商务英语Unit 4 Business Presentations

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,商务英语,作者,: 阮绩智,责任编辑,:张琛,出版日期:,2011,年,12,月,IDPN:,308-2011-58,课件章数:,12,UNIT,4,Learning Objectives, Understand the role and types of presentations;, Understand what makes a good presentation;, Organize and give an effective business presentation,.,Business Presentations,Speaking Task,Starting Up,1,Listening Task,2,3,Reading Task,5,Writing Task,Follow-up Practice,6,4,5,4,3,2,1,6,Contents,The human voice can be,powerfully persuasive,or weakly ineffective, successful people,understand the,difference.,4.1 Starting Up,4.1.1,Work in pairs or small groups to list as many presentation tips as you can and give your reasons. For example:,Presentation Tips,1) Identify the purpose of your presentation.,2) Use easy-to-understand language applicable to the group you,are presenting to.,3) Use the proper visual aids like PowerPoint,.,Presentation Tips,1) Know your subject matter and your objectives.,2) Know your audience,3) Write out your presentation completely or at least a detailed outline.,4) Rehearse the presentation,5) Use the proper visual aids like PowerPoint.,6) Use easy-to-understand language applicable to the group you are,presenting to.,7) Use your personal experiences to help illustrate your points. 8) Keep eye contact with the group.,9) Gather feedback from your audience. 10) End your presentation with a Question and Answer session.,Think of two more tips for a good presentation and explain why.,4.1.2 Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.,1) How do you define a presentation?,2) Why are business presentations so important?,3) What are the main functions of presentations?,4) Do you get nervous giving presentations? Why? How do you deal with the nervousness?,5) In your opinion, what makes a good/bad presentation?,What is a presentation?,The object of a presentation is to transmit information and opinions to an audience in your own words, within a limited amount of time.,A presentation is a form of communication with an audience. When you prepare for a presentation you must consider elements such as the situation for which the presentation is designed, the method that you will use, and the response that your audience will make. For example, situations might include sharing the results of your research in a class or seminar group, presenting an academic paper, or giving a report on recent activities to the board of your company.,Presenter,Reaction,Audience,Message,Method,Context,Reaction,Presentation Quiz,Question 1: What is the main purpose of a presentation?,A) To tell a story to the audience.,B) To communicate with the audience.,C) To transmit a one-way message.,Question 2: Which sentence correctly describes how to prepare for a presentation?,If you have a script, you end up reading it in a monotone voice,so its better not to have one.,B) Rehearse carefully.,C) It is best to improvise to seem natural.,Question 3: In a presentation, what is the best way to convince your audience?,A) Using abstract explanations to expand the image of a concept.,B) Presenting reliable facts and figures, etc.,C) Including interesting stories.,B,B,B,Question 4: Which sentence describes the most important aspect of body language,when giving a presentation?,A) To avoid giving a frivolous impression, you should try to keep a straight face.,B) You should stand straight, rather than move around.,C) When making eye contact with a listener, you should smile at that person.,D) You should try to make eye contact with as many people as possible.,Question 5: Which sentence correctly describes how you should rehearse,for a presentation?,A) You should do just one rehearsal, right before the actual presentation.,B) Rehearsals should be done alone, not in front of other people.,C) You should practice your performance in an environment resembling the actual,venue.,Question 6: Which sentence correctly describes what you should do during Q&A,sessions?,A) Take memos while listening to questions.,B) Point out if a question is irrelevant.,C) To avoid conflict, do not get too caught up in answering a question.,D,C,A,Question 7: Which of the following is an effective presentation technique?,If you are under-prepared, you should apologize at the beginning of your,presentation.,B) In order to give the impression that you are addressing the entire audience, you should try to look into the distance.,C) Try to rely not only on technique but also on enthusiasm.,Question 8: Performing a self evaluation after each of your presentations will help you to improve.,A) True,B) False,C,A,4.1.3,Discuss with your partner to work out the typical structure for a business presentation.,Presentation Structure,e.g. 1. Introduction or Opening,Key Steps to an Effective Presentation General Guidelines,1. KNOW YOUR SUBJECT MATTER,2. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE,3. DEVELOP A THEME,4. PREPARE YOUR SCRIPT,THE OPENING,THE BODY,THE SUMMARY,THE CLOSING,5. SELECT THE PROPER VISUAL AIDS,6. REHEARSE-REHEARSE-REHEARSE,7. PRESENTATION DAY,8. FOLLOW UP,In this part you will listen to three passages about job interviews. Try to finish the exercises while listening.,Are you ready?,4.2 Listening Task,4.2.1 Listen to the passage and fill the blanks with the missing information.,Anyone who plans a _ in sales, training, or education _ to make many _ to customers, employees, or _ each week. What you may not _, though, is that almost everyone _will give at least one major presentation and many _ each year, to customers, _, subordinates, or _ not to mention presentations at _, civic clubs and the like.,The _of effective presentations are _. With many managers _, a presentation that discusses ideas _ wastes time and money. Sales are _, vital information is not _, training programs_, policies are not _, and profits fall.,_ is undoubtedly changing the _ of oral presentations in business for example, by making presentations possible via _ rather than in person. Competent _ recognize, however, that the compelling effects of _ communication strategies that are _ in oral presentations will continue to make them _ in the contemporary business organization.,expects,oral presentations,students,realize,career,in business,smaller ones,superiors,colleagues,various kinds of meetings,costs,immense,earning big salaries,incompletely and inefficiently,lost,communicated,fail,implemented,Technology,physical characteristics,interactive computer or television,communicators,verbal and nonverbal,possible,a critical communication competency,What is the topic of the talk?,Answer:,_,2) Why do you need to think about why people get nervous and the effects nerves can have on you when you present?,Answer:,_,3) What is the first thing to think about?,Answer:,_,4) What is the simple technique that can help to calm you and slow you down?,Answer:,_,5) What is the psychological technique mentioned by the speaker?,Answer,:_,6) Why is rehearsing your presentation essential?,Answer,:_,4.2.2,Listen to a short talk and answer the following questions.,How to overcome presentation nerves.,Because the more you are aware of them the more that you can actually start to overcome them.,Preparing yourself for your presentation,Breathing,To imagine that the presentation has just taken place and that it was successful.,Because you can practice and assess your timekeeping, body language (such as eye contact and hand gestures), voice projection, pace of speech and logical order of content by rehearsing your presentation.,4.2.3 Listen to the first part of a company presentation about ACT Systems Corporation and complete the fact sheet below. .,Australia,ACT,ACT Systems Corporation,Headquarters in,_,Specializes in,_,Factories located in,_, Britain ,_, _ and _,No. of employees,_,San Francisco, USA,mechanical testing and simulation equipment,the US,France,Germany,2 880 worldwide,Australia,4.2.3 Listen to the rest part about ACT London, a subsidiary of ACT Systems Corporation by matching the titles and departments given below with the numbers in the chart.,4.SECRETARY,CEO,3.HRM,2.GM,13.QUALITY,14.SHIPPING,6.FINANCE,5.SALES,12.R&D,11PURCHASING & PLANNING,7.TECH & QUALITY,8.MARKETING,9.CUSTOMER,10.NVD,15.ASSEMBLY,16MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,17.ELECTRONICS,18.SOFT ENGINEERING,In this part you are going to read two dialogues and then you will be asked to answer some questions about what you have read.,Please read louder!,Speaking Task,4.3 Speaking Task,4.3.2 Conversation 2,Mr. Zhang, the Sales Manager of CBB Company, is describing the companys sales activities to Mr. Smith from Britain.,1) What are the main points in Mr Wangs talk?,Answer:,The main points of his talk are the sales figures over the last five years, market share and main customers and future plans of his company.,2) Has the sales figures of the company increased over the last five