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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,商务谈判教案3-5章,商务谈判教案3-5章商务谈判教案3-5章 Main Contents:,Who Qualifies as A Negotiator,The Role of the Chief Negotiator,Team Solidarity,Main Contents:,Who Qualifies as A Negotiator,The Role of the Chief Negotiator,Team Solidarity,3.1 Who Qualifies as a Negotiator,3.1.1 A Negotiator as an Individual,3.1.2 Personal Characteristics,Shrewdness,Patience,Adaptability,Endurance,Gregariousness,Concentration,The ability to articulate,Sense of humor,3.2 The Role of a Chief Negotiator,3.2.1 The Chief Negotiator,3.2.2 Organizational Qualities of the Chief Negotiator,3.3 Team Solidarity,3.3.1 a comparison between a single negotiator and team negotiation,3.3.2 organizational structure for negotiators,Leading personnel, chief negotiator, technical personnel, business personnel, law personnel, translators and personnel to record minutes,3.3.3 how big should the team be,-as small as possible, for the reasons:,Expensive,Easy to communication,Unified and flexible,-4 members perfectly,Size of group,Control of team,Range of expertise,Changing membership,3.3.4 The Importance of Team Solidarity,The ideal person should be:,Thoughtful and sensitive,Understand human nature,Adaptive to satisfy the psychological needs,Not have a strong compulsion to be liked by peers,Listen creatively and patiently,Respected,Goal-oriented,Logical and decision-making,Exercises,1. Indirect question or statement,Im not entirely convinced by these forecasts.,Wed like to know something about your planning.,Id be interested to hear a bit about payment.,Your costs could cause one or two problems.,Perhaps we could talk a little bit about figures.,That figure looks a little on the high side.,Delivery is an area which wed like to explore a little further with you.,Id like to know more about your management structure.,6. Translation,1,)Negotiation is a team sport.,2)The negotiators function is to negotiate, while the functional specialists provide specialist advice or information.,3) The team leader is the person who generates enthusiasm in his team to maintain the morale under all conditions.,4) The team members must learn that the opponent and its representatives are adversaries although they may be friendly.,5 ),Im afraid you are not in our ballpark.,6) Excuse me, but it seems to me were giving up too much in this case.,7,)Thats too great a financial burden for us.,8) 10% is beyond my negotiating limit.,9) If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.,10) Could you explain what you mean by that?,Negotiation skills,What qualifies a good negotiator?,A good listener,Open-minded,Willing to do the homework to determine her/his interests, objectives, and alternatives,Well-prepared,Creative,Able to merge what he knows about his own interests and resources with the interests and resources of his negotiation partner,Always learning from experience, from other people and from history,2.How to be cool?,What