6sigma GB培训

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Overview(,绪论),Six Sigma Training(6,西格玛培训),Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,57,创新及不断改进,I,nnovation and,C,ontinuous,I,mprovement,M,ethodologies,6sigma GB,培训,Six Sigma Green Belt Training,绪论 第0天,Introduction(,绪论), Day Zero(,第0天),Topics of discussion(,讨论主题):,I&CIM at Delphi: Why, What, and How(,徳尔福的,I&CIM :,为什么, 什么,怎么样),Delphis Problem Solving Process(,徳尔福的问题解决过程),What is Six Sigma(,什么是6西格玛),?,The DMAIC Process(DMAIC,过程),Variation: The Focus of Improvement(,变差,:,改进的关注点),Six Sigma Language(,六西格玛的语言),I&CIM Roles and Responsibilities(I&CIM,的角色和责任),Project Selection(,项目选择),Project Contract(,项目合同),SIPOC: The First of the Green Belt Tools(,第一个绿带工具),Evaluation and Certification(,评估与认证),Day Zero Deliverables(,第0天的总结),Our Customers View of Delphis Problem Solving / Problem Prevention Competency,客户对于德尔福解决问题/预防问题能力的看法,How are we viewed by our customers (,我们的客户如何看待我们),?,Reactionary, not preventative(,被动改正而非主动预防),Adequately responsive to customer requests(,对客户需求作出充分响应),Problems not permanently solved(,问题没有被根除),Hardy perennial problems not solved(,疑难问题没有被解决),Inconsistent(,前后不一致),Flawed startups(,无效的开端),How do we want to be viewed by our customers(,我们希望客户如何看待我们),?,Proactive(,主动预防),Quick, agile(,迅速,灵活),Leaders(,业务,领导),Systems experts(,系统专家),Flawless startups(,良好的开端),Enterprise-wide problem prevention/problem solving culture(,建立整企业的解决问题/预防问题的文化),Our customers best supplier(,客户最好的供应商),绝对的卓越(,The Absolutes of Excellence,),Focus(,中心):,Your Customer(,你的客户),Performance Goal(,目标):,Do it Right the First Time(,初做必对),Method(,方法):,Innovation & Continuous Improvement(,创新及不断改进),Control(,控制):,Customer Feedback(,客户反馈),People(,雇员):,Caring(,关心),Style(,形式):,Teamwork(,团队合作),Reward(,回报):,Recognition and Security(,公司认可及安全感),What is(,什么是),I&CIM?,I,&CIM,is,Delphis common method for disciplined problem prevention and problem solving(,是德尔福预防问题和解决问题的通用法则),. I&CIM,is,process,focused,&,project,driven(,是:,关注过程,;以,项目驱动),.,I&CIM,will help us(,能帮助我们),Reduce sources of variation(,减少变差的根源),Define & resolve problems(,定义并解决问题),Design new products that will,achieve defect free quality levels(,设计的新产品达到无缺陷质量水平),Shainin Red X(,谢宁红,X),Innovation,(,创新),Continuous,Improvement(,持续改进),Robust Engineering,(,稳健性工程设计),Requirements Definition(,定义需求),Concept Creation & Selection (,概念的制定和选择),Design & Development,(设计并研发),Test & Validation (,测试并验证),Parts(,部件),No Parts / Business Process(,非部件 / 业务流程),Problem,Causes are,Changing(,问题的原因在不断变化),Problem Causes are Constant,(,问题的原因是常量),Green Y Validation,(,绿,Y,验证),Six Sigma,(,六西格玛),Design for Six Sigma,(,六西格玛设计),I&CIM,Common Problem Solving/ Prevention Process,(预防问题及解决问题的通用过程),I&CIM,provides a complementary set of tools within the context of a common problem solving and problem prevention process(,提供了一整套关于预防问题及解决问题的工具和方法).,What is(,什么是),I&CIM?,Exercise(,练习),As a class discuss the techniques that might apply to the following situations(,讨论遇到下列问题时所运用的工具),:,Understand variation in purchasing process(,理解采购过程中的差异),Identify reason why part A from line X is defective and the same part produced on line Y is not defective(,找出生产同一产品, 在生产线,X,出现不良品而在生产线,Y,不出现不良品的原因),Reduce ppm levels in part number B(,降低部件,B,的,PPM),Make