01 Middle English Literature

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英美文学,(英国文学),专业:技侦英语专业,单位:英语系高级英语教研室,授 课 人:,中国人民解放军外国语学院课程课件,Macbeth: Wherefore was that cry?,Seyton: the Queen, my lord, is dead.,Macbeth: She should have died hereafter;,There would have been a time for such a word.,Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,To the last syllable of recorded time;,And all our yesterdays have lighted fools,The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!.,(William Shakespeare,Macbeth,),It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.,(Jane Austen,Pride and Prejudice,),A Red, Red Rose,O My Luves like a red, red rose,Thats newly sprung in June;,O My Luves like the melodie,Thats sweetly played in tune.,As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in love am I:,And I will love thee still, my dear,Till a the seas gang dry:,Robert Burns,Till a the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt with the sun;,I will luve thee still my dear,When the sands of life shall run.,And fare thee weel, my only Luve,And fare thee weel a while!,And I will come again , my Luve,Tho it were ten thousand mile.,O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?,(Percy B. Shelley,“Ode to the West Wind”),The Sick Rose,William Blake,O Rose, thou art sick.,The invisible worm,That flies in the night,In the howling storm,Has found out thy bed,Of crimson joy,And his dark secret love,Does thy life destroy.,Unit 1,Middle English Literature and Geoffrey Chaucer,Contents,1. a quiz,2. an introduction to English history,3. old English literature and,Beowulf,4. middle English literature,5. Geoffrey Chaucer,Quiz,Who were the first natives in what is now Britain? And what marked the end of the Anglo-Saxon period?,What were the three languages used simultaneously in England after 1066?,3. What is the most popular theme in middle English romances?,4.How many tales are there in,The Canterbury Tales ?,By what,did Chaucer link these tales together?,5. What is the name of the inn where the narrator and the pilgrims live ? Whose tale is to be first told?,Old and Middle English Literature,Old English,or Anglo-Saxon, period (450-1066),Middle English period (1066-1485),I,.The Historical Background,1. The early inhabitants ,Iberians, (3000B.C. ),Celts,(400 300 BC),2. The three invasions,Roman invasion (55BC 407 AD),The Anglo-Saxon invasion (450-1066),The Norman Conquest (1066),3. St. Augustines mission preaching Christianity,(,597,:,the beginning of recorded history, literacy,),II. Old English Poetry,1.,The religious poems:,Genesis A, Genesis,B, Exodus, The Dream of the Rood, The Phoenix,etc.,2.,The Secular poems :,The national epic poem,Beowulf,and a number of lyrical poems,III. Beowulf,1.,The storya narrative of the adventures of the heroic figure Beowulf with the monster Grendel and his mother in Demark and with the dragon in the land of the Geats,Epic,Definition,: a long narrative poem in elevated style telling of a heros deeds,Style,:,1. elevated, soaring language,2. the use of variety of forms such as narrative, lyric, elegy, satire, debate, etc.,3. the use of extended similes and metaphors, sometimes called,epic similes,Beowulf kills Grendel,Beowulf fights with Grendels mother,Samples from “The Last Survivors Speech”,“,Hold them now, Earth, now hand of man cannot,A great,tr,ibes,tr,easures.,Tr,uly, from you,Brave men first got them; battle-death has taken,Murderous fighting, the men, one and all,Peers of my People: they have passed from this life,Rest from the hall-joys. None remains with me,To beat the sword, burnish the rich goblet,Costly drinking cup; the company has gone elsewhere.,2. The theme,“Arms and the man”. Mans struggle against the hostile forces of the natural world,3.,Artistic features,a. part-historical, part-legendary origin of the story;,b. pagan elements with Christian colouring;,c. structural alliteration;,d. four stresses and no rhyme; a true epic style,Kenning (metaphor),Use compound words to represent a special objects to add beauty to ordinary objects,sea: swan-road, whale-path,ship: wave-traveler, sea-wood,soldier: shield-bearer, battle-hero,sun: the world candle,IV. Old English Prose,1. The Venerable Bede (673?-735):,Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum,(Ecclesiastical History of the English People),2. Alfred the Great (849-899):,The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,(871-1154),(the first national history),V. Middle English Literature,The Historical Background,The Norman Conquest: William, Duke of Normandy, now as the king of England,The development of feudalism in England: landlords and peasants, the Dark Age,The Hundred Years War (1337-1453): an awakening of national consciousness,The influence from the European continent,Influence of the French language,bull / beef calf / veal,sheep / mutton pig / pork,Why were the Middle Ages called the “Dark Age”?,Key:,There were more knights in those days.,VI. Medieval Romance,King Arthur and His Knights of the Round table,William Langland:,The Vision of Piers the Plowman,VII. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400),His literary Career:,the French period,the Italian period,the mature period,Main works,The Book of the Duchess,The House of Fame,Troilus and Criseyde,The Canterbury Tales,The Canterbury Tales,A familiar, straightforward, low style of presentation,A great portrait gallery,VIII. A Brief Analysis of the General Prologue,A double view of the Canterbury pilgrimage: as an event in the calendar of nature and as an event in the calendar of divinity,The transition from nature to divinity by contrast between the physical vitality and the spiritual sickness and by parallelism between the renewal power of nature and the restorative power of supernature (divinity),XI. Chaucers Achievements,Messenger of Humanism,The First Realistic Writer,“Father” of English Poetry,Master of the English Language,April is the cruelest month, breeding,Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing,Memory and desire, stirring,Dull roots with spring rain.,Winter kept us warm, covering,Earth in forgetful snow, feeding,A little life with dried tubers.,(T.S. Eliot, “The Waste Land”),Poetic form,Written in,Heroic couplet,:,Two lines of rhyming iambic pentameter,Some terms in poetry,verse, scan, scansion,foot, metre and measure (metrical pattern), rhythm, rhyme,line, stanza,iambic pentameter,The cur/few tolls/ the knell/ of par/ting day,The low/ing herd/ wind slow/ly oer /the lea,The plow/man home/ward plods/ his wea/ry way,And leaves/ the world/ to dark/ness and/ to me.,(Thomas Gray,“Elegy Written in a Country Graveyard”),trochaic tetrameter,Twinkle, /twinkle,/ little /star,How I /wonder /what you /are,Up a/bove the /world so /high,Like a /diamond /in the /sky.,Assignments,Read the background of Renaissance,Do some research on “sonnet”,Preview Shakespeares sonnet 18 and the selection from,The Merchant of Venice,


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