专升本辅导 听力13680

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,专升本辅导 听力,1,听力常出现的场景及词汇总结,1,饮食就餐,Reservation,Go Dutch,Steak rare medium-rare well-done,Main course Tip,A table for two?,What is today,s special?,Bill, please,This is my treat.,2,2.,学校生活,Register for/ enroll in,Tuition credit,a student loan,Deadline,fall short of one,s expectation,Have one,s hands full with,Pass over in the selection process,3,3,图书,Be addicted to the book,Back issue current issue latest issue,Subscribe to,Overdue,Out of stock,Out of print,4,4,工作,Job-hunting job-hopping,Fire/dismiss/sack,Do odd jobs,Be on business/be out of the office,Start salary pay raise,Pension annual leave,Make ends meet,Be no match for sb,5,5.,银行,Open an account,Checking account,savings account,Deposit withdraw,interest rate balance,Cash the check,6,6.,医院,Prescribe/prescription,Dose tablet symptom,on diet overweight,Emergency room ward,Be as fit as a fiddle,Be out of shape /feel under the weather,7,7.,交通旅游,One-way ticket,round-trip ticket,Commuter,Rush hour,check in board,Declare customs,Behind schedule,Depart from Gate 1,8,8,商场,Discount deposit,Bargain,In/Out of stock,Be in/out of season,Chain store,Credit card,9,9,词组俚语,The last,The last person I,d ask,In the dark,Learn the ropes,Get in one ear and out the other,Like apples and oranges,All Greek to me,10,cost me an arm and a leg,burn a hole in his pocket,. good for nothing,slip one,s mind on doing sth.,ring a bell chase the rainbows,11,


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