do I want and why do I want it?,What do they want and why do they want?,Why did he say that?,What arguments or tactics are being used?,Chapter 4,Preparing for Negotiation,Main Contents:,Schedule for the first meetings,Set the agenda,Prepare for negotiations,4.1 Scheduling the first meetings,4.1.1 Flights, Ground Transport and Traffic,4.1.2 jet lag, weather and health issues,4.1.3 clothing,4.1.4 dining,4.1.5 holidays and religions,4.1.6 gifts,4.2 Setting the Agenda,4.2.1 Taking a Proactive Role,4.2.2 Visitors and Agendas,4.2.3 Negotiating Agenda,4.2.4 Accommodating the Social Aspects,4.3 Preparing for Negotiation,4.3.1 Establishing Objectives,Who contribute and be affected?,What maximum and minimum targets?,When conclude?,Where?,Why select us to negotiate with, any bargaining strengths?,How willing to make concessions and seek counter-concessions,4.3.2 Issues and Positions,4.3.3 Meeting Site and Accommodation,Advantages held in your own territory,Advantages go to your,opposers,territory,4.3.4 The Physical Preparation,4.3.5 Opening the Meeting,Completely irrelevant topic start off,Humorous story lighten the tensions,Introductory remarks set forth some of the general principles of negotiation,Exercises,What would you say,1),Mrs,Zhang, Id like you to meet Tracy Morris. Shes our new sales clerk.,2) Hello, Kathy. Nice to meet you.,3) Thats right. Yes, we once worked together in.,4) Im terribly sorry. Ive forgotten your name.,5) Yes, good morning. My name is Ive got an appointment with,6) Did you have a good journey? Its very nice of you to come all this way.,7) Would you like a coffee? Or Would you like something to drink?,8) Good heavens, is that the time? I didnt realize it was so late. I really must be going now.,2. Make these sentences more concise,1) Hes an assistant in Personnel.,2) Shes the Vice-President in Sales and Marketing.,3) Hes the Assistant Manager in Domestic Sales.,4) Shes the Manager in International Sales.,5) Hes an accountant in Accounting.,3. Combine these sentences as concise as possible,1) She is a clerk in Purchasing at ABC Company.,2) Hes a salesman in the Asian Pacific Division at Sun Computer Company.,3) Shes the Manager of Domestic Sales at Legend Group.,4) Hes a secretary in Personnel at Huatian Hotel.,5) Shes the Vice-President of Administration at Three-One Steel.,6. Translation,1)Please take a look at the itinerary we prepared for you, and let me know if theres anything inappropriate, please let me know.,2)We are holding a banquet here tonight in honor of our friends coming from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.,3)I believe that through our joint efforts, our corporation can be satisfactory and successful.,4)Lets come to the point, the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibility of doing barter trade with you.,5)The contract will come into force from May 10, you cant go back on your words then.,6)We always fulfill our promise.,7)Owing to our old relationship, we hold our offer valid