21世纪大学英语读写教程unit8-Unwritten rules

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 8 Unwritten Rules,What are unwritten rules?,Will you stare at people in public?,No, most of persons will not stare at people in public.,What are unwritten rules?,No, you do not tell a girl she is fat, even if she is.,Will you tell a girl she is fat?,What are unwritten rules?,Will you initiate unwelcomed small talk with who you are sitting next to on a plane?,No.,What are unwritten rules?,The rules, usually concerning social behavior, which is known by all but spoken by none. This rule is neither official nor written down. It just is.,Text A Unwritten Rules,Please read the whole passage then tell me the structure of the passage.,Text A Unwritten Rules,Structure,Para.1-3: Give a scene to attract readers.,Para. 4-5: Introduce what is unwritten rules,Para. 6-9: Give more examples to show the unwritten rules in our daily life.,Para. 10: Unwritten rules are everywhere.,Text A Unwritten Rules,Part 1,Read the first three paraphrases and underline the words and phrases you considered very important or you do not understand.,Answer the following questions:,1. What did the man say?,2. How did the other people in the restaurant react when the man started screaming?,3. Why did the fifteen seconds seem “like an hour”?,Text A Unwritten Rules,Role play,Please act out the scene in part 1.,Where did it happen?,What happened?,Who was the leader?,Part 1,Language Points,steady,Adj. firmly held in a particular position and not moving or shaking,稳定的,牢固的,Eg,:,Keep the camera steady while you take a picture.,V,.,make it steady,使稳定,Eg,:,The dollar has steadied after early losses on the money market.,美元在货币市场经历了早些时候的下跌之后,现在已经稳定下来。,Adv. Go steady (with,sb,),Part 1,Language Points,hang over,1) remain in the air; be placed above or on top of (,sth,or,sb,),eg, Smog always hangs over the city.,2) be likely to happen soon; surround (,sth,) as with fear, doubt, etc.,eg,: An economic crisis is hanging over the country.,整个国家都受经济危机的威胁。,Part 1,Language Points,at the top of ones voice/lungs: as loud as one can,eg,: The fans screamed at the top of their voice at the sight of Michael Jackson.,eg,: The boys are,yelling at,the top of their lungs; I know their team,must have,scored a goal.,Part 1,Language Points,He,must have realized,this, because just as suddenly as he had started, he,lowered his voice,and finished whatever it was he had to say in a tone the rest of us could not hear.,Must +have done,表示对过去发生的事、存在的状态做的推论猜测。,Eg,: I must have seen you before, but I forgot when.,Do exercises on page 190.,Part 2,precisely,:,恰好,,正好,Eg,This is precisely why I want to see you.,Eg,Jane is both active and amiable; she is precisely the person we are looking for.,Exactly, just, fitly, nicely, accurately,Part 2,Run into:,遇到,情况,.,e.g.,After a promising start, the company ran into trouble.,公司起初很有生气,但此后便陷入了困境。,On, a basis,: (be done),in a way,e.g.,These people donate their blood on a voluntary basis.,Part 2,Its just one example of the unwritten rules we,live by,.,Live by,: to always behave according to a particular set of rules or ideas,遵循某一套准则行事。,e.g. I always try to live by what I believe in.,He lives by a strict moral code,(道德准则),.,Part 2,The customs that govern us are what make a civilization(,文明,文明社会,).,What : ,的事物,e.g. I believe what he told me.,Make: be responsible for the success,e.g. The novel made the young writer.,Part 3,Please read para. 6 then use one sentence to describe the main idea of this paragraph.,A: People wait the traffic light even there is no one nearby.,Part 3,Language points,Is it for safetys sake?,For sths/sbs sake (for the sake of ),由于,为了(,的缘故),e.g. 1) You know you are not studying for your parents sake.,2) For the sake of your safety, please fasten your seat belt.,For sbs own sake,为了自己的利益,e.g. 1) I hope hes told her the truth for his own sake.,Part 3,safety (n.) =,safe (adj),ty,+,cruel (,残忍的,),+,ty,=,cruelty (n.),novel (,新奇的,),+,ty,=,novelty (,新奇的事物),entire (,完整的,),royal (,皇家的,),subtle(,微妙的,),loyal (,忠心的,),+,ty,+,ty,+,ty,+,ty,=,entirety (n.),=,royalty (n.),=,subtlety (n.),=,loyalty (n.),Please do the exercises on page189.,Part 3,Avoid doing sth.,避免做某事,e.g. This book tells you how to avoid getting ill