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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Company Logo,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Interchange-2-教案,Interchange-2-教案Interchange-2-教案SNAPSHOT, Do people use the internet to make,new friends in your country?, What do you know think about,chat rooms?, What do you know think about online personal,ads?,SNAPSHOT, Do people use the internet to make,new friends in your country?, What do you know think about,chat rooms?, What do you know think about online personal,ads?,CONVERSATION,Where are these people?,What are they doing?,What has just happened?,Do they know each other?,Where were you born?,I was born in Argentina.,were you born in Buenos Aires?,Yes, I was. No,I wasnt. I was born in Cordoba.,When did you move to Los Angeles?,I moved here ten years ago. I didnt speak English.,Did you take English classes in Argentina?,Yes, I did. I took classes for a year.,No, I didnt. My aunt taught me at home.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus past tense,The rule for the two types of questions:,To be:,Wh- + was/were + subject + (rest) ?,Other verbs,:,Wh- + did + subject + verb+ (rest) ?,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus Used to,1. I used to be very messy, but now Im very neat.,2. Did you use to collect things?,Yes, I used to collect comic books.,No, I didnt use to collect anything, but now I collect art.,3. What sports did you use to play?,I never used to play sports, but now I play tennis.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus Used to,The rules for for forming positive and negative structures with,used to,:,positive,: subject +used to + verb + (rest),I used to be messy,negative,: subject + didnt + use to + verb + (rest),I,didnt,use to collect,subject + never + used to + verb + (rest),I,never,used to play sports,Grammar Focus,Reading,What do you know about Nicole Kidman?,Why do you think Nicole Kidman is considered New Hollywood Royalty?,Find each italicized word or phrase in the text and guess its meaning.,Reading,Vocabulary,early: in the beginning,sheep: a farm animal that is kept for wool, skin, and meat,pageant: a play or show,lead role: the most important part,costar: an actor who appears in a movie with other actors,following: after,high-profile: very important,Caught in the rush,-by Cindy,How many hours do you spend traveling each day?,How do you get around the city?,Do you ever stuck in traffic?,What do you do to keep calm?,What do we call a police officer who is a man?,What do we call the car he drives?,What do we call this dog?,Perspectives Transportation services,1. Which speaker says the biggest problem is parking?,2. Which speaker says its dangerous for bicycles?,3. Which speaker says the buses are old and slow?,Grammar Focus Adverbs of quantity,With count nouns,There,are too many cars.,There should be fewer cars.,We need more subway lines.,There arent enough buses.,With noncount nouns,There is too much traffic.,There should be less pollution.,We need more public transportation.,There isnt tnough parking.,Grammar Focus,Count nouns:,there are + too many/few, fewer,Noncount nouns:,there is + too much/little, less,Grammar Focus,Snapshot,Where are they from?,Where do they stay?,What places do they visit?,Where do they eat?,Conersation Could you tell me.?,Where are the rest rooms?,Where is the bank?,What time does the bank open?,How often do the buses leave for city?,Indirect questions from Wh-questions,Wh-questions with be,Indirect questions,Where is the bank?,Could you tell me,where the bank is?,where are the rest rooms?,Do you know,where the rest rooms are ?,Wh-questions with do or did,Indirect questions,How often do the buses leave?,Could you tell me,how often the buses leave?,What time does the bank open?,Do you know,what time the bank opens?,When did Flight 566 arrive?,Do you know,when Flight 566 arrived?,Grammar Focus,Reading,1. Which inventions have motors?,2. Where do you put your feet in the Wheelman?,3. How do you steer the Wheelman?,4. What makes the Trikke Scooter stable?,5. How does the Trikke Scooter move?,6. What makes the Outrider move smoothly on the water?,7.What two sports does the Powerski Jetboard combine?,8. Who design the engine for the Powerski Jetboard?,Reading,Vocabulary,steer: control the direction,stable: secure,aluminum: a type of lightweight metal,turn back and forth: move left and right,attached to: connected to,smoothly: evenly,former surfer: someone who used to surf,pro: a professional,combine: jion combine,-by Iris,Discuss your ideal home.,E.g. Id like a really big house