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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,第,11,讲,动词的时和体(一),11.1,一般现在时的用法,1),表示不受时限的客观存在,(,包括客观真理,格言,科学事实等,),A rolling stone,gathers,no moss.,Knowledge,is,power.,Time and tide,wait,for no man.,2),表示现在习惯动作,My father,doesnt,smoke.,He always,sleeps,with his windows open.,此法常与频度副词连用。如:,always, ever, frequently, hardly ever, never ,occasionally, often,rarely, seldom, sometimes, usually,等。,3,)表示现时状态和现在瞬间动作,A),静态动词,I think I like,B),实况报导,Harper,passes,the ball to Jennings; Jennings,shoots,and the goal keeper,leaps,for it but yes,its,a goal.,C),专门或日常用语,I wish I say,4),表示将来时间,A),主将从现,I hope you,have,a good time.,I bet it,rains,tomorrow.,B),既定事实,Tomorrow,is,Sunday.,5),表示过去时间,能用一般现在表示过去的动词有,tell, say, hear, learn, gather,等,.,Alice,tells,me youre entering college next year.,附特殊用法,:,A),表达某种情绪,I,happen,to drop in on her once and you,make,such an issue of it.,B),死者言论著作,仍有影响,Darwin,believes,that natural selection is the chief factor in the development.,C),不强调时间,No one,is,born an actor.,11.2,一般过去时的用法,1),表示过去时间,通常已成为过去,现在不存在,They,had,a baby last year.,Did,you see him yesterday?,His father,was,an English teacher all his life.,2),表示现在时间和将来时间,A),委婉语气,want, wonder, think, hope,I,wondered,if you could give me some help.,B),固定句型,Its time,Its time you,went,to bed.,I wish,I wish you,lived,closer to us.,Id rather,Id rather you,went,now.,C),主从关系,要求从句使用过去时态,I didnt know you,were,here.,11.3,现在进行体的用法,1),表示说话时正在进行的动作,.,Hurry up! We,re,all,waiting,for you.,2),表示现阶段一直在进行的动作,Jane,is studying,law while her sister,is doing,physics.,3),表示按计划安排近期内即将发生的动作,He,is arriving,.,4),现在进行体的其他用法,A),表示刚过去的动作,You dont believe it?,Im telling,the truth.,B),婉转的语气,Im hoping,youll give us some advice.,11.4,过去进行体的用法,1),表示过去某时正在进行的动作,What,were you doing,yesterday at seven,p.m,?,The students,were still laughing,when the teacher stepped in.,2),表示过去某种习惯性动作,George,was getting up,at five every day that week.,也可与,always, constantly, continually, for ever,等连用表示感情色彩,My brother,was always losing,his keys.,3),表示过去将来时间里的动作,也常出现在主句为过去的从句当中,They,were leaving,a few days later.,He told me to wake him up if he,was sleeping,.,4),表示现在时间和将来时间里的动作,A),委婉的语气,I,was wondering,if youd like to come out with me.,B),主观臆想,I wish they,were not talking,so loudly.,5),过去进行体与一般过去时的比较,A),前者表示未完成,后者表示已完成,I,was reading,a novel yesterday.,I,read,a novel yesterday,B),前者表示动作持续,后者则无此意,仅陈述事实,It,was raining,all night.,It,rained,all night.,C),两者在时间上有差异,When we arrived, she,was making,some fresh coffee.(,到时正在煮,),When we arrived, she,made,some fresh coffee.(,到了才煮,),Exercise 11A,1.,滴水穿石。,A:,2.,骄必败。,A,:,3,。事实胜于雄辩。,A,:,4,。一燕不成夏。,A,:,5,。长江流入东海。,A,:,Patience wears out stones.,Pride goes before a fall.,Facts speak louder than words.,One swallow doesnt make a summer.,Changjiang,flows into the East China Sea.,6.,月球上没有水。,A,:,7.,夏威夷气候从来不冷,.,A:,8.,在巴黎,五月份天气并非总是美好;有时多雨。,A:,9.,他间或出错,但不是时常出错,.,A:,10.,他从来不做家庭作业,但在班上学习很好,.,A:,11.,我们的公司并非总是高额赢利,.,A:,There is no water on the moon.,It is never cold in Hawaii.,In Paris, the weather is not always nice; it rains a lot sometimes.,He makes mistakes occasionally, but not often.,He never does any homework, but he studies well in the class.,Our company does not always make high profits.,12.,母亲通常不在早晨喝咖啡,.,A:,13.,她几乎从严不在午夜之前就寝,.,A:,14. Arizona,州首府凤凰城,( Phoenix),天气很干燥;几乎不下雨。,A:,15.,星期日我父母很少去做礼拜,.,A:,16.,地球围绕太阳转,.,A:,17.,印度位于中国迤南,.,A:,My Mum usually doesnt have coffee in the morning.,She hardly ever goes to bed before mid-night.,Phoenix, the captital of Arizona, is dry and it hardly rains.,My parents seldom go to church on Sunday.,The Earth moves around the Sun.,India lies to the south of China.,18.,泰晤士河流经伦敦。,A:,19.,我通常投民主党的票,而我的室友几乎总是投共和党的票。,A,:,20.,使人人遭殃的风才恶风,.,A:,Ecercise 11C,1.,上星期他每天来看我。,A:,Thames River flows through London.,I usually vote for a Democrat, while my roommate always votes for a Republican.,It is the ill wind that blows nobody good.,He came to see me every day last week.,2.,现在是冬天,我们通常七点半钟吃早饭,.,A:,3.,你现在穿的这双鞋买了多久了,?,A:,4.,老教授走进教室,打开书本便开始讲课,.,A:,5.,我多么希望你也在这里和我们在一起,.,A:,6.Jane,告诉我,你明年即将进大学,.,A:,7.,罗马建成非一日之功,.,A:,It is winter now, and we usually have breakfast at half past seven.,How long ago did you buy the shoes you are wearing?,The old professor came into the classroom, opened the book and began the class.,How I wish you were here with us.,Jane told me you were going into the college.,Rome was not built in a day.,8.,滚石不生苔,.,A:,9.,熟能生巧,.,A:,10.,谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好,.,A:,11.,好心有好报,.,A:,12.,这种液体一加上阿摩尼亚就变为橙色。,A:,13.,我想知道你可否把你的汽车借我一用,.,A:,A rolling stone gathers no moss.,Practice makes perfect.,One who laughs last laughs best.,One good turn deserves another.,When the liquid is added with amonia, it changes orange.,I wondered wether you could lend me your car?,14.,我听说老亨利昨晚死了,.,A:,15.,这台录音机很容易操作,.,瞧着我怎么做,:,先接通电流,揿这个按钮,机器就开动了,.,A:,I heard that Old Henry died last night.,This tape recorder is easy to operate. Look :I switch it on, press this buttom, and it works.,


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