The difference between men and women(男女之间的差异英语版)

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The difference between men and women(男女之间的差异英语版)_第1页
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The difference between men and women(男女之间的差异英语版)_第2页
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The difference between men and women(男女之间的差异英语版)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The difference between men and women,by: Lisa,1,vs,2,Human relationships,Left brain vs. both hemispheres,Mathematical abilities,Reaction to stress,Language,Emotions,Brain size,Pain,Spatial ability,Susceptibility to disorders,3,communicate more effectively,more task-oriented, less talkative, and more isolated,Human relationships,4,Left brain vs. both hemispheres,process better in the left hemisphere of the brain,process equally well between the two hemispheres,5,frequently perform higher in mathematical tasks,Mathematical abilities,less frequently,6,have a fight or flight response to stress situations,Reaction to stress,approach these situations with a tend and befriend strategy,7,typically excel in language-based subjectsand in language-associated thinking,Language,typically only process language in their dominant hemisphere,8,be more in touch with their feelings and better able to express them,Emotions,Women,9,11-12% bigger than womens brains,Brain size,10,more likely to vocalize their pain and to seek treatment for their pain,Pain,perceive pain more intensely,11,typically have stronger spatial abilities, or being able to mentally represent a shape and its dynamics,Spatial ability,typically struggle in this area,12,more apt to have dyslexia or other language problems,Susceptibility to disorders,more susceptible to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety,13,The end,14,


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