Hotel English Unit 8 Serving Chinese Food 酒店英语,中餐

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To help the students make similar dialogues,Teaching procedures,1. related information,2. dialogue,3. listening,4. translation,Task Related information,Warming -up Questions:,(,1,),Can you tell me some famous Chinese dishes?,(,2,),Can you tell us the Eight Cuisines in China?,(3) Which department is in charge of this service?,Categorization of Chinese cuisine,Eight schools of Chinese cuisine,:,Sichuan Cuisine,川菜,Shandong Cuisine,鲁菜,Cantonese / Guangdong Cuisine,粤菜,Jiangsu Cuisine,苏菜,Fujian Cuisine,闽菜,Hunan Cuisine,湘菜,Anhui Cuisine,徽菜,Zhejiang Cuisine,浙菜,Feature of Chinese cuisine:,1) Sichuan dishes are one of the most famous Chinese dishes in the world, and are enjoyed with great popularity all over the country because of their distinct and various flavors. Characterized by its,spicy and pungent,flavor, Sichuan cuisine, emphasizes on the use of chili, which gives a distinctively spicy taste, called ma in Chinese. It also attaches much importance to the use of seasonings, so no two dishes ever taste alike.,主要由成都菜和重庆菜组成,历史悠久,享誉中外。四川菜系的烹调技艺精深,调味品多,很有特色。菜肴的口味的丰富而独特,素有“一菜一格,百菜百味”之美称。川菜口味特点是甜、咸、酸、辣、香、鲜、嫩、软、脆十味皆备,又以麻、辣、酸为主。,Twice Cooked Pork Slices,Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts / kung Pao Chicken,Typical dishes,Typical dishes,Hot pot,Stewed Thin Beef Slices,Water-boiled,Fish,Fish-flavoured Pork Shreds,Pockmarked Woman,s Bean Curd,/Mapo TOfu,Typical,dishes,2) Shandong Cuisine has been influenced by the “Confucius Family Dishes”.It is divided into two schools of cookingthe Jinan school and Jiaodong school. The former prides itself on its clear or milk white soups, and the latter on its preparation of seafood.,鲁菜主要由济南菜和胶东菜组成。济南菜取材广泛,品种多,以清香、鲜嫩、味纯为特点、口味略咸,尤精于制汤。胶东菜以烹制海味见长,以鲜为主,口味清淡。,Typical dishes,Dezhou Braised Chicken is known throughout the country. The chicken is so well cooked that the meat easily separates from the bone although the shape of the chicken is preserved.,Typical dishes,Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce,Typical dishes,The most representative of Shandong Cuisine is, perhaps, Beijing Roast Duck. Beijing Roast Duck is prepared from specially-bred Beijing crammed duck with a unique roasting process which gives it a perfect combination of colour, aroma, taste, a crisp thin skin, and a delicious flavour.,3) Cantonese dishes, composed of Cantonese, Chaozhou and Dongjiang cuisine, are famous for their fresh materials and great tenderness.,Cantonese cuisine tastes,clear, light, crisp and fresh,and it usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce originative dishes.,由广州、潮州、东江客家菜三种地方菜构成。 粤菜用料广泛新奇,蛇、狗、猫、猴都能制成美味佳肴。菜肴清淡、生脆、爽口。,Typical dishes,Roast Suckling Pig,Dragon and Tiger Locked in Battle,4)Jiangsu dishes mainly consist of Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, and Huaian cuisine originating in water villages south of the Yangtze River, and are characterized by its strictness in material selection, the emphasis of cleanness and freshness of its ingredients, as well as the fine workmanship in cutting, matching, cooking and arranging. The flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine is,light, fresh and sweet,.,江苏菜简称淮扬菜,苏菜,以淮安,扬州和苏州菜为代表。概括起来,淮阳菜有如下几个特点:一是选料严谨,制作精细,因材施艺,按时治肴;二是擅长炖、焖、煨、焐、蒸、烧、炒等烹饪方法;三是口味清鲜,咸甜得宜,浓而不腻,淡而不薄;四是注重调汤,保持原汁。,Sweet-sour Fish,Sweet-sour Soup,辣汤(属于苏北尤其是淮安的名小食),Typical dishes,Watermelon Chicken,Salted Duck,Typical dishes,5) Consisting of Fuzhou Cuisine, Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine is distinguished for its choice of seafood, beautiful color and magic taste of,sweet, sour, salty and savory,.,由福州、泉州、厦门等地方菜组成,以福州菜为代表。烹调的原料多为海鲜。菜肴的特点是色彩绚丽,味鲜而清淡,略带酸甜。,6) Hunan cuisine consists of local dishes from the Xiangjiang River area, Dongting Lake area and Western Hunan mountain area. It characterizes itself by thick and pungent flavor. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division.,Typical Hunan dishes are Dongan Fledgling Chicken, Hot-spiced and peppered Fledgling Chicken, Steamed Pickled Meat and Lotus Seed with Rock Candy, etc.,湖南菜的代表菜有东安子鸡,麻辣子鸡,蒸腊肉和冰糖湘莲。,7) Anhui cuisine pays much attention to the taste, color of dishes and the temperature in cooking, and are good at braising and stewing. They are experts especially in cooking delicacies from mountains and sea. Anhui dishes preserve most of the original taste and nutrition of the materials.,徽菜以擅长烹调山珍和河鲜而著称。