next to the sea. Id like to have three bedrooms and,Cramped,Having very little space; too small,Dingy,Dark and unattractive,Shabby,Old and in poor condition,Spacious,Large; with lots of extra room,1. Do you prefer houses or apartments? Why?,2. Write down three disadvantages of apartment;,PERSPECTIVES,Adjective+ enough,Enough+ noun.,Too+ adjective,Grammar Focus,1. As + adjective (+ as),Houses are as convenient as apartments.,2. As many + count noun (+ as ),Apartments have as many expenses as houses.,3. As much + noncount noun ( +as ),Houses dont have as much privacy as apartments.,Grammar Focus,Think about some common wishe,s,people have about their lives (earn more money),1. Do you think they are friends ? strangers?”,2. Where are they?,3. How old do you think they are?,4. What do you think they are talking about?,Snapshot,CONVERSATION,Discuss about living with parents:,Should a son help his parents around the house?,Should pay for his room and board?,Should parents worry about an adult son?,1. What kinds of things do you gossip about ?,2. Whats the most interesting piece of gossip you heard recently?,3. How harmful is gossip?,4. Did anyone use to have one of these habits, but changed? Which habit do they think is the worst?,Gossip,Tell other people rumors, without knowing the facts,Trouble,Problems,For good,Forever; permanently,Put things off,Delay doing some tasks or jobs,Overwhelming,Too difficult or complicated,Project,Task,Reward yourself,Give yourself a little present after you have done something good,Secret,A piece of information that is private,Set an alarm clock,Put the alarm on for a specific time,Ive never heard of that!,-by Iris,1. Name some popular dishes that people like to eat in your country.,2. whats it made of? Do you eat it only on special occasions?,3. Name your favorite ethnic foods.(Japanese sushi),Warm up,Where are these people?,What do you think they are eating?,How do they look?,Snails,Small land animals with a hard round shell and no legs.,Garlic,A plant used in cooking to give a strong taste.,Appetizer,A small dish served at the beginning of a meal.,Brains,The organ found in the head of an animal.,Scary,frightening,CONVERSATION,Simple past vs. present perfect,1. We use the _ for,completes events,at a definite time in the past.,2. We use the _ for events that happened,at an indefinite time in the past,.,3. We use the _ for events that,began in the past and continue up to the present.,4. We usually use the _ with,ever,and,never,.,Birth,Now,(from birth until now),Have you (ever) eaten snails?,Grammar Focus,1.How do people cook fish your country?,2.Do they usually bake it, fry it, roast it, boil it, barbecue it, or steam it?,Word Power,1. What foods do people eat to make themselves feel happy? Relaxed? Energized?,2. Are these foods healthy?,Calm down,Relax,Cheer up,Feel happier,Powerfully,Strongly,Influence,Have an effect on,As well as,In addition to,Soothing,Gentle,Irritable,Angry,The blues,A feeling of sadness or depression,Lean meat,Meat without fat on it,Turn to,Try,Comfort foods,Foods that make you feel happier,Unit 5:Going places.,By Allan,-,What do you usually do on your vacation?,-,Tell me about your last vacation.,-What did you do on your last vacation?,-Did you travel?Where did you go?,-How did you go there and how long did it take you to get there?,Types of vacation.,-go abroad,-relax,-visit relatives,-go skiing,-have fun -go on a cruise,-travel around the world,-take a bicycle tour,What do you like to do on vacation?,Take an exciting trip.,Scuba diving.,Scuba diving.,Rafting,.,Discover something new.,Stay home.,Reading.,Enjoy nature.,-What is Nancy going to do?,-What is Julia going to do?,-What sport is Julia going to practice?,-What does Julia do to help Nancy?,-How long is the school break?,-How many people are now going to the beach?,Use be going to+verb for plans youve decided on.,eg:,Im,going to,be away for a week.,Use will+verb for possible plans before youve made a decision.,eg:,Maybe I,will,watch a few DVDs at home.,Vocabulary:,outdoors;,in the open air,not in a building.,tip;,a useful piece of information.,access;,ability to find something easily.,bury;,put one thing under another.,light;,having little weight.,layers(of clothing);,clothes worn on top of or underneath other clothes.,pack;,put things in a suitcase or bag.,Unit:6,OK.No problem.,Common complaints:,Parents complaints;,-Teenagers nowadays are very,rude,.,-Teenagers do not,respect,opinion of adults.,-This generation wears very,strange,clothes.,-,Teenagers listen to crazy music and they listen to it very,loud,.,-Teenagers,drink,a lot