part number C less sensitive to environmental conditions(,使部件,C,对于环境条件的敏感度降低,),I&CIM & Delphis Business Processes(,业务流程),I&CIM complements our existing business processes it does not replace them (,是对我们现存的业务流程的补充 但并不能替代它们).,It is an element of the Delphi Business System,(,DBS) -,是德尔福业务流程的一个要素,It supports(,支持),Lean and the Delphi Manufacturing System,It strengthens(,加强了),the TDP / ADP / PDP development processes(,等流程),It joins with Quality Network to provide a common problem solving and problem prevention process(,属于质量网络, 并提供了问题解决和预防通用步骤),An agreement has been reached between the Quality Network and Delphi Management that will link I&CIM to the Quality Network Problem Solving Process (QNPS) (,质量网络和德尔福领导层达成协议, 将把,I&CIM,与质量网络问题解决流程联系到一起),Simply put,Lean DMS,is the process to make problems i.e., waste visible (,简单而言,Lean DMS,是一种能使问题例: 浪费直观显现的过程),I,&CIM,is the standardized process to solve the now visible problems(,是使用标准的步骤解决已经显现的问题).,Toyota clearly illustrates this most powerful combination of,Lean and Problem Solving(,丰田很好地阐明了,Lean,和解决问题的方法的融合),.,Toyota Production System / philosophy raises many problems to solve waste to remove(,丰田生产体系提出了许多有待解决的问题,消除浪费,),Toyota has a very clear problem solving process to communicate and process the problem to be solved(,丰田有很清晰地将问题的解决方案流程化, 并提供了其间有效的沟通手段),How Do Lean DMS & I&CIM Fit Together Lean DMS,和,I&CIM,如何融合?,Why Another Problem Solving Process,为什么要用新的解决问题的过程,?,When Delphi consulted with GE on their implementation of Six Sigma, one message came across loud and clear(,当徳尔福向,GE,咨询关于6,Sigma,的执行情况时, 有一个信息是十分清晰的),:,At the about the same time(,大约在同时), Delphi Delco Electronics needed to strengthen their problem solving process in response to customer feedback(,需要加强针对客户的反馈的问题解决流程),.,The result was the I&CIM Problem Solving Process. It was created by comparing and contrasting existing problem solving processes(,最终通过比较和总结目前现有的问题解决流程, 创立了,I&CIM,问题解决方案),:,Quality Network(,质量网络), 5-,Phase(,五步法),Six Sigma(,六西格玛),Shainin,(,谢宁),Deming(,戴明),Toyota(,丰田),etc.,The adoption of a generic process based on these allows us to use the best of each without becoming attached to a single toolset(,通过取其精华, 去其糟粕, 我们能够找到一个适用于自己的通用法则, 避免了单纯对于各种工具的叠加),.,Focus on the process, not the tools!,If you focus on the tools, you will waste your energy arguing over which tool is best.,No one argues about the process(,关注过程,而不是工具,!,如果只关注工具,你将会把精力浪费在争论哪个工具最好上,.,但没人会来讨论过程),.,I&CIM Problem Solving Process(,问题解决过程),Analyze and Optimize(,分析和优化),4.,Identify Potential Causes(,找出可能原因),Evaluate Causes(,评估原因),Identify Potential Solutions(,发现可能解决方案),Choose Solution(,选择解决方案),Control(,控制),Control Solution(,控制解决方案),Standardize(,标准化),Implement(,执行),Confirm Solution(,确认方案),Confirm Results(,确认结果),Plan(,计划),Plan Solution(,实施解决方案计划),Comprehensive(,全面的),Disciplined(,原则上性的),Data-driven(,数据驱动),Define and Quantify(,定义并量化),Identify Problem(,确定问题),Containment Assessment(,问题界定评估),Contain Problem, if Necessary(,如果需要,限定项目范围).,So whats different about I&CIM (I&CIM,有何不同)?,Driven by senior leadership(,由高阶领导驱动),Process focuseddisciplined, data driven(,关注过程,原则性,数据驱动),Project driven linked to strategic business plan(,以项目驱动,与业务发展计划紧密相连),Comprehends customer problem solving methodologies(,包括客户的问题解决方法),Dedicated