四年级上册英语课件Unit6 Part A人教PEP含答案

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,Unit 6,Meet my family!,Part A,(,I,),一、,Read and choose.,读对话,选择正确的图片。,(),1. A: How many people are there in your family?,B: Six.,(),2. A: Look! This is my little puppy.,B: Wow! Its so cute. I like it.,(),3. A: How many apples are there on the tree?,B: There are 18 red apples.,(),4. A: How many ants do you see?,B: I see 7 small ants.,B,D,C,A,二、,Read and choose.,根据情景选择正确的答案。,(),1.,当你想知道别人家里有几口人时,你问:,_,A. How many people do you see?,B. How many people are there in your family?,(),2.,当你想告诉别人你家里有,3,口人时,你说:,_,A. There are three people in my family.,B. My family has four people.,B,A,(),3.,当你想知道树上有多少个橙子时,你问:,_,A. How many oranges are there under the tree?,B. How many oranges are there on the tree?,(),4.,你想介绍你的家庭成员里还有一只狗时,你说:,_,A. And my little puppy.,B. And my little cat.,B,A,三、,Read and choose.,看图,选择合适的句子补全对话。,A,E,C,B,Unit 6,Meet my family!,Part A,(,II,),一、,Read and choose.,选择对应的称呼,并将其字母编号写在横线上。,1. grandfather and grandmother _,2. father and mother _,3. fathers brother _,4. mothers sister _,5. uncles son _,6. a baby boy _,D,A,C,E,F,B,二、,Read and choose.,看图,选择正确的单词。,G,D,F,C,A,E,三、,Read, tick or cross.,读一读,判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“,”,。,(),1. This is my uncle. Hes tall and thin.,(),2. My parents are teachers.,(),3. My aunt has long hair and blue glasses.,(),4. My cousin has big eyes and a cap.,(),5. Look at my baby brother. Hes so cute.,四、,Read, choose and write.,读一读,选择正确的单词补全句子。,1. This is my _. She is tall and thin. Shes friendly.,2. My _ are in the living room. They are watching TV.,3. My _ and I are,students.,4. Look at my _,_. He is only 1 year old.,5. This is my _. He has,short hair and a green bag.,aunt,parents,cousin,baby,brother,uncle,Unit 6,Meet my family!,Part A,(,III,),一、,Read, tick or cross.,判断下列每组单词涂色部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“,”,。,二、,Read, choose and circle.,读下列绕口令,根据画线字母的读音,用“”勾出最后一个单词。,1. Wh,a,les m,a,ke big,(,w,a,ves/c,a,t,),.,2. P,e,g has a r,e,d,(,p,e,t/b,ee,),.,3. I r,i,de a b,i,ke with,(,M,i,ke/N,i,ck,),.,4. Mr J,o,nes put the n,o,te on his,(,b,o,x/n,o,se,),.,5. M,u,m has a f,u,nny,(,t,u,be/p,u,ppy,),.,三、,Read, choose and write.,读一读,选择正确的单词补全短文。,Hello! My is Tony. This is my family. This is my dad. He likes milk. This is,my . She has big .,can make a cake. I like .,We have a little puppy. Its so . We are a happy family.,四、,Sort and write.,写出你所学过的含有以下发音的单词,看谁写得多!,


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