for one other week, after which our price would probably be raised.,8)Ill do my best; and please, try your best too.,9)Your price is too high. Its hard for us to accept.,10)All our products are high-grade commodities; naturally the prices are different.,Chapter 5,The Bargaining Process,Main contents:,The choice of bid,Presentation of bid,Responsiveness to bid,Starting the bargaining process,The way to influence the deal,Making concessions,Breaking an impasse,Towards settlement,5.1 Biding,5.1.1 Tactics of the Choice of Bid,The opening bid needs to be high,The opening bid needs to be defensive,The highest defensible bid should be relevant to the particular circumstances.,The bid covers a range of issues, including price, delivery, payment terms, quality specification, and so on.,价格形成,成本:产品出厂成本,内陆运费,包装费,港口费用、报关商检费用、银行费用、公司费用(包括管理费用,资金运用成本,利息等)、许可证费用,利润:产品利润、退税利润,其他:折扣、佣金,以上可以作为FOB价格的组合。如果价格为CIF的话还要包括保险费和运费。,5.1.2 Tactics of the Presentation of Bid,Firmly, clearly and without comment,5.1.3 Tactics of Responsiveness,影响价格因素,客户的主观色彩在操纵价格,1、用户急需时,就不特别注重价格,如果自己销售的产品正是客户迫切需要的东西,他主要关心的可能不是价格而是交货期。,2、产品愈高级,价格对成交影响愈小。企业在销售高档耐用品、高级工艺品,或能满足用户某种特殊需要、或主要满足高层次需要的产品,价格问题就显得微不足道。凡是为用户专门定做的产品,其价格一般来说对销售方也都是很有利的。,3、把购买某种产品当作投资时,购买者对价格就不会太敏感。黄金首饰价格虽然昂贵,但买的人并不少,因为购买黄金首饰是一种投资。所以,用户认为购买某种商品是一种投资,或者某种商品的价值经过使用仍保持不变,甚至会增值,他们对这种产品的价格就不会太敏感。,4、出售的产品在客户购买的产品中所占的比例愈小,客户考虑价格的因素也愈少。一件产品价格的贵和廉是相对的,往往取决于其价格占用户收入的比例,如价值3000元一台的彩电,在目前对经济收入较高的个体户来说,并不贵,但对一般的薪金阶层来讲,就感昂贵。同样,你出售的产品如果是客户所需的原材料、半成品,就要研究占购买企业产品价格的比例。这个比值愈小,产品的价格愈微不足道。,5、经销商考虑利润多,而关心产品的价格少。,6、友好的态度,可影响客户对价格的看法。在产品销售过程中,如果经销人员对客户的服务态度好,如接待热情、介绍详细、协助购买、免费送货等,那他宁肯多付些费用也是乐意的。他们会把经销人员的任何一种服务项目都视为某种形式的减价。,报价技巧,1切片报价。一公斤西洋参8000多元,但推销人员在报价时,则说每克0.80元。又如,在英国,当你向售货员询问好的咖啡价格时,营业员则会告诉你“50便士可买四分之一磅”,而不说“每磅咖啡两英磅”。你看,两英磅“切片”后成了一个小单位价,可使人有一种价廉的感觉,即使不能保证成交,但他决不会立马掉头就走。,2比较报价。此种报价方法可从两方面进行:一方面是将企业的产品与另一种价格高的产品进行比较,这样相比之下就显得自己的产品价格便宜了;另一方面可将产品的价格与消费者日常开销进行比较。例如:一个推销员推销钢笔时,他经常对男士说:“这支笔是贵了点,但也只相当于两包红塔山,一支笔可用四、五年,可两包烟只能抽两天。少抽两包烟就可买一只精致的笔,而且在用的时候又有风度,值得!您说是不是?”经他这样一比较,一恭维,有些人也就很想买一支了。,3拆细报价。用此法的关键是,将价格与产品使用寿命周期结合起来,拆细计算出单位时间的用度和其对应支出,以表明产品的价格并不算贵。例如,一位男士看中了一块价格为2400元的进口手表,但又嫌价高,有点犹豫不定。此时,营业员对她说:“这种表2400元,但可使用20年,您想,每年只花120元,每月只花10元,每天仅花0.33元。3毛多钱算什么呢?况且,它可在7300天里,天天为您增光添彩。”经营业员这样一算帐,那位男士立即掏钱买了这块表。,4抵消报价。对产品的高价,推销人员可先将其构成要素一一列出,再与其可能抵消的价格因素相比较,这样高价也就看起来成为低价了。例如,一位推销员将一台设备报价为8000元,用户认为太贵。这位推销员说:“该设备一台生产成本6200元,附设零配件500元,获金牌加价300元,送货上门运输费200元,所以盈利只有800元,销售利税率仅为10,如果后面三项不计算,每台价格只有7000元,比其它同类设备还要便宜。”所以采用抵消法报价,更能显示出企业产品在价格上的优势。,5负正报价。 经销人员在报价时,要讲究说话技巧,例如对同一产品的价格可以用两种方式讲:一是“价格虽然高一点,但产品质量很过硬”。另一种是“产品质量的确很过硬,只是价钱稍高一点”。这两种方式用词基本相同,但对用户却会产生截然不同的感受。第一种方式是将重点放在产品的质量好上,所以价格才贵,用户产生产品质量好的印象,就坚定了用户的购买欲望;相反,第二方式是将重点放在价高上,用户产生一种望而生畏的感觉,这样就削弱了用户的购买欲望。