新视野第四册Unit 1-2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,N H C E,The Tail of Fame,Unit 1 Section A,The benefits of gaining a good fame,A large number of economic income,Be admired by public,Have a good social status,A high material standard of living,The shortcomings of gaining a good fame,No privacy,No freedom,One false step brings everlasting grief,(悲伤),.,Hidden rules(,潜规则,),孙志浩 贾静雯,Text Analysis,I. Understanding,The passage is a piece of argumentation which tries to convince us that seeking fame sometimes leads to ones own destruction.,Text StudyUnderstanding,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,General Statement,Specific Argumentation,Conclusion,The Tail of Fame,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,I. Text Structure,Argumentation + Supporting Details + Conclusion,Text Structure Analysis: Structure of the Text,Argumentation,Supporting Details,Conclusion,Part 1 :Para.1,Part2 Paras.2-5,Part 3 Para.6,Part 4 Para.7,Part 5 Para.8,Part 6: Para.9,Argumentation,:,Chasing fame often leads to self-destruction. (Para. 1),Conclusion,:,The writers advice to those seeking fame and fortune. (Para. 9),An artist is,hard to be both,successful and,uncompromising. (Para. 6),The greatest winners,initially failed in the conquest of fame.(Para. 7),Examples of those who failed many times before their final,success.,(Para. 8),Some negative effects,(Paras.2-5),预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Part I,General Statement (Para. ?),A:,It is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.,(Para. 1),Q2:,What is the writers statement about fame?,A:,The cruelty of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction.,Q1:,What is it like to seek fame?,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Q:,The Main Idea of,Part I,?,A:,Just as a dog chases its own tail, seeking fame often leads to self-destruction.,Q:,What,device of writing,is employed herein?,A:,Simile,. To make his statement more convincing, the writer adopts the rhetorical device “,simile,”, as shown in the first sentence “,An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it,”.,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Part II,Specific Argumentation (Paras. ?),A:,The conquest of fame is difficult at best, and many end up emotionally if not financially bankrupt.,(Paras. 2-8),Q2:,What will happen to artists if theyre bored?,A:,Their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.,Q1:,What does the writer think of conquest of fame?,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Q3:,How do celebrities pay for their distinct style?,A:,They pay for it by giving up the freedom to express themselves with other styles or forms.,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Part II,Specific Argumentation (Paras. ?),A:,They have to please their audiences by saying things they dont mean or fully believe.,(Paras. 2-8),Q5:,What if celebrities remain true to themselves?,A:,They pay a heavy price for doing so, as shown in the case of Oscar.,Q4:,In what way are artists similar to politicians?,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Q6:,What will become of those who initially fail?,A:,Oddly, those who initially fail but never give up trying turn out to be the greatest winners.,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Q:,The Main Idea of,Part II,?,A:,As the writer argues, the conquest of fame is difficult at best, for many end up emotionally if not financially bankrupt. Even those who gain fame are hard-pressed to sustain their fans favor, because making minute changes to their popular style leaves them with a significant risk of losing favor with their fans. To sustain their fame, they have to give up the freedom to express themselves with any style other than their famous one. Oddly, the greatest winners are those who remain true to their quest for success after repeated failures. For most people, however, failure is the end of their struggle, not the beginning.,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Q:,What,device of writing,is employed herein?,A:,Deduction,演绎, as shown in Para. 7.,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Q:,General statement of Para. 7?,A:,It is those who fail that reap the greatest reward.,They enjoy the freedom to _ without fear of _.,(Detail I),They find _ that many great artists never found fame until _ and that _.,(Detail II),They justify their failure by arguing that _.,(Detail III),express themselves in unique and original ways,losing the support of fans,comfort in knowing,well after they had died,they did not sell out themselves for fame,their genius is too sophisticated for contemporary audiences,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Part III,Conclusion (Paras. ?),A:,People may find that once they have conquered fame, it is not really what they ever wanted. So you should be happy with what you are and do what you are proud of. Maybe you wont be famous in your own lifetime, but you may create better art.,(Paras. 9),Q1:,What is the authors advice on fame seeking?,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Q:,The Main Idea of,Part III,?,A:,Rather than,try so hard to seek fame,you should,be happy with what you are and do what you are strong in. Maybe you wont be famous in your own lifetime, but you may create better art.,Q:,What,device of writing,is employed herein?,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,A:,Induction, as shown below:,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,Interactive Analysis of Text,Known facts,about fame seeking, as shown in Para. 9?,Facts,:,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,The,general advice,the writer gives,on fame seeking?,A:,So instead of trying so hard to achieve success, try to be happy with who you are and what you do. Maybe you wont be famous in your own lifetime, but you may create better art.,2),The dog who catches his tail discovers that it is,only a tail.,Facts:,1),You