Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from课件20

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,nit 1 Wheres your pen pal from,?,青岛60中初一英语,单海霞,Welcome,星沙英语网整理,一、单元整体说明,本单元主要学习国家和语言的表达,学会运用where 和what引导的特殊疑问句询问来自哪里,居住在哪里及所说的语言是什么。本单元围绕“询问你的笔友来自哪里”这一话题,设计了三个任务型活动:,任务一是:对话展现国家,居住地和所说语言,学习语言和国籍及居住地的英文表达。,任务二是:进行调查,询问各自的笔友来自何处,练习where, what 句型。,任务三是:制作笔友档案卡片,进行交流,巩固所学的新单词及句型。通过这三个任务型的活动使学生掌握国籍,语言和居住地的询问及表达,。,二、 单元知识系统,Where is your pen pal from? Shes from Australia.,Where does she live? She lives in Sydney.,What language does she speak? She speaks English.,三、本单元总体目标,通过本单元的学习让学生掌握所学目标语言;学会国籍,语言和居住地的询问及表达;在互动的交流中学会谈论自己以及同学的国籍,语言和居住地,学会谈论好恶。,四、单元重难点一览,重点,难点,1词汇:,(1)Canada, Australia , France, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom , Singapore, English, French, Japanese,(2) pen pal, country, live, language, world, any,2结构:,(1)用where询问来自哪里,住在哪里,(2)用what询问语言等,3句型:,Where is your pen pal from? He,s from Australia.,Where is John,s pen pal from? He,s from Japan.,Where does he live? He lives in Paris.,Where does she live? She lives in Sydney.,What language does she speak? She speaks English.,语法重点:使用where引导的特殊疑问句询问来自哪里,住在哪里; 使用what引导的特殊疑问句询问语言;表示国家,人和语言的词语。,五、单元学情分析,本单元的主题是谈论笔友的国家,居住地和所说语言,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握国家,城市及所说语言的表达,正确使用where 和what引导的特殊疑问句对国家,居住地和所说语言进行询问。在学习语言之前要先学习国家及城市,在此之前学生已经学习了China, Chinese;也对Japan, Japanese 有所接触。所以,这些对学生来说不难。但是一旦加上语言,学生就较容易弄混淆,有点头痛了。,六、单元教学建议,采用Classifying,Contrasting和Roleplaying的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物(国家标志)或制作课件(反映国家特征,课内外活动)等来展开课堂教学、Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动,进行“询问和谈论笔友”的课堂教学和练习。,本单元的教学法建议:语音教学让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学采取情景介绍或展示图片的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义并学会运用;口语教学采取pairwork问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学以填表、造句为主;语法教学总结规律、抓住特征、模仿操练。,七、 单元课时分配:本单元用5课 时教学,第一课时:P1-2(from 1a to Grammar Focus),第二课时:P3 (from 3a to 4),第三课时:P4(Section B 1 to 2c),第四课时:P5 (3a to 3c),第五课时:P6(self-check 加探究练习),The First Period,Section A (P1-P3),Canada,France,Japan,the United States,Singapore,Australia,China,the United Kingdom,Canada,France,Japan,the United States,Australia,Singapore,the United Kingdom,China,PAIRWOK,I have a,pen pal,. She is from the United States. Her name is Helen. Do you have a pen pal? Where is she /he from?,Australia,The United States,Canada,France,Japan,City Country,Sydney Australia,New York,Paris,Toronto,Tokyo,Where are the cities?,Complete the chart below:,.,Listen and complete the chart.,Name,City,Country,John,Tokyo,Jodie,Andrew,Talk about the chart.,A: Where is Johns pen pal from?,B: He is from Japan.,A: Where does he live?,B: Tokyo.,A Guessing Game,Where are they from?,What,language,do they,speak?,(Discuss),The Best Actor,_,The best actor,in the dialogue performance.,Class2, Grade 1,Feb22, 2005,Who is the best actor?,Grammar Focus,Where is your pen pal from?,Hes from Australia.,Where is Johns pen pal from?,Hes from Japan.,Where is here pen pal from?,Shes from France.,Where does he live?,He lives in Paris.,Where does she live?,She lives in Sydney.,What language does she speak?,She speaks English.,Free Talk,Talk about countries and languages by four freely.,Homework,1)Write down something about your pen pal or your friends pen pal.,2)Make a quiz card.,3) Use the information in the form to make conversations according to the