安徽菜口味特点突出三重:重油、重色、重火候。代表菜有红烧果子狸等。,Braised Masked Civet,Typical dishes,8) Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of its dishes with mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one among the three.,浙菜由杭州菜、宁波菜、绍兴菜组成,其中以杭州菜为代表。杭州菜形成于南宋时期,刀工讲究,制作精细,口味具有清淡、香脆、细嫩的特点,代表菜有西湖醋鱼,龙井虾仁等。,West lake fish in vinegar sauce,Shrimps with Longjin Tea,Typical dishes,Food & Beverage Department,Importance of this department :,brings in more income than room rentals in many large hotels,Different sections included:,Restaurant, grill room, snack bar, lounge bar, cafeteria, store rooms, kitchens, coffee shop, room service ,lounge service, banqueting service and so on.,Functions:,Production, service and management,Motto:,Reputation first, customer foremost,staffs,kitchen waiter(走菜员),,expediter (催菜员),,busser(餐馆服务员),executive chef(厨师长),,sous-chef(副厨师长),,head chef(厨师主管),,bartender(调酒师),,sommelier(斟酒侍者).,Task : Dialogues,Listen to Dialogue 1 In the Chinese Restaurant,Pre-listening questions:,1) What does the hostess present to the couple after having them seated?,2) Does the restaurant serve salamander?,3) Do you know Maotai? Can you talk something about it?,4)When the customers come into your restaurant, what will you ask first?,Language points,1. Have you made a reservation, sir?,你们预订了吗,先生?,询问是否有预定,- Have you got a reservation, sir?,Have you reserved the table ,sir ?,- Do you have a reservation , sir?,- Did you book a table , sir ?,2. This way, please.,这边请。,为客人引座:,- Follow me ,please.,- Would you come this way , please?,- Would you come with me ,please?,3. Will this table be all right, sir and madam?,这张餐桌如何?,迎宾员领客人到餐桌前,不应马上请客人入座,而应首先询问客人是否愿意坐这张桌子,以免任何强加于人的色彩。,征求客人餐位意见,- Where would you like to seat, sir ?,- Are you satisfied with this table ,sir?,- Where would you prefer to sit ,madam?,- Do you have any preference as to where to sit ,madam?,- How about the window table over there?,- What do you think of the table in the center?,- Would you like to sit at the corner/ near the window?,- Do you mind sharing the table with the gentleman? Thank you for your understanding.,4. Please,take your seats,. Here is the menu. Please,take your time,.,请坐。这是菜单。请慢慢看。,Seat,,,vt.,使就座,He seated himself in a chair.,他在椅子上坐下。,请客人入座,- Please be seated.,- Would you take your seats, please?,- Would you be seated, please?,给客人菜单及酒水单,- This is the menu and wine list.,- Here is the menu.,- I will bring you the menu right away.,- The waiter will be right with you .,5. May I take your order now,?,现在可以点菜了吗,?,- Would you like to order now?,- Have you decided on anything now?,- Are you ready to order now?,5. It,goes against,the Wild Life Protection Law.,它违反了,野生动物保护法,。,go against,:,1,)违反反对,;,2,)不利于,;,The war is going against us.,战争的局势对我们不利。,6. Lets forget it.,那算了。,7.,What about,a very nice Steamed Mandarin Fish?,来条美味的清蒸鳜鱼如何?,-I would recommendto you. It is very delicious.,-How about trying some? Maybe youll like it.,-Todays speciality is,-If I were you, Id like to try the steak.,-Today we have got,8. -What kind of soup can you,recommend, Miss?,小姐,你能推荐个汤吗?,- Well, many guests,give high comments on,our Ham and Black Mushroom Soup.,嗯。许多客人对我们的火腿香菇汤推崇备至。,Comment,:,v, n,评论,He did not comment on what I said.,他对我的话未作评论。,9. Maotai is a famous Chinese liquor.,It never goes to the head,. Shaoxing Wine is,still wine, a kind of rice wine.,茅台是著名的中国烈酒,,它从不上头,。绍兴酒是,酿造酒,,是一种米酒。,酒的分类:,P114,Procedures of receiving diners,when there are tables available,:,1. Greet the guests.,2. If the guests have made a reservation, lead the guests to their seats. /If the guests havent got a reservation, seat the guests to their satisfaction.,3. Serve the guest with drinks and take the menu to the guest for order.,when there are no tables available,:,1. Greet the guests.,2. Tell the guests the restaurant has been full.,3. Ask the guest whether they would like to wait and tell them how long they need to wait.,4. Take the guests to wait in the lounge and serve them with some drink.,5. When there is an vacant table, seat the guests and bring the menu to them.,Procedures of taking orders:,1. Greet the guests and ask them whether they are ready to order.,2. Recommend some special dishes to the guests and give some introduction.,3. Write down the guests order and special request,4. Repeat and confirm the order and the guests special request,Order