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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 1,1.美术俱乐部,2.英语俱乐部,3.游泳俱乐部,4.下国际象棋,5.弹吉他,6.说英语,7.弹钢琴,8.拉小提琴,9.敲鼓,10.会(表演)功夫,art club,English club,11.和交朋友,12.讲故事,13.在周末,14.玩游戏,15.在某方面帮助某人,16.擅长于,17.运动俱乐部,18.讲故事俱乐部,19.学校演出,20.在英语俱乐部,21.忙于做某事,22.忙于某事,23.讲英语的学生,24.有空,25.跟说,26.写故事,27.需要某人做某事,28 一点儿;少量;些许,重点句子,1.,Unit 2,1.几点,what time,2.起床,get up,3.去上学,go to school,4.穿上衣服,get dressed,5.刷牙,brush teeth,6.吃早饭,have/eat breakfast,7.洗淋浴,take a shower,8.一份有趣的工作,an interesting job,9.在一家广播电台,at a radio station,10.广播节目,radio show,11.从到,fromto,12.在夜晚,at night,13.到做某事的时间了。,Its time to do sth.,14.去上班,go to work,15.迟到,be late for,16点半,half past ,17点十五,a quarter past ,18差一刻到点,a quarter to,19回家,go home,20打扫我的房间,clean my room,21散步,take a walk,22上床睡觉,go to bed,23.早睡,go to bed early,24.吃得快,eat quickly,25.做运动,do/play sports,26.健康的习惯,healthy habits,27.半小时,half an hour,28.要么,要么,either or,29.玩电脑游戏,play computers games,30.对有好处,be good for,31.许多,大量,lots of/a lot of,32.好吃,taste good,重点句型,1.-What time do you usually get up?,-I usually get up at six thirty.,2.Thats a funny time for breakfast.,那个时间吃早饭真有意思。,3.At twelve ,she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.,4.In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.,5.She knows its not good for her,but tastes good.,6.Here are your clothes.,1.坐火车,take the train/by train,2.坐公共汽车,take the bus/by bus,3.骑自行车,ride a bike/by bike,4.步行,walk/on foot,5.到校,get to school,6.多长,how long,7.多远,how far,8.从家到学校,from home to school,9.乘车,搭巴士,the bus ride,10.每天,every day,Unit 3,11.公共汽车站,bus stop,12.火车站,train station,13.认为,考虑,think of,14.乘索道,go on a ropeway,15.中的许多,many of ,16.害怕,be afraid,17.一个11岁的男孩,an 11-year-old boy,18.实现,come true,19和玩,play with,20.不得不,have to,重点句型,1.乘去,take to/go to by,2.是怎样到的?,How do/does get to?,3.从到有多远?,How far is it fromto?,4.做某事花费某人多长时间。,It takes sb some time to do sth,.,5.花费多长时间?,How long does it take?,6.做某事是,It is +adj+to do sth.,7.感谢(你)做某事,Thanks for+v-ing,.,10.从你家到学校有多远?,How far is it from your home to school?,11.对于许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。,For many students,it is easy to get to school.,12.在他们学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河。,There is a very big river between their school and the village.,13.认为怎么样?,What do /does 主语think of ?,8.你怎样到学校?,How do you get to school?,我骑自行车去学校。,I go to school by bike .,I ride a bike to school.,9.你的学校花费多长时间?,How long does it take you to get to school?,Unit 4,1.按时,准时,(be)on time,2.在课上,in class,3.外出(娱乐),go out,4.做早饭,make breakfast,5.听 ,listen to,6.违反规则,break the rules,7.保持安静,keep quiet/be quiet,8.看望朋友,see friends,9.在外面吃东西,eat outside/out,10.许多事,a lot of things,11.练习吉他,practice the guitar,12.在上学期间的晚上,on school nights,13.在晚饭前,before dinner,14.遵守规则,follow the rules,15.清洗餐具,wash /do the dishes,16.打扫房间,clean the room,17.在外面听音乐,listen to music outside,18.太多规则,too many rules,19.铺床,make beds,20.吵闹,be noisy,21.在那之后,after that,22.对某人要求严格,be strict with sb,23.对某事要求严格,be strict in sth,24.学会弹钢琴,learn to play the piano,25.留短发,keep the hair short,26.带帽子,wear a hat,重点句型,1.Dont arrive late for class.,2.Dont run in the hallways.,3.Dont listen to music in class.,4.祈使句,5.practice doing sth,6.help sb (to)do sth,help sb with sth,7.too many+可数名词复数,too much +不可数名词,much too +adj.,8.remember doing sth(做过),remember to do sth(未做),9.keep+宾语+adj.,10.learn to do sth学会做某事,Unit 5 1.有点有趣,kind of interesting,2.南非,S,outh Africa,3.用两条腿走路,walk on two legs,4.整天,all day,5.来自于,be from/come from,6.很长时间,for a long time,7.一个的象征,a symbol of,8.迷路,get lost/be lost,9.有事物和水的地方,places with food and water,10.砍到,cut down,11.处于(极大)危险之中,(be) in(great) danger,12.失去某人的家园,lose ones home,13.象牙制品,things made of ivory,14.由制成的(看不见原材料),be made from,15.由制成的(看得见原材料),be made of,16.和某人关系好,与某人要好,be friendly with,17.对某人友好,be friendly to,17.其中之一,one of+名词复数,18.挽救某人的生命,save ones life,19 来自泰国的学生们,students from Thailand,重点句子及句型,1.Lets see the pandas.,2.Why do you like pandas?,Because theyre cute.,3.Where are lions from?,=Where do lions come,from,?,4.They are from Africa.,=They come from Africa.,5.What animals do you like?,I like elephants.,6.a kind of 一种all kinds of 各种各样的,different kindsof 不同种类的,It is kind of sb to do sth.,7.forget to do sth(未做),8.forget doing sth(做过),9.This is a symbol of good luck.,10.They can also draw very well.,Unit 6 1.