nowadays.,-Teenagers are very,violent,today.,-Most of teenagers,swear,.,-Teenagers do not have,desire,and,curiosity,for learning.,-They only,demand,from parents, more and more when they grow older.,-Teenagers want to live a good life but they do not want to work at all.,Teenagers complaints;,-Parents,nag,about household,chores,.,-Parents,criticize,nearly everything.,-Parents always tell teenagers what to do.,nag,; to complain continuously to someone in order to get him or her to do something.,criticize,; to say bad things about something.,loud,; making a lot of noise,Goodness!,; an exclamation showing surprise.,NB:,Object noun(TV,things) can come before or after the particle:,eg;,Turn the TV down. Pick up your things. Turn down the TV. Pick your things up.,Turn off the lights,please.,Please turn down the radio.,NB:,Pronoun,it can only come between the verb and particle.,eg;,Turn it down.Pick them up.,Respond to the requests with pronouns.,eg;,A:Pick up the toys,please.,B:No problem.Ill pick them up.,A:Please turn down the music.,B:OK.Ill turn it down.,Respond to the requests by giving an unusual excuse.,eg:,A:Please clean your mess in the kitchen.,B:Sorry,I cant clean it right now.I have to take the cat out for a walk.,A:Please pick up the towels in the bathroom.,B:,.,Modal+simple form of verb.,Can you turn the stereo off?,Could you close the door,please?,Would you please take your garbage out?,Can,.,Could,.,Would,.,Grammar Focus,an apology is statement that a person makes to show that he or she is sorry.,-admit a mistake:to say that you did something wrong.,-make a promise:to say that you definitely will or wont do something.,-make an offer:to say you are willing to do something for someone.,-How do people apologize in China?,-Why do people apologize?,UNIT 7:,Whats this for?,-When was.invented?,-Which one of these do you use nearly everyday?,-,Which invetion do you think is the most important? Why?,-Which invention do you think is the least important? Why?,-,What are the advantages and disadvantages of other inventions?,-How often do you use your computer?,-,How do you use it?,-,Where do you go to use it?,-What are some other things you use everyday?,-,A,gerund,is a noun made from a verb by,adding -ing.,-I use my computer for sending e-mails.,-,Infinitives,are the to form of the verb. The,infinitive,form of learn isto learn.,-I use my computer to send e-mails.,satellite:an unmanned manufactured object sent into orbit around the earth.,robot:a computer-controlled factory machine.,DNA fingerprinting:a way to identify people using information from their cells.,-How do computers make your life easier? more difficult?,-How do computers affect the way you spend your free time?,-How do computers influence the kinds of jobs people have?,-What kinds of problems do computers cause?,-What do you think about hackers?,-Do you know anyone who is a computer whiz?,geek,technophile:someone who is very interested in computers.,hacker:someone who illegally goes into other peoples computer systems.,hardware:parts of a computer or machine.,monitor:a computer screen.,surf the net:look at different Web-sites online.,-,who does Jenny want to call?,-does Jenny know how to use a phone?,-be sure to turn it on.,-dont forget to dial the area code,-,remember to pay the bill every month.,-try not to talk for long.,-,make sure to hit the end button.,Grammar Focus,-Which changes sound more interesting?,-Are there any changes that you dont like?,-Which changes are more useful?,-What other things do you think will change in the future?,-,day dream:think about nice things;not concentrating on the present moment.,automatic pilot:a setting that allows a machine to work or move by itself.,groceries:food that you buy in a store or supermarket.,diagnostic machine:a machine that checks the status of something or someone.,set:program a machine to do an operation.,Unit 8:,Lets celebrate!,-Do you celebrate these or similar holidays in your country?,-What other special days do you celebrate?,-How do you in China?,-Whats your favourite holiday or festival? Why?,-What is the most important holiday or festival in China?,costume:a mask or clothing worn on special occasions.,cemetry:an area of ground where people are buried.,streamer:a long coloured piece of cloth or paper.,dragon dance:a dance performed by a team of people carrying a dragon on poles.,-What is thanksgiving?,-What do people do on the thanksgiving day?,-What does she cook on that day?,-When and what at is Valentines day?,-What do you usually do on this day?,-What is New Years Eve?,-What does he do on New Years Eve?,-Which