of serving Chinese food:,中餐上菜的顺序:,cold dish,(冷盘,),wine(,酒,),drinks (,饮料,),hot dish(,热菜,),soup(,汤,),dessert(,甜食,),fruit,(水果),Restaurants categorized by,service,:,Table service (,餐桌服务式,),Counter service (,柜台服务式,),Self-service (,自助服务式,),Carry-out (,外送服务式,),Role Play,Scene : A party of six enters the restaurant. They have a reservation. The hostess takes them to the corner of the restaurant, but they prefer a window table and the hostess changes the table for them.,Listen to Dialogue 2 Paying the Bill,Pre-listening questions:,1) Is there anything wrong with the bill?,2) How would the guest like to pay his bill?,Language points,Bill, please./ Waiter, can I have the bill ( check), please?,埋单。,2. Excuse me, whats this,item,for?,对不起,这一项是什么,?,3.,Im sorry for,the miscalculation.,对不起,算错了。,表示歉意,We do apologize for the delay / mistake / inconvenience.,I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish.,We are extremely/terribly/awfully/very rather sorry.,We feel extremely sorry for that.,I am sorry to have keep you waiting .,Please accept my sincerely apologies.,I want to apologize. What can I do for you, sir?,4. -If youre staying at your hotel, you may,sign the bill,.,如果您住我们宾馆的话,您可以签单。,- Im not a registered guest. Do you accept credit card. /What credit card do you honor?,我不住在这。你们收信用卡吗?,请客人签单,Would you like to sign for that, sir?,Would you like to sign for your bill, sir?,Would you like to put that on your hotel bill, sir?,Could you sign for that, sir?,May I have your signature, sir?,Could please sign your name here, sir?,Types of payment,Paying in cash,现金结账,-,适用于店外的零散客人和团队客人,Paying with check,支票结账,-,适用于大企业、大公司的长期包餐或大型宴会、旅游团队用餐,Paying by credit card,信用卡结账,-,适用于零散客人,Paying by signing the bill,签单,-,适用于住店客人、与饭店签订合同的单位及饭店的,VIP,客人,When the guest pays the bill by credit card:,1) Check if the card is honored by your hotel,2) Check if the card is still valid.,3) Check if the guests card number is listed on the warning notice.,If the guest pays the bill with travelers check,1,),Ask the guest to countersign the check in front of you. Do not accept the check that has been countersigned.,2,),Compare the two signatures carefully.,Attention,Credit cards:,(1)万事达卡(Master Card)。主由美国的加利福尼亚银行、克罗克国家银行、香港的汇丰银行、东亚银行等发行。总部设在美国的纽约。,(2)维萨卡(Visa Card)。世界上有13000多家银行发行这种信用卡,总部设在美国的旧金山。,(3)运通卡(American Express Card)。由美国运通公司及其世界各地的分公司发行,分为金卡和绿卡两种。,(4)JCB卡。1981年由日本最大的JCB信用卡公司发行,每年发行额达几十亿美元。,(5)大莱卡(Diners Card)。该卡是世界上最早发行的信用卡,由大莱卡国际统一管理,世界各地均有其分公司办理发行。,(6)发达卡(Federal Card)。由香港南洋商业银行发行。,(7)百万卡(Million Card)。由日本东海银行发行。,5. May I take a print of your AE card?,我能把您的信用卡划印一下吗?,划印信用卡俗称拉卡。,Exercise,Exercise 2-A, B, D and 4-B,2-A:,1. Wild life.,2. The former is a liquor while the latter is a rice wine.,3. He can pay in cash, by credit card, with travelers checks, or by signing the bill.,4. Registered guests can sign the bill.,5. It should be taken a print of, and the print should be signed by the guest.,2-D:,Have you made a reservation?,Would you have a seat in the waiting room for about five minutes? One table over there is almost ready. Ill call you then.,Sorry to have kept you waiting, ladies and gentlemen. Now we can seat your party. Please come this way.,Heres the menu. Please take your time. Ill return in a few minutes to take your order.,Task :,Listening,Listen to the tape and do the exe. A, then check the answers.,Listen to the tape and do the exe. B, then check the answers.,Listen to the tape and do the exe. C , then check the answers.,Task Translation,1) We have a window table reserved for you.,2) Im afraid there is no other place free at the moment.,3) Im sorry, this table is already reserved.,4) There will be a wait of about twenty minutes.,5) You can sit in the bar if you like and well call you when we have a table.,6) Have you decided what youd like?,7) What would you like to start with?,8) Would you like something to drink?,9) How about the dessert?,10) What soup would you prefer?,11) What would you like for your main course?,12) What would you like to go with your main course?,13) Would you like a drink before your meal?,14) Could you recommend some good wine?,15) Waiter, would you bring the bill please?,16) Who is paying please?,17) Which kind of credit card are you holding?,18) Sorry. We dont accept foreign currencies.,19) Look forward to your visit again.,20) Lets go Dutch this time.,Thanks!,


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