,5.2 Bargaining,5.2.1 The Moves We Must Make at the Start,Get it clear,Check every item of the other partys bid,Pay more attention to the explanation and response,Note the answers without comment and reserve the position,Assess the situation,Identify differences between two parties,Assess what direction should be take,To accept,To reject,To carry on negotiation,Give up the bid and consider another bid,Change trade form, quantity, quality, time of delivery and method of payment, etc.,5.2.4 Breaking an Impasse,Keep fluid,Seeking easy escape routes,Use time breaks either as recesses within,Look to bringing in third party arbitrators or third party chairmen to control further negotiation,谈判僵局的形成,1. 谈判的双方势均力敌,同时,双方各自的目的、利益都集中在某几个问题上。比如,一宗商品买卖交易,买卖的双方都非常关注商品价格、付款方式这两个条款。这以方通融、协调的余地就比较小,很容易在此问题上互相讨价还价,互不让步,形成僵局。,2. 双方对交易内容的条款要求和想法差别较大,也容易形成僵局。例如,一桩进口机械设备买卖,卖方要价为20万元,而买方报价为10万元,卖方要一次性付款,买方则坚持二次付清。这样一来,要协调双方的要求就比较困难。通常的办法是双方各打50大板,都作同等让步,以15万元的价格成交。如有任何一方不妥协,僵局就会形成。,3. 在谈判中,由于一方言行不慎,伤害对方的感情或使对方丢面子,也会形成谈判的僵局,而且这种僵局最难处理。一些有经验的谈判专家认为,许多谈判人员维护个人的面子甚于维护公司的利益。如果在谈判中,一方感到丢了面子,他会奋起反击挽回面子,甚至不惜退出谈判。这时,这种人的心态处于一种激动不安的状况,态度也特别固执,语言也富于攻击性,明明是一个微不足道小问题,也毫妥协退让,自然,双方就很难继续交谈,陷入僵局。,4. 在谈判中,以坚持立场的方式磋商问题也容易使谈判陷入僵局。一方宣称要做什么,不做什么,另一方也针锋相对,这就大大缩小了双方回旋的余地,增加了妥协的难度。,5. 与政治目的相联系的商务谈判也容易陷入僵局。,打破僵局的技巧,应抛弃旧的传统观念,正确认识谈判中的僵局。,避重就轻。,运用休会策略。,改变谈判环境。,调整谈判人员。,6.利用调节人。,提出符合实际的解决办法;,出面邀请对立的双方继续会谈;,刺激启发双方提出有创造性的建议;,不带偏见地,倾听,和采纳双方的意见;,综合双方观点,提出妥协的方案,促进交易达成。,调节人可以是公司内的人,也可以是公司外的人。最好的仲裁者往往是和谈判双方都没有直接关系的第三者。一般要具有丰富的社会经验、较高的社会地位、渊博的学识和公正的品格。总之,调节人的威望越高,越能获得双方的,信任,,越能缓和双方的矛盾,达成谅解。,5.2.5 Towards Settlement,Characteristics of the final offer,shouldnt make too soon,Big enough to symbolize closure,Demand the last halfpenny,Give him that satisfaction,Final works,Summarize,Produce a written record,Identify action needs and responsibilities,Exercises,2. Make proposals,1) I think we should cut the training budget by five per cent.,2) I suggest we aim for a two per cent rise in productivity.,3) How about going for a meal after work?,4) Why dont we go to the National Forest Park this year for the company excursion?,5) I advise you to reduce production costs.,6) I propose that we shorten working hours by two and a half hours per week.,3 conditional constructions to exert pressure,1) Im afraid well have to cancel the contract unless you reduce your fees.,2) Well have to choose another supplier if you cant pay us on time.,3) That looks like the end of the negotiation, unless you can make a concession.,4) Im afraid youll lose your job unless you work harder.,5) If you cant offer me a better working condition than this, Ill leave the company.,6) Ill accept the new job only if I get a higher pay.,7) Unless you order 10,000 pieces of this product immediately, you wont get a quantity discount.,7. Translation,1) I understand perfectly.,2) Lets compromise.,3) Thats a smart decision.,4) I expect to be compensated.,5).The longer we wait, the less likely we will come up with anything.,6) Ill be expecting your call.,7) Id like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices,8) I know your research costs are high, but what Id like is a 25% discount.,9) Wed need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.,10) If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.,谢谢观赏,


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