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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,two poems,Good better best,Never let it rest,Till good is better,And better is best.,Bad worse worst,Never fight against,Get better and better,And youll be the best,形容词,(adjctive),,副词,(adverb),的比较级,(comparatives),和最高级,(supertives),形容词是描述,修饰,名词或代词,说明事物或人的,性质或,特征,的词。,eg. He is a,good,boy.,副词在句子中修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子,用来表示时间、场所、状态及程度。,eg. He studies,hard,.,一.,定义:,形容词和副词可以分为三个等级:,1.原级,即原形;,2.比较级,表示“较,/比,”或“更一些”的意思:,3.最高级,表示“最”的意思.,二. 形容词和副词的级,He is,tall,. 他高。,He is,taller than,I. 他比我高。,He is,the tallest in,my class. 他是我们班最高的。,heavy,wild,funny,quiet,athletic,straight,熟悉一些形容词,short,fat,tall,thin,light,calm,outgoing,serious,weak,curly,高的,瘦的,轻的,镇静的,严肃的,活泼的,虚弱的,卷曲的,矮的,胖的,重的,鲁莽的,滑稽的,文静的,强健的,直的,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成,一、规则变化,:,二、不规则变化:,情况,构成方法,原级,比较级,最高级,1,一般情况,加-er, -est,tall tall,er,tall,est,great great,er,great,est,2,以不发音,e,结尾的单音节词,加,-r,,,-st,large larg,er,larg,est,nice nic,er,nic,est,3,在重读闭音节中,,(即:辅音元音辅音),先双写末尾的辅音字母,再,加-er, -est,big big,ger,big,gest,hot hot,ter,hot,test,4,以,“,辅音字母,y”,结尾的双音节词,,把,y,改为,i,再加-er, -est,ea,sy,eas,i,er eas,i,est,hea,vy,heav,i,er heav,i,est,5,其他双音节词(副词)和多音节词,,比较级在前面加,more,,最高级在前面加,most,beautiful ,more,beautiful ,most,beautiful,different ,more,different ,most,different,easily ,more,easily ,most,easily,helpful,more,helpful,most,helpful,一、规则变化:,原级,比较级,最高级,good ,well,better,best,bad, ill, badly,worse,worst,many ,much,more,most,little,less,least,far,Farther距离, further程度,farthest, further(提高进一步),old,older时间, elder,顺序,oldest, eldest,二、不规则变化:,小贴士,1.,elder和eldest可用来表示兄弟和子女的长幼顺序,:,my elder sister 我的姐姐,my eldest brother 我的大哥,their eldest son他们的长子,2.f,urther表示“较远”外,还可表示 “进一步的”;而farther仅表示距离,:,The farther plants are too cold. 更远的行星太冷。,Do you need any further help? 你还需要更进一步的帮助吗?,thin calm short heavy funny outgoing hot,serious athletic smart quiet important popular,nice easy exciting late fat happy wet young tall,long relaxing,Put the following words in the five,groups.,small,er,large,r,big,ger,bus,ier,more,interesting,Exercise:,thin,ner,calm,er,short,er,heav,ier,funn,ier,more,outgoning,hot,ter,more,serious,more,athletic,smart,er,quiet,er,more,important,more,popular,nice,r,easi,er,more,exciting,late,r,fat,ter,happ,ier,wet,ter,yong,er,tall,er,long,er,more,relaxing,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的基本用法,表示两者(人或事物) 的比较,常用于“,比较级,+,than,”的结构中,eg:Tom is,taller,than,Kate. 汤姆比凯特高,Cats are,more lovely,than,other animals.,猫比其他动物都可爱。,eg:This is,t,he most,beautiful,flower,of,all the flowers.,She is,the shortest,in,her class. 。,This is,the most interesting,story,that,I have ever heard.,一,、比较级:,二、最高级:,在三者或三者以上的人或事物之间进行比较,表示“最”.最高级的常用表达方式:,of / in +比较范围,The +形容词(副词)的最高级 +,定语从句,Pair work / Group work,比较等级用法补充:,一.原级:(同级比较),1.表示两者在某一方面相同时:,as + 形容词或副词的原形+ as,eg. Li Ming is,as tall as,me. 李明和我一样高。,Tom runs,as fast as,Jack. 汤姆和杰克跑的一样快。,2. 表示一方在目一方面不如另一方时:,not,as/ so+ 形容词或副词的原形+ as,eg. I am,not so busy as,I used to be. 我不像过去那么忙了,二.比较级,1. ,比较级 + and +比较级, 表示“,越来越,”,eg. Our country is getting,stronger and stronger.,2.,the +比较级,the +比较级, 表示“,越就越,”,eg.,The busier,he is,the happier,he feels.,3.,the +比较级+ of, 表示“,两者中更的那个,”,John is,the taller of,the two. 约翰是两个人中比较高的。,4.,could not + 比较级, 表示“,不可能更,”,we,could not,get a,better,result. 我们不能得到更好的结果了。,5. ,which/who is + 比较级,Aor B?, 表示“,A和B中,哪一个更,”,Who is older, Li Ming or Jack?,三,英语中可以用在比较级前表示程度的词有:,much , even, far, still, a little, a bit,eg. Yao Ming is,much,taller than,Pan Changjiang.,Exercises:,1.(2011宁夏27题)Need I wash your car after repairing it?,Yes,that would be much _.,A.good B.well C. better D. best,2.