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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语教学课件系列,Unit 3 Under,the,sea,Using Language,1. If you have the chance to go on a snorkelling,trip, how will you feel?,2. Can you guess what things you can see,and what will happen to you under the sea?,Reading,coral (colourful, splendid, vast),eel (,鳗,),(grey, long, smooth),sea horse,sea flower,/ anemone,anemonefish,(,海葵鱼,/,小丑鱼,),sea,star,angel fish,a jellyfish,clam(,蛤,),sea-slug,海蛞蝓,(,音读“括于”,),parrotfish,鹦嘴鱼,turtle,shark,dolphin,A New Dimension of Life,Topic,Paragraph number,colors and shapes,dangers,reflecting,the reefs edge,a final thought,some sea creatures,2,4,1,5,6,3,Glance quickly through the diary entry,and number the paragraph topics in the,correct order.,vivid colours,red,yellow,purple,blue,green,orange,Task 2,The corals were fantastic ,they were shaped like:,fans, plates,brains,lace,mushrooms, the branches,of trees, the horns of deer,Fill in the chart with information from the text.,Creatures,Description,coral,anemonefish,sea anemone,parrotfish,sea-slug,shaped like fans, plates,brains, lace, mushrooms, branches, horns,little,orange,and,white,yellow and green with,hard bird-like mouth, hanging,upside down,yellow-spotted,red,poisonous,tentacles,Creatures,Description,sea-star,angel fish,turtle,eel,clam,reef,shark,blue,orange and blue-striped,large,wise-looking,with strong,sharp teeth,giant, with thick,green,lips,grey, one and a half,metres long,1. In the diary, the author mainly wants,to tell us that _.,A. what he saw in the sea,B. how the fish eat in the sea,C. the vivid colors in the sea,D. all the plants in the sea are poisonous,Task 1,A,Read the text and choose,the best answer.,2. What was hanging upside down in the sea,according to the text?,A. The orange and white anemonefish.,B. The yellow spotted red sea slug.,C.,The yellow and green parrotfish.,D. The orange and blue striped angelfish.,C,3. When the author saw two _, he felt,scared to death.,A. anemonefishB. parrotfish,C. sea-slugsD. sharks,D,4. How many kinds of creatures didnt the,author want to get too close to according,to the fourth paragraph?,A. Two. B. Three.,C. Four. D. Five.,B,5. From the whole text we know that the,author felt that _.,A. he was a tiny spot compared with the,whole world,B. the ocean was a tiny spot compared,with the whole world,C. there was no danger in the sea except,sharks,D. all kinds of fish were waiting for,something for food,A,delights,dangers,1. seeing such _,_ under the waves,1. _,2. seeing _,_,2. _,in small caves,3. exploring _,under the sea,3. _,by sharks,extraordinary,getting,lost,beauty,so,many,different,kinds,of,fish,small,caves,dangerous,fish,being,attacked,Were there more delights than dangers,when snorkelling?,Good-bye!,Now write three noun groups using,several adjectives that belong to the categories above. Make sure that you put them in the correct position before the noun.,Example: a cute little brown puppy,拓展:形容词的排列顺序:,限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜,色国籍跟材料, 作用类别往后靠; 其,中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指,示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。,它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位,限定词有,all,、,half,、,both,、分数和倍数;,中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词,等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序,数词位于基数词前。如,:both my hands,、,all half his income,等。“描绘”性形容词如:,beautiful,、,bad,、,cold,、,great,等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:,round square,等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:,wooden, woolen, stone, silk,等。“作用类别”的词如:,medical, college, writing desk, police car,等。,During the _ trip, the writer first became,_ of the _colours and the fantastic corals.,He saw anemonefish _ in the sea anemones, a,parrotfish _upside down, a sea-slug _,by a sea star, an angelfish _at him, an eel _,its head from a hole, a clam _for something,and 2 reef sharks _from behind some corals.,He was _to death. It is a wonderful and,_ world under the sea.,snorkeling,aware,vivid,hiding,hanging,sliding,looking,showing,waiting,appearing,scared,limitless,Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Try to sum up this passage with,your own words (about 30 words).,This text is about a snorkelling trip on the,reef under the sea. The writer writes about,what he saw and what he tried to avoid and,how he felt under the sea.,Language Points,1.,reflect,v.,1),映出某人,/,物的影像,He looked at his face,reflected,in the mirror.,2),反射,The moon shines with,reflected,light.,3),表现,表达,A mans action,reflects,his thoughts.,4),沉思,Im,reflecting,on what to do next.,2.,aware adj.,1),明白,觉察,be/become aware of,be aware that,2),见闻广博的,Shes always been a politically,aware,person.,3.,shape,v.,1),作成某物形状,The children are,shaping,the sand into a hill.,2),对,重大影响,These events helped to,shape,her future career.,3),进度,Our plans are,shaping,well.,shape,n.,1),形状,There are clouds of different,shapes,in the sky.,2),情况,状态,She is,in,good,shape,after training.,4,.,scare sb to death.,吓死某人,be,scared,to,death,吓死了,be scared to do sth.,害怕做某事,be scared that,害怕,5. upside down,颠倒的,/,地;,乱七八糟的,/,地,inside out,(,衣服,),穿反了,Reading, discussing and Listening,1 Before you listen, read,the,advertisement on Page 25; and discuss these questions.,1. What can you experience on this tour?,2. Would you like to go? What aspect,of the tour would you like best?,3. When would you get a refund?,2 These dialogues between tourists and a tour guide took place after a whale watching tour. Decide what the tourists would appreciate (G) and what they might complain about (B). Listen to the