resources with support structure(,专职的支持资源),Focuses on customer satisfaction & cost savings(,集中使客户满意和成本节约),Learning and doing focusedNOT a mass training program(,边学边做,不仅仅是培训),Provides flexibility to use the “Right” tool to solve a problem(,灵活使用正确的工具来解决问题),Organizational infrastructure (IS&S, Finance, HRM, etc.),组织机构,(IS&S, Finance, HRM, etc.),Applies enterprise wide(,应用于全企业范围),What is,何为,Six Sigma?,Six Sigma is one of the methodologies of I&CIM, and the Green Belt certification is the first level of competency in Six Sigma,6Sigma,是,I&CIM,的一种方法论, 绿带认证是其基本认证.,Six Sigma is a philosophy of doing business (providing any product or service) that focuses on the continuous improvement of processes,6Sigma,是一种聚焦于不断改进的哲学,适用于业务流程(任何产品或服务),The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation reduction through the application of six sigma improvement projects,(6Sigma,方法论的基本目标是通过量化的方式,基于数据来运用关注过程的改进和减少差异).,Continuous,Improvement,Shainin Red X(,谢宁红,X),创新,持续改进,Robust Engineering,(,稳健性工程设计),定义需求,概念的制定和选择,设计并研发,测试并验证,部件,非部件 / 业务流程,问题的原因在不断变化,问题的原因是常量,Green Y Validation,(,绿,Y,验证),Six Sigma,(,六西格玛),Design for Six Sigma,(,六西格玛设计),I&CIM,预防问题及解决,问题的通用过程,Comparison of I&CIM Process to Six Sigma DMAIC Process,I&CIM,过程和6,Sigma DMAIC,过程的对比,I&CIM Process,I&CIM,过程,DMAIC Process,DMAIC,过程,Define and Quantify,定义和量化,Analyze and Optimize,分析和优化,Plan,计划,Implement,实施,Control,控制,Define,定义,Measure,测量,Analyze,分析,Improve,改进,Control,控制,Breakthrough business results rely on a rigorous, structured methodology,突破性的业务结果必须基于严格的,结构严谨的方法论.,Six Sigma Breakthrough Roadmap,六西格玛突破性路线图,f (X),Y=,The focus of Six Sigma,六西格玛关注焦点,Measure,测量,Analyze,分析,Capability,流程能力,OK,?,N,Y,Modify,修改,Design,设计方案,?,Redesign,重新设计,Y,Improve,改进,N,OK,?,Y,Control,控制,N,Define,定义,Define,定义,Measure,测量,Analyze,分析,Improve,改进,Control,控制,Capability,流程能力,DMAIC Process DMAIC,过程,Define(,定义):,The customer, their critical to quality (CTQ) issues, and the core business process involved,客户,他们的质量关键点,(CTQ) ,和涉及到的核心业务,Who customers are, what their requirements for products and services, and what their expectations are,客户是谁,他们对产品或服务的要求是什么,他们的期望.,Project boundaries the stop and start of the process,项目范围,起始和结束点.,The process to be improved by mapping the process flow and identifying the metric that needs to be improved,通过先画出流程图,然后确定需要改进的衡量指标来改进整个流程.,A preliminary problem statement,初步的问题描述.,D-,定义,M-,测量,A-,分析,I-,改进,C-,控制,DMAIC Process DMAIC,过程,Measure(,测量),:,The performance of the process involved at the appropriate level,过程的表现的相应水平.,Develop a data collection plan for the process,制定针对过程的数据收集计划.,Collect data from many sources to determine types of defects and metrics,从多方面收集数据并确定缺陷类型和衡量标准.,Compare to customer requirements to determine gaps,根据客户需求确定差距.,Develop a final problem statement based on the data analysis,基于数据确定最终的问题描述.,D-,定义,M-,测量,A-,分析,I-,改进,C-,控制,DMAIC Process DMAIC,过程,Analyze(,分析),:,The data collected and process map to determine root causes of defects and opportunities for improvement,根据收集的数据和流程图来确定造成缺陷可能的原因和改进的机会,Focus on vital few root causes,关注少数重要的根源,Identify sources of variation,找出造成差异的原因,Verification of root causes,验证根源原因,Determine the opportunity ($),确定改进机会,定义,测量,分析,改进,控制,DMAIC Process DMAIC,过程,Improve(,改进),:,The target