while travelling.,Get,arrested,:,被捕,Arrest sb for sth,e.g. Tom was arrested for dangerous driving.,Arrest your attention,引起某人的注意,e.g. Her warning tone arrested my attention.,Part 3,Please read para. 7 then use one sentence to describe the main idea of this paragraph.,A: Spectators wont get out of their seats or walk onto the field when watching some athletic events.,Part 3,On hand : close by and ready when you need,e.g.1) He had no cash on hand to pay for the rent.,2) The nurse will be on hand if you need her.,In hand:,being dealt with,在处理中,e.g. Give them a call to let them know we have the matter in hand.,Part 3,Regardless of: without affected by different situations, problems etc,不管,不顾,e.g. 1,),We should equally treat for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.,我们应该不分种族、宗教和性别,一视同仁的对待所有人。,2,),All our proposals were rejected regardless of their merits.,我们所有的建议都遭到拒绝,不管他们的价值如何。,Part 3,Please read para. 8 then use one sentence to describe the main idea of this paragraph.,A: People wont wander away from a meal.,Part 3,conduct: n.,行为,举止,e.g.,The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.,conduct: vt.,引导,带领,e.g.,The guide conducted us round the castle.,Part 3,Make good on their debt:,偿还债务,/,赔偿损失,e.g.,1,),She promised that she would make good the loss.,2,),The damage to your furniture will be made good by our company.,Make good:,变富,获得成功,e.g.,The boy who came from a hick town made good in Shanghai.,Part 3,They would,no sooner,walk out on,a bill,than,start screaming.,Walk out on:,abandon ones responsibility for,e.g. You cant walk out on the contract, or you could be taken to court.,No sooner than :,一,就,e.g. 1) No sooner,had he sat down,than the phone,rang.,2) No sooner had she come home than it was raining.,Part 3,Please read para. 9 then use one sentence to describe the main idea of this paragraph.,A:?,Part 3,Cover: (of money) be enough for,e.g. A hundred yuan used to cover the monthly expenses of a university student.,Part 4,Violate:vt,违反,违犯,违背,These practices violate health and safety regulations.,这些做法违反了健康与安全条例。,e.g.,More often than not,:,very frequently, most often,e.g.,1) When they dined out, he paid more often than not.,2) After dinner, more often than not, the family would sit by the fireplace chatting.,Text B,Reading Skills,Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions,Facts,are statement that tell what really happened or what the case is, and they are usually based on direct evidence.,Opinions,are the statements of belief, judgement or feeling. Opinions, of course, are often based on facts, but they also involve the writers personal interpretation of the facts, which may or may not match your interpretation of them.,Reading skills,Could you distinguish between the facts and opinions?,The restaurant was almost full. A steady hum of conversation hung over the room; people spoke with each other and worked on their meals.,And it bothered them which in itself is a hopeful sign that, more often than not, all is well.,Text B The Traffic light: A Brainless Machine,Please read text B in 15 minutes finishing the exercises on P197-198.,Text B The Traffic light: A Brainless Machine,Structure of Text B,Para. 1,Para. 2-6,Para. 7,Text B The Traffic light: A Brainless Machine,The caf waiter the taxi driver-,the so-called “little people” of France ,are the most stimulating, if frequently frustrating,conversationalists in the world.,“little people” of France: common French people at the lower levels of society,Stimulating:,刺激的,令人兴奋的,If = even if (used when admitting that sth may be true or may happen),Text B The Traffic light: A Brainless Machine,I have eyes and a brain and judgment, given me by God, and it would be a sin against nature to surrender,them,to the dictates of a machine.,Sin:n.,过失,罪过,Surrender: give up,Dictates:,命令,指令,Text B The Traffic light: A Brainless Machine,The intellectual originality of the French is a corrupting influence if you are subjected to it for long.,The ability of the French people to think for themselves and form their own ideas can corrupt your mind if you are constantly affected by it.,Corrupt:,腐蚀,使堕落,Be subjected to: suffer; experience,经历;遭受,For long:,长久,


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