2023届高三英语书面表达“句子成分”梳理 定语 课件(16张ppt)

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Besides he lives _from my us.,12.今天旷课的学生是谁?,Who is the student _ today?,13.你认识昨天到会的那个女士吗?,Do you know the lady_,yesterday?,an 800-meter-long bridge,3-day sick leave,everyday,every day,faraway,far away,absent from class,present at the meeting,14.你去过峨眉山或者类似的山吗?,Have you been to Mount Emei or some other _?,15.当时我们仅靠我父亲一人的工资过活。,At that time we lived on my fathers_.,16.经理要求我写一篇1000字的报告。,The manager asked me to write a_ report.,注意事项:,(1),用作前置定语的必须是单个的词(复合形容词作前置定语必须用“-”连接),词组和句子作定语只能后置。,(2),形容词作定语修饰不定代词something/anything/ nothing/everything/ someone/anyone/ no one等,只能后置。,mountains alike,salary alone,100-word,(3),enough修饰形容词和副词只能后置;,enough作定语修饰名词时,在含义为“有”的句型中,可以前置也可以后置,否则只能前置,。,(4),形容词alone, absent, alike, awake, afraid, alive, asleep, present(到场的)作定语时只能后置,又如:,He ran out like _. (被吓倒的人),Who is the greatest poet _?(当今),Jack is the only boy_.(醒着的),二、小品副词作定语,1.Please write to me according to_,(下面的地址).,2.I met Tom _(在我回家途中).,3._(那儿的那个人) is waiting for you.,4._(前面的那个女孩) is my cousin.,a man afrad,alive,awake,the address below,on my way home,The man there,The girl ahead,5._(今日中国) is no longer the China of the,past.,6.He works in a _(附近,的工厂).,7.Please write to me according to the_ _ (上面的地址).,8.Mary lives in a _.(楼下的屋子),9._(户外活动) are good for our health.,10.The_(户内设施) of this building are very modern.,注意事项:,(1)带-ly的副词不能作定语。,(2),小品副词作定语只能后置。,(3),nearby/above作定语既可前置又可后置。,China today,nearby factory/factory nearby,above address,/address above,room downstairs,Outdoor activities/Activities outdoors,indoor facilities/facilities indoors,三、名词作定语,1.He works in a _(汽车厂).,2.Can you tell me the _(房间的号码) for the lecture?,3.Its _(十分钟的步行路程) from my home to my school.,注意事项:,(1),表示,材料和类属,的名词作定语,,作定语的名词不用复数和所有格,。,book store ( ) stones bridge ( ) coffee cup ( ),paper money ( ) shoes factory ( ) clothes factory ( ),glass shop ( ) glasses shop ( ) cloth factory ( ),(2),时间名词作定语,要用所有格形式,又如:,Its _(10分钟的乘车路程) from here to the station.,car factory,room number,10 minutes walk,10 minutes ride,四、代词作定语,1._(他们的) invention won the national prize.,2.In _(那些) days Chinese women,were,looked,down upon and suffered a great deal.,3._(那条) river is the longest river in the world?,4._(都) his parent are,politicians,.,5._(每个学生) should respect the,school rules.,6._(两边) of the road,is,lined with trees. We,should plant some to provide shade in summer.,7.There are no trees on_(两边) of the street.,8.This is what I saw with_(亲眼).,Their,those,That,Both,Each/Every student,Neither side,either side,my own eyes,9.,Im totally occupied today,. Let us talk about it,_(改天).,10.Twenty of the students are in favor of the plan.,_(另外的学生) are strongly against it.,11.We have_(多) homework to do today because we had_(少) homework yesterday.,注意事项:,(1),做定语的物主代词要用形容词性。,形容词性物主代词可以和own连用,表示强调,。,(2),指示代词that/this做定语,修饰单数名词,these/those做定语,修饰复数名词。,(3),不定代词,each,(用于两者或三者及以上) /,every,(用于三者及以上) /,either,(两者中的任何一个) /,neither,(两者都不) 做定语,,只能修饰单数名词,。,another day,The other students,much,little,(4)both,(用于两者) /,all,(用于三者及以上) 作定语,修饰复数名词。,(5),another,(单数概念,泛指,三者及以上) 只能修饰单数名词;,the other,(特指,两者或两部分)既可修饰单数又可以修饰复数名词;,other,(泛指,三者及以上)只能修饰复数名词;,others和the others不可作定语,。,(6),many/few/a few修饰可数名词的复数形式;much/little /a little修饰不可数名词。