process by designing creative solutions to fix and prevent problems,通过创造性的解决方案来解决和预防问题,Create innovative solutions using technology and discipline,借助技术和规则制定创新的解决方案,Develop a cost/benefit analysis,进行成本/收益分析,Update the process map to the “should be” state,根据改进方案更新流程图,Develop and deploy the implementation plan,制定执行计划,D-,定义,M-,测量,A-,分析,I-,改进,C-,控制,DMAIC Process DMAIC,过程,Control(,控制),:,The improvements to keep the process on the new course,确保过程执行改进后措施,Prevent reverting back to the “old way”,防止重犯以前错误,Require the development, documentation, and implementation of an ongoing monitoring plan,使改进文件化,并对执行措施有监控计划,Institutionalize the improvements through the modification of systems,改进后的系统制度化,Verify improvement and results through the use of control charts,通过控制图确认改进后的成果,D-,定义,M-,测量,A-,分析,I-,改进,C-,控制,Concepts of Competitive Quality,竞争性质量的概念,The most noticeable difference in this operational definition of quality is that it requires continuous process improvement.,质量的操作型定义最显著的不同点是其强调了流程持续改善的需要,.,However, to do that requires that we understand the nature of variation.,但是,要满足这需要必须先理解流程中变差的状况,.,Historically, quality has been defined as:,“meeting the specification”,or,“fitness for use.”,传统上,质量被定义为,:,“,符合标准”,或,“满足使用.”,Today the most acceptable definition of quality is,“meeting the customers requirements,”,but just meeting the requirements will not ensure future market share,现在,“满足客户需求”,这一质量定义已被普遍接受,但不能确保今后的市场份额.,Meeting the customers requirements is a given to provide a product today. The challenge is to provide a product that is marketable and profitable tomorrow and beyond,满足客户需求可以保证产品现在的质量,而面临的挑战是如何保证今后的市场占有率和利润率.,To achieve this we must use a definition of quality that is operational and measurabl,为了达到此目的,必须使质量的定义可操作和可测量,:,Competitive Quality is(,竞争性质量观念,):,“product uniformity around a target value(,产品在目标值并保持一致),.”,Most data tends to follow a normal, or bell-shaped, distribution. One of the key properties of the normal distribution is that it can be completely characterized by only two parameters,许多数据都符合正态或钟形分布,.,正态分布的一个重要特性就是可以用两个指标来描述数据形态,:,the mean,m, or average of the data,均值,m,或 平均值,the dispersion,s, or width of the data,散布度,s,或数据宽度,The Normal Distribution(,正态分布),m,x,1,s,1,s,T,m,+,-,p(d),3,s,Sample mean,样本均值,Population mean,母本均值,Probability distribution,分布的概率,68.2 %,of the data lies within 1,s,of the mean,68.2 %,的数据分布在均值 1,s,的范围内,95.4 % of the data lies within 2,s,of the mean,95.4 %,的数据分布在均值 2,s,的范围内,99.7 % of the data lies within 3,s,of the mean,99.7 %,的数据分布在均值 3,s,的范围内,99.99999975% of the data lies within 6,s,of the mean,99.99999975%,的数据分布在均值 6,s,的范围内,1,s,1,s,3,s,Standard Deviation(,标准偏差),Elements of variation, the 6 Ms,造成变差的因素 6,M,Variation exists,Everywhere,变差存在于任何过程!,M,Administration,管理过程,Man,Finance analyst,财务分析员,Machine,Computer,电脑,Method,Data entering sequence,数据输入次序,Material,Information,数据信息,Measurement,Errors per page,每页出错率,Mother Nature,Lightning,照明条件,What causes Variation?,什么原因造成变差?,Given a distribution function which approximates the histogram of a process which displays a reasonable degree of statistical control,提供一个模拟过程中直方图的状态分布图, 便于作合理的统计数理控制,:,The parameter which will be used to characterize,“process location”,is called the mean,(,m,),of,f(x),“,过程位置”,特性参数称为过程,f(x),的,均值,(,m,),.,The