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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lets sing together,We wish you a merry Christmas,we wish you a merry christmas,we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year,good tidings we bring to you and your kin(亲友),good tidings,for christmas and a happy new year,we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year,Round 1读句子猜词义,本组有,8道题,共计80分。答对1题加10分。,He is a fat cat.A 它是一只肥胖的猫B 他是一个大亨C 他爱说大话D 他非常懒惰,B,1,2,Hethrewus,anappleofdiscord,and wesoonquarreledagain.,A 矛盾之源,B 陷阱,C 吵闹的苹果,D 战争,A,3,ShereadthemShakespeare, but it was,casting pearls before swine.,A 把珍珠丢掉 B 明珠暗投,C 买椟还珠 D 对牛弹琴,D,4,I dont like,going afterthe dog.,A 背后议人 B 无事生非,C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面,A,5,3. He is,the black sheep,of the family.,a) 害群之马,b) 老黄牛,c) 黑马,d) 领头羊,A,6,They have,led a cat-and- dog life,ever since they were married.,A. 过着悲惨的生活,C.过着经常争吵的生活,C,7,We should,let sleeping dogs lie,and not tell our manager that we disobeyed him.,A. 停止争吵,B. 莫惹是生非,C. 团结一致,B,8,He sat,as quiet as a mouse,and listened to her story.,A. 灵活,B.一声不响,C. 聪明,B,猜谚语,规则:抢完题时在,5秒中之内答题.,答对加,20,分,答错扣,10,分,.,Where there is life, there is hope.,留得青山在,不怕没材烧,A miss is as good as a mile.,失之毫厘,差之千里。,Nothing brave ,nothing have.,不入虎穴,焉得虎子,.,A fair face may hide a foul heart.,人不可貌相。,Two heads are better than one .,三个臭皮匠,胜似一个诸葛亮。,A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.,一鸟在手胜似二鸟在林。,Many hands make light work .,众人抬柴火焰高。,Justice has long arms .,法网恢恢,疏而不漏。,Round 2,风俗文化,知识竞赛,( I ),I 是非题:,本组有8道题,共计80分。答对1题加10分。,1. Dragon 在中国古时候是帝王的象征,西方国家也是如此. Yes or no?,No,2. 在西方国家, thirty 是不吉利的数字. Yes or no?,No,3.颜色能代表许多不同的特定含义,如 pink 代表健康. Yes or no?,Yes,4.在国外, 赞美婴儿长得可爱,漂亮时,人们通常使用女性化的词语去描述, 无论男孩还是女孩. Yes or no?,Yes,5.在西方国家, thirteen 是不吉利的数字. Yes or no?,Yes,6.在买衣服时,通常会看到表示衣服尺码的标记,如L 表示大号, 那么XS是表示超小号吗? Yes or no?,Yes,7. The first floor 在美国是指第一层楼. Yes or no?,Yes,8.当你与外国客人共进晚餐,中途,你想上洗手间,这时你通常会说: Sorry. Yes or no?,Yes,Round 2,风俗,文化知识竞赛,(II),II 选择题:,本组有8道题,共计80分。答对1题加10分。,1.每年11月的第_个星期四是美国的感恩节。,D,2.复活节是基督教耶酥复活的重大节日,“复活节”的英语表达是,.,A. New YearB. Thanksgiving Day C. Easter D. Halloween,C,3.母亲节( Mothers Day)是英美等国家为了表达对母亲的敬意而设的一个节日。日期是_。,A. the 2nd Sunday in May B. the 3rd Sunday in May,C. the 2nd Sunday in April,D. the 3rd Sunday in April,A,4. 按照基督教的习惯,每年的11月1 日为万圣节,是纪念所有圣徒的日子。在美国,人们制作“南瓜灯”(Jack-o-lantern),在其内放上一枝点燃的蜡烛,看上去古怪、让人害怕,然后把它挂在树枝上或大门上。据说这样可以驱逐妖魔鬼怪。这种 “南瓜灯”也被人们称为_。,A. 神灯B. 杰克灯C.幸运灯D.圣灯,B,5. green(绿色)英语中的green常用来表示“新鲜”或表示“嫉妒”,如green-eyed“嫉妒”、“眼红”,green还表示没有经验缺乏训练,如You are expecting too much of him. He is still green, you know.(你对他要求过高,他还没经验嘛。)而“green back”则是指 _,C,6.圣诞树可以说是圣诞节最重要的装饰点缀物。圣诞树通常使用整棵塔形常绿树,代表_。,A. 生命常青 B. 幸福生活,C. 好运气 D. 收获,A,7. 下列符合西方餐桌礼仪的是_.,A. 用叉取食,但不用以取面包。 B. 餐巾塞(挂)在衣领中。,C. 要吃或者要喝的东西热得发烫,我们用嘴吹气使它快凉。,D. 讲话时做手势,以动作示意。,A,8.美国人比较看中个人的独立性。受人照顾往往被视为弱者。一位美国同事感冒了,中国同事表示关心,应该对他说_。,A. Go and see the doctor B. Drink more water C. Take care of yourself. I hope youll be better soon. D. Did you take any pills?,C,Round 3,绕口令,规则:3分钟准备,,时间为20秒钟,,要求一词不差,1. I wish you were a fish in my dish.(10 points),2. She sells seashells by the sea shore.