The impact on human development of artificial intelligence

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Professionals in the field (such as a doctor) is difficult while maintaining the latest practical advice (such as treatment programs and methods), while the expert system was able to quickly update and keep such proposal, so the end user (eg patients) benefit from it.,返回,Artificial intelligence research has on all aspects of computer technology and will continue to have a greater impact. Artificial intelligence applications require heavy computation, parallel processing and dedicated to promote the development of an integrated chip. Generator and smart algorithms to obtain application data structures, automatic programming techniques will begin to have a positive impact on software development. Artificial intelligence in the study when all these new technologies developed and promoted the development of computer technology, thereby enabling the computer to create greater economic benefits of human,返回,The social impact of artificial intelligence,Employment services,Social Structure,Changes in ways of thinking and concepts,Psychological threat,The risk of technology out of control,Legal issues arising from,返回,Since a variety of artificial intelligence can replace the human mental, will make some people had to change their jobs, or even result in unemployment. Artificial Intelligence in the technology and engineering, some people will lose their information processing activities involved (such as planning, diagnosis, understanding and decision-making, etc.) the opportunity, and even had to change their way of working.,One hand, people want to artificial intelligence and intelligent machines to replace human beings in all kinds of labor, on the other hand worried about their development will cause new social problems. In fact, the past decade, social structure is undergoing a quiet change. Person - machine of the social structure, will eventually man - intelligent machines - machines replaced by the social structure. Intelligent robot is one of intelligent machines. Many have been present and the future work undertaken by people to serve as the robot will be, so people will have to learn to get along with a smart machine, and adapt to the changing social structure.,返回,Development and application of artificial intelligence, will affect the human mode of thinking and traditional values and make them change. For example, traditional knowledge is printed in books or newspapers and magazines, so it is fixed, while the artificial intelligence system that the knowledge they can continue to modify, expand and update. Again, once the expert system users began to believe that the system (intelligent machines) the judgments and decisions, then they may not want to rack their brains to become lazy and lost on many issues and their sense of responsibility and sensitivity to solve the task. Over-reliance on calculators that students, their thinking ability and numeracy initiative will also significantly decreased. Over-reliance on the computer to accept the proposal without an analysis, intelligent machines will make the users cognitive decline and increased misunderstanding. In the design and development of intelligent systems should take into account the above issues, to encourage users of the initiative in problem solving, so that their active participation in problem-solving process intelligence.,返回,AI also makes part of the community members felt the threat of psychological or spiritual threat is called. It is generally believed that only a perception of the spirit of mankind, and do this with machinery. If one day, these people began to believe that machines can think and create, then they may feel disappointed or even feel threatened. They worry: one day, intelligent machines of artificial intelligence will exceed human intelligence of nature, so that intelligent machines and intelligent human beings become slaves of the system. The concept of people (more specifically refers to the human spirit) and the concept of the machine (more specifically refers to the artificial intelligence) the relationship between, philosophers, theologians and other people there has been controversy between. In accordance with the artificial intelligence point of view, humans may use the machine to plan their own future, can even imagine the planning of a class of state space search. As part of the community when people welcome this new concept, while others found that catches of these new ideas is disturbing and unacceptable, especially when these ideas with their favorite idea runs counter to the beliefs and when.,返回,The greatest danger of any new technology than it lost control of human beings, or is it falling into the use of new technology against those who seek to human hands. Some people worry that artificial intelligence robots and other products that threaten human security. To this end, the famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov (I. Asimov) proposed the three robots Code: (1) A robot must not harm humans, but also not allow it to stand watch while the human victims. (2) A robot must obey human beings except where such obedience harmful to humans. (3) A robot must protect itself from harm, except to protect human or human order it to make sacrifices. We believe that this robot three Code to the entire intelligence machinery, to become intelligent machines three Code, then human society will be more receptive to intelligent machines and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology is an information technology that can pass extremely quickly. We must maintain vigilance to prevent the artificial intelligence technology has been used against human beings and crimes against society (some people call it smart criminal). At the same time, human beings have enough wisdom and confidence, able to develop prevention, detection and detection of criminal activities in a variety of intelligent smart,返回,The application of artificial intelligence technology not only replaces some of the manual labor of people, but also replaced some mental person, and sometimes even by the person exercising the functions as, inevitably lead to legal disputes. Such as medical diagnosis expert system in case of errors, leading to medical malpractice, how to deal with, whether the expert system developer to be responsible, the use of expert systems who bear any responsibility, and so on. The application of artificial intelligence will become increasingly popular, is gradually entering the family, use the set-top box technology has been around for intelligent appliances. It is expected that there will be more concerned with the application of artificial intelligence, legal issues, you need to practice on the basis of society from a legal perspective, the solution to these problems. Through legal means to oppose the use of artificial intelligence techniques and hazards of human society to punish criminal acts, so that artificial intelligence,返回,Artificial Intelligence on Culture,To improve the human knowledge,To improve the human language,To improve the cultural life,We re-explained the process of knowledge of history, philosophers, scientists and intelligence experts have the opportunity to resolve the ambiguity of knowledge and the elimination of the inconsistency of knowledge. The results of this effort may result in some improvement of knowledge to be able to more easily infer interesting new truth.,返回,According to linguistic point of view, the performance of the language and tools of thinking, thinking, linguistics methods available to study law, but the human subconscious and the unconscious are often the only sense, but not explained. As a result of artificial intelligence technology, integrated application syntax, semantics and forms of knowledge representation, we are likely to improve the knowledge of natural language, at the same time, the knowledge for the application of artificial intelligence in the form described. With the increasing spread of artificial intelligence theory, one possible application of artificial intelligence concepts to describe the state of their daily lives and solving process problems. AI to expand the concept of a collection of people sharing knowledge, we provide some conditions for the choice of concepts, describe the method we saw and heard and to describe our belief in the new method.,返回,Artificial intelligence technology for human and cultural life opened many new windows. Such as image processing technology is bound to graphic arts, advertising, and far-reaching social impact of the education sector. Such as the existing intellectual game will be developed into a more intelligent means of culture and entertainment. The foregoing analysis we know that artificial intelligence technology to human social progress, economic development and culture have a great influence to improve. As time progresses and technology advances, this effect will be more clearly demonstrated. Some effects may be we are hard to predict. To be sure, artificial intelligence will be the human material and spiritual civilization more and more influence,返回,谢谢,


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