may find it was not what you wanted,.,only a tail.,3),The person who achieves success often,discovers that it does more harm than good,.,神马都是浮云:,A magic horse is floating clouds.,Language Points,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,The Tail of Fame,Para.,1,An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. The cruelty of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction.,句型,句型,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para. 2,“,Dont quit your day job,!” is advice frequently given by understandably pessimistic family members and friends to a budding artist who is trying hard to succeed.,The conquest of fame is difficult at best, and many end up emotionally if not financially bankrupt. Still, impure motives such as the desire for worshipping fans and praise from peers may,spur the artist on,.,The lure of,drowning in fames imperial glory,is not easily resisted.,句型,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,3a,Those who gain,fame most often gain it,as a result of exploiting,their talent for singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc. They develop a style that agents market aggressively to hasten popularity, and their ride on the express elevator to the top is a blur. Most would,be hard-pressed to tell,you how they even got there. Artists cannot remain idle, though.,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,3b,When the performer, painter or writer becomes bored, their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.,After their enthusiasm has dissolved, the public simply moves on to,the next flavor of the month,.,句型,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,3c,Artists who do attempt to remain current by making even minute changes to their style of writing, dancing or singing, run a significant risk of losing the audiences favor.,The public simply discounts styles other than those for which the artist has become famous.,句型,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,4,Famous authors stylesa Tennessee Williams play or a plot by Ernest Hemingway or a poem by Robert Frost or T.S. Eliotare easily recognizable. The same is true of painters like Monet, Renoir, or Dali and moviemakers like Hitchcock, Fellini, Spielberg, Chen Kaige or Zhang Yimou.,Their distinct styles marked a significant change in form from others and gained them fame and fortune. However, they,paid for it by giving up the freedom,to express themselves with other styles or forms.,句型,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,5,Fames spotlight can be hotter than a tropical junglea fraud is quickly exposed, and the pressure of so much attention is too much for most to endure. It takes you out of yourself: You must be what the public thinks you are, not what you really are or could be. The performer, like the politician, must often please his or her audiences by saying things he or she does not mean or fully believe.,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,6a,One drop of fame will likely contaminate the entire well of a mans soul, and so an artist who,remains true to himself,or herself is particularly amazing. You would be hard-pressed to underline many names of those who have not compromised and still succeeded in the fame game. An example, the famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde, known for his uncompromising behavior, both social and sexual, to which the public objected, paid heavily for remaining true to himself.,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,6b,The mother of a young man Oscar was intimate with,accused him at a banquet in front of his friends and fans of sexually influencing her son,.,Extremely angered by her remarks, he sued the young mans mother, asserting that she had damaged his “good” name. He should have hired a better attorney, though. The judge did not second Wildes call to have the woman pay for damaging his name, and instead fined Wilde.,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,6c,He ended up in jail after refusing to pay, and even worse,was permanently expelled from the wider circle of public favor,.,When things were at their worst, he found that no one was willing to risk his or her name in his defense.,His price for remaining true to himself was to be left alone when he needed his fans the most.,句型,句型,Wilde,Wilde,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,7,Curiously enough, it is those who fail that reap the greatest reward: freedom! They enjoy the freedom to express themselves in unique and original ways without fear of losing the support of fans. Failed artists may find comfort in knowing that many great artists never found fame until well after they had passed away or in knowing that they did not sell out.,They may justify their failure by convincing themselves their genius is too sophisticated for contemporary audiences.,句型,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,8a,Single-minded artists who continue their quest for fame even after failure might also like to know that failure has motivated some famous people to work even harder to succeed. Thomas Wolfe, the American novelist, had his first novel,Look Homeward, Angel,rejected 39 times before it was finally published. Beethoven overcame his father, who did not believe that he had any potential as a musician, to become the greatest musician in the world.,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,8b,And Pestalozzi, the famous,Swiss educator in the 19th century,failed at every job he ever had until he,came upon the idea of teaching children,and developing the fundamental theories to produce a new form of education. Thomas Edison was thrown out of school in the fourth grade, because he seemed to his teacher to be quite dull. Unfortunately for most people, however, failure is the end of their struggle, not the beginning.,Detailed Study of the Text,预习,小结,导入,写作,Back,单词学习,课文分析,课文学习,随 笔,Para.,9,I say to those who desperately