,五、数词定语,1.There are_(六千) students in our school.,2.The radar was invented in the _(二十) century.,3.There are_(几十个) students on the playground.,six thousand,twentieth,tens/scores/dozens,4.Tomorrow is my_(三十五) birthday.,注意事项:,(1),表示“世纪”、“生日”要用序数词。,(2),表示具体数字的基数词直接作定语,,不可和of连用,;tens/scores/dozens/hundreds/ thousands/ millions/ billions/ trillions,of,表示概数,强调“多”。,六、介词词组作定语,1.The girl _(戴着眼镜的) is my cousin.,2.The girl_(穿着校服的) is from Class 5.,3.Many secrets _(宇宙中的) remain,unknown.,4.The tower_(山顶上的) was build in the Tang Dynasty.,5.The supermarket_(城中心的) is always very crowded.,注意事项:,介词词组作定语,一律后置。,thirty-fifth,with glasses,in school uniform,in space/the universe,on top of the hill,in the city center,七、非谓语动词作定语,1.The last person _(离开) the sinking ship was the,captain.,2.The first _(到校的) today is Jim.,3.We were overjoyed at the _(激动人心的) news.,4.She looked at me with a _(困惑的) expression.,5.From her _(激动的) voice, I know she has passed,the test.,6.The _ (吓倒的) girl let out a sharp cry.,7.Please fill in the blanks with the_,(所给单词).,8.Dont throw away the_(用过的书).,9._(所用的,书,) were published by Peoples,Education Publishing House.,to leave,to come to school,exciting,puzzled,excited,frightened,given words/words given,used books,The books used,10.The ground is covered with thick_(落叶).,11.The building_(将修的) will be used as our,library.,12.Our_(饮用水) is being seriously,polluted.,注意事项:,(1)序数词和由序数词修饰的名词一般用不定式作后置定语。不定式做定语必须后置。,(2)现在分词作定语多修饰物,过去分词作定语多修饰人。,(3),声音和表情前面用过去分词作定语,代表某人当时所处的心理活动和精神状态。,(4),given作定语时,可前置也可后置。,fallen leaves,to be built,drinking water,(5),used做前置定语,含义为“用过的,旧的”;做后置定语,含义为“所用的”。,(6),现在分词的完成时不用作定语。,(7),动名词做定语表示事物的用途。,九、从句作定语,1.Those_drink water a well should never forget the,people _dug it.,2.The man _you spoke to is a model worker.,3.An orphan is a child _parents are both dead.,4.Where is the book_ cover is lost?,5.This is the room _I lived 3 years ago.,This is the room _I lived in 3 years ago.,This is the room in _ I lived 3 years ago.,who,who/that,who/whom/that,whose,whose,where,which/that,which,6.The meeting will be put off till next Friday, _Mr.,Smith will return from the south.,7.The weather turned out to be very cold, _was,more than we had expected.,8._ is often the case, he is late for school again.,9.The days are gone_Chinese people were looked,down upon.,=Gone are the days_Chinese people were looked,down upon.,10.Johns father, _works in a factory, is a model,worker.,11.Bijie, _ is a middle-sized city, is changing every,day.,12.Professor Jack, _ now teaches in Guizhou,University, will be invited to give us a lecture on,computer science.,when,which,As,when,when,who,which,who,13.Tom is one of the boys who_ in favor of the idea.,14.I live in a house, in front of_ flows a small stream.,15.Our school, _is located in the heart of the city,was set up in the 1920s with a history of nearly 100,years.,16.The university, over 80% of_ graduates can,easily find an ideal job, attracts students from all over,the country.,17.The reason, for_I dont approve of your,suggestion, is that I dont think it is very practical.,18.I will never forget the days_we studied happily,together.,are,which,which,whose,which,when,注意事项:,(1)注意关系代词和关系副词的准确适用。,(2)注意把握“,分隔定语从句,”(主句的谓语很短,为了避免头重脚轻,把主句谓语提到定语从句之前的从句)。,(3)定语从句中,谓语动词的单复数取决于先行词的单复数。,(4)注意限制性和非限制性定语从句的准确使用(做人物介绍和地点介绍,通常采用非限制性定语从句)。,


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