Traditional Chinese Medicine

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Discussion:,What Are They ? What Are They Used For?,A pan and a small shovel,A small steelyard,weighing out herbs,Qiu Bian,Tuo Hua,Min Luo,Psychology of Educational School,Quickly,Learn TCM,Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), theory is based on Daoist,(道家),and Confucian,(儒家),philosophical concepts of balance and unity of opposites (yin and yang).,The principles of yin, yang and qi are the pillars of balance in TCM.,Illness is believed to result from an imbalance between interconnected organ systems.,Holism,(整体论),Considers the individual person as being comprised of and subject to the elements and forces of nature,as a whole,.,Each individual is considered as a,unified, interconnected “whole“,(,统一的相互联系的整体),comprised of mind, body, and spirit.,In practice, TCM practitioner considers,the physical mental, emotional state,of the patient, in addition, the patients relationship to his,environment, including climate , diet, and daily activities.,Balance Is The Key!,Discussion:,When,we,talk about Traditional Chinese Medicine, how many kinds of treatments or therapies can you recall? What are they?,Common Treatments,Discussion:,What Are They ? What s the value of each in the therapy?,Wormwood leaves,(艾草),It is considered an important ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.,It can cool the blood and clear the heat.,Aweto,(,冬虫夏草,),A type of fungus,(,菌类,),often used in traditional Chinese medicine.,If you have a poor appetite, feeling weak, perspiring,(,出汗,),too much or have recently become emaciated,(,消瘦,),chewing the aweto can increase the curative effect,(,疗效,).,Some Kinds of Cupping Therapies,Discussion:,Chinese Medicine or Western Medicine?,“Sorry, I have a headache, please help me; give me a pill.”,“Yeah sure, you can take a pill.”,Thats the way of western medicine.,“What kind of pain? is it a dull pain,(,钝痛), pricking pain,(,刺痛), maybe pulsating pain,(,抽痛,)”,“which part of the head is it, is it,on the back, the,top, the,front of the head,?”,“Is it only during,the night,or,only after eating,?”,“Have you usually feel too much,angry or,anxious,these days?”,That is the way of TCM.,Whats The Difference,Chinese medicine,Find the root for this pain and solve this problem.,Do something yourself. you have to carry your own responsibility to help your healing.,Using natural therapy to ease pain.,Western Medicine,“A pain is a pain.”,The treatment is led by doctors,all the responsibility is on the doctors.,Side Effects,some of side effects are often ignored or unknown.,Evaluate the illness differently,Voice,Side effects,Less harm to the body. Though western medicine works in a short time. It has side effects, some of which are often ignored or unknown.,A preventative,(,预防法,),Could be used in a preventative in terms of ongoing difficulties.,Good doctors,Far more difficult to find a very good traditional practitioner than a western doctor.,Long time,When I get ill I often use western medicine first and if not effective I will choose traditional Chinese Medicine.,Judge the quality,Traditional medicine needs a long period of treatment, it is difficult to judge the quality after only one or two visits.,Acute conditions,(,急性病,),in terms of acute conditions,I would not trust it.,From China Daily,Summary,Maybe its not about choosing at all.,we find, if you work together you get a better.,An integrated approach,(整合途径),using a combination,(,结合,),of Western medicine and traditional approaches becomes a possibility for the future.,Thanks for your time!,


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