(,2010宁夏24题,) She is very good at painting.She can paint_her teacher.,A.as better as B.as well as C .as good as D.so well,as,3. My friend Tony has _ hair than I and hes_than I.,A. long,outgong B. more longer,more outgoing,C. longer,more outgoing D.longer,outgoing,4.I think English is as _as chinese.,A. important B. more important,C. most important D.the most important,5.My sister is really good at high jump. She jumps _ than the other students in her school.,A. the highest B. very high,C. much higher D. too high,6.She always does her homework _ than her brother.,A. more careful B. careful,C. more carefully D. carefully,7.She looks very_ I think she needs to have a rest.,A. tired B. hard C. well D. hardly,8. The air in Beijing is getting much_now than a few years ago.,A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest,9. Nowadays science fiction isnt as _ as cartoons among teenagers.,A. popular B. more popular C. less popular D. the most popular,10. We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing _ these years than ever before.,A. quickly B. less quickly C. more quickly D. the most quickly,11.Jack has three friends. Mike is the _ of the four.,A. most clever B. more clever C. cleverest D. clever,12Remember, boys and girls. _ you work,_ result you will get.,We know, Miss Gao.,A. The better, the harder B. The harder, the better,C. The hard, the better D. The harder, the good,13. The box is very_.I cant carry it.,A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest D.heavily,14.Li Huas shoes are as_ as Zhang Huas.,A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheaper D.the cheapest,15. In the piano contest, my brother didnt play well and I did _.,A. very well B. much better C. very good D.even worse,16 Now China has joined WTO,so I think English is _useful than before.,A. more B. most C.much D.many,17 Mum,this T-thirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a _one?,A. nice B. large C.nicer D.larger,18This year the villagers have produced_rice_they did two years ago.,A. less,than B. as less,as C.fewer,than D.as few,as,19 -Do you enjoy traveling by air?,-No,its _expensive.,A. too much B. more much C.much D.much too,20-What do you think of this writing?,-Oh,no one does _.,A. good B. well C.better D.best,21. When spring comes,the trees get _.,A. green and green B. green and greener,C.,greener and green D.,greener and greener,22.This year our school is_than it was last year.,A. much more beautiful B.,much beautiful,C.the most,beautiful,D.,beautiful,23. we want to go to America to have a _study.,A. farther B. farthest C.further D.furthest,24. Yellow River is the second_ in China.,A. long B. longer C.longest D.very long,25. I dont like this film.Its_that one.,A. as interesting as B. less interesting as,C.more interesting than D.not so interesting as,26-Its so cold today,-Yes,its _colder than it was yesterday.,A.some B.,more,C. very D.,much,27,.,3,2. He is _of the two boys.,A.,t,a,ll B. taller,C. tallest D. the taller,28_you are, _mistakes you will make in the street.,A.The more careful ,the fewer B. the,more,carefully,the fewer,C.,The more careful ,the less,D.,the,more,carefully,the less,29-Which city is your favorite?,-Hangzhou, of course. Its the _place that I want to visit.,A.worse B. worst C.better D.best,30,.Which do you like _, tea or coffee?,good B. better,C. best D. the better,31,.If you want to be thinner and healthier, youd better eat _food and take _exercise.,more, fewer B. more, less,C. fewer, more D. less, more,Summary:,What have,we,learnt today?,Assingment,/ Homework:,use what you have learned today to write a composition. At least 80 words.,


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