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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Word power,Unit,1,Space exploration,1,Task 1 Reading,Read the speech given by a scientist in Part A and tell the main ideas of the passage.,In 1957,_,Since 1959 _,In 1961,_,In 1969 _,launch of the first man-made satellite,spaceships have been sent up into space,Yuri Gagarin travelled in space,Armstrong landed on the Moon.,2,launch tower,launch,pad,space shuttle,Task 2,3,rocket,astronaut,spacesuit,4,space station,tracking ship,spacewalk,5,Task 3,Look at your textbooks and fill in the blanks of part C using words from page,6,.,astronaut outer space space shuttle rockets,tracking ship space station,spacewalk spacesuits,6,Complete the blanks,Complete the process of spacewalk,1. The spaceship was _,into space by,two,rockets from the launch pad.,2. Later, the rockets _ from the,space shuttle and fell in,to,the sea.,3. Research was _,_ in space station.,4. Astronauts took space walk with _,on.,lifted/ launched,separated,carried,out,spacesuits,7,Task 4,What is our universe made up of?,universe,galaxy (the milky way),solar system,star (the sun),planet (the ear,th,),satellite (the moon),comet,8,D. Write the correct number in the box,Complete the short passage accordingly.,Our universe is _ up of _, and the Milky Way is just _ of them. Our solar system _ of the starthe sun and planets such as the earth. There also e_ satellites like the moon and comets as well.,made,galaxies,one,consists,xist,9,Practice: write the correct number in each box.,Keys to D:4: the Sun2: the Milky Way6: the Moon5: the earth,10,Discussion,If you have a chance to travel in space, which planet do you want to go ?why?,How would you like to go there ?,11,If you want to know more information , you can surf the internet :,12,1. Try to remember these new words,about space and space exploration.,2.,Read more about space exploration,after class.,Homework,13,


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