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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,.,The Passive Voice,一、Voices:,The Active and Passive Voices,Active Voice 主动语态表示主语是动作 的执行者, Passive Voice被动语态表示主语是动作 的承受.,如:,1.Many people speak English.,English,is spoken,(by many people).,2.They found the dinosaur eggs in Liaoning.,The dinosaur eggs,were found,(by them) in Liaoning.,3.We must do something to stop the pollution.,Something,must be done,to stop the pollution (by us).,1,Active voice and Passive voice,Many people,speak,English,.,English,is spoken,by many people,.,2,二、The formations of the passive voices of different tenses:,情态动词的被动语态,must/can/ may/should + be + pp.,3,三、When to use the Passive Voice:,1.,行为主体不明确,不必说出或者无法说出动作的执行者时。,Football,is played,all over the world.,2.,不易找到或根本就找不到动作的执行者时。,My bike,was stolen,.,3.,英语中表达,“,据说,”, “,据报道,”, “,据了解,”,等含义时,。,It,is said,that,another bridge has been built over the,Changjiang,River.,4.,汉语中含有“被”、“由”等词时。,Wei,Hua,is asked,to come by Lin Tao.,5.,汉语中没有“被”、“由”等词,而在原句中试加这类词且句意通顺时。,These songs,are,usually,sung,by boys.,6. 某些句子习惯上用被动语态。,He,was born,in October, 1988.,7. 表示礼貌时。,You,are,friendly,invited,to come to our English party at 8:00p.m. tomorrow.,Note: 1.用于被动语态中的动词是及物动词,不及物动词不能用被动语态.,World War II took place in Europe. (right),World War II was taken place in Europe. (wrong),2.反身代词在句中作宾语时,不能用被动语态.,He taught himself English. (right),Himself was taught English by him. (wrong),4,被动语态应注意的几个特殊问题:,一.不及物动词带介词和介词宾语,在变为被动语态时,仍然要带上介词,如:,1.The students listen to the teacher carefully in class every day.,The teacher is listened to carefully (by the students) in class.,2.Xiao Ming looked after his sister yesterday.,His sister was looked after (by Xiao Ming) yesterday.,3.The things should be taken good care of.,二.当动词带有复合宾语,并且宾补是省去 “to”,的动词不定式,在被动语态中应加上 “to”.如:,4.They make us do all the work.,We are made to do all the work(by them).,5.We often hear her sing English songs.,She is often heard to sing English songs(by us).,6.I saw him walk to school.,He was seen to walk to school(by me).,5,三.当动词带双宾语时,将其中一个宾语提前作被动语态的主语,另一个不动;如果是将指物或指事的宾语提前,则指人的宾语前应加上 “to”或 “for”,如:,7.They give me some nice presents.,I am given some nice presents (by them).,Some nice presents are given to me(by them).,8.He often tells the children some stories.,The children are often told some stories (by him).,Some stories are often told to the children (by him).,9.My father bought me a bike last week.,I was bought a bike (by my father) last week.,A bike was bought for me (by my father) last week.,四.,10.Xinjiang produced fine cotton.,Fine cotton is produced in Xinjiang.(在主动语态中.当句子的主语是某物品的产地时,变被动语态后,不用介词by,而用介词in),11.This farm grows a lot of rice.,A lot of rice is grown on this farm.,12.People make desks and chairs with wood.,Desks and chairs are made of wood (by people).,6,Exercises,将下列句子变为被动语态:,1. They clean their classroom every day . _,2. I repair Jennys bicycle every Sunday. _,3. This farmer grew beautiful flowers last year. _,4. The students should do their homework every day .,_,5. Tom often plays basketball on the playground.,Their classroom is cleaned by them every day .,Jennys bicycle is repaired (by me) every Sunday.,Beautiful flowers were grown by this farmer last year.,Their homework should be done by the students evey day.,Basketball is often played by Tom on the playground.,7,6. Sometimes she gives me a present .,7. The pupil asks the teacher to tell a story.,8. Children often sing this song .,9. John answered all the questions.,10. Tom broke the window.,I am given a present by her sometimes.,The teacher is asked to tell a story by the pupil,The song is often sung by children.,All the questions was answered by John.,The window was broken by Tom.,A present is given,to,me by her sometimes.,12. We can finish the work on time,11.My father bought me a bike.,I was bought a bike by my father.,A bike was bought,for,me by my father.,The work can be finished by us on time.,8,13. He tells me to wait here for him . _,14. People all over the world know the Great Wall .,_,15. We will build a new bridge over the river . _,16.Mary often takes care of the children . _,17. People call him Little Old Man _,18. Tea grows in China . _,19. People speak English in almost all the countries in the world .,_,Im told to wait here for him by him.,The Great wall is known by people all over the world.,A new bridge will be built over the river by us. .,The children are often taken care of by Mary,He is called little Old Man by people.,Tea is grown in China .,English is spoken in almost all the countries in the world,9,20. She often sings this popular song.,21. We clean our classroom every day .,22. They teach English in their school .,23. We usually make cakes with eggs.,24. People play football all over the world .,25. They grow tea in the south of China .,This popular song is often sung by her,Our classroom is cleaned everyday.,English is taught in their school.,Cakes are usually made with eggs.,Football is played all over the world.,Tea is grown in the south of China.,10,III. 