seek fame and fortune: good luck. But alas, you may find that it was not what you wanted. The dog who catches his tail discovers that it is only a tail. The person who achieves success often discovers that it does more harm than good. So instead of trying so hard to achieve success, try to be happy with who you are and what you do. Try to do work that you can be proud of. Maybe you wont be famous in your own lifetime, but you may create better art.,Detailed Study of the Text,Back,参与自我毁灭,最乐观地说,出人头地,精神崩溃,渴望粉丝追捧,发挥唱歌特长,加速某人走红,某人青云直上,缺乏吸引力,稍加改动,某事,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,to participate in ones own destruction,at best,the conquest of fame,emotionally bankrupt,desire for worshiping fans,exploit ones talent for singing,to hasten sb.s popularity,sb.s ride on the express elevator to the top,a lack of continuity in one,s appeal,make minute changes to sth.,English Equivalents of Chinese,预习,课文,导入,写作,失宠,污染心灵之井,最糟糕,冒名声之险替人说话,为某事感到高兴,to lose sb.s favor,contaminate the well of ones soul,at ones worst,risk ones name in sb.s defense,be happy with sth.,English Equivalents of Chinese,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,Back,预习,课文,导入,写作,丢掉有固定收入的工作,:,激励某人向前,:,沉浸在成功后的无上荣光中,:,忠于,:,被开除驱逐,:,汉英互译,短语活用,句式应用,随 笔,Back,预习,课文,导入,写作,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,to quit / give up / leave ones day job,to spur sb. on,to drown in fames imperial glory,to remain / be true to sth. (form / type / life / ones word / oneself),to be expelled from,艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.,Sb. who do sth. be like sb. else doing sth. else who, when / once , ,做某事的人如同他人做,, 一旦,, 就,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应用,用于表述“,事物之间的类比,”。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,热衷于网络游戏的青少年,如同一个吸毒的,一旦成瘾,除了继续寻求刺激不知还能做什么。,be hot on sth. / take drugs / be addicted to sth. / seek thrill from sth.,A teenager who is hot on online games is like one taking drugs who, once addicted to it, does not know what else to do but to continue seeking thrill from it.,对一名正努力追求成功并刚刚崭露头角的艺术家,其亲朋常常会建议“正经的饭碗不能丢!”他们的担心不无道理。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,“Dont quit your day job!” is advice frequently given by understandably pessimistic family members and friends to a budding artist who is trying hard to succeed.,“” is advice frequently given by sb. to sb. else who do sth.,“”,是某人常常给做某事的人提出的建议。,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应用,用于表述,“,人在特定情况下常提的建议,”,。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,“,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲!,”,是老人们常常给缺乏上进心的年轻人提出的建议。,idleness in youth / to spell regret in old age / to show a lack of the desire to advance,“Idleness in youth spells regret in old age!” is advice frequently given by the old to those who show a lack of the desire to advance.,Back,若表演者、画家或作家感到厌烦,他们的作品就难以继续保持以前的吸引力,也就难以保持公众的注意力。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,When the performer, painter or writer becomes bored, their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.,When one becomes bored (with sth./ sb.), sth. or sb. begin to show a lack of continuity in and it becomes difficult to do sth. else.,若人(对某事,/,人)感到厌烦,某事人就难以继续保持,,也就难以,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应用,用于表述,“,事物的因果关系,”,。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,若你始终坚持道德规范,诱惑会失去其原有吸引力,也就难在你身上起作用。,remain true to ones moral norms / exert any effect on sb.,When you remain true to your moral norms, temptation begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to exert any effect on you.,Back,有些艺术家为了不落伍,会对他们的写作、跳舞或唱歌的风格稍加变动,但这将冒极大的失宠的危险。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,Artists who do attempt to remain current by making even minute changes to their style of writing, dancing or singing, run a significant risk of losing the audiences favor.,Sb. who do attempt to do sth. by doing sth. else, run a risk of .,某人为了做某事,会,,但这将冒,的危险。,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应用,用于表述,“,做某事存在的危险性,”,。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,有些学生为了调剂学校生活,会偶尔玩一玩网上游戏,但这将冒上瘾的危险。,enliven ones school life / from time to time / play online games / get addicted to sth.,Some students who do attempt to enliven their school life by playing online games from time to time run a risk of getting addicted to it.,Back,同样,像莫奈、雷诺阿、达利这样的画家,希区柯克、费里尼、斯皮尔伯格、陈凯歌或张艺谋这样的电影制作人也是如此。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,The same is true of painters like Monet, Renoir, or Dali and moviemakers like Hitchcock, Fellini, Spielberg, Chen Kaige or Zhang Yimou.,Sth./Sb. be/do sth. The same is true of (holds true for) sth./sb. else.,某人物是做某事。这也同样适用于,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应用,用于表述,“,事物的普遍性,”,。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,生活的艺术是懂得如何少享受而多忍受。这同样适用于我们的婚姻。,the art of living / know how to enjoy a little / endure much,The art of living is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure much. The same is true of our marriage.,Back,在最糟糕的时候,他发现没有一个人愿意拿自己的名声冒险来替他说话。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,When things were at their worst, he found that no one was willing to risk his or her name in his defense.,When sth. / sb. be at their worst / best / prime, sb. find that ,某事人处于最糟好的时侯,某人发现,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应用,用于表述,“,某人在特定情形下的感悟,”,。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,在他处于最佳状态时,这个人发现他也能成就先前从未做成的事。,be at ones best / get sth. done,When at,his best,the person,found that,he could get done what he had never before,.,Back,为保持真我,他付出的代价是,在最需要崇拜者时,谁也不理他。,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,His price for remaining true to himself was to be left alone when he needed his fans the most.,Ones price for doing sth. is to do sth. else.,为了做某事,某人所付出的代价是,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,句 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应用,用于表述,“,


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