, but Requires Periodic Re-tooling of Skills,3,System Administrator,Description,Provide Technical/User Support,Project Types,Set up/Maintain LANs, PCs, User IDs, etc.,Install Software,Support Help Desks,Project Duration: Years or Multiple Clients at Once,Clients: Large and Small Companies,Demand: High, Increasing as Companies Look More to Outsource Support Functions,4,Technical Specialist,Description,Expert in Specific Technology/Product (ie. Web Development, Object Oriented),Project Types,Application Development/Maintenance,Performance Reviews,Product Sales Support,Project Duration: Days to Few Months,Clients: Large and Small Companies,Demand: High when Specialty is Hot,5,IT Consultant/Analyst,Description,Clients Partner - True “Consultant”,Solve Business Problems through Technology,Project Types,Business Application Development,Technology Strategies,Project Duration: Many Months to Years,Clients: Usually Large Companies,Demand: High,6,Consulting = Variety,Technologies/Vendor Software,Industries/Clients,Applications,Geographic Locations,Responsibilities,People,7,Technologies/Vendor Software,Technologies Change - Only Limited by Yourself,Not Limited to Your Companies Products,Your Degree Suited for this Variety,My Experiences,Different DBMS (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Teradata, MS-Access, IMS),Different Platforms (Mainframes, Servers, PCs),Different Languages (HTML, C, Visual Basic, COBOL, Vendor Specific),8,Industries/Clients,Whats an Industry?,Type of Work can Vary by Industry,Can Change Industries/Clients Frequently,My Experiences,Insurance/Financial Services,Government (Federal & State),Light Manufacturing,Distribution & Logistics,Transportation,Travel,Healthcare,9,Applications,Transaction Processing (i.e. Order Entry),Knowledge Worker (i.e. EIS),Database Systems,My Experiences,Patient Administration,Inmate Inventory,Unemployment Check Processing,Customer Information,Underwriter Decision Analysis,Logistics Network Analysis,Vehicle Tracking,Fleet Management,10,Geographic Locations,Opportunity for Travel,Domestic/International,Work Where Clients are Located,My Experiences,1/4 Career is Chicago and Suburbs,3/4 in Other Cities (Minneapolis, Springfield, Washington D.C., Miami, Atlanta, Louisville),11,Responsibilities,Dont Stagnate in Same Position Forever,Can Increase Authority Quickly,My Experiences,Programmer 1.5 Years,Analyst/Program Designer,Supervisor,System Architect,Team Leader,Project Manager,12,People,Meet Many Different People,Working with Different Groups of People from Year to Year,New Bosses Periodically,My Experiences,Many People throughout Consulting Field and Industry,People throughout Country,Met Some of Best Friends,13,Consulting Opens Doors,Jobs at Clients,Many Take Jobs at Clients,Allows Observation of Company Before Taking Job,Head Hunters,Always on Lists of People to Call,Contacted Constantly,Always Other Jobs Out There,14,Consulting Opens Doors,Non-Technical Career,Easy Transition to Management Consulting,Analytical Skills Applicable to Solving Business Process Problems,Support Functions at Technical Firms (i.e. Sales, HR),Own Consulting Firm,Many Consultants Form Own Small Firms After Gaining Experience,15,Why I Chose Consulting,Didnt Want to Program Forever,Looking for Advancement Opportunities,Looked at Long-Term Money vs Short-Term,Got Bored Easily,Saw People Sitting at a Desk that Looked Too Comfortable,16,Consulting - Not For Everyone,Hard Work/Long Hours,Requires Flexibility,Involves Travel,Requires Personal Skills,Clients Dont Like or Trust You - At First,17,Last Advice,No Perfect Job Exists,Know What Is Important to You,Think Long-Term,18,


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