years? Why?,Answer:,Yes. The sales figures have steadily increased over the last five years, because they have made great efforts in sales and made improvements in their quality control.,3) What is their market share now?,Answer:,Now their market share is around 20 percent.,4) What is the companys goal about its market share?,Answer:,The companys goal is to have 25 percent of the market.,5) Can you tell the main customers of this company and the production they take?,Answer:,Their main customers are HG Industries, which purchases around 50 percent of present production, TLC Industries, around 20 percent, and Kangda Ltd., around 10 percent.,6) Why does the company plan to increase their export sales?,Answer:,Because their main customer, HG Industries is now moving its production overseas. If they want to continue to grow, they must increase exports to 15-20 percent of production.,Presentation Plan,The New Videophone Model,Introduction: 2. Place,Objective: Launch date:,Outline: 1. Product Distribution: i.,2. ii.,3.,3. Price,4.,Retail price:,Connection charge:,1. Product,(normal ) (special offer ),(,1,),What the product consists of: 4. Promotion:,i. video screen ii. Target penetration:,iii. iv. audio transmitter Target audience:,(2) How the product works: TV advertising concept:,i. audio signal established,ii.,Conclusion:,(,1,),(,2,),Read the conversation 3 and fill in the blanks based on the information given in the dialogue,.,To inform the board,Place,Price,Promotion,video camera,audio receiver,video signal established,if video-phone terminal,available,1st May this year,registered retail outlets,mail order (28 days delivery,),approx.,500+VAT,500,300,60,000 in two years,residential users,calls to distance relatives and friends,Summary of 4Ps,Future success of the company,Reading Task,In this part you are going to read a passage and then you will be asked to answer some questions about what you have read.,4.4 Reading Task,Pre-reading questions for pair work,1) Have you ever given a formal presentation? What type was it? Tell me about it.,2) How often do you give presentations inside your company or your school? Who to? What about?,3) What are the typical steps for a presentation?,4) Can you list some factors that should be considered in preparing and delivering a presentation?,(1) Why is it important to know what sort of audience a presentation is intended for?,Answer:,Understanding the makeup of your audience can help you give a presentation in an appropriate way as different audience may have different expectations or requirements.,2) Why do you need to prepare a presentation script?,Answer:,A presentation script can help you to deliver your presentation in a well-structured and professionally developed way.,3) What should a presentation generally consist?,Answer:,It generally consists of four basic parts, an opening, body, summary and closing.,4) Why is it important to use the proper visual aids?,Answer:,Visual aids help audiences engage with the material you cover and offer critical reinforcement for both your main points and your supporting evidence. They can also act as a memory spur to help you stay on track when youre standing in front of your audience. Used well, visual aids can enhance understanding of the topic, add variety, support your claims, reinforce your ideas and give your presentation lasting impact,.,5) What do you need to do on the presentation day?,Answer:,On the presentation, you need to arrive and set up early and make sure everything you need for the presentation is ready.,6) What techniques can a speaker use to hold the attention of the audience during a presentation?,Answer:,(Open),Answer the following questions:,Writing Task,In this part you are going to learn how to structure a presentation.,1. Use an effective opening.,2. Next, give a preview.,3. State your main points clearly.,1) Follow your preview.,2) Limit your main points.,4. Use an effective closing,.,Structuring a Presentation,An effective presentation structure includes (1) an opening,(2) a preview of the main points, (3) clearly demarcated main points, and (4) a closing.,3) Use explicit transitions,.,4) Provide internal summaries,.,Introduction,Topic,Outline,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3 etc.,Summary,Conclusion,Inviting questions,The structure of the oral presentation is crucial for one main reason: once you have articulated a statement, the audience cannot rehear what you