parameter which will be used to characterize,“process dispersion”,is called the standard deviation,(,s,),of,f(x),“,过程的散布”,特性参数称为过程,f(x),的标准偏差,(,s,),.,Six Sigma Focuses on Variation Reduction,6,西格玛关注于减小差异,Leverage,variables,which,control,the Mean,控制均值的杠杆变量,m,Leverage,variables,which,control the,Standard,Deviation,控制标准偏差的杠杆变量,s,Scale of Y,Y,的大小,f (X),Y=,The focus of 6,s,Hidden Costs of Variation,差异的隐含成本,Inspection/Test,检验/测试,Expediting,渠道的畅通,Increased Cycle Times,不断增加的运转周期时间,Scrap,报废,Rework,返工,Rejects,拒收,Warranty,售后质量保证,Maintenance and Service,维修及服务,Cost to Customer,客户成本,Additional labor hours,附加的人工,Lost Sales,销售损失,Variation has both hidden and visible costs associated with it,过程差异会产生连带的可见和隐含成本,Quality Audits,质量监督,Excess Inventory,库存积压,Improvement program costs,改善的成本,Lost Customer Loyalty,丧失客户信任度,Vendor Control,供应商控制,Six Sigma Language,六西格玛语言,Attribute data: data that is counted, i.e., good or bad, etc.,通过描述来计量,例., 好或坏,等等.,CTQ (Critical to Quality,质量关键点):,what the customer considers to be important,什么客户认为是重要的.,Common cause variation: the many sources of variation that produce chance or natural variation,产生随机或自然变化的差异.,DPO: Defects per opportunity = Defects /(Opportunities x units),机会缺陷率 = 缺陷数 /(机会,x,件数),DPMO: Defects per million opportunities = DPO x 1,000,000,百万分之机会缺陷率,= DPO x 1,000,000,DPU: Defects per unit =,每件缺陷率 =,Number of defects counted,缺陷数,Number of units processed,零件流转总数,Six Sigma Language,六西格玛语言,FPY: First Pass Yield (Sometimes known as FTQ),一次通过率 (有时称作,FTQ),The measure typically referred to as “yield.” The total number of parts that are accepted divided by the total number of parts that were started,传统上可以参照 “合格率.” 最终能够被接受的零件总数除以流程开的零件数目.,目前被理解为能够被接受的零件总数除以流程中流转零件数目(包括返工).,PPM: Parts per million defective,百万分之零件缺陷率,RTY: Rolled Throughput Yield,直通率,The probability that a part will make it through multiple process steps without a defect,单个零件通过多个过程步骤而不产生缺陷的几率.,RTY = (FPY Process1,过程1)(,FPY Process2,过程2)(,FPY Process3,过程3).,Special cause variation: sources of variation that cause a process output to not be stable over time or predictable,能够预见的差异或者是过程输出的差异随时间的变化而变化,Six Sigma Language,六西格玛语言,Sigma,西格玛 (,s,): the standard deviation of a statistical population,母本的标准偏差,TDU: Total defects per unit =,S,DPUs,每件总缺陷数 =,S,DPUs,The sum of all the DPUs for all parts in an assembly or all process steps in a process flow diagram,在一个流程中,所有装配及所有过程步骤的缺陷总和,.,C,p,: a capability index which shows the process capability potential but does not consider how centered the process is,只显示过程的潜在能力而不考虑过程对于目标值的偏离的过程能力指数.,C,pk,: an index used to compare the natural tolerance of a process with respect to the specification limits,比较过程的散布范围及标准极限的过程能力指数,.,坠牌游戏,基本规则,每组得到20张扑克牌, 扑克牌从规定高度坠落.,每次坠牌当作生产了一个部件,.,每个部件经历两个生产步骤,:,扑克齐肩坠落,扑克齐膝坠落,扑克牌完全坠落到目标范围内被认为是“合格品”, 可以被移动到下一个生产步骤.,扑克牌坠落到目标范围边缘被认为是“不合格品”, 需要作“返工”. 