Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Introduction,1,Full name:,Nelson,Rolihlahla,Mandela,Birthplace:,Umtata, Transkei, South Africa,Born:,18 July 1918,Occupation,:,the present of South Africa,Education:,Attended University College of Fort Hare and Witwatersrand University; University of South Africa, law degree, 1942.,Main achievements,:,the winner of Nobel Peace Prize,Representative works,:,Long Walk to Freedom; The Struggle Is My Life,;,Part of My Soul Went with Him,Nelson,Rolihlahla,Mandela,2,Nelson,Rolihlahla,Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918. He was educated at University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand and qualified in law in 1942. He is also a world-renowned Nobel Peace Prize winner. In order to overthrow the South African racist domination, he spent 50 years ( 1944 - 1994) extremely hard and bitter struggle, Finally, from the prison became the first black president, for the New South Africa to create a democratic unification.,3,Experience,4,In 1938 to enter the fort Hale school, then studied at the University of Lund wit Waters, Bachelor of laws.,In 1948 he was elected to the ANC Youth League 1950 National Secretary, served the ANC Youth League national chairman.,From 1952 to 1956 in Johannesburg as a practicing lawyer.,5,In 1961, he led a strike, protest and boycott of White Racist established the Republic of South,africa,;,In 1961 June Mandela created the ANC military organization spear of the nation, he served as commander in chief.,In 1962 August, Mandela was arrested and put into prison, when he was only 43 years old, the South African government to foment and crime of illegal border crossing sentenced him to 5 years in prison.,6,In 1964 June, he was charged with attempted to violently overthrow the government, commuted to life imprisonment.,In February 11, 1990, the South African authorities in the domestic and international public opinion pressure, was forced to announce the unconditional release of Mandela.,In 1990 March, he was not in the country executive appointed Vice President, took the post of chairman.,7,1991 July was elected as chairman.,In 1994 April, the ANC in South Africas first non-racial elections. In May, Mandela became the first black president in South,africa,.,In 1997 December, Mandela resigned from the ANC chairman, said that no longer participate in the 1999 and June presidential campaign.,8,Career,9,Lawyer, political activist, and leader of the African National Congress, beginning in 1944.,Joined African National Congress, 1944,became secretary and president of the Congress Youth League, 1944,10,The president of the Youth League, 1951-1952;,helped to draft ANCs Freedom Charter, 1955.,Appointed honorary secretary of the All-African National Action Council, 1961;,became head of,Umkonto,we,Sizwe,(Spear of the Nation), an underground paramilitary wing of the ANC, 1961.,11,Sentenced to five years in prison for inciting Africans to strike and for leaving South Africa without a valid travel document, 1962;,sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage and treason, 1964;,incarcerated in various penal institutions in South Africa, including,Robben,Island and,Pollsmoor,prison, 1962-90;,12,released February 11, 1990;,elected ANC president, 1991;,elected president of South Africa, April 27, 1994;,inaugurated, May 12, 1994. Left office, June 1999.,13,Awards,14,Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding from the government of India, 1980;,Bruno,Kreisky,Prize for Human Rights from the government of Austria, 1981; named an honorary citizen of Rome, 1983;,Simon Bolivar International Prize from UNESCO, 1983;,W. E. B.,DuBois,Medal, 1986;,Nobel Peace Prize, 1987;,15,Liberty Medal, 1987; Sakharov Prize, 1988;,Gaddaff,Human Rights Prize, 1989;,Houphouet,Prize, 1991;,Nobel Peace Prize, 1993;,Numerous international honorary degrees, including honorary doctorate degree, Open University, Cape Town, 2004;,Honorary degree, Amherst College, New York, 2005.,16,Selected Writings,No Easy Walk to Freedom, Basic Books, 1965.,The Struggle Is My Life, Pathfinder Press, 1986.,Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela, Little, 1994.,17,Family,18,Mandelas ex-wife - Winnie,19,Mandelas current wife,20,Mandela and his daughter,21,22,23,24,others,25,Song,光辉岁月,钟声响起归家的讯号,在他生命里彷佛带点唏嘘,黑色肌肤给他的意义,是一生奉献肤色斗争中,年月把拥有变做失去,疲倦的双眼带着期望,今天只有残留的躯壳,迎接光辉岁月,风雨中抱紧自由,一生经过彷徨的挣扎,自信可改变未来,问谁又能做到,可否不分肤色的界限,愿这土地里不分你我高低,缤纷色彩闪出的美丽,是因它没有分开每种色彩,26,Movie,Invictus,(成事在人),主演,:,Morgan Freeman,Matt Damon,影片类型:剧情,/,传记,国家,/,地区:,美国,对白语言:,英语,色彩:,彩色,上映日期:,2009,年,12,月 美国,27,28,29,Mandela and Princess Diana,30,I really cant believe that they are friends ,Mandela and Michael,31,32,Thats all,Thank you,33,


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