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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,七年级双语报答案,七年级双语报答案七年级双语报答案I词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单,词,补全句子。,1. We dont go out today, because the,sun shines too_(明亮地).,2. When I get up this morning, I find it,is_ (下雪的).,3. He is studying in our school. And he is,from_(澳大利亚).brightlysnowyAustralia,通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。,I,词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单,词,补全句子。,1. We dont go out today, because the,sun shines too_(,明亮地,).,2. When I get up this morning, I find it,is_ (,下雪的,).,3. He is studying in our school. And he is,from_(,澳大利亚,).,brightly,snowy,Australia,4. The light_ (,照耀,) in his eyes,and he cant see anything.,5. Without rain, the land becomes very,_ (,干燥的,).,6. It is raining. If you dont take an,umbrella, you will get w_.,7. He likes to k_ a ball with,his friends.,shines,dry,et,ick,8. When he was young, he lived in a,small t_ with his parents.,9. Children in China usually play,happily d_ the Spring,Festival.,10. The strong wind b_ some,sand (,沙子,) into my eyes.,own,uring,lows,.,句子:根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。,11.,今年冬季我想要到昆明旅行。,I want to_ _ _ to,Kunming this winter.,12.,他们到海滩野餐。,They _ _ _ _,on the beach.,take a trip,go on a picnic,13.,我喜欢雪,因为我喜欢滑冰,还能,堆雪人。,I like snow because I enjoy skating,and I can _ _.,14.,杰克花时间陪他年幼的女儿看书和,看电影。,Jack _ _ _ his,young daughter reading books and,watching movies.,make snowmen,spends time with,15.,努力学习非常重要。,Its very _ _ _ hard.,16.,上周日我和父母出去放风筝。,I went out to _ _with,my parents last Sunday.,17.,我们经常在每年的这个时候寄些贺,卡给我们的朋友。,We often send postcards to our friends,_ _ _ _ _.,important to study,fly kites,at this time of year,18.,今天好热啊!我们一起去游泳吧!,It is so hot today! Lets _ _,together!,19.,香港在中国的南部。,Hong Kong is _ _ _ _,China.,20.,在这个地方,秋季是旅游最好的季,节。,In this place, autumn is _ _,season to travel.,go swimming,in the south of,the best,III,单项选择。,21.- _ the weather _,today?,- It is cloudy.,A. What; is B. Whats: about,C. What; look D. Whats: like,知识点,How is the weather?是what is the weather like?的同义句,也可以表示天气怎么样?,III,单项选择。,22. _ is interesting to play,football with my classmates.,A. It B. This,C. That D. There,III,单项选择。,23. It is said that it is going to be,_ tomorrow.,A. rain B. rainy,C. to rain D. rained,III,单项选择。,24. I dont go to school today _,I feel sick.,A. but B. and,C. because D. as,III,单项选择。,25. In winter, the weather starts _,colder than before.,A. get B. gets,C. to get D. got,III,单项选择。,26.- Mothers can do _ for their,children.,- I think so. Our mothers are great.,A. everything B. thing,C. nothing D. something,.,everything,“一切;所有事物”,作主,语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:,1)Everything in the room is mine.,屋里所有东西都是我的,秋天,一切发生变化。,【,拓展,】,由不定代词,+thing,构成的合成词还有:,something,(某事物),,anything,(任何事),,nothing,(没有事情)等,III,单项选择。,27. Alice wants to_ this summer,holiday with her parents in Shanghai.,A. cost B. pay,C. spend D. take,spend,vt.,过去式,spent,花(时间、金钱),spend (in) doing sth.,(花时间或金钱做某事,),spend on sth.,(在某事上花时间或金钱)。,III,单项选择。,28.- Whos that man over there?,- Uncle Sam. He is my_.,He is visiting me now.,A. relate B. relative,C. relation D. related,III,单项选择。,29.- How does Linda hurt her leg?,- She _ her bike.,A. fall from B. fell down,C. falls from D. falls down,III,单项选择。,30. I think this present is _ one,for me in the world.,A. nice B. the nice,C. nicest D. the nicest,笔试,部分答案,IV.,笔试,部分答案,V.,笔试,部分答案,笔试,部分答案,VI. (One possible-version),66. trip,67. everything,68. footprints,69. picnic,70. spends,71. relatives,72. grandparents,73. brightly,74. snowy,75. blows,VII. (One possible version),The Mid-Autumn Festival is in Autumn. At that time, the weather is not too hot or too cold. It is very cool. On that day our family have mooncakes and fruit together. And we often enjoy the moonlight at night. It is interesting for us to play lanterns. The children are the happiest. They can play games and run here and there with the beautiful lanterns;,【,书面表达写作指导,】,本次书面表达要求写关于中秋节的文章。写作时要注意以下几点:,1,确定时态,应使用一般现在时进行,写作;,2,书写正文时,要围绕提示展开内,容,不能遗漏要点;,3,注意本单元的语法句型“,It is+ adj.,+to do sth”,;,4,文章完成之后,要通读全文,检查,语法是否正确、要点是否齐全。,Thank You,汇报结束,谢谢大家,!,请各位批评指正,


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