have said. In reading, when you do not understand a sentence or paragraph, you can stop and reread the passage as many times as necessary. When you are speaking, however, the audience must be able to follow your meaning and understand it without having to stop and consider a particular point you have made, thereby missing later statements that you make as you move through your presentation. To help your audience follow what you say easily, you must design your presentation with your audience, particularly their listening limitations, in mind.,Basic Presentation Structure,Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.,Good morning, everyone.,What Im going to talk about is ,Im going to talk about ,Right, first of all Finally,Now Id like to hand over to ,Shes going to tell you about ,So, what are the important points Ive made? Well, first ,So, to summarize:,Thank you very much for listening. Now, do you have any questions?,If you have any questions, Im pleased to answer them.,I need to really know the answer to that. Could we discuss it later?,Starting off,Say what youre,going to say,Structuring the talk,Introducing your fellow-presenter,At the end, ask for questions,Say what youve said,Answering difficult questions,Language Focus,1) Stating the objective 2) Giving an outline 3) Place of questions,4) Starting the first point 5) Referring to visual aids 6) Clarifying,7) Closing a point 8) Starting another point 9) Finishing,10) Summarising 11) Concluding,_ a. If you have any questions, Id be glad to answer them at the end.,_ b. Let me just go over that again.,_ c. Ill have to close there.,_ d. Today I aim to talk about after-sales service.,_ e. Lets turn to the question of advertising.,_ f. Ive divided my talk into three parts.,_ g. So, weve covered three main points.,_ h. Id like you to look at this chart.,_ i. I think we all agree that the new product has to be launched next month.,_ j. Lets start with the market research results.,_ k. Is all that clear?,1) d 2) f 3) a 4) j 5) h 6) b 7) k 8) e 9) c 10) g 11) i,People use a lot of expressions to guide the audience through a presentation. Now identify the functions of the following expressions.,Are you right?,Writing Practice,Write a short presentation on one of the following topics. Use the presentation structure suggested above and expressions in,Language Focus,to help you.,Why should we develop our presentation skills?,How can we become a good speaker?,Important factors in delivering presentations,Relevant topics of your own choice,4.8 Follow-up Practice,Yes, lets do it!,We will practice what we have learnt in this unit.,1) You greet your audience.,_,2) You first introduce yourself.,_,3) You introduce your talk.,_,4) You tell the audience the purpose or objective of your talk.,_,5) You give the outline or main parts of your talk.,_,6) You introduce the first main point,_,7) You conclude the first main point.,_,8) You summarize your talk.,_,9) You conclude your talk.,_,10) You invite the audience to ask questions.,_,4.8.1,Write down what you would say if you want to express your purposes in a presentation and then discuss them with your partner.,4.8.4 Put the following Chinese in the brackets into English.,Ill begin by talking about our sales figures last year, _,(,然后谈谈我们产品目前在主要几个国家的市场份额,最后谈我们的主要客户及今后的计划。,),2) I realize youve got a full agenda _,(,所以我只想简单地介绍一下新型可视电话的,4,个,P,,即有关产品、分销地点、定价、促销四个方面。,),Im sure that you now share my enthusiasm for the new model. _,(,我毫不怀疑,该产品不但会开辟一个新市场,而且还会确保我公司的长期发展和繁荣。,),4) We confidently believe that _,(,对于能在居民市场上开辟出新行业的公司来说这种新产品为他们带来莫大的市场机遇。,),and then Ill talk about our market share of our product in some major countries. Finally Ill talk about our main customers and future plans.,so I intend to briefly run through the four Ps for the new videophone model,the product, the place, the price and the promotion.,I have no doubt will not only open up a new sector of the market but ensure long-term growth and prosperity for our company.,this new product represents a significant market opportunity for the company with its ability to open up a new sector of the residential market.,5) Our company was established in 1980 _,(,现在已经成为一家多元化企业,主要经营国际贸易、国际运输、劳务输出、房地产等。,),6) To keep up with overwhelming customer response, our company has expanded rapidly.,(我们加强了研发部门,扩大生产线,增加产品项目,像洗衣机及烘干机、电冰箱、微波炉等产品。我们的电器是专门针对要求高效率,但空间有限的家庭用户设计的。),7) To begin with, Id l


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