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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Business Travel,Unit,Four,Unit Objectives,After studying this unit, you should,understand the ways to identify the main ideas of the source text.,find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.,master the basic words and expressions about business travel.,know some cultural background knowledge about business travel.,Preparing -Warm-up Exercises,Listen to the passage, “ My first day in New York”, and answer the following questions:,When did the author first arrive in the US?,What did the author do on the way to his hotel?,Where did the author get something to eat after his friend had left?,Why,couldn,t he have what he really wanted at the restaurant?,What did the author do after dinner?,Preparing -Skills Presentation,Decoding Training (II): Discourse Analysis,Identification of the Speech Types,Descriptive Writing,Narrative Writing,Expositive Writing,Persuasive Writing,Identification of the Main Ideas,Sentence Level,Discourse Level,Preparing,-,Phrases Interpreting,A.,English to Chinese,Have a population of,Cover an area of,Date back to,Have a history of,Be situated in,The gross domestic product,Drive-in restaurant,Quarantine certificate,Duration of stay,Residence permit,有人口,有面积,追溯到,有年的历史,位于,国内生产总值,免下车餐厅,卫生证明,居留期限,居住证,Preparing,-,Phrases Interpreting,B.,Chinese to English,日程安排,旅行路线,起飞时间,机场大楼,候机室,贵宾室,问讯处,安全检查,免税店,个人物品,schedule,itinerary,departure time,terminal building,departure lounge,VIP Room,information desk,security check,duty-free shop,personal effects,Preparing,-,Sentences Interpreting,English to Chinese,我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。,你们不愿意在这儿多待一两天吗?,尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。,我想能否在我们访问结束时为我们安排一点时间购物。,我会与你保持联络。,B.,Chinese to English,I,ve,come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.,Its just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient for you right now.,So our evenings will be quite full then?,We,ve,arranged our schedule without any trouble.,Here is a copy of the itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it?,Performing -Decoding (Note-taking),Performing -Memorizing (Story-retelling),Listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve your notes. Then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes.,Performing -Encoding (Message Reconstructing),女士们,先生们:,从我抵此的短暂时间所见的点滴来看。我必须说中国是个很美的国家,人民也非常友善。我知道我可以代表每一个人来说这话,因为从到达机场那一刻开始,就有许多能干且考虑周到的人来处理我们的各种琐碎事情,使得整个紧张的旅程变得轻松愉快,你们提供的食宿非常舒适,研讨会场的布置也轻松合适,但又井然有序。,我们全体都很高兴来此参加这次电脑科技研讨会,我们都阅读过有关中国电脑非凡成就的报道,我们也都看到足以证明这一工业在中国健全发展的各项数据,现在我们有了做更仔细观察的机会,我知道我们可以从你们的经验中学到很多,也希望我们的经验对你们能有所裨益。,Performing -Coordinating (Field Interpreting),seminar,go on a business trip,a corporate card,application form,maximum,personal items,receipts,a frequent flyer card,研讨会,出差,公司信用卡,申请表,最高限额,私人用品,收据,飞行积分卡,Packaging -Interpreting and Assessment,日程,经济技术开发区,座谈,硅谷,投资环境,世界之窗,锦绣中华,schedule,Economic & Technical Development Zone,free discussion,Silicon Valley,investment environment,Window of the World,Splendid China,Packaging -Interpreting and Assessment,Packaging,- Feedback and Comments,Aims of this Unit,Students Feedback,Teachers Comments,The candidate has met the standard, knowledge and skill requirements.,Candidates: _ Date _,Assessor: _ Date _,Assignment -Simulation Exercises,Work in groups. Role-play the following situations with your partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.,Situation A,Mr. King, the sales representative of Universe Toy Company in London has a business meeting in China, the secretary in Chinese company discuss the itinerary with him. Try to do interpreting work.,29 March,0900Meeting with Executive Manager,1500Factory visit,30 March,1000Going to Trade Fair,31 March,1000Conference with Chinese company,1400Shopping,1 April,Conference with Chinese company,2 April,Sight seeing in city,Situation B,You are a businessman from UK, now come to China to attend an important meeting. Make a speech including:,Thanks for the welcome ceremony,Expressions to the purpose of this journey,Expectation of this business trip,Closing,Sample sentences:,I feel pleased to attend this meeting thank you for your nice welcome.,I have,beening,looking forward to this trip, and now I have been more than rewarded.,Im sure my stay here will be a fruitful and enjoyable one,I do hope ,Points to Remember,An analysis of speech types is a determinant factor in interpreting.,There are four basic speech types: descriptive, persuasive, expository, and narrative.,The main ideas of the source speech can be identified at the sentence level and at the discourse level.,The most important task for an interpreter is to discern from the clusters of utterances the subject, verb and object.,


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