(10 points),3. A big black bear sat on a big black bug.,(10 points),4. Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.(10 points),5.How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?(20 points),6.A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.(20 points),1,6,4,3,2,5,1. I wish you were a fish in my dish.,(10 points),2. She sells seashells by the sea shore.,(10 points),3. A big black bear sat on a big black bug.,(10 points),4. Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.(10 points),5.How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?(20 points),6.A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.(20 points),Round 4,中国经典古诗翻译,规则:请把英文翻译成中文,每题,20分,共8题,每题时间为20秒,1.Wewisheachotheralong,lifesoastosharethebeauty,ofthisgracefulmoonlight,eventhoughmilesapart.,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。,2.Alonelystrangerinastrange,landIamcast,Imissmyfamilyallthemoreoneveryfestiveday.,独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。,3.Athousandlijourneystartswiththefirststep,千里之行始于足下。,4.Thislandsorichinbeautyhasmadecountlessheroesbow(弯腰)inhomage (,敬意),.,江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。,5.Iflovebetweenbothsidescanlastforlong,whyneedtheystaytogethernightandday?,两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。,6.Peoplehavesorrowandjoy;they,partandmeetagain.Themoon,dimsorshines;itwaxesorwanes,(衰退),Nothingisperfect,noteveninthe,oldendays.,人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴阳缺,此事古难全。,7.Itisunbearabletomeetaswellasto,depart,.,相见时难别亦难。,8.Learningislikerowingupstream:nottoadvanceistodropback.,学如逆水行舟,不进则退。,风险题,规则:,由分数最低的组开始选题,。分值为:,30分,50分和80分。,答对加上相应的分数,,答错扣相应的分数,。,每题时间为,30秒,30,60s,80,120s,50,90s,50,90s,30,60s,30,60s,50,90s,80,120s,80,120s,30分,Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have?,A. one B.two,C.three D.four,C,30分,Usually, we called,a big apple city is _ .,New York city,Ottawa,Mexico city,Osaka,A,30分,My brother is fourteen.,Im four years older than he.,My dad is twenty-six years older I .,My mum is two years younger than my dad.,How old is my mum ?,Answers: 38,50分:DBCAE,Equestrian,Trampoline,Rhythmic gymnastics,Triathlon,Canoe,1 2 3,4 5,50分,Nicole Kidman,Michael Jackson,Hedetoshi Nakata,David Copperfield,Abraham Lincoln,athlete,actress,president,singer,magician,Answer: BDAEC,50分:BEDAC,雪佛莱,大众,本田,保时捷,雪铁龙,1.Franklin D. Roosevelt 富兰克林罗斯福:,2.Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕林肯:,3.George Washington 乔治华盛顿,4Thomas Jefferson托马斯杰斐逊 :,5.George Bush 乔治布什:,1989-1993,1789-1797,1933-1945,1861-1865,1801-1809,80分:C D B E A,1 World Earth Day,2 White Day,3 World Consumer Right Day,4 World Population Day,5 World Food Day,A 15th, March,B 11th, July,C 16,th, Oct,D 14th, March,E 22nd, Apr,80分:E D A B C,A Italia/Italy,B Greece,C Mexico,D Germany,E France,1,2,3,5,4,80分:BAEDC,Everyone says the earth is such a huge place. So, with those billions and billions of people and all, I believe its a miracle that I gotto know you!,If I were in heaven, Id write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me.,


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