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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英汉翻译时句子的处理,句子的拆译,1 原文中某些作定语或表语的形容词、作状语的副词可拆译成单句,例如:,1) That region is the most,identifiable,trouble spot.,那个地区是个麻烦多的地方,,这谁都看得出来,。,1,2) Your presumption that he would want to share a flat with you is,false,.,如果你认为他会想同你合伙住一套公寓,,那你就错了,。,3) Chairman Mao might have spoken with,understandable,pride of his policy of “self-reliance”.,毛主席在谈到他的“自力更生”政策时也许有些自豪,,这是可以理解的,。,2,4) He can,easily,stretches the courses out over a longer period if he needs to hold down a serious job while he studies.,倘若上学期间他还需要做一份正经的工作,那就可以延长休课时间。,这是很容易做到的。,3,5) He also concluded that insight into prehistoric cultures should,ideally,proceed from knowledge of living cultures.,他还得出这样的结论:要想对史前的各种文化有深刻的认识,应该从了解现存的种种文化入手。,这是最理想的方法。,4,分词短语或独立分词结构译成分句或从句,6,),Now we are engaged in a great civil war,testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure,.,目前我们正在进行一场伟大的国内战争。,战争考验着这个国家,或任何信奉自由、平等的国家,能否国基永固,长治久安,。,5,7)Throughout his life, Benjamin Franklin continued his education,learning from human contacts as well as from books.,本杰明富兰克林整个一生都在学习。,他不但从书本中学习,,,而且也从与人交往中学习。,6,介词短语译成分句、从句或独立成句。,8,),Because of their origins in the public school system,these institutions do respond to the needs and desires of the community.,由于社区学院源自公立教育体系,,它们必须按照社区的需要去做。,7,9)Even when a mere child I began my travels, and made my tours of discovery into foreign parts and unknown regions of my native city,to the frequent alarm of my parents, and the emolument of the town-crier.,甚至还在童年时我就开始了旅行,许多次到本城陌生的区域和偏僻的地方去漫游,去探索。,父母常常为我的失踪而担忧,当地的地保却因把我找回来而受到奖赏。,8,10)The oceans contribute immeasurably to the earths life support system as well as provide an untapped storehouse,of food, minerals, energy, and archaeological treasure.,海洋对地球上维持生命的系统做出了不可估量的贡献,同时它又是一座尚未打开的宝库,,里面储有食物、矿产、能源和一些极具考古价值的东西,。,9,11)But they have become a staple of American politics,particularly during the last 25 years.,但在美国政治生活中,辩论却已经成为不可缺少的东西。,特别是在过去的25年里,情况更是如此。,10,动词不定式短语译成从句或独立句,12,),To compare the weight of two different types of objects, we should have to weigh equal volumes of each.,要比较两种不同物体的重量,,就必须对同样的体积进行称量。,11,13),To convert Fahrenheit degrees into Centigrade, subtract 32, and multiply by 5/9.,要把华氏温度转换成摄氏温度,,首先减去32度,然后乘以5/9。,12,14)It is simple enough,to say that,since books have classes fiction, biography, poetry we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us ,书既然有小说、传记、诗歌之分,就应区别对待,从各类书籍中取其应该给予我们的东西。,这话说来很简单,,。,13,


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