model,.,Name,Nationality,Language,Simon,Canada,English,Mikou,Japan,Japanese,Leisa,France,French,A: Where is from?,B: HeShe is from,A: What language does heshe speak?,B: HeShe speaks,The Second Period,Revision,QUIZ: Name that place!,Where is Sydney?,Where is New York?,Where is Paris?,Where is Toronto?,Where is Tokyo?,Match,France,China,Japan,the United States,Memory Game,Let students try to repeat the sentences.,People in Singapore speak Chinese and English.,People in Australia speak Australian.,People in the United States speak English.,People in the United Kingdom speak English.,People in China speak Chinese.,People in Canada speak English and French.,Listen and speak,Whats her name?,Where does she live,Does she have any brothers or sisters?,Where is she from?,Whats her favorite subject?,Does she speak English?,Situational conversation,You are Lucy. Your partner is,Lucys mom. You receive a,letter from your pen pal. Ask and,answer questions about Lucys,pen pal and then make a,conversation between Lucy and,her mother.,Activity,Be a class reporter. Interview your classmates,and get some information about their pen pals.,Who is the best actor?,The Best Actor,_,The best actor,in the dialogue performance.,Class2, Grade 1,Feb24, 2005,Homework,MAKE A SURVEY,Ask your partners about their pen pals. Which countries are they from? What languages do they speak?,The third Period,Competition,Singapore,Australia,The United States,Japan,The United Kingdom,France,Pen pal,world,language,live,In English,country,Reading,Read 3a and answer the following,questions.,1 Where is Bob from?,2 What languages does he speak?,3 What does he want?,4 What does he like?,Discussion,Discuss and design an information card for Bob in groups. After discussion, show students the model card.,Check your cards!,Name:,Bob,Living Place:,Toronto,Age:,14,From:,Canada,Language:,English and French,Favorite Subject:,PE,Family:,brother and sister,photo,Situational task,PEN PAL WANTED,My _ is Tom King. Im 14 _ old and Im from _. I speak _. I have a brother, Sam, and a _, Lisa. I play _ on weekends. Its my favorite sport. I like _ at school. Its fun! My favorite _ is The Long Weekend. Do you know it? Its an action movie.,Please write and tell me about yourself.,Name: Tom King,First Name: Tom,Last Name: King,Age: 14 From: Australia,Language: English,Favorite Sport: Soccer,Favorite Subject: Music,Favorite Movie: The Long Weekend,Family: brother (Sam), sister (Lisa),Writing,Write an e-mail about yourself.,Dear friend,My name is,Homework,To be Toms pen pal , and write a letter to answer him,.,The Fourth Period,Self-check,Words revision,Revise the key words in self-check,_,Remember the most new words in Unit 1.,Class2, Grade 1,Feb 25, 2005,Word King,Description,.Describe the new students in,your class.,.Discuss which of the new,students you like best,.,Exercise,1.Tom lives,in the United States,.(划线提问),_ _ Tom _ ?,2.Julie speaks,Japanese,.(划线提问),_ _ _Julie _?,3.Where is your pen pal from?(复数句),Where _ _ _ _ from?,4.Peter comes from Canada.(否定句),Peter _ _ from Canada.,Exercise,5. I like_ (go) to the movies on weekends.,6.I can speak a little French.(一般疑问句),_ you _ a little French?,7.Her pen pal is from,Singapore,.(划线提问),_ _ her pen pal from?,8.Sydney is the capital of _.,9.I think China is a very interesting country.(否定句),I _ _ China _ a very interesting country.,Write,Write something about your best friend.,Thank you!,Goodbye!,


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