看报纸,read a newspaper,2.看电视,watch TV,3.通过电话交谈,talk on the phone,4.听一张CD,listen to a CD,5.使用电脑,use the computer,6.做汤,make soup,7.喝汤,eat soup,8.和某人在居住,live with sb in,9.去看电影,go to the movies,10.喝茶,drink tea,11.做晚饭,make/cook dinner,12.端午节,Dragon Boat Festival,13.在电视上看,watch on TV,14.包粽子,make zongzi,15.读故事给某人听,read a story to sb,16.一张的照片,a picture of,17.脱口秀,talk show,18.和我一起吃晚餐,join sb for dinne,r,19.其他任何一个,any other,20.为了考试而学习,study for a test,21.前夜,the night before,重点句子和句型,1.What are you doing?,I am watching TV.,2.P32页对话需要背下来,3.Hes living with an American family in New York.,4.Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.,5.现在进行时(看笔记),Unit 7 1.不错,not bad,2.在公园,in/at the park,3.过得愉快,have a good time/have a great time/have fun/enjoy oneself,4.为捎个口信,take a message for,5.给(某人)回电话,call sb back,6.没问题,no problem,7.现在,right now,8.当中的一些,some of,9.在泳池旁,by the pool,10.喝橙汁,drink orange juice,11.努力学习,study hard,12.在度假,on (a )vacation,13.在山里,in the mountains,14.给某人打电话,call sb,15.给某人写信,write to sb,16.适合,right for,17.给照相,take a photo of,18.在下雨的天气里,in the rainy weather,19.在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天,in spring/summer/fall/winter,秋天autumn/fall,20.在欧洲,in Europe,重点句子和句型,1.Hows the weather?,=Whats the weather like?,Its rainy.,2.cook sb sth=cook sth for sb,3.Hows it going/,4.Im playing basketball with some friends at the park.,5.Can I take a message for him?,6.have a great time/have fun/enjoy oneself/have a good time(in) doing,7.be happy to do sth,8.Its hot in your country now,isnt it?,9.tell sb (not) to do sth,10.just right for doing sth,11.Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canda.,Unit 8,1.在这附近,near here/in the neighborhood,2.在长街,on Bridge Street,3.在对面,across from,4.挨着,靠近,next to,5.在和之间,betweenand,6.在对面(外部),in front of,7.打扰了,excuse me,8.离远,far from,9.非常,so much=very much=a lot,10.沿着走,go along,11.向左转,turn left,12.向右转,turn right,13.在左边,on the left,14.在第一个十字路口,at the first crossing,15.在我的街区,在我附近,in my neighborhood,16.看起来像,look like,17.生活中,一生中,in life,18.免费的,有空的,be free,19.享受的乐趣,喜欢做某事,enjoy doing,20.观看某人正在做某事,watch sb doing sth,21.观看某人做某事,watch sb do sth,22.花时间,spend time,1.在这附近有一家医院吗?是的, 有。,2.它在桥街上。,3.付费电话在图书馆对面。,4.需要我的帮助吗?,5.我初到城里。,6.它离这里不太远。,7.在第一个十字路口向右转,餐馆在你的左侧,付费电话的对面。,Is there a hospital near here?Yes ,there is.,It is on Bridge Street.,The pay phone is across from the library.,How can I help you?,Im new in town.,It is not too far from here.,Turn left at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left,across from the pay phone.,8.在我家附近有一个动物园。,9.我喜欢在那里度过周末时光。,10.我喜欢看猴子们在周围爬,来,爬去。,11.它们看起来像我和我的朋友们打闹时一样!,12.要去那儿的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右拐。,There is a zoo in my neighborhood.,I like to spend time there on weekends.,I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.,They look like my friends and me when we fight.,To get there,I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road.,13.生活中最美好的东西是免费的。,14.图书馆很安静,我喜欢在哪里看书。,15.你可以很容易地到达图书馆。,The best things in life is free.,It is quiet and I enjoy reading there.,You can get th the library easily.,Unit 9,1短发,short hair,2.中等身高,(be) of medium height,3.中等身材,(be)of medium build,4.可能,may be,5.有点儿,一点儿,a little,6.戴眼镜,wear glasses,7.一副眼镜,a pair of glasses,8.卷发,curly hair,9.直发,straight hair,10. 看起来,look like,11.大鼻子,a big nose,12.小嘴巴,a small mouth,13.圆脸,a round face,14.大眼睛,big eyes,15.长脸,a long face,16画一幅(的 )画,draw a picture (of),17.同样的方式,the same way,18.最后,终于,in the end /at last,19.在末尾,at the end of,20.首先,first of all,重要句子和句型,1.What does he look like?他长什么样?,He is of medium height ,and she has long straight hair.,2.What is he like?他是什么样的人?,He is friendly.,3.I may be a little late.,5.He has brown hair and wear glasses.,6.See you later then.,7.Do they have straight or curly hair?,They have curly hair.,8.They tell him what the criminal looks like.,9.the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.,10.He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal.,11.Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.,


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