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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,人教版高一英语必修一unit2基础知识复习,1. 因为;由于,2. 祖国,3. 母语;本族语,4. 以英语为母语的人,5. 走近;上来,6. 计划、问题等被提出,7. 想出;提出计划、问题等,8. 事实上;实际上,9. 基于;以.为根据,10. 现在;目前,1. because of; thanks to;due to; owing to; on account of; as a result / consequence of,2. native country/ motherland,3. native language/ mother tongue,4. native English speakers/ native speakers of English,5. come up,6. sth come up,7. sb come up with sth,8. actually; in fact/reality; as a matter of fact,9. be based on; base sth on sth,10. at present,11. 词汇量大,12. 词汇量不大,13. (好好)利用,14. 充分利用,15. 前者/后者,16. 身份证,17. 精通,18. 应某人请求/要求,19. 扮演角色;起作用;参与,20. 普遍认为.; 公认.,21. 一直往前走,11. have a large/wide vocabulary,12. have a small/limited vocabulary,13. make (good) use of,14. make full use of; make the most/the best of,15. the former/ the latter,16. identity card/ ID card,17. have a good command/ knowledge of,18. at ones request/ at the request of sb,19. play a part/role in,20. it is recognized/ accepted/ acknowledged that.,21. go straight on/ ahead,22. 不止一个人,23. (用作动词或介词的宾语)互相,彼此,24. 即使;尽管,25. 与其说(是),倒不如说(是),26. 超过;不只是;很,27. .的数量,28. 信不信由你,29. 没有(或不存在).这样的东西,30. 标准英语,31. 这/那是因为.,32. 预计.会.; 指望.会.,22. more than one person,23. each other; one another,24. even if/ even though,25. more . than .,26. more than,27. the number of .,28. believe it or not,29. there is no such thing as .,30. standard English,31. this/that/it is because.,32. expect sb/sth to do sth,22. 不止一个人,23. (用作动词或介词的宾语)互相,彼此,24. 即使;尽管,25. 与其说(是),倒不如说(是),26. 超过;不只是;很,27. .的数量,28. 信不信由你,29. 没有(或不存在).这样的东西,30. 标准英语,31. 这/那是因为.,32. 预计.会.; 指望.会.,22. more than one person,23. one another; each other,24. even if; even though,25. more.than.,26. more than,27. the number of,28. believe it or not,29. there is no such thing as.,30. standard English,31. This/That/It is because.,32. sb/sth be expected to do.,1. (1)你知道世界上有不止一种英语吗?,(2)不止一个人卷入了此事。,(3) 你的朋友和家人会非常乐意帮助你。,(1) Do you know there is more than one kind of English?,(2) More than one person has been concerned/involved in this affair.,(3)Your friends and family members will be more than happy to help you.,2. (1)当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而现代英语不是。,(2)这部电影取材于真实故事,老少皆宜, 雅俗共赏。,(3)听到这个消息,她与其说是生气倒不如说是伤心难过。,(1) It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.,(2)Based on a true story, the movie appeals to all ages and social groups.,(3)Hearing the news, she was more sad than angry.,3. (1) 到17世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比以往任何时候都大。,(2) 你是怎样利用你的课余时间的?,(3) 我们必须努力抓住和充分利用每一个机会来提高自己。,(1)By the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.,(2)How do you make use of your spare time?,(3)We must try to seize and make full use of every opportunity to improve ourselves.,4. (1)印度拥有众多讲英语很流利的人。,(2)目前在中国,学习英语的人数在迅速增加。,(1)India has a very large number of fluent English speakers.,(2)Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.,5. (1)信不信由你,世界上没有什么标准英语。,(2)信不信由你,甚至老师都不知道这个问题的答案。,(3)时刻牢记,世上没有免费午餐之类的好事儿,这样受骗的可能性就很小了。,(1)Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.,(2)Believe it or not, even the teacher doesnt know the answer to this question.,(3)Always bear in mind that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and thus there is little chance of being cheated.,6. 这个计划是在上次会议上提出来的。,It was at the last meeting that the plan came up/was put forward.,7. (1)这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们认为新闻播音员所说的英语是非常标准的。,(2) 不要指望你会喜欢所有和你共事的人, 同时也不要指望所有这些人都会喜欢你。,(1)This is because in the early days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.,(2)You cant expect to like all the people you will work with, and at the same time, you cant expect all of them to like you.,8. (1)地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。,(2)保护环境,人人有责。,(1)Geography also plays a part in making dialects.,(2)Each of us has a role/part to play in protecting the environment.,9.,大家都认识到国力的强大依赖于教育。,It is recognized that the strength of a country depends upon/on its education.,Dear Tom,How is everything going?,最近我一直忙着为一个英语戏剧做准备, 这个英语戏剧是以我们的学校生活为基础的。我有幸被选中在这个剧中扮演重要角色。我决定好好利用这次机会来练习我的口语。但是目前我在发音方面还有问题,这让我很心烦。据我所知,你不仅英语讲得流利,还很精通汉语。所以,我希望你能给我一些建议以提高我的英语。如果方便的话,我想在周末去你的公寓去面谈。如果你能帮我这个忙,我会感激不尽的。,Best wishes,Yours,How is everything going?,Lately, I have been busy preparing for an English play, which is based on our school life. I am lucky enough to be chosen to play an important role in this play, so I make up my mind to make good use of this chance to practice my oral English. However, I still have trouble with my pronunciation, which makes me upset. As far as I know, not only can you speak fluent English, but also you have a good command of Chinese. Therefore, I hope you can give me some advice on how to improve my English. If it is convenient for you, Id like to come up to your apartment to talk with you face to face. I would be grateful if you could give me a hand.,1. why not do sth,2. why dont you do sth,3. what/how about doing sth,4. it would be a good idea/better/helpful if you could do sth,5. If I were you, I would do sth,6. You had better do sth,7. You should do sth,谢谢观赏,


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