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,No bullet,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,Click to edit Master title style,*,Module 2: Basic Navigation,Section 1: Foundations,1,Module Objectives,After completing this module, you will be able to,Log on to Siebel Call Center,Identify the UI structure,Navigate through the user interface,Identify UI elements,Why you need to know,Understanding UI navigation enables you to use Siebel applications successfully,2,Starting Siebel Applications,Select Start,Programs,Siebel Enterprise Applications 6.0,Siebel Call Center,Or double-click the Shortcut,3,Logging On,To log on to Siebel,e,Business applications,Supply your User name and Password,Select a data source,4,Verifying Connected User,Select,Help,Technical Support to view connection information,User name,Data source,5,Logging On as a Different User,Select,File,Connect to log on as a different user without closing the Siebel application,Enter new User name,and Password,6,Changing Your Password,When connected to the,server, you may change your password by selecting File,Change Password,Enter new password information,7,The UI Structure,List Views,Application,Screens,Explorer Views,Detail Views,Form Applet,Form Applet,List or Form Applet,List Applet,List Applet,Tree Applet,Record Record Record,Record Record Record,Record Record Record,A,Screen,contains,Views,A,View,contains,Applets,An,Application,contains,Screens,An,Applet,displays,Records,8,What Is a Siebel Applet?,An applet displays one or more records for a business entity,List applet displays one or more records,Form applet displays information about selected record above,9,What is a Siebel View?,A view contains a collection of applets,There are three types of views in Siebel,e,Business applications,List view,Detail view,Explorer view,10,List View,Helps you find, sort, and quickly review information,View area may be outlined with colored border,Selected record displays in form applet below,11,Detail View,Displays information about a single parent record and related child records,Activities related to the Contact,Form applet displays single parent record information,List applet displays related child record information,12,Explorer View,Displays parent and child record information in a hierarchy,Tree applet displays parent/child record relationships,Changes can be made to records in the list applet,13,What is a Siebel Screen?,A screen is a group of views that support a major business function,Accounts,Contacts,Opportunities,Activities,14,Navigating Between Screens and Views,There are two ways to navigate between screens and views,Select Screen from Tab Bar.,.then select view from View Bar,OR,Select Screen from Menu Bar.,.then select view from submenu,15,Navigating Between Applets,To select an applet, click inside it or select a record,Colored border indicates selected applet,Use Ctrl + Tab to switch between applets,Selected record is highlighted with row indicator,16,Navigating Applets with the Toggle Button,Some applets are configured with a toggle button that allows the user to switch between applets,Click on the toggle button.,and get a different applet,17,Elements of the UI,Some UI elements you need to know,Title Bar:,application name and current view,Menu Bar:,application commands and keyboard shortcuts,Tool Bar:,icons for frequently used commands,Alpha Tab Bar:,use for alphabetic search,18,Elements of the UI,Continued,Some more important elements,Queries List:,displays available queries,View Bar:,available views for the selected screen,Tab Bar,: tabs for frequently used screens,19,Summary,This module showed you how to,Log on to Siebel Call Center,Navigate through screens, views and applets,Identify UI elements,20,Labs,Lab 1,Basic Siebel,e,Business navigation,21,Lab Review,Review observations, comments, and issues that arose during the lab,Discuss the solutions to the questions asked,22,


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