把下列句子改成一般疑问句和否定句,1. The dictionary is taken care of by the girl .,_,2. The flowers were watered every by the farmer yesterday .,_,3. The work can be finish by them on time .,_,4. The big box will be carried into the meeting room .,_,5.These books may be kept for two months.,_,Is the dictionary taken care of by the girl.?,The dictionary isnt taken care of by the girl.,Were the flowers watered by the farmer yesterday?.,Can the work be finished by them on time?,Will the big box be carried into the meeting room.?,The flowers werent watered by the farmer yesterday.,The work cant be finished by them on time,The big box wont be carried into the meeting room.,May these books be kept for two moths.?,These books may be kept for two moths.,11,IV. 对画线部分提问,1.,Their,bedroom is painted every year .,_,2. The new cars are made,in this big factory,.,_,3. Jane was born,in Paris in 1997,.,_,4. The flowers should be watered,twice a week.,_,5.,Six,thieves are caught by the police .,_,6.Tom was told to be careful of,thieves,in this city.,_,Whose bedroom is pained every year?,Where are the new cars made ?,Where and when was Jane born?,How many thieves are caught by the police?,Whom was Tom to be careful of in this city?,How often should the flowers be watered?,12,II.将下列句子改成主动语态,1. Metal is used for making machines. (用workers 做主语),_,2. English is spoken by many people .,_,3. The classroom was cleaned . ( 用the students 做主语),_,4. These photos were taken on the Great Wall . ( 用my sister 做主语 ),_,5. This song is often sung . ( 用 the girl 做主语 ),_,Workers use metal for making machines.,Many people speak English.,The students cleaned the classroom .,My sister took these photos on the Great Wall.,The girl often sings the song.,6.The dictionary must be taken good care of.(用you作主语),7.A short play will be put on for the English evening.(用she作主语),You must take good care of the dictionary.,He will put on a short play for the English evening.,13,.,中考实战题练兵,A) Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs given:,1. Last month, in the first match of the 17th World Cup, France,(beat) 0-1 by a new teamSenegal. (2002南京市),2. How many fridges,(produce) in China last year? (2202徐州市),3. No dictionary should,(bring) to the English exam, boys and girls! (2002连云港市),4. That day each of us,(give) ten dollars after we finished the work.,(2002连云港市),5. I,(tell) not to touch the machine. (2001南京市),Was beaten,Were produced,be brought,Was given,I was told,14,B) Multiple Choice:,1. I dont know the school, but its,to be quite a good one. (2002苏州市),A. told B. spoken C. talked D. said,2. Please dont stand up in class until you,. (2002泰州市),A. were told to B. are told to C. were told D. are told,3. If Mg,in O2, we,MgO, and it,combination reaction,(化学变化). (2202泰州市),A. will burn; get; calls B. burns; will get; called,C. will burn; can get; is calling D. burns; will get; is called,4. Please tell me when,on the wall. (2002无锡市),A. has this map hung B. was this map hung,C. this map has hung D. this map was hung,5. The doctor will operate on him at once as soon as he,the hospital. (2002常州市),A. is sent to B. will be taken to,C. leaves D. doesnt return,6. They wont be back until the work,. (2002南通市),A. do B. does C. is done D. will do,15,1.Students should corrrect their mistakes. ( Their mistakes.),2.We must type the letters this afternoon.( The letters.),You can bring your friends to my birthday party tomorrow evening.),4.Students should be spoken English in and put of class.( English),5.You should hand in your composition the day after tomorrow. (,6.We should knock a long stick into the earth next to the hole.,7.We should tie the tree to the top of the stick.,8.They may grow fruit trees around the village next spring,Their mistakes should be corrected .,The letters must be typed this afternoon.,Your friends can be brought to my birthday.,English should be spoken in and out of class.,Your composition should be handed in the day after tomorrow.,A long stick should be knocked into the earth next to the hole.,The tree should be tied to the top of the stick.,Fruit trees may be grown around the village next spring,将下列句子变为被动语态,:,16,将下列句子改成主动语态,1.These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert,by a group of scientists in the 1920s,A group of scientists found these eggs in the Gobi Desert,2.These eggs were laid long long ago by dinosaurs.,Dinosaurs laid these eggs long long ago.,3.Man-made satellites have been sent up into space,by many countries.,4.Many of stares cannot be seen,5.A new Great Wall has been built,across the northern part of the country.,Many countries have sent up Man-made satellites into space,We cannot see.many of stars,5.A new Great Wall has been built,across the northern part of the country.,They have built a new Great Wall,across the northern part of the country.,17,新疆库尔勒市三中(铁路中学),英语教研室,王新华,邮编 841001,18,


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