Men are from Mars 终结版·

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Men are from Mars,w,omen are from Venus,what is,She,really saying?,what is,He,really saying?,A Womans Guide towhat a man is really saying,IM HUNGRY,Im hungry,IM SLEEPY,Im sleepy,IM TIRED,Im tired,WHATS WRONG?,I dont see why youre making such a big deal out of this.,WHATS WRONG?,What meaningless self-inflicted psychological trauma are going through now?,(又在无病呻吟什么),、,Anything we said several months ago is admissible in an argument. All comments null and void,(无效),after 7 days,、If we say something that can be interpreted in two way, and one of them makes you sad and angry, we meant the other way.,、you can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done-not both,Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials or time-outs,(暂停),.,When were turning the wheel and car is nosing onto the ramp, you saying “this is our exit is not necessa,ry.,YES, I LIKE THE WAY,YOU CUT YOUR HAIR,I like it before,YES, I LIKE THE WAY YOU CUT YOUR HAIR,50¥,!,and it doesnt look that much different!,YES, I LIKE THE WAY YOU CUT YOUR HAIR,For 50¥ they should have GIVEN YOU hair,A Mans Guide to What a woman is Really Saying,Ye,s,= No,No,=Yes,Maybe,= No,Im sorry,= you will be sorry,Its your decision,=,the correct decision should be obvious by now,Do whatever you want ,= you will pay for this later,Surego ahead,= I dont want you to,Im not upset,=of course Im upset, you moron!,Youre so manly,= I noticed you were almost asleep,Do you love me?,= Im going to ask for something expensive,How much do you love me?,= I did something today youre really not going to like,Am I fat ?,= Tell me Im beautiful,You have to learn to communicate,= just agree with me,Are you listening to me!?,= Too late, youre dead,I JUST NEED SOME SPACE,without you in it,DO I LOOK FAT IN THAT DRESS?,we havent had a fight in a while,NO, PIZZAS FINE,you cheap slob !,Im not yelling,= yes Im yelling because I think its important,In response to “whats wrong?”,the s,ame old thing = nothing,noting = everything,nothing, really = its just that you are such an idiot,YOU NEVER LISTEN,You never listen,ILL BE READY IN A MINUTE,Im ready, but Im going to make you wait because I know you will,OH,NO, ILL PAY FOR MYSELF,Im just being nice; theres no way Im going Dutch,I JUST DONT NEED A BOYFRIEND NOW,I just dont want You as a boyfriend now.,I DONT KNOW. WHAT DO YOU WHAT TO DO?,I cant believe you have nothing planned,I LIKE YOU, BUT,I dont like you,She says / He says,husband: I hear that fish is good for our brain,wife: youd better eat a whale then,Lily:how long does a person live without brains?,Tom: I dont know, how old are you?,Mike:do you think our son gets all his brains from me?,Susan: Probably. I still have all mine,T,im: did you hear they finally made a device that makes cars run 95% quieter ?,Joey: yeah, it fits right over her mouth,Correct Male Responses,Question 1: “do you love me?”,The correct answer:,Yes or yes, dear,Never answer like that.,A.I suppose so,B. Would it make you feel better if I say yes?,C. That depends on what you mean by love,D. Does it matter,?,E. Who, me?,Question,2,: do you think she is prettier than me,?,T,he correct answer :,No,you are much prettier / of course not,Never answer like that.,A. Not prettier,b,ut prettier in a different way,B. Not prettier, but definitely thinner,C. Yes ,but I bet you have a better personality,D. Not as pretty as you when you were her age,Question,3,: Do l look fat?,Correct answer:,no,of course not,(quickly and emphatically),Never answer like that.,A. I wouldnt call you fat, but you are not exactly thin,B. Compared to what?,C. A little extra weight looks good on you,D. Ive seen fatter,E,.C,ould you repeat the question? I was just thinking about your insurance policy,vedio,THANK YOU,HAVE A NICE DAY!,


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