one of these holidays do you like? Why?,-Where does Emiko come from?,-Where was Emikos wedding ceremony,?,-What are receptions like in Japan and who goes there?,-What happens before the guests leave?,-What did the bride and groom give each guest?,-What happens when people get married here in China?,wedding reception:the party after the wedding ceremony.,honeymoon:the vacation a bride and groom take after their wedding.,get engaged:formally agree to get married.,date:have a romantic relationship.,-What and when is St.Anthonys day?,-What do people do on this day?,-What is Chusok?,-When and where is Chusok celebrated?,-What do people in India do during the festival of Rakhi?,-What do people from Argentina do on New Years Eve?,-What is Sestubun? When is it?,-What do family members do on this day? What do they say?,ribbon:a long narrow strip of material used as decoration.,ancestor:a member of your family from long ago.,silk:a soft,smooth material.,grave:a place where someone is buried,usually in a cemetery.,bracelet:a piece of jewelry worn around the wrist.,loyal:always supportive;faithful.,fireworks:colourful explosions in the air as show.,dried:dehydrated;with the water removed.,evil:with bad or cruel intention;the opposite of good.,Back to the futurea supplement to Round Up!,Unit 9,By Rob,Page 59. Time contrasts,Past,A few years ago, not many people lived here.,People used to shop at grocery stores.,Fifty years ago, people walked everywhere.,Present,These days, the population is growing so fast.,Today, people shop at supermarkets. Nowadays, people drive their cars instead.,Future,Soon, there will be a lot of shopping malls.,In twenty years, people might buy groceries by computer.,In the future, people are going to use cars everywhere,Page 59. Match the phrases,Match the phrases from column A with column B.,Once you have decided, compare your answers.,Discuss why you think certain numbers belong with certain letters.,Page 60.,Changing times,An example:,Eudcation.,In the past, schools were much more strict in the classrooms, and childrens acedemic ability was judged soley from their examination skills and results.,Today, children are assessed by coursework and other, none examination style tests, such as live speaking exams in foreign language studies.,In the future, maybe they will use robotic machines that can calcultate your ability by scanning your brains level of intelligence.,Page 60. A description of a person,Describing what a person will do in the future,He used to be loud and annoying. Now, hes sweet and charming and loves to watch romantic movies. One day, hell be a movie star. I think hell do really well in the future.,Page 62. Consequences,Consequences are what happens after someone does something that is a risk.,A risk is something that you do, which could have good or bad effects after.,Example:,The consequences of stealing, is going to prison, if you are caught by the police.,I dont like working on weekends,Unit 10,By Rob,Page 64: Snapshot,Useful vocabulary:,Problem solving skills,Interpersonal skills,Technical skills,Accademic skills,Financial management,Linguistical,Management skills,Page 65. Grammer focus,What is a Gerund:,a verb form which functions as a noun,Example:,Travel + Gerund (ing) = travelling,The verb has become a noun:,I like travelling,Grammar Focus,Page 68,Clauses with,because,The word,because,introduces a cause or a reason.,Exampe:,See the examples on page 68 because they are already in the book.,Grammar Focus,11 Its really worth seeing,by Lydia,SnapshotFamous landmarks,The Statue of Liberty,It was designed by the French sculptor F.A. Bartholdi and built in France; it is the tallest statue(151 feet/ 45.3meters) in the United States; it has 142 steps.,Machu Picchu,It is situated on a montain near the Cusco in Peru; no one knows,why it was abandoned,It was designed by the Gustav Eiffel, a French,engineer;l it has an elevator to the top. where you,get a good view of Paris; it was originally intended to,be a temporary structure.,Eiffel Tower,The Great Wall,You can visit it from Beijing; it has a roadway along th top.,Vocbulary,structure: any type of construction,e.g., a brisge, a wall, a building a tower,ship battles: fights beween ships,constructed: built,royal family: a family of kings and queens.,completed: finnished,the French Revolution: a period when the ordinary prople of France threw the royal family out of power.,Passive with by (simple past),The passive changes the focus of a sentence.,For the simple past, use the past of be + past particple,Activ


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