返工过程是重复最初的步骤, 将扑克牌从同样的高度坠落.,扑克牌完全坠落到目标范围外被认为是“报废品”, 不能作“返工”.,一次只能坠落一张扑克牌,.,“返工”,的扑克牌必须完成返工后, 才可以被移动到下一个生产步骤,.,Card Drop Game,Basic Rules,Each team will get a deck of 20 cards,Each dropped card is considered one unit processed.,Each unit goes through 2 processing steps:,Unit dropped from shoulder height,Unit dropped from knee height,A card dropped completely within the target is considered “good” and can be moved to the next processing step.,A card dropped on the edge of target is a “defect” requiring “rework”. Rework is performed by dropping the card again from the same height.,A card dropped completely outside the target is considered a defect and is “scrap”. The unit cannot be reworked.,Cards must be dropped one at a time.,Units allowed to be reworked must be reworked before going to the next processing step.,“,返工件”,“,合格品”,(,运送至下一步),坠牌游戏操作规程:,步骤1: 从,肩部,高度, 一张一张地将扑克牌坠落.,将“合格品” 运送至下一步骤,将坠落到目标范围以外的扑克牌报废, 并从扑克牌总数中扣除.,将返工的扑克牌重新坠落,.,记录这一步骤流转的扑克牌总数,(,最初牌数 + “返工”牌数,),记录产生的缺陷数,(“,报废” 及 “返工” 的牌),所有在手上的牌必须最终合格或报废之后, 才能进入到下一步骤,.,步骤2: 从,膝部,高度, 一张一张地将扑克牌坠落,.,重复坠牌步骤, 并记录过程中的数据同步骤,1.,“,报废品”,Step 1: Drop cards, one at a time, from,Shoulder,height.,“,Ship” good units onto the next step,Scrap (remove from the deck) the cards that fall out side the target.,Re-drop the cards requiring re-work.,Record the number of units processed through this step (original 20 cards + “reworked” cards),Record the number of defects produced (“scrapped” and “reworked” cards),All the units (cards) need to be processed as “good” or “scrapped” units before advancing to the next step.,Step 2: Drop cards, one at a time, from,knee,height.,Repeat the dropping and recording process as performed in Step 1.,Card Drop,Instructions:,注意事项,每个缺陷产品都计缺陷成本.,报废 = $2000,返工 = $1000,每个最终合格品的销售利润,$5000,参照下页提供的数据表记录每个步骤相应的缺陷成本,.,并且计算一次通过率,(FPY),直通率 (,RTY),以及相应的销售利润.,获得最佳销售利润的小组将成为坠牌游戏的赢家.,在开始游戏前, 可以试做几次热身练习来确定小组的制造方法,(,坠牌方法).,坠牌游戏,Game Objective,Each defect has a cost associated with it.,Scrap = $2000,Rework = $1000,Each good unit produced sells for $5000,Use the data sheet provided to collect information on the defects and cost at each step.,Your task is to calculate First Pass Yield (FPY), Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY), and Profit.,The team with the greatest total profit (sales - cost) will be declared the winner of the The Card Drop Game.,Before starting complete a few trial runs to decide on your teams,manufacturing method (drop method).,Card Drop Game,坠牌游戏记录表(中文),Card Drop Metrics(,英文),I&CIM at Delphi: Why, What, and How(,徳尔福的,I&CIM :,为什么, 什么,怎么样),Delphis Problem Solving Process(,徳尔福的问题解决过程),What is Six Sigma(,什么是6西格玛),?,The DMAIC Process(DMAIC,过程),Variation: The Focus of Improvement(,变差,:,改进的关注点),Six Sigma Language(,六西格玛的语言),I&CIM Roles and Responsibilities(I&CIM,的角色和责任),Project Selection(,项目选择),Project Contract(,项目合同),SIPOC: The First of the Green Belt Tools(,第一个绿带工具),Evaluation and Certification(,评估与认证),Day Zero Deliverables(,第0天的总结),Introduction,(,绪论), Day Zero(,第,O,天),I&CIM Support Structure,Executive Champion,Dave Wohleen,L. Wilkinson,D. Deptowicz,B. ONeill,Divisional,Steering,Committee,Deployment,Champion,Delco,Chris Jones,S. Bailey,D. Krausch,E. Northern,E&C,John Katona,K. Hollasch,D. Stelmach,R. Morgan,Harrison,Ed Huber,J. Maniscalco,G. Sloan,J. Holden,Interior,Jim Tye,C. Essad,S. Duca,T. Sosnowchik,M. Sabau,Packard,Scott Sabatini,M. Richardson,R. Zeilinger,S. Mitchell,Saginaw,Mike Husar,Divisions,Regions,Functional,Support,Europe,Pierre Pascal,Asia/Pacific,Sanjeev Saxena,Mexico,Ron Ulrich,


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