tape and check your answers. Then listen again and number the aspects in the order you hear them.,Aspects,1 Saw whales filmed underwater,2 Saw only one whale in the,distance,3 Heard whales,4 Too wet to go outside,5 Saw birds, dolphins and seals,6 Boat got back too late,Good/Bad Order,G,B,1,G,G,B,B,2,3,4,5,6,3 Listen again. When the tourist complained, what result did he/she want to get from the tour guide and what was the actual result? Complete the table for each dialogue.,Dialogue 1,Result wanted:,not stated by the tourist although she did say she wanted to speak to the manager.,Actual result:,not stated although the tourist probably would not get another tour or a refund,Dialogue 2,Result wanted:,a full refund,Actual result:,a full refund,Dialogue 3,Result wanted:,a full refund,Actual result:,a refund of half the fare,Dialogue 1,Im sorry but _ with,the tour.,2) Well, it was _ outside,My two kids _.,Listen to the expressions that each,customer used to make his/her,complaint. Complete the sentences.,we werent very happy,so wet we couldnt go,are,very,disappointed,Dialogue 2,Yes, the whales were awesome but,_.,2) Im sorry but _,I now have to make another airline booking,and I have no idea whether therell be any,seats available. _.,Im feeling very annoyed,thats not good enough,Id like a full refund,Dialogue 3,Excuse me, the tour _,_ and wed,_ please.,2) _ as were,visitors to this area and were leaving,tomorrow morning.,3) Well, actually, _.,husband and I had expected,like a refund,Im afraid thats no good for us,wed like a full refund,wasnt,what my,5 Listen to the first dialogue and fill in the missing words. Then read the lines aloud, paying special attention to stress and intonation.,TOUR GUIDE: Im sorry but we _,_ the weather and you _ _,the whales.,cant,control,did see,ANGELA: Well, Im afraid thats not _,_. Id like to talk to the,manager.,TOUR GUIDE: Im sure that wont _,_ _ _. I know,hell _ with me. The,_ is that you _ _,whales.,good,enough,do,you any good,agree,fact,did see,With your partner, make up dialogues for the following situations. Use expressions like the ones in the second box. Perform them for your class. Then write them down.,Speaking & writing,Im sorry but Im afraid,Thats not good enough.,Im feeling annoyed with/unhappy about/ unsatisfied with .,Im not happy about / satisfied with .,Useful expressions:,Id like to talk to the manager.,Id like a (full) refund, please.,Thats no good for me.,You should do something about it.,1. You missed your flight because you think that,it was not announced over the loudspeaker.,Complain to an airline official.,Customer:,Excuse me but Im feeling very,annoyed because Ive missed my,flight. Im sure it wasnt announced.,Ive got to get to Beijing by tonight.,Is there another flight I can go on?,Situations:,Airline official:,All our flights are announced,sir/madam, but Ill see if I can,book you on another flight.,Can you show me your ticket?,Customer:,Sure.,Airline official:,Im sorry but there arent any,seats available on the flights,today but I can get you on a,flight early tomorrow morning.,Customer:,Im sorry but thats not good,enough. Ive got to get to,Beijing today.,Airline official:,Well, theres nothing I,can do about it.,Customer:,Then, Id like a refund please.,Ill go with another airline.,Airline official:,Fine.,2. The fish you ordered tastes terrible.,Complain to the manager of the restaurant.,Customer:,Excuse me.,Waiter:,Yes, sir/madam.,Customer:,Im afraid that this fish I,ordered tastes terrible.,Waiter:,Oh really. Whats the problem,with it?,Customer:,It doesnt taste fresh to me. Id,like to order something else.,Waiter:,Well, Ill go and talk to the,manager.,Customer:,Thanks.,(A moment later),Waiter:,Yes, thatll be fine. Heres the,menu.,Customer:,Thanks.,3. The trousers the tailor had made for you are too short. Complain to the tailor.,Customer:,Good morning. Im sorry but,when I put these trousers on this,morning I found that they were,too short. Can you let them down,for me?,Tailor:,Well, thatll cost extra.,Customer:,But its not my fault that they are,too short.,Tailor:,Well, I measured the length when,you were here and you agreed to,that length.,Customer:,Are you sure you wont lengthen it?,Tailor:,No, I certainly cant. If you want me,to lengthen the trousers, youll have,to pay a bit more.,Customer:,Well . OK.,为了丰富学生的生活,你校学生会将举办,一次音乐周活动。请你以组织者的身份写,一个书面通知。有关内容如下:,时间,: 5,月第一周,活动,: 1.,演唱歌曲,:,流行歌曲,2.,器乐演奏,:,古典和民间音乐,3.,音乐比赛,:,听歌曲片段,然后猜出处,地点,:,届时通知,参加者于,4,月,20,日前报名。,Writing,注意,: 1.,书面通知应写成一篇连贯的短文;,2.,可以适当增减细节;,3.,词数,100,左右;,4.,通知格式已为你写好;,5.,生词,:,古典,- classical,民间,- folk,乐器,- musical instruments,Dear students,Come to the great fun!,Students Union,Writing I Discussion (5ms),Discuss in groups and write down the,information you get.,After the discussion, the students write a,notice according to the writing task.,(There are at least 100 words. ),Writing II (20ms),One possible version:,Dear students,The Students Union has decided to organize,a music week. It will be held in the first week,of May. The activities include singing pop songs,and playing classical and folk music. Bring,your own musical instruments, please. A music,contest will be included, too.,The students taking part in the contest will,listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and,then guess where it comes from. If youd like,to take part in the music week, please come,and sign up for it before April 20,th,. The place,for the activities will be announced later.,Come to the great fun!,Students Union,Finish the exercises on,Page 68-69.,Homework,Thank You!,


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